2006 6 October :: 9.20am
no I would not like to freak on you and no I would not like to smoke some doja(sp)... but a avid attempt I must admit...
I'm sorry if I hurt your body like that, you're probably right, we probably shouldn't have fucked... I considered it love making though...
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2006 5 October :: 6.14pm
you see...
this is why I don't...
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2006 4 October :: 5.05pm
it gets me real pissed off, and it makes me want to say;
it gets me real pissed off, and it makes me want to say;
it gets me real pissed off, and it makes me want to say:
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2006 3 October :: 12.37am
:: Mood: exasperated
:: Music: thunder
you should buy my car.
burning hair is pretty much the worst smell ever.
and somehow, i think it smells worse when it's your own.
son of a bitch.
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2006 2 October :: 11.53pm
so just me and the captain tonight...
we got together and asked ourselves a question...
how long is 85 years?
is that a good long time to live?
other assorted questions ensued...
P.S. I have a devastating fear of mediocrity...
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2006 2 October :: 8.40pm
it's so bad. because i'm sitting in this class. i'm giving it three hours of my Monday night... and it's not even what i want to do with my life. i dont want to be a paralegal. gaaaaaaaaawd what am i doing... i dont want to be here at davenport. this isn't even what i want.
i just wanna go have babies and be a happy mommy and i duno. something else that isn't a paralegal exactly.
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2006 2 October :: 8.35pm
i can't take this anymore. i have to get away. i seriously can't just sit here anymore. and i dont totally and completely mean just getting out of this 3 hour long LEGL 101 class that i'm sitting in right now.
i mean i think i'm gonna go do something drastic..
you've been warned.
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2006 2 October :: 7.10pm
im drifting so, so very far away from woohu.
i hate being too busy to do anything you actually want to do. if i keep living like this, i'll surely die soon.
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2006 2 October :: 9.36am
I hate john mayer...
I try to break up with him but he always smooth talks me back to him..
I love john mayer...
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2006 26 September :: 6.57pm
About a couple more weeks!
I am so exhausted. Today we had a doctor's appt. for 8 in Cedar. So we had to get up at 6:30 to get there in time. Then we went back to sleep once we got home. Then I had a Chiropractic appt. Then I slept. Now I'm at the library. The baby dropped even more and it's harder to sleep. But I'm so excited I can't wait. The sky was soooo pretty early this morning! The clouds looked feathered and the sky was orange, purple, pink and red. I want to start painting again. This weekend was my baby shower and it was a lot of fun. Lots of good food too! Next week is my birthday, it came really fast. Other than that lots of doc. appt. and such. Lots of sleeping. Blah.
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2006 25 September :: 8.52pm
ughhhhhg i do not like to NOT get along with teachers but seriously it's like everything i say, or every question i answer, this teacher disagrees and they re-word it just a TAD BIT and say that THAT way is correct. no. sorry. that's what i just said. didnt you just hear me? i just wanna be like hello?! thats the answer i just gave! where were you? ugh it is pissing me off so bad. does anybody else have this problem?
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2006 25 September :: 7.18pm
so it is true. lesson learned. dont trust anyone.
god dammit i am so pissed. due to a stupid person who i thought was okay to trust, i am getting a zero. that is ridiculous. i am so mad.
okay so ulitmetely it's my fault but i am still so angry.
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2006 25 September :: 9.58am
wwow wanna know what i hate?
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2006 23 September :: 12.57pm
so something has been happening to me and i am allergic to something or something i dont know but my eyes feel like they are on fire and they are all red and itchy and UGLY. and right now i'm doing okay because i got some eye drops but they are so dry and ow they hurt and
i'm not doing that great right now. in fact i'm pretty angry. should i be? probably to some extent. ughghghghhg
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2006 22 September :: 3.12pm
Rainy weather makes me exhausted.
It's really pretty out though.
I can't believe it's Friday already though. But that's a good thing I guess. Everyday is the same for me, lol. Considering I don't work or go to school. It's a seven-day weekend every week. The baby dropped lower and tomorrow is the baby shower so that's good. :-) I'm just really worried about having baby while dad is out in South Dakota w/grandpa. So things either have to happen before Oct. 11 or after Oct. 20. I'm still talking it over with baby. We're still hashing details...haha.
I love my family. Last night my mom and aunt came over and we soaked our feet and did pedicures/manicures and ordered Q'doba. And watched Peggy Sue Got Married. And stuff. And it was a lot of fun. Tonight I'm going to Home Depot to check out some grills. Then making Snickerdoodles for my daddio. Then going to my parents house . Then Charlie and I are going to have a scrabble battle. haha.
That's about it.
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2006 22 September :: 9.14am
So I did the annual read through all of woohu thing... yeah whatever...
I was talking with a friend of mine named Patrick the other day about a mutual friend named Dilshod. He had this wierd change over the summer from kind of a geeky chemical engineer to an abrasive seth green-esque wegro. We decided that the reason he acts like he does ( he's got this urban ukrainian thing is going on, thinks he's a girl magnet because he has an accent, claims he's a model, etc... ) is because somewhere during the summer he found out that as a human being he has the potential to be cool...
Which he does, he's a really fun guy, he's always ready to go do anything. But it's become annoying to an extent that it makes me depressed watching him. That sounds really awful and conceded but it's like watching a train wreck when he talks to women.
Plus he's always trying to pick up the drunk sleezy ones...
During this duscussion I said out loud to patrick, " god knows I never went through that phase"... which ofcourse is completely untrue. Being that I didn't remember it, I decided to check the only chronologue of my life that is semi in depth, and that is woohu. So I checked it, and low and behold, I was annoying and abrasive for looks too. fuck me man.
Thank you andy, for making all those forgettable moments stick in our heads and slowly eat us away...
and for stealing all my friends...
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2006 21 September :: 2.58pm
god i hate work so much. i hate the new menards. i miss the old people. i hate work so much, i skipped it yesterday. and if they ask me for an excuse i think i'll just shrug because i do not have one other than the fact that i hate it. but i dont know if i should look for another job or what.. it's realy good pay and i can usually get 40 + hours if i want them. (god this lady behind me, i'm at the library, will not stop fucking talking to her self .... shut up!) i sreiously think i contemplate skipping work every single day i am scheduled to go in. i hate it so much.
i have been trying to get switched into a dept but nobody needs more people and thy all just laugh when i say i hate being a cashier because "all cashiers wnat to be switched into a dept." seriously i hate it. i've htought about going back to waitressing but that is never sure money and i dont know if i want to go back to it because you have to be so nicde. i like working at menards only because if i'm mean, i dont lose my tip... .because i never had one .... you get it.
but yeah i really can't stand working there and i'm even changing my availabilty so i only have 4 available days to work instead of 5. how bad is that?! i mean, it will help with me being able to get school work done easier too but other than that im pretty much just doing it because i can get by without that extra day, i'm can pick up hours if need to because peolpe are always asking people to pick up shifts and most of all I HATE WORKING THERE!
i think maybe ij ust get like this with every job i have.... it's like after 6 months i cna't take anymore. waiiiiit a second, i worked at arbys for a whole year. ugh what am i doing.
i dont know what to do. i would love to work at a day care maybe or something... but i dont think i could get 8.20 and 10.60 on weekends. not many places can beat that.
blkaj;lkdfja;lskdfja;skjflakjsflkajs;fkjas;lkfj i have to leave for work in like 25 minutes. i hate menards so freaking much. i've worked there for over a month and still i dont feel like i know anyone there. nobody is like ...easy to approach. i think i'm scared of like all of them. ughghghgh they are dumb! and i hate it!
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2006 20 September :: 10.36pm
should i feel guilty for being pissed? i don't think so. i want to eat. i want to go home. i want to not have to do this shit.
hell, i daresay i'd even rather having to buy books.
son of a bitch, man.
she didn't really need to print off 150 copies of the habitat for humanity thing did she? i had to print of MY things. aren't I more important than her? and i can't get the marihuana one to work. that makes me sad.
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2006 20 September :: 7.23pm
the good old days
Pick a BAND and answer with LYRICS
Band :: The Strokes
Are you male or female :: was an honest man
Describe yourself :: is this it?
How do some people feel about you :: he wants it easy, he wants to relax, he says I can do other things but I can't do that, 2 steps forward and 3 steps back...
How do you feel about yourself :: I can't think cuz I'm just way too tired..
Describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend :: the room is on fire, and she's fixing her hair/ watch her as she wipes her eyes, you don't make me sorry, now I know, that you never listened listened
Describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend :: Meet me in the bathroom
Describe where you want to be :: so you think things move pretty fast out here, well just wait my friend, till you look out there...
Describe what you want to be :: I want to be forgotten, and I don't want to be reminded
Describe how you live :: Friday nights have been lonely, we can go and get 40s , fuck the way to the party
Describe how you love :: Can't you see I'm tryin? I dont even like it, I just lied to get to your apartment, now I'm stayin there just for awhile
Share a few words of wisdom :: THe end has no end
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2006 19 September :: 5.46pm
:: Music: simon and garfunkel
we're doing dinner with professor eick tonight. it's been a few months since i've seen him, so that's cool.
aside from that, i'm at college, doing college things.
like, my radio show.
and harry potter club.
and sociology (i.e. cross-dressing and writing journals and reading articles)
and psychology (i.e. thinking about thinking and writing journals and reading articles)
and german (i.e. schlafen)
and film (i.e. watching movies and writing journals and reading articles)
and radio plays
and trying to get a job
and having lots and lots of sex
and doing laundry
you know; college stuff.
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