So hold me when im here, right me when im wrong, hold me when i`m scared, and love me when i`m gone


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[(Hold Me For All Time)]

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:: 2004 23 June :: 1.01 pm
:: Mood: drained



Hold on

:: 2004 23 June :: 12.29 pm
:: Mood: crappy
:: Music: heather sipping her juce

my day at the hospitals

Yesterday was so not going into details.. but i was so drugged up lol its was beautiful but i was still in a lot of pain... they gave me drugs to relaxe me cuz i was so nervuse, then the shit to put me to sleep...( the air smelled like vanilla!! and the stuff in th IV burned!) then afetr they were dune i guess they gave me pain killers in the IV but when i woke up i was still in pain so they gave me a diff. kind of pain killers in theIV and it still hurt so like an hour later or 2 i dont really know i thought it was 10mins later lol they gave me tylenol 3's... that helped so much i was able to sit up and then they brought me my food and after that i was fine lol .... i got home around like 6:30.. so i was at the hospital from 8:30 - moms friends found out about me in the hospital from jeff and they all pitched in and got me a gift certificate for food lol.. they called brad and brad said ill prob. want papa johns when i wake up and he was right lol.. so i thought that was really nice of them...
*mom: do you want papa johns to eat when we get home me: WHAT THE HELL IS THAT, NO I JUST WANT MY HAMBERGER AND FRIES< THAT SOUNDS NASTY mom:(talking to the nurse) yeah my friends at work got a certificate for pizza for michelle ME: OHH PIZZA!!!!* ( i was just a lil to drugged up that was like 10 mins after i woke up and they gave m more painkillers lol)

*i got nine dsgj kashdl kasjdh asbd, ja...... (and i pass out lol)*

*i ran out of blood.. haha they couldnt get any blood from me*

*they were amazed on how low my blood pressure is.... they wouldnt let me leve my recovery room because when i woke up it was at like 73 and then even when it went up to 92 there like its still to low and im like what is it there like 92 im like oooo that normal for me and they had to go make sure i wasnt talkin out of my ass from the drugs b4 they let me go..*


after i got home we went and saw amy and the baby! AWWW SHES SOO CUTE!!! she was 8lbs 1 ounce... big baby lol! she looks just like amy...when we left i was carying ryan for like 2 seconds cuz he tripped and hurt himself but he wanted his mommy so i traded kids with kari and was carrying troy and when we got to the car my mom turns around and shes like WTF ARE YOU DOING YOU SHOULDNT BE CARRYING HIM!!! YOUR GUNNA HURT YOUR SELF.. im like uhhh to late now lol

so yuhh that was my interesting day at the hospitalS

me- st. marys
amy- wellington


p.s. i dont know if im going to go see my dad any more cuz he pissed me off!

Hold on

:: 2004 21 June :: 9.57 pm
:: Mood: scared
:: Music: Dont tell me

one stress full day!

To much shit happend today. at first i wasnt scared about tomorrow but now i am. and so id my sister. we took amy to the hospital today and shes so scared about everything and me and my mom arnt going to be there. Amy really wants my mom there cuz my mom knows what to do and cindy and aaron dont. but my mom is going to be at my hospital w/ me. i told my mom she could change the app. for wends. or she could go see amy while im under.. SHIT ILL BEE SLEEPING HOW AM I GUNNA KNOW WHETHER SHE THERE OR NOT. but im so scared to be put asleep. i dont know why im so scared about tomorrow.. its nothing BIG but its bad enough that i got to be put to sleep... but i need to get over it because around the end of july or the beg. of aug. ill be going again and be put asleep.. im scared im gunna have a bad dream and i wont be able to wake up. or ill have one of those annoying ass dreams that you know your dreaming! i didnt relize what i had was so damn serious it scares me!!
w/e im goin to sleep theres no one to talk to there all out havin fun and im at home again and its gunna be like this for the next fw days.

<3 micherz<3

Hold on

:: 2004 21 June :: 3.17 pm
:: Mood: frustrated
:: Music: all down hill form here

this is just GREAT

My sister is going in to the hospital tonight at 8 and shell be havin the baby around 10 - 2 ....
I went to the doctors today and tomorrow im going to the sis is going to wellington and i will be at st. marys... so my mom is going to be busy tomorrow cuz i will be going under btween 9 and 10 and it takes 4 hours so about the same time im under my sis will be pushin!!.....


Good morning Michelle,

The dress code for Park Vista will be:

*Skirts and dresses may be no shorter that 5 inches above the knee.
Skirts and dresses may not have a slit in the front. Long dress that reach to the ankle may have a slit to facilitate walking, but no higher that 5 inches above the knee.

* Shorts must have a minimum of a 3 inch inseam. Gym shorts are allowed during physical education classes only!

* All blouses, shirts and tops must be longer enough to be tucked in and remained tucked in.

* Sleeveless blouses will be allowed for girls, but the straps must be wide enough to cover bra straps. Absolutely no tube tops, halter tops or spaghetti straps are allowed.

* Female students must wear necklines that are high enough to eliminate exposure of breast cleavage.

* Although we recommend that all shoes have a heel strap (for safety purpose when climbing the stairs), we will allow students to wear sandals and slides that have no heel strap.

Regarding the tardiness to class, after the first week of school and all students had the opportunity to learn their way around the campus, we will start our tardy policy. When students are late for class they will go to a room on campus and remain for that period. When the bell rings to go to the next class they will leave the tardy room. When a student is in the tardy room they will be counted absent in that class. If a student is in the tardy room multiple times, more severe consequences will be administered. You can not learn if you are not in class. You will learn to get to class on time.

Hold on

:: 2004 20 June :: 2.53 pm

Insanity Test
Your problem is Multiple Personalities
Will you ever be cured? (8) - Very doubtful. - (8)
Just how crazy are you? - 86%
This QuickKwiz by insanitydefense - Taken 83717 Times.
New - Kwiz.Biz Astrology and Horoscopes

Hold on

:: 2004 20 June :: 1.46 am
:: Mood: crappy

Tears fill my eyes
i cant take everything anymore! to much has been happinig and i cant handle starting too feel like i use to again and thats not good it was so hard to get out of feeling like that...

*heather*-- i dont wanna loose you... i dont care about people for how much i care about you...we cant let us going to diff. schools change us!! think of it of us having jobs and were lucky enough to always work the same hours so we can chill after lol..PLEASE DONT LOOSE ME !! I DONT WANNA BE A SNOBBY COCK SUCKING SLUT!!!

*dee*--- im sorry i havent been there for you! ive been trying and nothing seems to be goin the way i want it to.. i dont want us to stop being friends when summer is over!! your the sweetest person i know!!

i <3 you guys and i dont wanna loose you...

(i hate my dreams)

<3 micherz <3

1-more night till i made my goal of staying sober for a week!
1day-- fathers day
2days- doctor app. yuppie its finally a girl!! after having 9 doctors my whole life ITS AGIRL FOR ONCE
3 days-Cj's B-day
11 days- doc. app.
15 days- JULY 4TH!!
20 days- doc. app.
23days- go to dads
36 days- come home from dads
51 days - jessicas B-day

*i wish summer never ends*

2 Held on | Hold on

:: 2004 19 June :: 7.28 pm

What Makes You Sexy?
by eva71
Sexy Body Part IsYour Ass
Special Talents AreNibbling
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!

Hold on

:: 2004 18 June :: 2.03 pm
:: Mood: depressed

<3 dee <3 i hope every thing turns out better.. im so sorry i couldnt be there i tryed to find a ride but there was no1 here to take me <3 i hope your mom gets better<3

<3 i talked to debee to day... she asked me about amy and i said she didnt have the baby yet and then shes like i have to tell you something..... and im just like ? and then my compute goes black and all this shit is goin through my head im like omg what happend to my DAD!! and then when my computer started workin i look at he IM and she said alot and all i see is ATV accident and passed away i flipped i thought it was talkin about my dad i went into tears... but i scrolled up and read everythig and it was her nephew ( my friend i met last time i was up there and we hung out alot and i was gunna hang ot w/ him when i went up there for 2weeks)... he touched alot of people he was only 20 and 300 people were ay his funeral and the roads were shut down and was the biggest funeral daytona ever had... its really sad how he died i dont wanna gointo details cuz its not all that pleasent...

1 Held on | Hold on

:: 2004 15 June :: 1.21 am

went to grubbs fun... lots of drama not really.... poor superman... he was on the phone for 3 hours!!! then when me and him were both off the phone he came over and we were talkin and his phone rang again!! and he didnt wanna answer it.... but then he got off and we talked and he decided it was best for him to deal with it in person so he left and befor he left mike came over so me and him were talkin bout alot of shit... haha moslty bout girls,big tits, and my sisters lol and some other shit.. i was surprised me and him actully talked lol... MARIO HELPED MY CRAVING!!!! WOOHOOOlol...

*mario getting me and dee all wet!!*
*i actully was doing really good at monopaly!!! till molly got mike and dee out of the game!! but i still had alot of money!!! and wow !! i was so happy lol!!*
*mike putting my phone in every fuckin language!!!*
*getting the shit beat out of me lol*

tomorrow (well today cuz its 1:20) goin to the beach!! and fuck my back is all peeling still!! ewwie lol


1 Held on | Hold on

:: 2004 13 June :: 11.45 am

OMG HEATHERS VOICE LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 Held on | Hold on

:: 2004 13 June :: 2.11 am
:: Mood: happy

ok i havent up dated in a while... hummm. i dont really remember much... some time this week i chiled with jay joe rj heather dee and jessica but i dont remember when... we played a drinking games.... i almost won!!! i had one lil sip left and 1 second so i sucked on the bottle to try and get it all out lol... but i didnt get ALL of it so jessica won!!

umm i spent the night at dees house one night this week lol... dont really remeber when i had fun lol "heather calm down!! GRR ILL GIVE YOU SOME SLEEPING PILLS !!!"lol

ummm went to grubbs couple nights ago... had fun... played monopaly ... i suck at that game and i HATE IT lol... thanks to mario i almost won!!!....
*me:how did you get behind me?.... mario:did i move you?.... me:no...... mario:you sit that clos to the edge of the seat so i just sat behind you...*lol
*getting dick slapped!!! grrr that was nasty!!!*
*HE LOOKS CUTE........nvm up close hes ugly lol -me and heather*

went to the doctors yesterday.... ohh wait i should say what one of the 6.... my knee doctor... i was there for 2 hours!!! and only saw him for 10mins!!! so gay.... he fucked with my knee like the other doctor but not as bad or as much BUT he like poped my knee out of place then put it back tha welt so nasty and HURT.... he was gunna give me perscription pain killers but cuz i have low platlets and we dont know why yet he said its prob not good if i takethem cuz itll thin out my blood even more!! GRRR... i have to get an MRI done now... woohooo!!! lol

TODAY!!! worked all day on my room!! i finally have the full room selfs ive wanted my whole life!!! and it looks soooooo PIMP my room looks so much bigger and shit.... went to the grubbs today... played monoplay again !! I SUCKBALLS AT IT!!!GRRR lol...had some yummy pizza!!! im so mad i forgot my 2 BOTTLES AGAIN! im never going to remember!!! next time im putting them in mikes car right when i get there so i dont forget lol!!!! hahaha suerman is so tickelish!!! it was so funny i couldnt stop tickeling him!!! hehehe ..... ok im goin to sleep cuz its 2:30


i want someone to kiss away my tears
and wrapp hiSz arms . a r O u n d . me
when mY [d][a][y] iS * a l l - w r O n q *
sOme*One tO acTualLy · l O v e ·×· me'

Hold on

:: 2004 9 June :: 12.23 am


1 Held on | Hold on

:: 2004 6 June :: 5.00 pm
:: Mood: crappy

wow i had so much fun!!!
this weekend has been so much fun....

on friday night me heather and dee went to grubbs house... i had so much fun we just hung out and drank a lil... nothin big...i had a nice buzz goin and shit.... i dont really remember much right now.. I SAW THE FRECKLES!!!!!! lol......ANYWAYS!!! lol heather asked me to go get her another drink so i go and get it but i just sit down and talk with brandon and some girl cuz i wanted to finish my drink so i could just grab mine....well we talked and shit i finish mine i take out another... and finish that one lol.... then mike comes and says hes takin us home... oppps SORRY but she didnt mind she was watchin euro trip inside lol...well i got home around like 1:15

SAt- I WAKE UP AT 6 because of my mom and i try to go back to sleep but when i finally do i have to get up and get ready to go to the beach!!!they picked me up at like was me heather dee jessica rj joe and jay... we went to Jeanson beach stayed there for a lil bit and then went to Sebastian Beach ... it was SOOOO NICE!!! the water was nice and blue!!! but cold!! lol...we had the beach to our selfs the whole time!!! I LOVE RJ !! HE KNOW WHERE TO GO TO HAVE THE BEACH TO YOURSELF... well we turned the beach into a nude beach !! lol!!! jessica decides to go skinny dippin in the water so she takes off er bathing suit and heather like let me see it and she gives her the top and heather wouldnt give it back so i got the bottoms from her and gave it to heather ...heather runs up to the top of the beach and puts it on the log lol!!! jessica was FUCKED lol... so jessica trys to cover herself with her arms and runs to get it lol and she just lays there in the sand behind the log then runs back to the water all sandy and washes off her bathing suit...then heather gets the top some how and were just jokin around and Rj puts it on lol and jay and joe gave him sand tits lol!!! then heather finally gives it back to jessica but jessica didnt know... so they lost the top in the water and were all lookin around for it and 20mins later rj gets his surf bored and goes lookin for it AND HE FINDS IT!!! THAT IS SO MUCH FUCKIN LUCK!!! lol at like 3:30 we left the beach and headed home... ive never had so much fun on a 2hour car ride!!! lol... later that night went to grubbs at like 10:30 and got home at 1 .... AND FUCK MAN I JUST REMEMBERED I FORGOT MY FUCKIN BOTTLE AGAIN AND PAT SAID I COULD TAKE IT AGAIN!!! GRRR... ohh and I FINALLY HAVE MY FUCKIN CAMERA!!! Lol took long enough!!


*SMELLY JAY!!!---me*

* dee:"ill pretednd im drowning so the hot lifeguard can save me"... me:"ok and if the girl comes ill be like I GOT IT and if he comes ill be like HELP SHES DROWNING!!".. dee: no if the hot guy comes the youll be like IM DROWNING TOO!! HELP!!! lol"*

*"if im right here on this side of the flag would they save me?" "nope you gatta be on this side of the flag" damn that sucks!! Lol*

*what are you doin ? takin a piss!!! lol dee*

*how many idiots does it take to get a can of ice tea?... for us .... 4 lol and we didnt even get the tea!! *

*:dee: wow!! every one here knows each other there all in the gas station talkin to ach other like family and shit!!!"

*jessica skinny dipping*

*tanning our asses!!*

*dee and heather tanning there tits lol*

*our long ass talks*

*rj goin far out in the ocean and he can touch lol so we go out and we get half way there and wanna turn around lol*

*mickey D's* --poor jay


dam so much fun!!! lol i fuckin love all of them!!



<3 micherz<3

4 Held on | Hold on

:: 2004 6 June :: 4.23 pm

I'm a slacker - what Stupid Stereotype Are You?
Made by Erin @ Bored Now

Hold on

:: 2004 4 June :: 1.14 pm
:: Mood: calm
:: Music: Burn

wooo hooo i love not being grounded ... lol... .w/e.... last night... went to the movies with daniel... we saw shrek2 .. wasnt as good as everyone said it was... but it was funny... PUSS IS SO FUCKIN CUTE.... I LOVE PUSS LOL(dee)... after the movie we went to his house and we were chillin in his room ... we started a movie.. The gremlens .. and his dad comes in .."i think you guys should sit out here".. lol so we watched it out on the couch...but i think that movie is a lil dumb.. the thing was cute but it was like an old movie so we put in bruce almighty ... 20mins later my mom calls and says shes comin to get me... *tear* i was home at like 11:00...


Never regret something that once made you smile :-)

2 Held on | Hold on | Random Journal