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My Life

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:: 2005 25 March :: 11.38 am
:: Mood: ecstatic
:: Music: none

WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOO i just found this awesome site with the best layouts ever...haha...yay....if u would like a cool layout let me know and ill give u the site. :)

YAY i got the music to work but i changed the song to fit more. Thank u corinne for ur directions...i couldnt have done it without u :)

The music kinda takes a while to load but it works and thats all i care

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:: 2005 25 March :: 8.57 am
:: Mood: irritated
:: Music: none

WTF?!?!?!?!?!?! i went to update my journal today and like my music isnt working! i like treid other mp3's and like the one that worked skipped a lot. so i just copied and pasted the original one back and it still doesnt work :(

ill see what i can do [ill most likely ask corinne] i hope its works. im out~~~

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:: 2005 24 March :: 6.09 pm
:: Mood: confused
:: Music: The Used

Who else would i talk about??
So Evan called me yesterday cuz i had gotten a phone call from someone and they told me that Evan was hanging out with kelsey and her slutty friend of all ppl....and the worst part was that i was told that they were all over eachother like a couple! So i immeditally texted Evan and i asked him if it was true and then he just called me for more detail.....anyway... that rumor wasnt true. So while i was talking to him he was like "when i get back im gonna be different" and i was like "what do u mean?" and he was like "well im so hyper here and im acting all weird and i dont care what ppl think about me and when i get back to school im gonna act the same way" and i was just like "oh" and to be honest i was really sad when i heard that. The reasons r that i didnt like fall in love with the hyper wild Evan--i fell in love with the regular Evan. Also, i dont really like it when he is hyper cuz its like he is totally different and like he treats me different and its really weird. now im all affraid that the Evan i really like is gonna be left in flordia. Like i know that sounds really lame but its how i feel and i would hate for that to happen. And like i can already tell he has he was really different on the phone and i didnt really like it but what am i supossed to say? i dunno i all confused. Well now i have to out~~~

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:: 2005 24 March :: 5.24 pm grandfather just made a funny comment.....

He said: "if ur born a square ur gonna die a square no matter how much u try to become a circle"

in simple terms: if ur born a jackass ur gonna die a jackass

now picture a short bald itilain man saying that in a really heavy accent.

u kinda had to be there to see how funny it was.

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:: 2005 24 March :: 2.42 pm

ok once again i changed my journal style...but this time i really like it and i think ill keep it for awhile.


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:: 2005 24 March :: 12.43 pm

All the following quizzes r from Wonderelf's journal :)


Your M&Ms! Your random, fun, and spontaneous. Everyone loves you one way or another- peanut, plain, crunchy, peanutbutter. You are a positive person and don't worry about your losses much.

Thanks for taking my quiz! Please take a moment to take my new Quiz! How Excitable Are You?

What Kind of Candy Are You?- With Images!

You are Sweet and Innocent

You're style is quiet and cute. Guys notice you more often then you notice them, but your relationships may tend toward platonic friendships. You tend to shy away from serious relationships and spend more time alone or with your friends then you would in the back of a movie theatre snuggled up with your sweetie.

What kind of flirt are you? **with pics**

You are Lauren/LC!!

Which Laguna Beach character are you?

Simple Plan

You like pop-punk. I used to think of you as a poser, but I've grown up now and realized that that's really immature. So go ahead, like what you want. If anyone judges you, they're a moron.

What band are you? (With pictures!)

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:: 2005 23 March :: 12.51 pm
:: Mood: blah
:: Music: Simple Plan

My Day
So today i didnt go to school again and it was really boring but i got to sleep in late and just sit on the couch all day....woohoo :)

Evan called me yesterday and ot was actually at a decent time. He said that he really missed me and he told me what he did the whole day.

Today he was supossed to go to blizzard beach but they didnt cuz they had a tornado watch so they r going there tomorrow and today they went to universal studios and he said that they were having fun [he texted me] Then i got a message saying that he got a fake tattoo. Im pretty sure its that ink kind cuz he told me it lasts for 5 days. And i havent spoken to him since....o well.

well i have nothing more to out °° Æ

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:: 2005 22 March :: 6.03 pm
:: Mood: sick
:: Music: The Used--Lunacy Fringe

Im Sick
Well toay i went for my treatment and like my stomach felt kinda funny. To make a long story short....i got the treatment and eat food and then barfed it back up on the side of the road. Like everytime i eat i throw it up and now my mom is really worried about me. So ill have to see how i feel tomorrow.

Evan is supossed to call me today.....i happy but i know he is gonna brag about what a good time he is having and them he will be like "i really wish u were here".....haha so


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:: 2005 21 March :: 5.19 pm

So today was my fist day of school without Evan being there and it wasnt as bad as i thought. I cant wait for him to come back though. He told me that they went to MGM today and that he was waiting in line and it was starting to rain....hahaha sux for him. Like when he gets back im supossed to go see the Ring 2 with him....but now im not sure i want to see that movie cuz a lot of ppl who saw it said it was really lame and stupid. So im gonna have to talk to him about that.

Today was funny in biology......first i was introduced to two german exchanged students and then we hungout as we did a worksheet. Well one of the students [i cant remember his name, but all i know is that he is Otto's student] is apparently pretty attractive to two of the gurls in my class. It was so funny cuz one of them was like "annette, he is HOT!!!" and i just laughed cuz to be honest i tink that he is not that good looking. But everyone has their own taste in ppl....right?

Then i went to U.S Studies 2 class and met two more students...this time they were both gurls. They seemed nice from what i could tell....i just met them today so ill have to get to know them more. And thats about all that happened.

I have no comment for cooking since i was like zoning out the whole time.

Band was awesome. I walked around alittle bit with Corinne and then we both hung around in K's office and went through his things with Jon and Chris and we listened to rap and talked about smoking for some reason. I was the one who mainly went throught the teacher's things but the temptation was there and like no one cared and i didnt find ne thing good...darn!

So the day ended and i actually got a text from Evan and but i didnt really want to talk to him cuz i didnt want to bother him and come across annoying even though he said i wasnt. So i told him that i would see and talk to him whenever. And he was like "ok then" and that was it. I kinda wanted to talk to him but not a lot and the main reason i like ditched talking to him so fast was cuz the day he left he was like "im gonna turn my phone off now" and that gave me the impression that he didnt want to talk to me so i just did the same thing to him....haha im so mean. Well tomorrow he is supossed to call me....but i will tell u this....if he calls me like after 10 pm im not picking up the phone cuz it will be late and i will be too tired to talk and ill just ignore him......i know that sounds mean but like if he wants to talk to me he will call me at a decent time and at a time when i can actually talk a lot rather than just talking for a little bit. But i think the only reason he is calling me is cuz its our 3 month anniversary that day and he just wants to say hi. But that makes me wonder.....if it werent our anniversary..would he still call?????.....i guess ill never out~~~

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:: 2005 20 March :: 7.58 pm
:: Mood: sad
:: Music: The Used---Lunacy Fringe

My Layout i changed my layout alittle once again......umm i think its kinda ugly but i dunno what more i cant do with it. Yes, i know they r like boy colors....but i couldnt think of ne thing else that matched my icon. Leave come comments and let me know what u think.

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