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:: 2008 16 August :: 1.47am

tropic thunder was hilarious

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:: 2008 15 August :: 12.27am

i could never be a writer.

i'm way too shitty at managing my time.

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:: 2008 14 August :: 3.12pm

i know this is lame of me, but still.

i'm kind of hurt because a bunch of people i know apparently went out to a bar that i may not frequent, but have certainly been to several times (and have thoroughly enjoyed every time), and not one of them invited me.

i mean, maybe i wouldn't have gone anyway, but at least then i would have had the choice. it just makes me sad that there are so many nice people out there that really don't want me around.

and mom wanted me to find a friend to go with us to the baseball game tomorrow night, and i completely ran out of friends. i was running off the list in my head, and most of them were out of town or busy. and i wasn't going to count on kevin, because i figured he'd be with andrea. but maybe he'll pull through still.

all in all, i don't feel very desirable at the moment. and shannon doesn't count because she has more justifiable reasons to despise me than most anyone else, and her ignorance of that fact is not any fault of my own.

i'm gonna go mow lawn soon, i think. i don't feel like calling lenders today. addison was supposed to call me, though. maybe i'll give him a ring first.

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:: 2008 11 August :: 6.24pm

gmail is having a server error. and that pisses me off.

so, thank you woohu, for not malfunctioning.

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:: 2008 11 August :: 12.05am


Dru mk andgetti ng fired tomoorrow.yay........... fuck eveyr one of u I hate u all the only ones who matter are the oines upwhio can.put up with ot u dotnt even knoew dpoi its hot a d fukc on hre and I fu@k ng love danilelle but that's ptertty mucb it cuz idf u cxant outnup with. Ot. Then.o, .ficoignmg done

Dtimefoe.a shot.of 5 O

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:: 2008 7 August :: 11.02am

Ugugugugh please someone save me I need a new job so badly. Ireally cannot take it. Im going insane

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:: 2008 6 August :: 12.07pm

feels good man

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:: 2008 5 August :: 3.48pm

so, i'm completely done done with my summer class. still hasn't quite sunk in yet. but it will soon.

and emily is gone again. also hasn't sunk in. coffee today was nice though. i can't believe she'd never played chess before.

so yeah, that's pretty much it. i lost my phone charger at kevin's this weekend. kinda sucks. but i'm getting my new one soon, so it doesn't really even matter that much.

i don't know. i'm gonna go play drums, since i'm all out of ideas.


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:: 2008 3 August :: 1.18am

Yay I got it done! I feel l ike a badass haha. I was so scared but it doesn't hurt at all. I don't like the way it looks righht now cuz they had to use a 14 gage and a big ol ugly silver ball right now but in a wk and a half I am going to have the guy put a small cute diamond one in it. I am so excited and glad I did it. Now if only my parents won't hate me everything will be good!

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:: 2008 2 August :: 7.32pm

So I've been wanting to do this for a long time. Going back and forth between a tattoo and piercing. Well im getting a piercing for many reasons
1. You can remove them so if I don't like it I don't have to worry about it.
2. I love jewelry and accessories. Anyone who knows me well knows this. I never go a day w.out earrings of some sort. I think accessories complete every look.
3. Im feeling rebelious and I need to do somethibng to satisfy that.
4. I think this specific piercing is cute and hopefully will look ok on me!
5. I need something different

So that's that its settled, im getting a "monroe" piercing. Hooray. Tonight after I get out of this shithole. Aka work.

My grandma is never going to speak to me again tho.... :0(
Forgive me!

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:: 2008 2 August :: 10.14am
:: Music: kebbeen, buying me dinner.

Mr. J, (this entry's more for me than anything else)
movie's done, at least as far as i'm concerned. going canoing today. wrap party for the film is tomorrow. the last class is on monday, and i have to turn in a 3-5 page paper that i have yet to write. should be exciting. also going to try and schedule a job interview for that time. and go into campus view and raise hell for my damage deposit. so, staying plenty busy, even though it's supposedly over.

but that's okay. life barrels on.

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:: 2008 31 July :: 10.16pm

Pineapple Express is over 9000 laughs, I got to see it tonight before it comes out

I lol'd, then I came

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:: 2008 26 July :: 12.17pm

My mind is blank now. Every part of my body is sinking and empty. I don't have to think about anything, hear anything, say anything, feel anything, worry about anything.
...there are no job interviews, no hypocrites. I do not have to... socialize. I do not have to smile. I do not have to justify my beliefs. I don't have to wear dress shoes. I don't have to pledge allegiance to the flag. I don't have to use a number two pencil. I don't have to read the fine print.
...it is true that it is nonproductive. But when ninety-five percent of out-of-bed activities hold the possibility of pain, to be pain-free is simply the most delicious feeling in the world.

-not mine

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:: 2008 26 July :: 12.37am
:: Music: Go Fish - Part of the Proof

seriously. i just want a day off. one fucking day off.

we filmed again today. james's room is fully dressed. but since our camera broke this afternoon, and they didn't get to the interior shots on the call sheet, they pushed them back to the end of the schedule, so that room didn't need to be dressed at all... so dumb, but it couldn't be helped.

i'm having lots of fun. but i'm so fucking tired. and i'm just getting sick of being there all the time.

and i'm smoking way too many cigarettes. this is killing me. neither softly, nor slowly.

but i'm determined to have fun, dammit. we're making a movie. it should be a good time.

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:: 2008 20 July :: 10.18am

Im at work AGAIN I seriously hate it here. I am applying somewhere else tomorrow.

I can't tak eit here. It is soooo boring and they treat their employees and clients like crap. They are truley a horrible company and I can't wait to get out of it.

Other than that I am just really confused bc there is only one thing im sure of in my life and the rest I don't know what to do with.

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