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It's AndyR!ot™ Bitch!

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:: 2015 3 April :: 12.20am

I'm a magical unicorn. I can figure things out.

- don't talk
- write down everything
- munch alone, stay alive
- fake a smile, always
- if all else fails, wave goodbye, smiling, as always.

2 riot's | [[Let's start a Riot! in me...]]


:: 2013 25 February :: 1.38pm

Shoot him, then cut out his tongue. And then shoot his tongue.

2 riot's | [[Let's start a Riot! in me...]]


:: 2013 4 February :: 12.47pm
:: Mood: awake

Man oh man. Got my old job back :) I start tomorrow. Not a dream job, but it's income. I'm going to have to get back in the swing of using manners and people skills to assholes. Oh well, I did it once, I can do it again.

[[Let's start a Riot! in me...]]


:: 2012 20 December :: 12.50pm

Well, Tomorrow's going to be incredibly obnoxious.

[[Let's start a Riot! in me...]]


:: 2012 23 August :: 4.06pm
:: Mood: creative

I've been doing alot better. Yeah, it sucks being secluded in a tiny town with no cell phone, but I now have a job, RJ has a job too, so things are getting alot better. I paint every day to keep stress, anxiety and depression at bay. And as hard as it's been, I still remain smoke free for over 4 months now. Things are coming together nicely :)

[[Let's start a Riot! in me...]]

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