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it's Always about you

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:: 2004 21 January :: 9.39 pm

staind - mudshovel

today was ok, thanks for makin me laugh whit

i passed the chem test. one of four people, yay.

i need to stop kidding myself.

i'm out

1 Couldnt Stop | Dream

:: 2004 19 January :: 10.40 pm
:: Music: ying yang twins - salt shaker

im a gangsta'
This is how a fucking gangsta rolls.. by starlitelily
gangsta name
gangsta jobshooter
your fucking problemlost arm in driveby
# of times you ran from the cops5
your sayingi'ma blast you
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

haha uh oh .. im a gangster! lol
im out. pe@$e [haha]


:: 2004 19 January :: 10.18 pm
:: Mood: energetic
:: Music: last train home

5. 0
hey! haha, guess what happened!?! the pizza man got robbed at my neighborhood sat. lol dumb shit.. it was the dumbest thing EVER!

anyways, i wont get into that... this weekend i saw.. carly - sosa - megan - sarah - frank - erik - izzy - brandon - will - billy - raul - pete - kt - kyle - and kyles boy (i forget his name) this weekend was pretty cool, sunday was fun.

haha i competed with sarah.. it was soo funny, i had carly crackin up! ugh, i had realized today that in order to graduate i need community service, and so far i only hav like 4.. whoops! haha, i guess i should schedule a guidance appt huh?

eh - things didnt exactly go as i wanted them to in the situation im in.. but its whatever, i didnt get my hopes up, so its all okay .. [i guess] lol. i just dont get life sometimes, but hey... if this is rock bottom i can only go up lol. for some reason im not sweatin the shit that dont go my way, im kinda brushin it off.. if only i knew how to do that before i made myself miserable over all my previous disasters lol. i guess im just appreciating what i have and not worryin about the stuff i want. damn zach, all that shit u say about fuck happiness and stuff, its true. lol. just enjoy life however it comes!

aw lol.. my cousin sent me this mushy gushy poem thing, so i gotta put it on here lol. enjoy!

he stared coldly into the eyes of the uneasy kid here to pick up his daughter. she scuffled away up the stairs to get a sweater acknowledging her anxiety about tonight. now alone, he looked the boy up an down and said under his breath, little boys, ha, only after one thing.. the boy kept his gaze straight ahead and replied -- yes sir i am! .. the man, nearly knocked off his feet and angry as hell took the boy by the shoulder, the boy calmly looked around into his furious eyes and said ([her heart)]

im out.


:: 2004 15 January :: 9.01 pm
:: Music: eve 6 - heart in a blender

bored. quiz thing.
What Kind Of Superhero Are You? by electronicoffee
Your Username
Your First Name
Your Superhero Last NameTechnon
Your WeaponVenom Whip
Your 1st SuperpowerControl/Summon Demons
Your 2nd SuperpowerMagic [Artifacts/Items]
Created with quill18's MemeGen!

haha.. im out.


:: 2004 14 January :: 9.16 pm
:: Music: hoobastank - crawling in the dark

s c h o o l
aaaah.. if ANYBODY knows how to do chemistry, IM me or post on here w/ ur screen name, im so damn confused with this chemistry/stoichiometry bull shit.

so much work to do.. heres my to do list
-cook spanish food for 40 kids, plus do research on spanish food, w/ a posterboard - due first week of feb.
-finish chemistry worksheet, due this friday, i'm lost and dont know what im doing
-do research for the marshall plan for kovach, along w/ five sources due this friday.
-update journal for english
-figure out a monologue for drama and what dialect to use.
-see whitney
-call and see zach
-go to the fair, which involves getting money
-clean room or house for money
-try to see justin/john/brandon

eh, report cards came today.. i did shiiitty.. worse then i thought.. i mean, i'll admit, i COMPLETELY slacked off the last 9wks.. heres my grades: ceramics-A Drama-A Spanish-C Geometry-C Chemistry-C English-C American History-B.. heres why i got those grades..

in spanish, last 9wks i handed it no homework, not one piece of work... so i got a C in her class [how? i dont know] then i got a C on the exam and had a C the first 9 wks which made me get a C for the first semester

in geometry, same thing as spanish, i didnt hand in one piece of work, so i got a D in her class, i had a B on the exam and a B on the first 9wks which gave me a C average for the first semester. this semester im buckling down and handing in all assignments. so far i have!!

dreaded chemistry. ugh.. ok, C first 9wks, failed the semester exam, C second 9wks, C for semester avearage, THANK GOD, im so suprised i didnt fail, but ya know, im in chem hon. maybe i should go to reg. but then i look at my friends who are in reg. and i can do their stuff in a heartbeat, mom and teach. say i need a challenge -- this stuff is mad challenging.. but im gonna try harder, a lot harder, more concentration and more studying!

english- my teacher is a nitwit.. she lost my first 9wks exam, i told her i wouldnt retake it, so she gave me a low B.. first 9wks i got a B, second 9wks i got a B.. i failed the semester exam [which i might add was 13 long paragraph essays and only 2 kids in the class passed -- me n jess got the highest f's lol woohoo] and got a C in her class. it obviously tells you your exam was out of whack if only two kids pass in our class and all her other students didnt get good grades either.. whatever, im not complaining, ill just try even harder this 9wks.

amer. history isnt that bad, but i never study for the tests, which is where i screw myself over, so from now on i should study, cuz i hand in all my homework and classwork.. so ill just study more

thats my problem, i always freeze on tests or dont study.. idk..i guess i should start to more, i really wanna try toget straight A's, but i know i cant get an A in chem so im hopin for like 5 A's and 2 B's or sumthin, i really wanna make mom proud.

but im gonna go try to figure out how to do this stoichiometry/chem bull. and then go study, i'll talk to ya'll later!

im out.


:: 2004 12 January :: 8.52 pm
:: Music: think twice - eve 6

i know. im a dork! lol
When you are sad.....I will get us drunk and help you plot revenge against the sorry ass bitch who made you sad!
When you are blue.....I'll try to dislodge whatever is choking you!
When you smile..........I'll know you finally got some ass!
When you are scared..I will rag you about it every damn chance I get!
When you are worried....I will tell you the horrible stories about how much it can get worse and to stop your damn whining!
When you are confused.....I will use little words to explain it to your dumbass!
When you are sick.........please stay the hell away from me until you are well again I don't want your nasty ass germs!!
When you fall.........I will point and laugh at your clumsy ass!
This is my oath........I pledge til the end. Why you may ask? Because your my best friends -- carly & whit

lol love you guys! xo pe@$e hah

6 Couldnt Stop | Dream

:: 2004 12 January :: 6.05 pm

Me: and u can cry a puddle over randy if thats what you want to do, but when you start to feel happy about it, we'll step in the puddle and have a good ol' time lol
Whitney: omg, i'm so adding that to my journal! that was great danielle!

ahh.. lol its gonna be a lake!! lol, i love you whitney.. ur so god damn awesome!! put a smile on ur face... lol (forgets the rest of the song) ill always be there! ill talk to you later tonight! lylas!

1 Couldnt Stop | Dream | Random Journal