2005 16 May :: 11.31am
:: Mood: melancholy
So.. I think that I'm finially ready to talk about it.. even though it's been almost a week.
Wed. night my mom called me at 11:30 and blamed me for all her problems and told me she was going to kill herself. I heard her taking the pills while she was on the phone with me.. and she kept saying how I have a new mom now and how that I don't need her anymore. Well during all this my Uncle Don and cousin Bridget were standing by me. I just sat there the whole time not saying anything to her. I just sat there and listened. Then she said "Bye Jena, make sure you tell Gabrielle that her Grandma was an asshole." and then she hung up. I called 911 and they sent the police over. The police officer called me and told me that she was fine.. "a little drunk, but there's nothing that we can do about that." I told him that I heard her take the pills, but they still didn't do anything. Yeah, thanks a lot assholes. ya know? So I tried to call George.. no answer. Yeah, WHERE WAS HE WHEN THIS HAPPENED?? So I tried to call Dustin, then I tried to call the house, then Matt.. finially I got ahold of Matt and he didn't help any because he was at the bar working and he didn't know where anyone was. Well then after I tried to call Dustin and George again.. my mom kept calling me. Bridget answered the phone and kept telling her that I didn't want to talk to her. She kept calling and calling. 911 called me back, they said that if there were anymore problems to call them back. It was about 12:45 or so when I called Dustin and he answered- he said that he was home and that mom was okay and I felt like he blamed me for doing this to her.. but he didn't come directly out and say it. He told me that he thinks she's okay and that if anything happens he'd call me. Well he called me. About a half hour later. "the Ambulance is on it's way. But I need you to go to the hospital they need to talk to her since she called you." So Bridget called Leah then her and her friend Mike came to pick us up. He took all of us to the hospital, we waited for about an hour before they called me back for her information. Then the nurse called Bridget, Leah and I into the back "The doctor will be in to talk to you in just a minute." The doctor walks in, I remember this part so clearly.. The doctor walks in, sits down and just says "She took a bottle of Flexeral [muscle relaxers] She's in critical condition and her chances aren't looking good.. she's on a ventalator right now.. if you want to go see her you better go now because she could go at anytime." He asked if we had any questions I shook my head then he left. I told them I didn't want to see her. I remember just sitting there, I don't remember how long we were in that little room but I know that I won't ever forget.. I just sat there and didn't do anything. I didn't cry until later that night on the car ride home. I broke down. My mom tried to kill herself because of me. That kept running through my head that my mom is almost dead because of everything that I did. How could she put that kind of responsibility on her child? I don't know, but she did.
I didn't cry after that the whole night, until the next day in school. I went home and just watched tv. By that time everyone was up trying to talk to me.. but I couldn't talk to anyone. I just sat there. I was kinda stunned. I remember trying to sleep but just laying there, not doing anything. It was 3:30 when the phone rang. It was my Aunt Diana, saying that my mom was going to be okay. I went to sleep at 5:00, got up at 5:45 got ready, and went to school Thursday. It was 2nd period when I went down to see the guidance counsler, and told her everything. She made my Aunt Loraine come pick me up and go see a counsler. I'm going once a week to see her now.. Karen is her name. She's nice.
Life now? I still don't talk to my mom, I don't ever want to talk to her again. I just feel bad for my two little sisters because they have to deal with all the shit that I grew up with all my life. I don't want that but what am I going to do? I have a daughters life to consider now. I just hope they know that I love and miss them.. because I do. A lot.
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2003 3 September :: 10.12pm
Got the new Hyesung and MinWoo CD. <3
Got Gackt`s Cresent and Love Letter CD. <3
Got SE7EN`s Must Listen CD. <3
Got 17k on Gaia. <3
The stupid rollback gave me like 1700 back but Lost my horns. ):. WTF. But I got my March `O5. But then I opened it. Decided not to sell Kiki Kitty until it like reaches it`s breaking point. Or when I have too. Stupid rollback didn`t have any effect.
I wish my school burned too. BURN BABY BURN. DISCO INFERNO BABY. (:
Watched Soccer Games today. It was much more interesting then I thought it was. (: Going again next week. yaye.
Went to Great America on Friday. It was fun, But I hate Roller Coasters. They scare me and Make my heart hurt. And that`s a no no. D;
Changed the date on today`s journal entry. (: First day meeting Kikyou and Haruka. OMGIREMEMBER. No. I found a paper thingy.
I thought this was STUPID
I cannot believe how incredibly stupid you are. I mean rock-hard stupid. Dehydrated-rock-hard stupid. Stupid so stupid that it goes way beyond the stupid we know into a whole different dimension of stupid. You are trans-stupid stupid. Meta-stupid. Stupid collapsed on itself so far that even the neutrons have collapsed. Stupid gotten so dense that intellect can escape. Singularity stupid. Blazing hot mid-day sund on Mercury stupid. You emit more stupid in one second than our entire galaxy emits in a year. Quasar stupid. Your writing has to be a troll. Nothing in our universe can really be this stupid. Perhaps this some primodial fragment from the original big bang of stupid. some pure essence of a stupid so uncontaminated by anything else as to be beyond the laws of physics that we know. I`m sorry. I can`t go on. This is an epiphany of stupid for me. After this, you may not hear from me again for a while. I don`t have enougth strength left to deride youignorant questions and half baked comments about unimportant trivia or any of the rest of this drivel. DUH.
2 CMNT(S) |
2005 12 May :: 10.12am
:: Mood: depressed
It's funny how people can talk about me behind my back, but not say anything to my face.
You don't even know half the story, so you don't have any room to say shit, bitch.
4 CMNT(S) |
2005 8 May :: 11.12am
:: Mood: dorky
Prom was great, we all had a great time. Chuck and I slow danced.. aww. Randi, Amy, Becky, Chuck, Jake and I danced together and had so much fun. Everyone looked really cute and I'll post pictures of it later. I have them on my cousins digital camera. Becky left early for some unknown reason and didn't say bye. I'm still waiting for her reply on that to see what happened.
Kennywood yesterday was fun to, it didn't rain like it was supposed to.
Happy Mothers day! (It's my first!) Very cool.
Right now Amy and I are dying my hair BLONDE underneath.. scary. I gotta go rinse it out. <3
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2005 4 May :: 9.11pm
:: Mood: ecstatic
whoaaaa.. best night EVER!!
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2005 3 May :: 10.11am
:: Mood: cold
I'm cold.. and I look like crap. Buuuut anyways.
Jim and I are going to Kennywood after prom. I got my dress, Becky and I went to get ours together.. mine is dark blue.. I'll put a picture of it up sometime next week.
Kelly and I have been going to Drivers Theory everyday from 5-8:30.. it's so boring sometimes, but we always end up ordering pizza or eating something. So that's cool. It's a small class- which is good because I hate big classes.
Jim and I? I don't know what to do.. we're so good together, but I can't ignore that I like someone else. Should I ignore the feelings and just get back with Jim? I mean, he's trying so hard to do everything that I want him to.. I wish I knew what to do.
Gabrielle is 7 months already.. I'll have to put up a picture of her when I put up a picture of my dress. She's getting so big.
Sunday=Mothers Day!!! It's my first Mothers Day! Awww.
I'm so bored right now, Becky told me to update because I never do anymore.. I'm so busy. Weekends I try to please everyone and go out with friends, with this one guy, Jim, my Aunt Loraine and it's hard. Weekdays I'm busy with school, then going to Drivers Theory.. I hardly get to see Gabrielle anymore.
I don't know whether or not to send Darlene (my "mom") a Mothers Day card.
1 CMNT(S) |
2005 30 April :: 9.38pm
:: Mood: well...still breathing
:: Music: Hole - Softer, Softest
pee girl gets the belt
eh.. i'm really hungry, i haven't eaten much all day. my stomach is throbbing. feels great.
i need a major change... just new everything. i'm bored of it all. i want a new life. completely. clean slate. i need to reinvent myself and my world somehow. i need a new addiction, something i absolutely need... so i can focus on that and give myself a purpose.
didn't do anything today. but that's alright, i guess.
i think my time is running short.. eh. it takes almost all of my energy to wait up everyday, just merely existsing is exhausting, i feel like i'm falling behind. it's getting harder and harder to phsyically and mentally function, and almost think i'm just going to stop. just stop. run out of juice and keel over. eh, it feels like i'm getting old already. one of these days i'm just not going to wake up.
2005 29 April :: 10.23am
:: Mood: gloomy
:: Music: papa roach - done with you
I count the days that we have spent apart
I've got a bad liver and a broken heart
Theres no salvation in the comfort of you
I finally realized your tearing me apart
So help me, save me, tell me that the end is near Help me, save me, tell me that the end is near
I am done with you
You make my life completely miserable
You drove me to the edge,
you've caused me all this pain
But I've always loved you
cause your oh so special
I'm broken and I'm alone and I can't maintain
2 CMNT(S) |
2005 26 April :: 1.36pm
Mrs. "To-bad-He-Treats-Me-Like-I'm-Dead"
i don't have a lot of time. I haven't updated in god knows when. ah well. nothing much to say, i guess. the PS2 is my lord and master and i have devoted every nanosecond of my free time to serving it. if the PS2 was a man i'd marry him. [if they were cute, and i could still play games on him, somehow O_o]
well, I saw Kung Fu Hustle with Als. good movie. it was like [Kill Bill]+[humor]-[blood and gore] with subtitles :P
i've been having lots of contradicting feelings, namely trying to find how i truly feel, and where my heart is at, etc, concerning certain people and interests. soul searching is serious business, yo.
hmm 3 minutes left, AND I STILL HAVE TO FREAK'N PEE
i don't think i'll be online much, as my husband [PS2] beckons me, as well as the only good compy is my sister's and she's been sleeping in her room at the times that i want to get on.
i need new music. i'm getting bored. i need to buy things. i need help. i need a tranquilizer.
i'm going to get paid again soon, and i need that as mother's day is coming up. and.. eh.. hold that thought. i have to go. i'll finish this some other time
2005 26 April :: 10.13am
:: Mood: dorky
I have the worst cramps.
2005 23 April :: 10.25pm
:: Mood: depressed
Okay, sorry about the last entry, I was just upset. I'm okay now? But anyway..
Jim came to pick me up at Beckys and we talked. We're still just friends, and we're both okay with that. But he does have a date tomorrow with some girl. I'm happy for him.. He was like "Jena, I do still love you. You know if anyone hurt you, I'd kill them." then he paused and said "But I know someone already hurt you by the way you're acting." Haha, it was cute. We went to Sheetz around 7:00 to get some gas, then we went out to the mall. I got a whole bunch of cute things and spent all my Kennywood money since I don't think I'm going anymore.
Yeah, I love you Becky and Amy.. thanks for being there for me. I know I let things get to me more than I should. But I'm okay now. :-P Love you girls..
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2005 23 April :: 4.31pm
:: Mood: disappointed
Well this weekend sucked, I stayed over Amys.. Things happened, Jim 'found someone'. I suck, I'm over Beckys house right now.
So fuck you, and you and you. And just leave me alone.
k thanks!
2005 21 April :: 9.14pm
:: Mood: sad
School was okay, I brought in the 2 big bag of starbursts for study hall.. we had that ice cream party today for 7 & 8 period.. I walked around half the time. 'Cuz I'm a loser like that.. then after school I had to go with my Aunt Loraine to take care of somethings.. we stoped at Toys R Us, and we bought Gabrielle some clothes.
I came home and left again, Amy and I went up to Carmel Park to see George.. we hung out.
Then we dropped Amy back off at her house then I stopped at McDonalds then came home. Now here I am.
2 CMNT(S) |
2005 20 April :: 10.23am
:: Mood: sad
Blahhh.. nothing's going right. I suck, I'm a loser. No wonder why no one likes me, and I have no friends. Ha.
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2005 19 April :: 5.16pm
:: Mood: blah
Ahhh Mr. Malecki is finially back so we can actually talk again in study hall.. YESSSSSSSSsssssSSSSSSS
Today was good.
I don't really have anything else to say.