"All that we see or seem Is but a dream within a dream"


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:: 2004 3 January :: 10.28 pm
:: Mood: crazy
:: Music: Nada Surf- Popular

Shut up stomach...your so god damn annoying
Today was fun. I hung out with Bethany and Dave. I dyed his hair and it turned out normal which was cool. We went to Allens party. It was good. I liked The Head Surgens and The Meteor that killed the dinosaurs ( I think thats what they called themselves...). Green Means Go, I thought did alot better than usual. Man, who am I to judge this stuff? Haha oh well...oppinions are welcome in MY journal. Jenn, Luke, Justin, Dave and I all took a walk down Memory Lane....literally. It was a long walk but it was ok! I also got to visit Big Dip. So now Im home. And I have eaten waaay too much food today. Damn me.

Well Im missing out on a lot but I just realized Im not in a typing mood. So maybe its time to watch American Beauty.


1 dead doctor | A comment a day keeps the doctor away

:: 2004 3 January :: 11.28 am
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: 12 Stones- The way I feel

So Bethany is in the shower and I have nothing to do so let me update for you. Last night Bethany, Lauren and I went Ice skating and met up with Sean and Laurens little sisters. We were probably the oldest people there besides the people working. We were probably also the least slutty or pathetic. It was fun making fun of the 10 year old jigga jigga sluts. They got pissed and stuff. So then my mom dropped everyone besides Bethany off home and we came back here and hung out. We watched TV and ate french fries and talked about funny things. We woke up about a half hour ago which is weird because normally the birds are going nuts but they werent so it was good. My mom is a Fanny Farmer bakin mofo so Im enjoying that. Well tonight is Allen's shindig. Thats going to be a lot of fun I presume. I havent hung out over there in a really long time. I'll update more when I get home...just incase your interested or something.


1 dead doctor | A comment a day keeps the doctor away

:: 2004 1 January :: 11.16 pm
:: Mood: different
:: Music: 12 Stones- The way I feel

Pull me through
I love this song

Today went much better than expected. Sean and I watched tv for like 5 hours straight. Then we went and got cake at applebees. It was a relaxing day. And my mom went to bed without yelling at me. Even though her hate shown through her today...its ok...because she didnt yell.

Im thankful for the simple things...thats all you need. I think its all I want too. I dont want to have money flying out my ears or a friend for everyday of the year. Thats a random thought...well maybe not


Bethany is coming over tomorrow:) Im going to run by ice skating and see if she'd want to do that. I mean...we live for the jiggas.

Oh man this song...haha

So school...im so behind in everything. I need to study or something. I need to do back up work. I need to stay after. I need to organize. Im dreading going back...do you feel that? Its so overwelming and Im a slacker. I dont know how you smarty pants do it. Its weird...as much I hate being alone I think Id choose that over school. No...maybe not. Ehh I dont know.

Im glad things make me curious. ...even if I dont always step forward with it, its still an important element in life. -random

Im in a really good, refreshed mood right now. I feel intellectual. Laugh at that please. Now just if I could smear my brain on the computer my thoughts would come out perfectly...but that would just be too perfect.

Im done...


1 dead doctor | A comment a day keeps the doctor away

:: 2004 1 January :: 10.42 am
:: Mood: crushed

So yesturday Lauren and I went cigarette shopping. We listened to some great conversations. Sometimes I forget that Im a mature kid and it becomes hard not to laugh. I guess that doesnt make sense but Im going to pretend I dont have a backspace key. So I either need to learn how to think before I talk or talk and not care what I talk about. Now that didnt seem so bad. Thanks Karlene. So like I was saying...we almost got ubducted and all the fun stuff. I came home and smelled like an Arab Deli for awhile.

So this is where it begins...tension got thick right when my mom walked in the door. I was a fool to try and ignore it. I should of just walked out then. It ended with "Im not mad at anyone Karlene, I just dont like my life that much" ....now maybe Im wrong for putting that in my public journal but shes wrong for saying it. Now she is a woman who speaks without thinking. And it always hurts me and she likes to play dumb. So then she tried to be nice but it failed. She dropped me off at Seans. I pretty much felt bad for her all night. Its okay because I had a good time. Now could I sound anymore selfish right there? We watched As good as it gets and One Hour Photo. I got attacked by a camera and realized Im supposed to be a hippie. It was really a good time. But then it was back to reality when I got in the car and my mom started to scream at me because she was in the driveway for 10 minutes. Well, one, this is simple. THEN GO TO THE DOOR AND RING THE DOORBELL...I promise you the boogeyman is not in the house waiting to kill you. So she started screaming at me and you think I could just sit and take it like the better person would? No...because Im not the better person...I scream back. I get home and it starts up again. And then she fucking has the balls to ask why Im crying. I think you have the best shot with guessing shes the reason Im crying anytime I am...really its about 3:1. So I guess that is going to be how the year is. It was a sign. She cant even love me on a holiday. Well mom, sorry I ruined your life...I guess you should of thought more before you conceaved.

I had a good phone call. So that calmed me down.

Now its morning and I realize that the new year isnt really anything that big. Its not like things will change because 2003 is gone. So who cares if she didnt like me last night. Theres always tomorrow night. Nights arent our best times. Haha. I really dont like this no backspacing thing.

What to do today...I have a feeling I dont have a choice on what to do today because everyone is gone. Either to that hardcore show, Lab, or Geneseo. If you arent at those places then freaking call me.

Im done now I think. Yeah...thats enough


3 dead doctors | A comment a day keeps the doctor away

:: 2003 31 December :: 1.56 am
:: Mood: awake
:: Music: 12 stones

nice new habbit
I cant sleep. I havent tried yet but I can just tell. I downloaded two new cds. That was fun. Haha I havent talked to anyone online all night basically which is wierd because Im still wide awake. I cant say thats a good thing because I have to be up by like 9 in the morning. Haha I hope Lauren calls me to wake me up. Or if anyone sees this please call me in the morning and get me up.

So what can I type about. I dont know.

How about...the new year.

I dont want to really "reminice" in 2003. It was a weird one. Then again, they all are. Lets see...haha I kept a lot of secrets. Secrets of others and secrets of my own. I never keep my own secrets...but I did a lot of that this year. I guess thats a good thing? I got out of a lot of drama. Of course I gained some but I dont think it was the same kind that I started out with. Hmmm the only person that seemed to last the whole year through with me is Sean. Everyone else just kind of comes and goes. I had one of the best summers this year. I met a lot of new people. I got a lot closer to Bethany. We had some great times. Same with Lauren and I...shes the only one that I can tell EVERYTHING too and I know it'll stay between the two of us. Then the P-day girls...fun stuff. DD with Kendra and Justin. I cant even explain this year in a journal entry. Im missing out on some major points but I guess I just dont want to write about them...I dont want to know the "endings" of them yet ya know? Maybe that doesnt make sense. Well...whatever. Happy New Year in some amount of hours. Then its time to repress memories or maybe even regress them. Haha we'll see which works better! 2004...holy shit. Im a year away....a year. Thats insane...I remember kindergarden and the wench of a teacher I had. Haha and that was so long ago. Life is such a scary concept.

Why am I rambling? Oh yeah...because Im not tired.

Well, that was a blast...


2 dead doctors | A comment a day keeps the doctor away

:: 2003 30 December :: 11.06 pm

I forgot to mention...
So I forgot to tell you my crazy squirrel story of the day. I cant tell if its funny or sad. I was walking home from Laurens and I look over and I see a frozen squierrel face first in the snow. It looked like an arrow in the ground. The poor thing was frozen stiff vertical in the air. Haha it was so odd.

The secret is in the golden nouget ... know what thats from?


1 dead doctor | A comment a day keeps the doctor away

:: 2003 30 December :: 10.19 pm
:: Mood: shocked
:: Music: if I told you I'd have to kill you....not really

Boy, Why are you in my room?
So tooooday. It had its moments. I have kept busy so it's been good. I went to Lauren's around 1. I watched her clean her house and such. Then she came back to my house with me. We watched the computer screen and made dip in my crock pot. Haha. We also made smoothies...it took us 2 times to get it juuuust right ;) ... so then my psychic ways kicked in. I walked her half way home and right when I got home Sean called and told me to meet him at applebees. So I walk around the corner and someone started honking at me. I turn around and BAM ...its Steve C. So Steve was nice enough to drive me up to Applebees. So we eat...until I have a laughing fit because the old man behind me is laughing with the most strange laugh EVER. I couldnt stop laughing and finally sean cracked so we left. We went back to my house and watched Analize That. Reminded me of Kendra. We watched the food channel and all that good stuff. "Well, you pull my ass hair so you cant make fun of me" ... Im not going to explain. Haha it just sounds funny.

Soo here I am...night time.

Oh yeah! Im going cigarette shopping in the city tomorrow. Thats the best place to be diseaving because there is always the chance you'll get raped or shot...or raped AND shot if your lucky.

nope...im not forgetting "The pieces are lost, these pieces don't fit". . . that makes me want to solve a puzzle. Solving puzzles always brings satisfaction. Im so gay

I feel like walking...too bad its cold and the perverts are out.

another busy day tomorrow. very good


1 dead doctor | A comment a day keeps the doctor away

:: 2003 30 December :: 11.42 am
:: Mood: Ehh
:: Music: This Time Imperfect

2nd day downfall...i got it down to a science
So I slept like crap last night. I had another bunch of weird dreams. Odd...very odd.

So...its morning and its raining and there is nothing to do. Well...the rain stopped. That could be good. Probably doesnt matter either way. I made an awEsome smoothie ... thats the highlight of the morning. I also made a mess and had to clean it up. That was a blast.

Ich weiss nich...ja...ich weiss nich


A comment a day keeps the doctor away

:: 2003 29 December :: 11.50 pm
:: Mood: Ignorant

what the
heck is wrong with me?!

So I went to bed at 10pm because my head hurt really bad. So I just fricken woke up and now I can't go back to sleep. What is this crap??? Oh well...

So today I went for a 2 hour walk alone. It was actually quite nice. I just listened to music and walked. I saw a ton of people but I dodged them instead of talking...even if it was a simple hello.

So then I went to BJ's with my mom. She was in a generous mood and bought me everything I wanted. Haha that makes me sound spoiled.

Then I went to Laurens and helped her pick out paint colors for her room. She came back here and took a bijillion years to color my hair. Its okay...it was fun because talking to Lauren is always a good thing.

So now Im here. What the hell am I doing up? I didnt take anything with caffiene. Then again, I didnt take anything to make me sleep. What the hell did I take again?

Well, Im glad I kept myself busy today. Thats all...

Feel better Bethany...I love you!!!


A comment a day keeps the doctor away

:: 2003 29 December :: 1.17 pm
:: Mood: apathetic
:: Music: alkaline trio ... duh

Fuck it...Im writing
Haha so that lasted long. My journal is like food...when Im bored I run to it. So Screw you if you dont like what I write. Sorry...I didnt mean that.

I got something to bring a laugh into your day. Come one laugh with me. I ate a fortune cookie today and my fortune read "You are a practical person with your feet on the ground"... hahaha I love it. I love all of life's little bullshitters...even the chinese.

My head is being an asshole. It hurts whenever I move. So duh...dont move right? Well I have slept for a total of 11 hours now and I dont want to sit still. Im trying to pretend it doesnt hurt which works when theres something else to think about. But...really...there isnt. Well...there is but I rather have a headache then think. So Im screwed haha. I feel like laughing for an hour straight right now. I just need a really big laugh. Someone give me a joke...any joke.

Ya know what I hate? I hate when you wake up and only remember parts of a dream. Then you try to rack it out of your head and it just annoys you because you know you wont remember. I had 2 dreams. One was that someone broke into my house and I was in the computer room (what a shocker) ... they were screaming and yelling. So I tell someone I was talking to that someone was about to kill me. I called 911 and I jumped out the window. Haha thats all I remember. Then I had another that I wouldnt bother typing because its too empty and I dont understand what it is. Damn haha. Woah...a song about dreams just came on...crazy. Okay not too crazy.

I think Im going to get dressed and go for a walk. Where to? i dont know. Maybe I'll make it to Canada but chances are I'll make it to the park and realize Im bored and go home again.



A comment a day keeps the doctor away

:: 2003 28 December :: 9.18 pm
:: Mood: emotionless

Well...I decided that I'm not going to write in here for awhile. I kinda got in trouble...well not in trouble but I just dont think its worth it. Not until I can write about other things.

Yep...so goodbye for a bit.


3 dead doctors | A comment a day keeps the doctor away

:: 2003 27 December :: 10.19 pm
:: Mood: Screwed
:: Music: Alkaline Trio- I lied my face off

Circles neverending
So I ended up going to DD with Justin today. He came back to my house and hung out for a bit. Then he left and I sat around hoping something would just land on my day and say "play with me". . . but nothing did.

So then yeah...I dont even know.

GIVE ... thats the word of the day.

I get to see Bethany on Thursday...thats all that matters....EVER. I love that girl...let me tell you. I get to see her on saturday too. So thats just awEsomeness stuck on a big plate. Much Love to brick dog beffy poo

i dont want to say anymore



4 dead doctors | A comment a day keeps the doctor away

:: 2003 27 December :: 12.41 pm
:: Mood: contemplative
:: Music: Alkaline Trio- This could be love

My mom's car smells like a rental

I went to the mall with my mom and we didnt fight once! That is a first. I did good too...I got some nice bargains. Bargain...what a gay word. I got the old alkaline trio cd which is cool. I love getting cd's...I think its the best thing to waste your money on...yeah definetly

Im really hungry but nothing in this house looks apetizing. Good diet plan...or maybe not.

I dont have anything to write about but I cant just sit here. Maybe Justin will go to DD with me. No...I dont know if I want to.

I want to put so much in here but it would get me in too much trouble...damn PUBLIC journals. I write it then backspace. I need a keyboard without a backspace key. Haha could you imagine. Everyone's lives would be different if no one had a backspace key. I want to get rid of that and gain a fasforward and rewind button...and if your feeling genorous throw in a pause button for me too. Yeah, thanks.

Have you ever tried screaming underwater? I feel like I am.


so Im going now...this is just getting dumb


6 dead doctors | A comment a day keeps the doctor away

:: 2003 27 December :: 12.25 am
:: Music: here's your letter

are we cursed to this life
ooo pretty...

i dont usually like pink but things come with change.

i know i just updated by i just had a breakthrough

IM PISSED!!!!!! ITS SO MUCH BETTER! I feel like I could actually hurt someone right now. Thank God for anger...It feels so much better than other feelings. So fuck this...fuck it.

it all seems so stupid right now. haha everything. i think its another one of those times when i fall off my rocker...oh well


A comment a day keeps the doctor away

:: 2003 26 December :: 11.12 pm
:: Mood: frustrated
:: Music: Further Seems Forever - New Years Project

You think you know but you have no idea
I feel great until Im alone. Haha I hate that.

So today was fullfilling. I went to Laurens house. We just sat around until Lisa's mom picked us up. We went to Lisa's and ate cocktail wieners and bugels. I also had to sit through the old peter pan with the girl in it. It was so horrible but they seemed to like it. Ehh whatever. Then Lisa came to my house and we made smoothies. Lauren James and Sean came over a little later. We watched some of Thouroughly Modern Millie but I felt bad because Sean and James hated it. So we dropped off Lauren and went to Applebees. From applebees we came back to my house. Lisa then left. Sean James and I swaped some interesting stories. Some honestly scared me but thats okay...I guess we all have stories like that...well maybe not but we all do things that arent the most ingenius. So we watched some of Blade 2...I love that movie. Now everyone is gone and my mind begins to race. Its definetly off track...somewhere embeded into a nice cement wall. Some reason I feel like complete shit right now. My stomach is turning and that whole deal. But Im going to MAKE it go away....because today was a great day. I had fun. I had fun. I had fun. Haha. I hate me. But thats besides the point. The point is I had fun. Yup, thats it.



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