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My name is....JayZulla, the micrula....

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:: 2013 20 July :: 9.58am

In case facebook didn't tell you I'm soo excited about Kelly Clarkson concert tonight! !!!

1 shot | Shoot the shit


:: 2013 15 July :: 7.43pm

sometimes i'm pissed off and i don't know why.

4 shots | Shoot the shit


:: 2013 21 June :: 1.55pm

This is what a blockquote looks like.

Shoot the shit


:: 2013 13 June :: 11.05am

Todays workout kicked my ass. But it feels good to sweat from the side of my boob.

1 shot | Shoot the shit


:: 2013 2 June :: 10.20am

only so much shit i can put up with... ugggh.

1 shot | Shoot the shit


:: 2013 28 May :: 10.05am

A year ago today, my brother got some pretty life changing news. It's so crazy and amazing that within the last year, he has found out that he had cancer, had chemo and has been in remission for 4 months.

Shoot the shit


:: 2013 18 May :: 12.53am

So done. Or maybe just tired

1 shot | Shoot the shit


:: 2013 16 May :: 9.42am

jobless again... fuck me.

boss called me into his office this morning and told me "the guys say you're not progressing anymore"

and he let me go...

2 shots | Shoot the shit


:: 2013 17 March :: 8.28pm


ran a 5k in 37:50 yesterday.

literally went from couch to 5k with no training.

1 shot | Shoot the shit


:: 2013 2 February :: 11.58pm

Need solidarity.

Shoot the shit


:: 2013 8 January :: 7.25pm

There's no luck, you make your luck. Be a champion everyday.

1 shot | Shoot the shit


:: 2012 26 November :: 2.28am

so here I am

constantly basing my life on other people. Need to focus on myself.

Can't do that... hate myself. Help me.

2 shots | Shoot the shit


:: 2012 13 November :: 2.44pm

Today I remembered that I forgot to sign up for Spring classes last week, so I got a pretty crappy schedule.. But, I found out that I will be done Fall of next year.. Not sure what I will do when I don't have school anymore.. I will have to go back to work, because I have an ass load of student loans to pay back.. Maybe I can put off getting a job until Reagan is in school full time.. Seems weird that I will be done with college in a year..

Shoot the shit


:: 2012 8 November :: 1.31pm

I'm gonna corner the unicorn grease market, tell you what

Shoot the shit


:: 2012 4 November :: 12.42pm

Big challenges right now, but fire strengthens steel.

3 shots | Shoot the shit

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