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My name is....JayZulla, the micrula....

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:: 2009 14 February :: 8.55pm

I got a ring!!
Not an engagement ring though..
But a thoughtful, pretty, and shiny one..
And once again, the tears begin. but happy ones this time..

4 shots | Shoot the shit


:: 2009 12 February :: 4.22pm

so much to say...much more needed to be kept not said.


The icestone has melted!

3 shots | Shoot the shit


:: 2009 11 February :: 10.40am

events of last night

1. went to rosie's, drank a little beer and a bottle of beer.
2. andy [marini]convinced me to go to the crazy horse with him to play some pool, that was preceded by another killian's and a coors light, then we went and chilled and watched people line dance, then we had another beer and a shot of jack
3. andy starts line dancing
4. jordan show's up to pick me up from the bar because i'm not trusting andy to drive me home, espically after he had the shot of absinth
5. jordan takes me to her mom's house, where i almost win at 3 games of cribbage
6. go back to jordans, cuddle up with her and fall asleep.

Shoot the shit


:: 2009 10 February :: 7.31pm

can I play with madness

2 shots | Shoot the shit


:: 2009 10 February :: 6.34pm

Love it

2 shots | Shoot the shit


:: 2009 9 February :: 8.36pm

our president just used the term "ginned up"

3 shots | Shoot the shit


:: 2009 9 February :: 4.20pm

A lot has happened since October 12, 2006.

Shoot the shit


:: 2009 6 February :: 6.37pm

So it's looking like if I keep my nose to the grindstone I'll be graduating next summer with 2 Bachelor's of Science degrees. Two degrees in 3.5 years isn't bad. Then possibly graduate school.

5 shots | Shoot the shit


:: 2009 5 February :: 5.33am

I've been staying up real late and not doing anything productive in that time

Shoot the shit


:: 2009 4 February :: 5.23pm

feels good man

Shoot the shit


:: 2009 3 February :: 10.07am

truck is gone, picking up the merkur today.

4 shots | Shoot the shit


:: 2009 2 February :: 6.48pm

Pull the trigger, drop the blade and watch the rolling heads.

Shoot the shit


:: 2009 2 February :: 12.57pm

zulla, this remind you of our english class discussions at all?


Shoot the shit


:: 2009 2 February :: 5.13am

resurgence or isolation

Shoot the shit


:: 2009 1 February :: 11.20am

We all went out for Sara's birthday last night.
I drank..
Possibly way more than I should have, considering today I have to attend my grandma's 80th birthday party.
I don't do this whole hungover thing very well.
It's definitely not my gig.
And after the birthday party, Mike is having people over for the superbowl.
Somewhere in there I plan on falling into a deep sleep like coma and not waking up until tomorrow when I have to go to work.

And all I want right now is a back massage and something water that doesn't taste like crap.
If you want to take care of me, I would not object at this moment. haha

Shoot the shit

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