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My name is....JayZulla, the micrula....

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:: 2008 27 December :: 11.34am

So I've really let things go down the shitter in my life. I cant believe I let it get this far..

Well I guess its time to start digging my way out.

1 shot | Shoot the shit


:: 2008 26 December :: 12.00pm

(You are now reading this in the voice of John Goodman)

You are bad and you should feel bad.

1 shot | Shoot the shit


:: 2008 25 December :: 5.59am

Working 7am to 3pm, yay .....

Meanwhile, at the Legion of Doom ....

2 shots | Shoot the shit


:: 2008 24 December :: 11.31pm

the only thing i want for christmas is to not feel so alone.

2 shots | Shoot the shit


:: 2008 24 December :: 11.16am

This is Mike's puppy: Tank
Both our pets sleep like this, how strange!

This is my kitty: Titty

So yesterday started off to be a bad day.
Dog got into the trash, and made messes on the floor.
But I got 75 dollars from work!
And then I waited around at my dads with my brother for my check..
Oh, and then I got stuck in the snow trying to turn around to go get my check.
So I waited for my daddy and my brother to come get me unstuck.
Quite the eventful day.

Now it is christmas eve, and I have to wrap presents, bake brownies for my dad and brother for getting me unstuck yesterday.. and then make my way to belding, and then to go up to black lake to have christmas with mike's daughter and whatnot..


4 shots | Shoot the shit


:: 2008 24 December :: 12.09am

Bowling Tonight
Game 1: 157 (Best Game Ever)
Game 2: 100
Game 3: 138 (3rd Best)
Game 4: 96 (practiced approaches)

2 shots | Shoot the shit


:: 2008 23 December :: 3.55pm

The big boy knife is sharp
I bleed just like you ...

plus slipping cutting off a zip tie
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Good thing I know my way around a First Aid kit.

5 shots | Shoot the shit


:: 2008 23 December :: 12.31pm

also i'd like to add.
For our secret santa party at work.

I gave:
1. fifth of smirnoff apple twist vodka
I recieved
1. baggy with 2.5 grams of some decent bud in it.

3 shots | Shoot the shit


:: 2008 23 December :: 12.30pm

delivering pizza in this shit sucks.

hard core.

Shoot the shit


:: 2008 23 December :: 12.28am

Just blame me, I'm the one you love to hate.

In recognition of this fact, Nate designed this:

3 shots | Shoot the shit


:: 2008 21 December :: 1.27pm

One of those days.

Shoot the shit


:: 2008 21 December :: 10.24am

This snow shit, can go away at any time.
Oh, and Im getting a doggie..

8 shots | Shoot the shit


:: 2008 21 December :: 3.30am

the best gifts cannot be bought, they come directly from the heart.

now, what do i get her?

5 shots | Shoot the shit


:: 2008 20 December :: 7.13pm

i should be shot and killed

i have womanizer by britney spears stuck in my head.

god save my soul.

3 shots | Shoot the shit


:: 2008 20 December :: 4.55am

Bowling scores from tonight
Game 1: 143 new personal record
Game 2: 98
Game 3: 117
Game 4: 99

Overall I am getting much better
Bowling makes life alright

3 shots | Shoot the shit

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