2008 10 November :: 3.46pm
Lawls my insurance company gave me a PT Loser to drive while my chevy is getting fixed.
This has been a fun afternoon of abusing someone else's car.
Shoot the shit
2008 10 November :: 2.10am
:: Music: hank williams tear in my beer
Theres a tear in my beer
cause Im cryin for you,
Dear you are on my lonely mind.
Into these last nine beers
I have shed a million tears.
You are on my lonely mind
Im gonna keep on sittin here
Until Im petriified.
And then maybe these tears
Will leave my eyes.
Theres a tear in my beer
cause Im crying for you, dear
You are on my lonely mind.
Last night I walked the floor
And the night before
You are on my lonely mind.
It seems my life is through
And Im so doggone blue
You are on my lonely mind.
Im gonna keep on sittin here
Till I cant move a toe
And then maybe my heart
Wont hurt me so.
Theres a tear in my beer
cause Im cryin for you, dear.
You are on my lonely mind.
Lord, Ive tried and Ive tried
But my tears I cant hide
You are (were? ) on my lonely mind.
All these blues that Ive found
Have really got me down
You are on my lonely mind
Im gonna keep on drinkin till I cant even think
Cause in the last week I aint slept a wink
Theres a tear in my beer
Cause Im crying for you dear
You are on my lonely mind.
Shoot the shit
2008 9 November :: 11.15am
I feel like I have a lot of emotion to pour out.
But I don't know how to put a lot of it into words.
It's been so long since I have vented any of my emotions.
I think that its because Im gradually getting better at telling Mike how I feel instead of bottling it up, and then just lashing out at him the next time he pisses me off.
Its kind of pathetic that after 3 years I still have a hard time telling him how I feel about certain things.
Most the time I am just trying to spare him the hurt, because I am a harsh bitter person.
I used to blame his daughter for every little thing, and I'd hide out in the bedroom when she'd come over.
But I've overcome that, and I think that I am even coming around to the thought of having kids eventually.
I think I'm growing up..
Shoot the shit
2008 9 November :: 12.27am
More bullshit, a fucking car wreck. Fucking Hell just what I needed tonight.
I would really like to be able to talk to a certain someone right now.
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Shoot the shit
2008 8 November :: 1.41am
I've no idea where I stand right now.
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Shoot the shit
2008 7 November :: 4.15pm
so when i got lunch at wendies one of the guys back in the kitchen run over to the window as i got my food
and asks with a huge grin on his face: did ya see it!?
i say see what?
he didn't say "my cock" did he? ;(
he points at a burgundy '87 fiero
he then says that me driving around here all the time convinced him to buy one
you're popular
i guess
its my leet car
Shoot the shit
2008 6 November :: 9.06am
Here we are over a month an a half later. Emo moments happen more often for small spaces of time. I thought I could make this easy. I totally had that wrong. I hate when I go to check up on anything with her, thinking Ill find something saying shes managed to move on. ...and I hate that. Then I have to hate myself for even thinking like that.
Im an ass.
I still havent got my stuff from Rachel. Not sure why.
Moving right along.
Gas is down to $2.10 at 14mile and that makes me happier.
Im keeping busy, busy being away from life, with Fallout 3 still.
3/4 of the way through the game taking my sweet time and seeing everything I can before finishing the main storyline.
6days till WotLK is out.
Airsoft season is almost done. Turning to look at CQC later on this year and into the rest of the winter.
Back to life.
Ive decided to join the Marines next year. Ill be talking to a recruiter later this month and be looking to leave for basic in or around March.
Figure I got no reason not to anymore. Its been ultimatum #1 since exiting high school. Just decided to stop pussy-footing with it. Ive already started my workout everyday afterwork to help get in shape before I go.
Infantry, recon, or combat engineer.
No forward movement in my job, no attachements short of material possessions. No commitments. No obligations. I almost should thank Rachel for letting me off the hook.
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Shoot the shit
2008 5 November :: 11.59pm
i thought the pornstar's husband was going to rat everyone out.
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Shoot the shit
2008 4 November :: 9.11am
So I've basically spent the last day and a half in bed..
I made an attempt at work yesterday. I felt perfectly fine, then all of a sudden I'm sweating profusely, feeling like I am going to vomit, and then I passed out.
I've been shakey, cold, then extremely hot.
The littlest movement makes my head throb so bad I start balling.
My head hurts even more when the lights are on.
I feel like ass, and look just as worse.
My sister, Derrick, and Seth are coming up in a couple of weeks.
Im really excited about that because I miss them all..
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Shoot the shit
2008 2 November :: 11.31am
you never realize how bitter cold you are until you step into that hot shower.
Shoot the shit
2008 31 October :: 1.45pm
Thank goodness for the weekend...!
Shoot the shit
2008 31 October :: 12.54pm
Words too late to say: Uso demo i i no ni "i kanai de" mo ienai yo.
In other news, today is Friday. Fallout 3 rocks. Im pissed it has SecuROM and will end up as a $50 coaster someday, but the game is great.
Ive played all of like 4hrs into the game and thus far Ive blown up an entire town and let loose feral ghouls all over a hotel full of snobby 1950's elitist jerks. Oh but fear not! I killed the ghouls after I let them have fun.
Next step is to go looking for the previous Fallout's vaults. Dont know if Ill make it, but Ill try!
Shoot the shit
2008 31 October :: 1.17am
FYI: my turds are tapered.
also, i bowled a 163, 149, and 169 tonight.
my average is 147
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Shoot the shit
2008 30 October :: 4.18pm
You have confirmed your interview schedule on 11/6/2008 at 4:00 PM. Please report to the HR office at Sears Auto Center. For more information, please call 6162857721.
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Shoot the shit