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My name is....JayZulla, the micrula....

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:: 2008 16 October :: 4.26pm
:: Mood: accomplished

feeling great right now.
truck is in my driveway, hoodlatch is fixed, needs an oil change though, also needs the steering shaft u-joint or whatever, it kind of wanders.

I get to bowl tonight and i'm going to kick ass at it, fuck yeah!

Shoot the shit


:: 2008 16 October :: 2.49am

in my attempts to understand others, i still don't understand myself.

I wonder if I'll ever know exactly who I am.

3 shots | Shoot the shit


:: 2008 15 October :: 1.40pm
:: Mood: indescribable
:: Music: Below


Theres a shadow just behind me. shrouding every step I take.
Making every promise empty. pointing every finger at me.
Waiting like a stalking butler, who upon the finger rests.
Murder now the path of must we, just because the son has come.

Jesus, wont you fucking whistle. something but the past and done.

Why cant we not be sober? I just want to start this over.
Why cant we drink forever? I just want to start this over.

I am just a worthless liar. I am just an imbecile.
I will only complicate you. trust in me and fall as well.
I will find a center in you. I will chew it up and leave.
I will work to elevate you, just enough to bring you down.

Mother mary, wont you whisper. something but the past is done.

Why cant we not be sober? I just want to start this over.
Why cant we sleep forever? I just want to start this over.

I am just a worthless liar. I am just an imbecile.
I will only complicate you. trust in me and fall as well.
I will find a center in you. I will chew it up and leave.
Trust me. trust me. trust me. trust me. trust me.

Why cant we not be sober. I just want to start things over.
Why cant we sleep forever. I just want to start this over.

I want what I want...
I want what I want...
I want what I want...
I want what I want...


:: 2008 15 October :: 1.38pm
:: Mood: melancholy
:: Music: Tool - Sober

Something but past and done
Ok So theres a few things I want to get off my chest because its bugging the feck out of me.
I dont even feel ok to say anything about it in my own space. It is my bouncing wall to put my thoughts on so Im doing it anyway.

The stereo in my car doesnt work, and hasnt for about a month now. Its lead to alot of random thoughts to think about while driving.

Like this mornings thoughts...which bring the dread wrench feeling in my stomach.

Im very unhappy with how things ended with Rachel. I got too overbearing in the attempt to salvage anything and Im left with remorse, and a bit of hate on the whole thing. This leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Why? Oh mainly because it was 4years of my life.
(Side note, dont try to relate to my story, not looking for that)

6yrs ago I met her in a chat room and just had a friend for the summer. Someone to enjoy talking to.
4yrs ago I decided to try and make a long distance relationship work. Even if we werent together it was still nice to say we were.
2yrs ago I got back together with her. Ever since, we struggled to keep things together. Breakdowns aside I enjoyed it.

Time and again, I was either broke, or nearly broke but I made it work to get her here to be with me.

Then I went to see how things were for her down there...where shit went downhill. How far downhill it was before I even arrived I dont know. Rachel was always fairly good with hiding something if she wanted to. Her small hints tended to fall to the side, as I hadnt had time to take them in when in person. Subtle things like, she wasnt wearing the necklace I gave her that she attested to not taking off, or how she smiled at me even.

The more I think about it the more I dont know how distant she was from me already. It just felt like someone had been whispering bad things to her the whole time. It was like she was allowing me to be there simply to let me know I wasnt wanted anymore. Like I was cast aside and was simply being nice due to the pasttense of things.

Saturday night was a freaking crapfest. I dont know what she remembers of it either. All I know is that the time the the first set of folks left, and the second arrived. Things were bad. I was made to be the bad guy because of it. Totally not the case. That was a 50/50 street there. I was quiet and distant after 9pm. Why? Because what I saw was just not what I expected. I could have taken it in stride, but I knew that it wasnt possible. The remainder of the evening continued on the downhill slide.

Post mortim we emailed back and forth some on a few things. Which basically turned into me laying out my reasoning to her, and her getting increasingly angry and defensive. Very little do I find myself in uncomfortable situations. All of Saturday turned into that and Im not going to change my mind on the issues it involved.

I know what I want, and I know what I really, really dont want. What I saw was what I dont want. It hurt me. A lot. Why? Because I knew that 4yrs ago I said to myself something along the lines of "Ill make this work hell or high water." All it did was get worse from then. I broke down some now and then, but only out of longing. Wanting the wait to be over. She broke down harder, less often and I think ended out worse for it.

I broke up with her. She broke up with me. It was "mutual" at best.

I love the girl. I always will, Im just sad that my 'sunny-disposition' got in the way of the thing I hoped to do most. Protect her from the hurt. It seems all I did was manage to bandaid it and it continued to wrech.

Ill continue this rant later. ...prolly should block comments, but meh.

1 shot | Shoot the shit


:: 2008 14 October :: 6.39pm


truck just needs plates to drive now, insurance is transfered, brake lights didn't work, fixed those.

need to get the hood latch to work now, change the fluids, and i'll be good to go.

Shoot the shit


:: 2008 14 October :: 1.31pm

I think there is something fundamentally wrong with this country that Beverly Hills Chihuahua is the top film right now. Well it's better than Oliver Stone's piece of shit making money, apparently people aren't sheep enough to buy into his sack of garbage.

4 shots | Shoot the shit


:: 2008 14 October :: 2.27am

I've decided to just take things for what they are.

I've also decided my new years resolution is to spend less time on this fucking computer.

Shoot the shit


:: 2008 13 October :: 7.40pm

dakota runs now.

it was corroded wiring, all i need to do now is bolt the box down, plates, and insurance.

2 shots | Shoot the shit


:: 2008 13 October :: 12.12am

If you see the Metrodome Referees, they are wanted for Robbery. That is all.

4 shots | Shoot the shit


:: 2008 12 October :: 2.38am

so i think ive hit rock bottom.. i was just in jail for the same thing ive been doing for along time.. and it seems like everytime i get close to paying off my fines and driving legit.. something happends..

my car is illeagle.. no surprise there
i sleep on a couch
work doesnt give me enough hours..
my life has no direction

and im alone..

1 shot | Shoot the shit


:: 2008 12 October :: 2.44pm

So meh...

another day.

I wish I spoke more japanese.

I had an interesting night last night. let's call it a Kevin moment and call it a day shall we?

who else had an interesting night last night?

1 shot | Shoot the shit


:: 2008 10 October :: 11.46am

also, i bowled a 144, 151, and 170 last night

8 shots | Shoot the shit


:: 2008 10 October :: 12.29am

again, i'm keeping her.

3 shots | Shoot the shit


:: 2008 8 October :: 11.39pm

so... the girl across the street.

5 shots | Shoot the shit


:: 2008 8 October :: 4.45pm

where's the beef
A Vegetarian Diet Shrinks the Brain
According to a new study, vegetarians and vegans are six times more likely to suffer from brain shrinkage than meat eaters.

The link was discovered after scientists at Oxford University ran memory tests, physical checks and brain scans on 107 people between the ages of 61and 87, and then retested them five years later.

Researchers speculate the loss of brain mass in vegetarians and vegans is due to a deficiency of Vitamin B12, which is found in meat, fish and eggs. This type of brain atrophy is linked to Alzheimer's Disease and other cognitive failings.

The decision to eat meat is often attacked by veggies, but it now seems as though these kinds of affronts may just be a product of small-mindedness.

4 shots | Shoot the shit

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