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My name is....JayZulla, the micrula....

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:: 2008 20 September :: 2.42am

littering and
littering and
littering and
littering and
littering and
littering and
littering and
littering and
littering and
littering and
littering and
littering and
littering and
littering and
littering and.......

2 shots | Shoot the shit


:: 2008 18 September :: 11.05pm

it pisses me off when i sit around all day waiting to be called in to work when i could have been hanging out with my friends.

then i get a call at fucking 11PM tonight "can you work tomorrow at 8am?"

what is this shit? i've barely got time to fucking sleep now.

and i wasted a whole day waiting around for someone to fucking call.

1 shot | Shoot the shit


:: 2008 18 September :: 7.46pm

so i think sunday night we're leaving for mississippi

1 shot | Shoot the shit


:: 2008 16 September :: 12.10pm

why i'm friends with danno

11:07:17 * Danno sobs
11:07:23 [ Danno] so fine, I go to clear this girl's temp files
11:07:29 [ Danno] well %temp% is in thumbnail view too
11:07:37 [ Danno] and for some reason it's in a weird arrangement, folders are on
the bottom
11:07:40 [ Danno] and the first thing I see
11:07:41 [ Danno] THE FIRST THING
11:07:50 [ Danno] is porn where this girl is getting dogged... by a dog

Shoot the shit


:: 2008 16 September :: 11.46am

i got a conformation email today saying that my resume will be forwarded to the hiring staff.


this would be a really really badass job to get.

Shoot the shit


:: 2008 15 September :: 3.05pm

XP x64 > Vista x64, that is all

Shoot the shit


:: 2008 14 September :: 8.36pm

So my nephew has roughly 19 days before he enters this world.
And I am so flippin' excited, I couldn't even begin to explain.
And I have a cat now. And she is so flippin' adorable..
I love her to death.
She cuddles with mike and I when we are sleepin'..

Shoot the shit


:: 2008 13 September :: 1.06am

my life is unsatisfactory.

i sent my resume to some people that posted an add on craigslist, they wanted "kitchen help" for 9 months or so in Antarctica. I probably won't even get a reply, but yeah, I'd be one hell of an adventure.

1 shot | Shoot the shit


:: 2008 12 September :: 1.30am

i'm ready for another adventure.

to where? i've got no idea, but i'm getting antsy again.

1 shot | Shoot the shit


:: 2008 11 September :: 9.12pm

Got into the wowbeta tonight. Downloading the client over night

Im a happy camper. Good weekend coming up. Rachel time. Computer is looking good. She got me Spore and that makes me a camper too.

<3 her

Bestest girlfriend!

7 shots | Shoot the shit


:: 2008 10 September :: 11.47am

So apparently the guys over at CERN are totally gonna mark a big moment in the human sciences. ...Which will go totally unnoticed by large portions of the populace of the world.

CERN Website
Press Release about experiments

They have the largest super collider in the world and are working at remaking things like the big bang and antimatter.

So if the world falls into chaos in the next bit of time here we can thank CERN for it.

3 shots | Shoot the shit


:: 2008 5 September :: 8.09pm

So we are all moved into the house.
I get to get a kitty cat!
But we just have to agree on one before I get one.
I want an orange and white one.

I have alltel internet!
And no cable tv until the 15th..

2 shots | Shoot the shit


:: 2008 3 September :: 2.45pm

RIP snowman

Shoot the shit


:: 2008 3 September :: 2.20pm


google chrome


i like the startup page.

4 shots | Shoot the shit


:: 2008 2 September :: 2.18pm

So ya, update time.

Ive been keeping very unbusy I suppose. Havent had much of anything to do or look forward to -aside from the middle of this month- so its been a holiday weekend filled with wow mainly.

Sold some of the airsoft stuff I was looking to sell. Ive got hopes to finish selling it all so I can change over like I wanted to. Moving to a better quality of G36C with a ppa M4 conversion on it.

I seriously spent 95% of the weekend being a bored slug. I hated it but I went along with it. I wish I had some amazing story to tell or something fun happened but it didnt.

So basically all I can say is that Im looking forward to the middle of the month and Ill be tired of the long trips but the fun awaiting on the other end of each will be worth the time. I arrive at Kansas City around 11pm(cst) which is rather unfortunate, for me and for Rachels sake. I wont see her much of the next day so Ill be just kinda taking in the environment. Maybe go for a jog, look at the paper if she has one -check for jobs- and just generally relax. Then when she gets home Ill totally be mean by holding out on giving her the gift I got. Our second 2yr anniv. is just a few days before the trip.

I dont know what she may have for work that week, but I hope its not too much. Id like to get some time with her. I know we both need it badly. Very badly.

I really need to look at getting another phone and I prolly will this week or next. Hoping my bill wont be too bad for what I want, which is just basically good service, texting, and like 100-200min.

Sigh. Rachel Im getting to antsy over this. <3 you so much!

2 shots | Shoot the shit

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