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Chronicles of a Star

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:: 2003 22 September :: 10.41pm
:: Mood: good
:: Music: i wish you were here // incubus

I'm a product of you
Today was fun. I got up at 6:30 with the intentions of bringing Hasko my Friends of the theatre money, i didnt get to far out of my bed until 7:15, and by then I had to leave in 10 minutes to go get Laura for our field trip. I got to her house, we were on our way, almost got into a car accident, but i didnt. Got there saw lots of people i had no idea were going on the trip..David Gray went, he's nice, i still kinda like him, but w/e he likes laura, or w/e i dotn know..no big deal. We went snorkeling, it was fun, but i didnt feel good, but its ok. I wasnt sea sick, jsut didnt feel good, I'm gonna go on the next trip again, maybe it'll be better. Got home at like 1:30, took a shower, and i left for lake worth. I had a match, got there ridiculously early, and then bowled first game, we lost today =(. Paige and Molly left early, what a shocker, no more, their getting in trouble, its not fair for the team.

I came home, fixed my computer again, ate dinner with my mom, we ordered sushi and thai for dinner <3 Then we jsut finished watching WHITE OLEANDER i really liked it, aside from the fact that i love Michelle Phieffer (sp?) it was just so good. I cried, kinda, my mom did too. we're funny to watch during movies. Ok this is long, i'm out.


shout outs: laura, stephanie vaaaaz, sara stanely, scuba steve, bryan greer, mike cofer, david gray, jackie/april/kelly, alicia, coach adler, and my mom <3



:: 2003 22 September :: 7.22pm
:: Music: girls just wanna have fun..again


Goodluck Jenna! <33.

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:: 2003 21 September :: 9.01pm
:: Mood: mad
:: Music: girls just wanna have fun

I think it should be called incest
Ugh, i'm so mad that I missed Dave's surpise party. Happy Birthday Dave i hate work so much >:O! Wow, I'm reading journals, and it seems that last night was very sexually oriented...honostly not surprised guys. Work was fun, went by so fast, i think cause it was me and jess working. Im' beginning to think that Chuck (one of my managers) doesnt like me, cause me and jess always fool around. eek.

Tomorrow Im going snorkeling, I'm going with Laura Burstell, should be fun. (it's a TLE) then i'm off to Lake Worth, for a bowling match. wish me luck


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:: 2003 20 September :: 11.30pm
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: listening to the movie..anger management

I am not related to him
My dad just called, its 11:20pm, my mom told him he's an idiot, then he told me its my fault, cause i called him at 10:45ish, but i called his cell, he should have called me back on mine. grr.

I jsut found out Powerline might be playing at Stephanie's bday party <3 aw that would rock.

I'm out like whoaa

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:: 2003 20 September :: 5.35pm
:: Mood: confused
:: Music: limp bixkit // eat you alive

another one bites the dust
I'm talking to "him" and he's going on a date tonight with "her" he'll ask her out, she'll say yes, she'll brake his heart, and he'll be sad again, I'll be here for him, as usual..I'm the shoulder for everyone.

Oh yeah, Jon and Megan broke up, i think its kinda odd, they both claimed they loved each other so much, she ended it, but she said she still loves him, just wants to be single. He didnt seem to care, as much as he said he loved her, he didnt show it. I dont know, weird. Sorry Jon.

I'm off to work..like mrs moody..try and see what i see


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:: 2003 18 September :: 7.48pm
:: Mood: tired but ok :-)
:: Music: at your funeral // saves the day

=D i got money =D
So today started out with a call from Victoria at 6:30 saying she was walking over, so i was greeted by her in the a.m. Then we left and went to go pick up Krysta shortly after, then we were off to school.
Today was gay and pointless i didnt do anything in any of my classes, not a single one. Thats soo dumb. After school me and jenna took a trip to Bank of America, and cashed her check, for some food. Then we went to my house so i could do laundry, then we went to TACO BELL and bought food for ourselves, and for pat. Thank you Jenna. WE went to Pat's house and got tehre, and Pat, Hamon, Chris, and...David (?) were there? Well we listened to them play, lol pat makes funny faces when he plays the drums :-)...Ricky wasnt there...so i wouldnt call it band practice i guess, but it was fun. Then Pat asked me to take him and Hamon to the beach, god I need to take mean lessons, so I said yes >:O..he seduced me..kinda..damn you jenna. lol. haha, him and hamon brought beach toys, they rock. Then i took jenna home, and then went to Boynton for my match, i think girls won. =).
Then met dad for dinner at Hops, i dont like that place, btu w/e. Then I came home, and I'm here now, getting ready to go finish some more laundry. Ok, so I've narrowed my list down, but its still big, 5-6 people, ridiciulous. I'm out...try and see what i see?


"shout outs:" Jenna, Pat, Hamon, Alicia, Laura, Paige, Molly, Gitto, Devon, Josh P, and i think i'm done...peacee <3

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:: 2003 17 September :: 8.31pm
:: Mood: thinkign a lot..
:: Music: simple plan // perfect

I found this on an old card my dad gave me for my birthday one year, it kinda made me sad though, considering it doesnt have much meaning anymore...but i still like it...

Never knew a face could be so beautiful,
or an imagination could be so big,
or a little girl could grow up so fast.

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:: 2003 16 September :: 11.07pm
:: Mood: annoyed
:: Music: arsonists // as the world burns

people need to lay off, and i'm not trying to be dramatic or ridiculous...enough is enough. just try and see what i see



:: 2003 14 September :: 11.23pm
:: Mood: lonely...and sad?
:: Music: Alanis Morisette // all i really want

Lifts me up
Whenever i'm down, or whenever i need a mood lifter, i love listening to my Alanis Morisette, Jagged Little PIll CD, i really do.

"Enough about me, let's talk about you for a minute.
Enough about you, let's talk about life for a while.
The conflicts, the craziness and the sound of pretenses
Falling all around...all around

all i really want



:: 2003 12 September :: 11.46pm
:: Mood: good <3
:: Music: all the songs from work are in my head...>:O

Not today..Not today..Not today...so..
Well today was ok? I like regular days they go by sooo fast for me.

[first hour] Sat and did Chemistry hw cause i have nothign to do.
[second hour] um came in and did nothing, then she handed out scripts, oh yes i sat with justin and sheeba today, she didnt eat, i was surprised. I'm stage hand number two, i'm not mad, i'm not happy, i'm fine, i didnt try out, im glad i have something..and oh yes had a tornado drill? or warning? eh, i lived.
[third hour] took a test and got yelled at by murray like 5879 times.
[fourth hour] took another test..failed.
fifth hour]..god we dont do anything in that class.
[sixth hour] seats got moved, stephen, jackie and jackie are all near each other, an di was in the back so i was all, i cant see can i move up a little, i'm in teh front row by a foreign girl...:-(
[seventh hour] umm, david told me he's number one :-\ thanks jared. then me, chris and eswin got the 100% for the test, damn, thanks chris. Also, eric drew ALL over me, and ijsut want to clarify this, i do not like eric..he's nice, but he can be an asshole, and he annoys me..and yeah.

[after school] drove jenna and stephen home. then went to drop off my film, then got myself dinner. then came back to pick up film at 5ish, then to jecca's her brother's home, haha he was super nice today, too make up for old times. hah. then off to work.

[work] it was ok, CO thinks i'm in love with him? lauren/paige/brian came by i drove, it was fun. the end

I'm out this is too long...


p.s. dang i am in love with my new lay out. =D!

p.s. i'm trying to come up with a theme type thing, i just need to come up with a new title, and comment links..any ideas?

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:: 2003 12 September :: 3.37pm

holla y'all!

new design.

click anywhere! see what happens :]

so how you like? leave comments!

-- peej

That was peej there, she is the master mind behind my beautiful journal <3<3..thanks licious.

mandyy..aka fanda

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:: 2003 11 September :: 10.37pm
:: Mood: eh?
:: Music: this song i was listening to in the car, i think its by aqua

Who's good? Thats what i thought...booya <3
I got my liscense, i did it, its a whole new world. i'm so happy.

Jackie Balzer you are beyond amazing, the templet thing you sent me for my new journal is so amazing, i love it sooo much. You're the best ever.

Ya'll see it soon...whee


p.s. you didnt talk to me in photo boy!

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:: 2003 10 September :: 3.58pm
:: Mood: nervous!
:: Music: my fame cd

There's a monster in my stomach eating away...
In 1 hour i'm going to be at the Delray DMV taking my drivers test and i've never been so nervous and scared in my life. It's almost like a weird form of stage fright, which i never get. But all day, my stomach has been hurting and it kept getting worse as the day went on. I'm scared of the parking, hitting cones, and i'm scared of slamming on my brakes, do they want me to slam, like BAM, or like bam..there's a difference in the bams. Ugh, i'm gonna go lay down, i'm only making myself sicker. I'll update later and let you know whether i passed the test and gained a new freedom, or i failed and i'll have to retake the dreaded bastard.


p.s wish me luck?

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:: 2003 8 September :: 11.44pm

I just want to say, i hate having a job, especially one that i have to clean so much, lol. I dont mean that in a snobby way at all, its just that, i'm not one to clean, i'm bad at it, and i closing nights, there's a lot of that...=\.

Ok, so i'm looking at all the days i need to ask off, thats horrible.

Sept 19
Sept 22
Oct 10
and there's like 2 more in sept, due to bowling matches.
Nov 20
oh yeah, Oct 29.

Jesus, i can keep going, ridiculous.

Ok, i'm out. Danielle, FEEl better, ilove you <3<3<3<3

And steph co, get better <3.


mandy...sorry for the shitty update.

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:: 2003 7 September :: 10.40pm
:: Mood: lonely
:: Music: sweetest sin // jessica simpson

it can kill a person
I dont know why, but lately, i just feel so lonely, so empty. I know that i have friends, good ones too, but sometimes i wish that..not that i had more, but almost like more groups, i want to hang out with different people sometimes, i need change, a big one too. Jon said he would try and go on the hunt for a b/f for me, but reall, that wont happen. so i shouldnt get myself to excited. Awww, danielle told me tonight that i'm always invited now to her little get togethers, and she'll make sure i know in advance, thank you danielle i love you. Emily, I'm so sorry <33

Ok i'm out like a habima girl in sports...


p.s. 3 days til i get my liscense, whee =D

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