2003 29 November :: 11.30pm
:: Mood: ugh!
:: Music: listening to the cheetah girls
Everytime I try and fly, I fall without my wings.
Today was the longest day ever for me, I worked 11:15-8:00, but when it became 8:00, I didnt really wanna leave, weird. Tonight I got home, saw my mom, missed her, and then went to subway and blockbuster. I spent like a half hour in blockbuster, hoping someone would return Bruce Almighty, than trying to remember who I saw that movie with, but I can't remember if my life depended on it. So finally, I rented Finding Nemo, not like I havent seen it before, but I was in a cutesy mood. Got home, ate my subway, and now, I'm still waiting for the dvd player, so I can watch my movie, but my mom isnt sharing. grrr.
Tomorrow, I might hang out with Stephanie Gamm, if mama will let me out, that would be so awesome!! I miss her like whoa. La is still sick, otherwise I was gonna call her, but she's dying.
Im so excited about my Livejournal/Deadjournal icon's, wee lol. check them out, you should know the site.
i'm off to fight my mom for the dvd player, it's nemo time!
p.s. eh, nvm the'll only lead to certain people assuming. muahah
2 Performances |
2003 28 November :: 3.25am
:: Mood: relieved
:: Music: listening to the sprinklers outside
Step down from your throne, you've been pushed out and there's a new King
Wow, this week has been fun, a lot. I just like freedom. Today was Turkey Day, and I got up at 8ish, adn went to my dads, but I didnt feel good all day, so I slept from 9-12 and 1-5. It was well deserved sleep. Tonight I worked, but I did door, and some of box, I like box, its peaceful, and hey, i get to wear the headset, booya. I came home and talked to Dan, Lauren was sick, so she was sleeping. Me and Dan played mad libs, but I couldnt think of adjectives, lol. Tomorrow is suppose to be the biggest shopping day of the year, and I'm not going shopping. A. I dont have money B. i dont want to deal with the crowds and C. Im just not in that mood. Oh yeah, I got a call on my cell phone from Paris tonight, and someone claimed it was another calling me, well guess what someone, I believe the other person. Ya know, I use to think you were something special, btu now I'm starting to see that real you, the you that I dont like, the you that no one see's. heh, sucks. I'm gonna go do this survey thing, it kind of looks like fun. I stole it from geori's journal, thanks gurll.
p.s. yeah, so what if I'm looking at you again, I dont think you mind this time though. ;]!
2003 26 November :: 2.09pm
:: Mood: B-O-R-E-D bored.
:: Music: no doubt // its my life
All it took was a simple no, but you took far into another category.
I was woken up today by Paige calling to see if I wanted to go to the Sawgrass mall with her, but I was sleepy, so I said no. Than my grandma called and said she was conviently in Boca, so lets do lunch. We went to Denny's in east boca, it was a nice lunch<3. I got home, and talked to miss jackie, and she said that stephen said, or ryan said, that stephen wasnt going. So I called mr. hudon up and stephen said he didnt feel good, so yeah, elf plans got delayed til Friday, if stephen feels better, otherwise its me and jackie. I'm working again tonight until 10:30. And tomorrow I have to be at my dads early in the morning, but that's ok, cause I'll just take a nap. Oh yeah, Patrick called me last night, but just bad timing, so we didnt get to talk, but I hope he'll call back another time, I wanna chit chat. Ok, I'm off, I'm trying to suck some poor soul into going to the mall with me. Holla.
x to the o.
2003 26 November :: 12.55am
:: Mood: apathetic
:: Music: nothing
I looked and you were gone, I turn around and your back, now once again, your lost..
tonight was different, but a good different I ahd fun. thank you nicole and paris. lol.
*patrick, Im sorry I couldnt come get you! I totalyl picked up the phone, and you had just hung up, I was like dammit can't he jsut have a cell phone. Tomorrow, we can talk, i hope.
well, i have bad headache, and I'm sleepy, so i'm off to bed.
Jackie or Stephen, elf? let me know
2003 23 November :: 9.56pm
:: Mood: sad, really sad.
With a blink of the eye, everything has changed
This process is harder than i thought, and it may take a while, so you have to be patient with me, promise me you'll only help me..cause I dont think i can do it alone.
3 me
2003 21 November :: 4.15pm
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: the snowman song, the stripper snowman 8-)
I stole this from miss geori<3.
*1. Full Birth Name: Mandy Elizabeth Dowd
*2. Natural Hair Color: brown
*3. Hair Color Currently: brown w/ red streaks
*4. Eye color: poop brown
*6. Height Currently: 6'2''...jesus
*7. Glasses/Contacts: glasses
*8. Birthdate: April 6, 1987
*9. Sign: aries
*10. Current Age: 16
*11. Parents Names: Lori and Daniel
*12. Siblings: none
*13. Location:Boca Raton
*14. School Attended: Olympic Heights
*15. Current Grade: 11th
*16. G.P.A: 2.8 :-\
*17. Planned College Major: acting related, or teaching, or something with tv.
*18. Planned College Minor: probally marine bio<3
*19. Any Piercing: just ears...5 holes :-(
*20. Any Tattoos: Not yet
*1. Girl Friend(s): yes, i have those..
*2. Guy Friend(s): those too..
*4. If Yes, Current Dating Partner: single life
*5. Current Crush: i have someone in my mind :-\
*6. Hobbies: lots of stuff.
*7. Where Can You Usually Be Found?: at my computer, or at my movie theatre..
*8. Who Can You Usually Be Found With: jenna, par, paige, jecca, or jackie b<3
*10. Pager: noppers
*11. Are You Center Of Attention Or Wallflower: I dunno
*12. What Type Automobile Do You Drive: 89 toyota cressida
at Type Automobile Do You Wish You Drove: an old convertable bug, sigh, i want katlyn's.
*14. Would You Rather Be With Friends Or On A Date: with friends..
*15. Where Is The Best Hangout: Beach
*16. Do You Have A Job: yes
*17. Where Do You Attend Church: i dont know, i only go twice a year
*18. Where's the best place to have a date: beach <3
Out Of Your Friends Who...
*1. Have You Known The Longest: Jackie B
*2. Do You Argue The Most With: Paris
*3. Do You Always Get Along With: Jenna and Jackie
*4. Is The Most Trustworthy: Jenna and Jackie
*5. Makes You Laugh The Most: Paris and Jackie
*6. Has Been There Through All The Hard Times: Jackie
*8. Is The Most Sensitive: totally me.
*10. Has The Coolest Siblings: my friends dont have siblings..cept paige
*11. Is The Most Blunt: jenna
*12. Is The Shyest: me
*13. Is The Most Outgoing: jenna or par
*13. Has The Coolest Parents: jenna or paris
*14. Is Most Rebellious: umm, ill get back to you
*15. Is Most Conservative: me?
*16. Is Most Likely To Become Famous: paris for photography, or me, cause i'm amazing j/k ;p
*17. Is Most Likely To Become Rich: jackie b
*18. Is Most Likely To Wind Up In Jail: hmm...sarah<3
*19. Is Most Likely To Have A Million Kids: paris, cause she has sex all the time
*20. Most likely To Never Have Kids: nicole ;]
*21. Always Wears A Smile: paris
*22. Is Smartest: meee j/k
*23. Who Has The Biggest Attitude: me :-\
*24. Without Thinking About It, Who Do You Think Would Die For You: no one
*25. Complains The Least: dont know
*26. Biggest Flirt: >:O PARIS
*27. Needs A Good Man/Woman: me and paris!!
*28. Never EVER Betrayed you: Jackie B
*30. Easiest to talk to: Jenna, Jackie, and Paris.
*1. Who Is Your Role Model: no one
*2. What Are Your Pet Peeves: interupting someone when their talking or NOT DOING THEIR HALF OF THE JOB...TERESA >:O
*3. Have You Ever Been In Love: not yet
*4. Have You Ever Loved Someone You Had No Chance With: i wouldnt say it was love, but yeah.
*5. Have You Ever Cried Over The Opposite Sex: do you know who your talking to, i cry over everything!
*6. Do You Have A "Type" Of Person You Always Go after: kinda sorta
*7. How Long Was Your Longest Relationship: umm, i dont remember
*8. Have You Ever Lied To Your Best Friend(s): no, i don't lie...8-) they were jokes, par.
*9. Ever Wanted To Get Revenge on Someone Because They Hurt You: yesss
*10. Ever Been Cheated On: not that i know of
*11. Ever Said I Love You To A Significant Other: yes
*12. Rather Be Dumper Or Dumped: dumper
*13. Rather Have A Relationship Or A "Hookup": relationship
*14: Want someone you don't have right now: yess!!
*15. Ever Liked Your Best Guy/Girl Friend: yeah
*17. Do You Want Kids: yes
*18. Do You Believe In Psychics: yes
*20. What Is Your Favorite Part Of Your Physical Being: my nose, and thats it.
*21. What Is Your Favorite Part Of Your Emotional being: im funny?
*22. Are You Happy With You: no
*23. Are You Happy With Your Life: no
*24. Are You Scared Right Now: about?
*25. If You Could Change Something In Your Life, Right Now What Would It Be: too many things to change right now..
*1. Kiss: umm, dont worry about it.
*2. Room In house: my computer room, or my room.
*3. Girl's Name: River
*4. Guy's Name: Brandon and Patrick
*5. Person to talk to about your problems: jackie and lauren<3
*6. Song: right now..stacie orrico // there's gotta be more to life<333
*7. Movie: i dont know
*8. Actor/Actress: Julia Roberts, Kirsten Dunst, and the girl on Tru Calling, Eliza Diuoieiorjoeiwu
*9. Soda: diet coke, but i dont like soda anymore..
*10. Candy: kit kat // 2 musketeers
*11. Band/Artist: dont have a favorite
*12. Salad Dressing: honey mustard or creamy italian
*13. Blanket/Stuffed Animal: my yellow blankey<3
*16. Day of The Week: saturday
*17. Color: yellow and pink
*18. Cologne/perfume: dont remember the name.
*19. TV Show: tru calling // one tree hill // oc // all them mtv crap shows 8-)
*20. Flower: roses and sun flowers
*21. Fast Food Place: subway!!
*22. Game: what kind of game?
*23. Love Song: not sure?
*24. Teacher: Murray
*25. Clothing: dickie shorts<3
*26. Possession: my phone, or car.
*27. Season: summer//winter
*28. Vacation Spot: New York or Marco Island
*29. Person To Give Advice To: no clue
*30. Person To Get Advice From: jackie, sometimes or lauren
*1. Cried: yeah, cause that stupid movie in history!
*2. Bought Something: a bagel this morning
*3. Gotten Sick: no
*4. Sang: yes
*5. Eaten: a bagel
*6. Been Kissed: no
*7. Felt stupid: yes
*8. Said I Love You: no
*10. Met Someone New: no
*11. Moved On : no
*12. Talk To An Ex: yes
*13. Missed An Ex: no
*14. Talked To Someone You Have A Crush On: yesssss
*15. Had a Serious talk: kinda
*16. Missed Someone: yess
*17. Hugged Someone: no
*18. Fought With Your Parents: no
*19. Fought With A Friend: no
*20. Dreamed About Someone You Can't Be With: noo
hope you enjoyed<3
-mandyy. x to the o.
4 Performances |
2003 20 November :: 6.41pm
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: feel this // blink 182
Sista, you're going down <3
I just want to declare to the world, that I yes infact like someone new, yes that right, I'm in the process of clearing it out of my mind. But this new boy, cute, and tall, what a combination. and nicole, you stupid whore<3<3
3 Performances |
2003 20 November :: 12.47pm
:: Mood: just dandy
:: Music: outkast // the rose's #10
I wanna break out into a song whenever I see you, you remind me of a movie romance.
So, me and paris came to the decision, that we are dumb. Why cant we like the boy, when we have the boy, we always like what we can't have. God I am an idiot. I'm sorry.
1 Performance |
2003 18 November :: 11.05pm
yeah, i do like you..what are you gonna do about it?
and 'you' we're twins. two times in a row..crazyness.
and par, leave me alone<3
and jenna i saw you working! ;-)!!
2 Performances |
2003 16 November :: 11.40pm
:: Mood: dandy
:: Music: outkast // hey ya<3<3
Follow the leader, the leader, the leader, follow the leader la de da
So today I was reading my friends entries, old ones, like when everyone in drama wrote, and I think its kind of amusing, at how when Justin started his journal, so did everyone else, than miraculously, when he decided to stop, everyone else thought it was a good idea too, and stopped. Doesnt anyone think for themselves? I'm not trying to be mean to those who stopped, I just think it's kind of pathetic? And I'm sorry, but for those of you who stopped because everyone else did, I just dont understand why, you have your own mind...whatever. I jsut wanted to get that out, hope I didnt offend anyone.
On the other hand, since this past week I was hanging out with everyone who has been sick, its a wonder why I have the sniffles, but I'll survive, I always do.
Please comment if you read this, Im just curious if it's even read anymore.
Goodnight to all and to all a Goodnight.
12 Performances |
2003 16 November :: 1.36am
:: Mood: frustrated
:: Music: hairspray // you cant stop the beat
Sometimes you just have to suck it up, and say hey, whats more important? I miss being there already.
I think I'll admit it and say it, I'm actually kind of sad that On with the Show is over, I was finally starting to enjoy myself and the people around me today/tonight. But I am kind of glad to have a normal schedule again!
I'm going to try and make this entry different, I dont know, Im bored. Everything is so different, people, friends, relationships, it's all randomly, random. But I think I'm ok with everything that's going on, I'm adapting, thats my new thing..adapting, and I've been more talkative with people I dont know lately, or so I've been trying. On with the Show has introduced me to so many new people and made me become closer with some that I've already known. I just want to give special shout outs to those people, Justin, Sandy, Jen T, Jacob, Charissa, Julia, Amanda Blum, Debra, Lindsey B, Danielle, Ilana, Amanda N, Christina (My steener), Corey, and so many others. And to everyone, you were amazing, unfortunately I was one of those people with doubts about this show, but you proved me wrong, I've never been more proud of a cast! I'm just now realizing that was probally my last show on the OHHS stage with the people that actually mean something to me. I'm sorry I didnt try out for Me and My girl, but I dont regret not trying out, I just think it was right, not too. I love you all so much, and I just wish I didnt feel the way I do towards the drama department. But its bed time, time for my first real decent sleep in about two weeks. Goodnight all and to all a goodnight.
2003 14 November :: 4.12pm
:: Mood: sooo pissed off >:O!!
:: Music: not listening to anything
Once a screw up always a screw up
Today was an ok day, school was pointless and boring, and for one reason or another I'm absolutely dreading tonight and tomorrow night. Maybe it's because there's places I want to go tonght, and places I'd rather be, maybe that's why? Mrs. Hasko approached me and asked me if i would be willing to do this thing in Me and My girl, and I told her only if Dan couldnt do it, btu I called my boss and was telling him, and I'm not going to be able to take off all that time from work, so now I have to tell Hasko that I cant, and I'm scared, I dont want to tell her, wanna do it for me?
Cause ya know if it's not ok, I'll take one for the team? WTF does that mean? please, interpret. ughhh
Guys are assholes, well some of them are...not all of them, just some. But this one guy, imparticular, yeah he's an asshole.. a big one. and i hate boys, done i'm over them, their not necessary in life.
Congrats Jenna, love you<3
I'm off to school again, another night at school...G-A-Y. Come support me :'(
x to the o.
p.s. me and lauren moodacious moody are the most amazing photographers, as long as we have an aligator and a fake duck 8-).
oh yes, p.s.s. Stephanie you live in Disney World, thats right, me and stephen took a trip to disney after school.
peace out
1 Performance |
2003 13 November :: 12.04am
Ok, so here's the public update...
Tonight's show went ok minus that fact they had out box above instead of on the ground but it's ok cause Billy's cute and how can you get mad at him. haha.
lauren, brian, paris, jackie, ryan and stephen came and saw me 8-).
but now i'm up doing my research paper and I'm never gonna get to go to sleep, but i get to sleep in til 8:30 atleast tomorrow, thats always nice, eh?
x to the o.
2003 12 November :: 3.43pm
Damn this writer's block!!
I should have done this a while ago, but I'm an idiot and didnt think to post it in
Tonight at Olympic is the Student Preview of On With The Show, it's a variety show! Anyways, the show starts at 7:30, but ticket sales start at 6:30 for only 5 dollars!! Come support the drama dept and watch meeeee, please? xo
x to the o.
2003 11 November :: 12.21pm
:: Mood: annoyed
:: Music: i like the way you move // outkast
I'm semi-back
Ok, so I havent been updating but thats ok, cause i update enough to make up for the missed days, but i'll fill you in. MY mom told me I'm not allowed on the computer until we sit down and go over all thsi crap, but for the next week or so I'm not really going to be home, therefore, I probally wont be on my computer a whole lot for a good two weeks. So call me people...CALL ME.
My weekend sucked ass, so not going to even tell ya'll about it.
Yesterday, I got up at 8, and drove up to Lake Worth for bowling was soo much fun! We bowled the first three games and were placed in first with a total pin count of 2171 and the second place team had 2166! IT was close lol. Then we bowled the final 3 games against the second place team, and after those we lost, and moved to second. So they announce the places, and they said Atlantic High got 2nd, well, we were a little suspicious about that, so we made them recount, hahahahahahah atlantic, next time dont have YOUR coach do the counting, WE GOT SECOND, WE'RE GOING TO STATES!. So that was fun.
Left Lake Worth, and ran to school, got to rehearsal to find out they hadn't done a single thing yet. Got my make up done and just chilled with Christina and Jessica, and we ate lots of food, or I did. Got home, and went to bed, and today woke up at 11:30....8-)..I'm gonna do my homework, no I'm not, Im going to call La and see if she's chillen with Danielle. Yep thats what I'm going to do.
Im off to call LA, and then I'm off to school at 3, eh...what fun =\
x to the o.