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yeah i'm crazy but i get the job done.

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:: 2008 22 February :: 11.20am

Zip-flop, oh, my lord.

Go ahead, you can laugh all you want.


:: 2008 22 February :: 9.33am

So I had this dream that I was on a tropical island, drinking a mojito (does that mean I'm gay? oh only if the mojito was wearing loafers) and walking down the beach. Then I saw Bill and Phil with laptops but they wouldn't talk to me. I kept on walking and saw a plethora of old high school friends, but none of them seemed to want to pay any attention to me, so I kept walking. Then there was a John Mayer song playing in the background ( yep, gay), one of the old ones. And then I saw Andrea Groner, and she said Hi. Then I woke up.

You see Andrea, as creepy as I may be, this is inevitable... :P

no more 3x5's Andrea, no more 3x5's...

On a less creepy note, good weekend ahead of me, but first I must get through class today. I managed to get all the homework done for b-law despite the ridiculous requests the professor makes.

I've managed to wash my hands relatively clean though... and it feels good, and is a plus for my mental status. From now on one step at a time, no more trying to change everything at once. Should be interesting, I'll keep you posted.

wish me luck trying to park... fucking Ferris...

8 feet on the ground. | Go ahead, you can laugh all you want.


:: 2008 21 February :: 1.40pm

so i honestly just fell asleep during my chemistry midterm. i mean it's not a huge deal since i still was able to finish it on time, but damn. i'm 99% sure that in the midst of my nap, i laughed outloud during the total silence because i was having some sort of dream thing and laughing at something roman said... it kind of jolted me out my sleep momentarily but yeah i'm pretty sure i did a snort/kind of laugh thing. embarassing. also my professor came up to me i'm not sure if that's what woke me up or if i just felt her presence and woke up on my own .... i was just like "sorry" and she was like "oh you're just takign a break" and I was like ummm yeah but i'm done so its okay...even though i wasn't.

i can't take school anymore. every test i take i just want to get done so bad i just fill in letters. god i'm so bad i know. i just ...........ugh i hate tests.

ughghghgh i seriously just want to quit school so bad. i want to! i have these major doubts i wont make it all the way through so why am i wasting my time now. what will happen if i get a bad grade in even ONE of my classes? i will lose my scholarship and then what? i have no idea. maybe roman and i should just move to ohio and he should work for his dad and make big bucks.


Go ahead, you can laugh all you want.


:: 2008 14 February :: 10.53pm

Sometimes the only thing that works is fudge and vodka.

1 feet on the ground | Go ahead, you can laugh all you want.


:: 2008 14 February :: 11.01am

Colt .45 and two zig-zags, baby that's all we need...

this is your v-day card chris.

3 feet on the ground. | Go ahead, you can laugh all you want.


:: 2008 13 February :: 10.18pm

I aim for love, and come out stressor.

1 feet on the ground | Go ahead, you can laugh all you want.


:: 2008 13 February :: 11.26am

So I am trying to figure out if I am a genius or everyone is not as smart as I give them credit for.

I just got back my exam from my intro class today and I did very well *52 out of 50* I got one wrong with three extra credit points. the one I got wrong was even something minor (I forgot one word in the definition of a short answer question).

Being such an easy test, I figured everyone else would do fairly well. I don't feel as if I spend extra time outside of class. I don't feel as though I pay extra close attention in class. I did think that some people were taking the test a little too seriously. I think they were very stressed aver the test due tot he fact that it was mostly short-answer essay with only 3 multiple choice. Some people had pages and pages of notes, others made flash cards. I spent about five minutes reviewing the material. No big deal.

Apparently it was big deal. I saw a couple of the tests of my classmates. They got 37 out of 50. That's a 74%. I finished 30% higher than they did. Those two must not have been the only ones to finish that bas either because the class average is a 37.

Not that I am trying to toot my own horn here, and I guess I really shouldn't considering it is a 100 level college course, but these people have to be smarter than this.

Go ahead, you can laugh all you want.


:: 2008 12 February :: 10.50pm

sail to the moon... brush the cobwebs off the sky.

1 feet on the ground | Go ahead, you can laugh all you want.


:: 2008 12 February :: 11.58am

A can of worms has been opened I was hoping I could get away from. what am I going to do...

4 feet on the ground. | Go ahead, you can laugh all you want.


:: 2008 12 February :: 11.17am

i have ear infections in both my ears i want to just stay home and sleep so bad. i feel like crap because i have been sick for 2 weeks straight and now both my ears are all weird and i can't hear anything out of either of them ... all i hear is myself talking or breathing or whatever ahhhhhhhhh it's so annoying. this has been going on for 6 days but my other ear just started doing it yesterday. so now its both my ears which is really weird i have never heard of having ear infections in both ears. the worst part is when i sleep - i sleep on my stomach and it hurts no matter which way i lay my head because each ear hurts when i'm not laying it on the pillow ........ owwww

i called the doctor today but i dont know if they'll give me a prescription without going in there and i dont have time..

i have to go to school until 5:30 today and then i work at 6 until midnight and then tomorrow i have to open so i have to be there at 6:45 am but it is a short shift luckily

i'm so ready for break. i wish i was going on vacation..........

Go ahead, you can laugh all you want.


:: 2008 11 February :: 12.09am

My storm door died yesterday. I currently have it mended with zip ties…

From “Eleven Men Out,” I don’t want no ass bugger in my team.

Family Guy was GREAT tonight. I especially loved when Meg was holding the package of jumbo hot dogs and said she was going to pretend they were the New York Knicks. That and the men held in a cell on Tom Cruise’s property.

The Grammy’s were something… Alicia Keys couldn’t keep time with a recording of Frank Sinatra. Carrie Underwood did a great job, but had an awful dress thing. Rihanna was just plain bad, the backup singers pulled off the performance. The first half of the Beetles thing was good, until they got out the live singers. The only good thing about Kanye’s performance were the synthesized voices in the background. Fergie and John Legend were ho hum. Beyonce was useless and Tina sucked, they were even worse together. Foo Fighters voice was a little scratchy, but still enjoyable, especially the orchestra. Brad Paisley was, well a country singer. Aretha Franklin has a good voice, but that dress and the backlighting were not flattering. Feist is an annoying artist, get rid of her. Kid Rock disappointed as usual. Alicia Keys second performance was as bad if not worse than the first, although it got much better when John Mayer came out. The performance of Rhapsody in Blue was excellent. Amy Winehouse was ok as long as you listened only. That kid on the piano was pretty good too. Josh Groban and Andrea Borchelli were very good, but aren’t that great as a duo. Little Richard and Jerry Lee Lewis were decent for old men.

Go ahead, you can laugh all you want.


:: 2008 10 February :: 11.08pm

who would of thought...

all in all not the worst weekend ever. bowling was great. the whole DD thing kind of killed the mood for me, but at the same time provided a new perspective onto the intoxicated times had.

moped around yesterday and today. Boo to that.

it's about a negative four degrees farenheit here. cheers.

2 feet on the ground. | Go ahead, you can laugh all you want.


:: 2008 10 February :: 12.47pm

okay so eventful day already but i will try to just give the shorthand version

no heat in my car so that means no defrost so that means can't see

been driving it that way for like a week, was planning to have roman fix it today, ordered the part and everything

had to work at 9:45 this morning... left in my car i could see okay but not the greatest

got a little further on byron center and it was total white out and my windsheild and windows were icing over, it was really hard to see, i pulled over in the furthest lane and just sat there with my hazards on.

didn't know what to do but i knew i wasn't going to try to drive because the last time i drove in the wind blowing white out conditions i promised myself i would never do it again. i told my self i would sit there all day until a tow truck came and got me if i had to.

i drove a little bit further and pulled off the road on the side. i sat in my car with no heat for TWO AND A HALF HOURS.

MY BEST FRIEND EVER JESSIE HAZEN and he GREAT FIANCE RYAN came and got me because they are the greatest. they can vouch for me that the conditions were HORRIFIC!!!! when jess got out of the car 5 feet in front of me i oculdn't even tell if it was ryan or jess. that's how bad visibilaty was!

so ryan drove my car to the nearest parking lot and me and jess drove ryans car in front and jess bought me hand warmers cuz she's a sweetie so i could defrost my toes a little. lol i'm SO COLD still and this was like an hour ago

oh yeah and i called into work and this poor girl had to cover for me because fucking midnite sun and cruise is retarted and they dont give a SHIT about their employees and whether they are going to die or not. no one should be driving today! but they dont care. they need to keep their tanning salon open for the 2 customers that might come in today.

lastly... roman just called me and was lkike shouting in the background and stuff it really scared me but he told me a girls car flipped overr and there are tons of cars - at least 20 all collided and flipped and 2 semis smashed into each other and the girl's dog is in romans car right now because her's is flipped over. but he is okay but tons of other people aren't

okay, NOT that i am glad people got in accidents, i would never want that and that really sucks but how come i never get to see the neat stuff like that. i mean it's not neat, it's just kind of interesting to see i guess. rroman sees people flip their cars and stuff all the time, i have never seen it. lol i know that sounds really bad but i still think it'd be .... i can't think of the word ot use that would be okay but yeah...

anyway, i hate michigan winters and i can't wait to move out of this state.

2 feet on the ground. | Go ahead, you can laugh all you want.


:: 2008 7 February :: 6.33am

You are The Lovers

Motive, power, and action, arising from Inspiration and Impulse.

The Lovers represents intuition and inspiration. Very often a choice needs to be made.

Originally, this card was called just LOVE. And that's actually more apt than "Lovers." Love follows in this sequence of growth and maturity. And, coming after the Emperor, who is about control, it is a radical change in perspective. LOVE is a force that makes you choose and decide for reasons you often can't understand; it makes you surrender control to a higher power. And that is what this card is all about. Finding something or someone who is so much a part of yourself, so perfectly attuned to you and you to them, that you cannot, dare not resist. This card indicates that the you have or will come across a person, career, challenge or thing that you will fall in love with. You will know instinctively that you must have this, even if it means diverging from your chosen path. No matter the difficulties, without it you will never be complete.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

Go ahead, you can laugh all you want.


:: 2008 3 February :: 10.24pm

Bridgestone: Screaming squirrel and the Saab
Bud Light: Blow flames (do you have a cat?)
Audi: Putting old luxury on notice
Toyota: Corolla & the badgers

Randall Gay? Poor bastard, bet he gets teased a lot for having that name

Halftime: Are they trying to pick the oldest bands that they can for the show? The Rolling Stones sucked last year, so this year they bring out a band equally as old that can’t hold a note because they’re so fucking old and have no lung capacity. Good songs and all, but they are far better on CD when the band was in their prime. How old is Tom Petty anyway? Ok, just looked it up, he’s 58 years old.

Sales Genie dot com gets the award for the worst commercials.
Bridgestone: Richard Simmons avoidance maneuver

The Giants actually won.

Disappointing that no company had a series of commercials besides Bud Light. Nothing very risky this year either. Would it have been that hard to have a commercial with some hot guys?

2 feet on the ground. | Go ahead, you can laugh all you want.


:: 2008 3 February :: 9.46pm

he just threw the remote into the wall acting like an animal. he never acts like that and it is dumb .............wtf. god people are pissing me off.

2 feet on the ground. | Go ahead, you can laugh all you want.


:: 2008 2 February :: 11.53pm

why am i still awake? i feel really weird..................................

i'm watching like the dumbest show ever. and i dont want to go to work tomorrow. and i feel sick.

this lady started crying...a client that comes in all the time at work the other day. she like started crying and i felt so bad for her and i'm just like um you want a hug.... i felt really bad awwwwwwwww

shit shit hsti ahsd;lfkajsd;lfkajsdf;lkajsdf;lkajsdflkasjf;laksjdf;lkasjdf;lksjdf;lkasdjf;alksdjf;lakjf;alksfja;lskfja;sf

i hate nights like this.

Go ahead, you can laugh all you want.


:: 2008 30 January :: 12.57am

I HATE MY JOB BECAUSE THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT THEIR EMPLOYEES WHATSOEVER. I JUST WORKED UNTIL MIDNIGHT AND THEN ATTEMPTED TO DRIVE HOME IN THIS AWFUL HORRIBLE HORRIBLE WEATHER. i swear to you people, you could NOT see a THING not a thing@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just pure white that's all you can see. it was the scariest thing ever i'm not kidding. i called roman and he didn't have his phone, i called jess, and i then i called my mom and woke her up i was crying saying i dont know what to do i dont know what to do becaue you couldn't even tell if you were on the road or driving into someoen's front yard seirously!!! you cludln't see anything and traffic lights were out and omg

taht seriulsy i think wwas the scariest thing i have ever done. ahhhh thanks mom for hleping me get home lol

2 feet on the ground. | Go ahead, you can laugh all you want.


:: 2008 28 January :: 11.48am

So I know I'm not around much. Here or anywhere for that matter.

It's amazing what getting married, moving to a far off distant place (well Kentwood isn't that far off and distant for some people, but it seems so to me, especially everyday when I drive to work), work 50 hours a week, go to school, and having a dog can do to you (yes, I had to figure out that I actually wanted this paragraph to only be one sentence).

All that might be changing. Well, not all of it. Well, actually, not most of it. I will still be married, working, going to school, and having a dog, but I might not be living so far away. We (Mica and I) have reached a tentative rent-to-own agreement with my parents to live in the house I grew up in. We're both very excited. As much as I resented the town when I was growing up, I really miss it there. Everyone knows I don't like change and leaving there just makes me feel isolated. My job lets me be involved in the community, and I am involved in so many things it will be nice to be back there. So, from now on we will be spending our weekends painting and doing all sorts of things to get the house ready to move into at the end of April. So hopefully I will be seeing you all soon, not jsut through the drive thru ;).

Go ahead, you can laugh all you want.


:: 2008 26 January :: 11.58pm

So I caught the last minute or so of “The Soup” today. The host said something very nice: “Heath Ledger passed away this week and in all the years we’ve been doing this show, we’ve never had cause to mention him. So, stop digging through the dirt weasels, a talented decent guy is gone and our thoughts go to those who knew him.”

It was just something very basic, that was so full of meaning to me.

1 feet on the ground | Go ahead, you can laugh all you want.


:: 2008 26 January :: 11.50am

I'm a Lotus Elise!

You believe in maximum performance and minimum baggage. You like to travel light and fast, hit the corners hard, and dance like there's no tomorrow.

"Take the Which Sports Car Are You? quiz.

Go ahead, you can laugh all you want.


:: 2008 25 January :: 7.26pm

There goes my finger banging career.

Go ahead, you can laugh all you want.


:: 2008 25 January :: 9.54am

i am never drinking again. ugh kill me and i have to work from 4 to midnight. i'm gonna die.

Go ahead, you can laugh all you want.


:: 2008 25 January :: 12.13am

To elaborate...

Go ahead, you can laugh all you want.


:: 2008 25 January :: 12.05am

and all the while, I'm thinking....

I need a map of your head, translate it into english so I can learn to not make you frown
feel better if you vent? put your frustrations into four letter words.

Your communication skills are improving kevin-san, just take a chill pill and enjoy the moment.

2 feet on the ground. | Go ahead, you can laugh all you want.

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