2009 4 June :: 10.32pm
The Experian saga continues. I hate that fucking company. How can they be so fucking stupid? Why does anyone trust the information they collect? Why does this shit happen to me? How can I default on loans before I'm born? How can I have multiple social security numbers? The number of problems goes on, and on, and on...
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2009 4 June :: 9.16pm
My address is:
388 Red Cedar St. #104
Capital One thinks it is:
308 Bread Sitters St #104
The letters actually made it to me.
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2009 30 May :: 9.52pm
Can I have him? PLEASE?
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2009 29 May :: 6.01pm
Hung looks like a good TV show. Too bad it's on HBO.
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2009 29 May :: 9.02am
So they're all fucking each other, right? All of a sudden the kid can't take it, diarrhea starts squirting out of his ass.
Speak to me
2009 28 May :: 9.33pm
And now we're going to do what daddy always does. Suck cock for coke.
Speak to me
2009 28 May :: 2.45pm
If you want to get people's attention, you either need to get more aggressive or more attractive.
Speak to me
2009 28 May :: 12.55pm
Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Mind your own fucking business bitch!
Speak to me
2009 27 May :: 12.08am
I'm loving Mental so far. Only minutes in and there are already naked guys (one hot).
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2009 22 May :: 3.37am
New favorite TV show: Glee. Watch it!
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2009 20 May :: 11.37am
"You know, this is the type of person who 12,000 years ago would venture outside the cave, try to pet a cuddly looking sabretooth tiger and then get mauled into a thousand bits and pieces. She wouldn't get the chance to procreate and her useless, stupid genes would be eliminated from human kind. Not today. In 2009, survival of the fittest has been replaced by a first-degree misdemeanor charge of child endangering, a minor misdemeanor for unlawfully restraining a child, and a consequent six-month jail maximum. "
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2009 18 May :: 11.19pm
Citicard can suck my cock.
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2009 11 May :: 8.31am
So, someone just woke me up by knocking on my door. It was a little old lady, she was asking where she is supposed to go for jury duty. Grr.
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2009 10 May :: 10.55pm
It must have been an engineer that designed the human body. Who else would put a waste processing plant next to a recreation area?
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2009 10 May :: 8.54pm
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