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:: 2006 24 November :: 12.45pm

Create your own friendquiz here

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:: 2006 24 November :: 12.30pm



Feet hurt.


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:: 2006 21 November :: 1.35pm

I will be home at approximately ten p.m. for all of those who wanted to know.

Jessie: I expect a romp with you within just a few days of my return.


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:: 2006 20 November :: 6.32pm
:: Mood: contemplative

I lay down exhausted,
But sleep will not come.

I get up,
Wash my face,
Put on new night clothes.
But sleep,
Sleep will not come.

I cease my thoughts,
Lie blank, staring.
But sleep,
Sleep will not come.

I recite these lines,
An unorthodox prayer.
My eye lids grow heavy,
I try to remember these lines
For the morning.
Creativity comes,
In this void of time.
When all I wish is
To remember until morning.
And sleep,
Sleep comes,
At a most inappropriate time.

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:: 2006 20 November :: 3.18pm

ANT 175 Archeaology of the Americas
EDU 107 Intro to Education
ENG 175 Intro to literary analysis
ENG 232 American Lit Real-present
PSC 105 Intro to amer. govern.

All of my classes are in the same building, except for uband of course, and they're all on MWF.

Heh. 16 credit hours, baby.

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:: 2006 19 November :: 11.07pm


No energy for a real entry, although I have so much bottled up inside that I need to write about that one will be coming soon. I hate how when I wait to write, everything just doesn't come out right. When the passion for the moment has been replaced by reason and thought, I've lost any spark of creativity I might have possessed. Everything just comes out wrong after I mull it over.


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:: 2006 18 November :: 4.57pm
:: Mood: contemplative

I'm so excited that my car is fixed. I just went and got it from the parking lot in no man's land, and went and put gas in her (and got a cherry coke). I drove her all around and it made me happy.

And, I have half way good shifts for Thanksgiving weekend. 3p-11:30p on Thurs, Fri, and Sat. Of course, I'm sure I'll be staying into the wee hours on Thursday night/ Friday morning. Friday is what we in retail call "Black Friday". It's the most busy shopping day of the entire year, and it all started with the four a.m. sales. Last year they had lines of thirty people at all the open registers at four a.m.

The holiday season is starting!


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:: 2006 18 November :: 2.11pm
:: Mood: cranky

It's like when you eat all of the marshmallows out of the alphabets box and all you're left with is the dry, tasteless, cardboard-like letters.

I figured out all the classes I need to take to graduate from college. From my calculations, I have to take 17 credit hours every semester to get out of here in four years.

Sometimes I feel like the world is just trying to screw me over on purpose.

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:: 2006 16 November :: 4.55pm


Stomach Ache.


I love the tinkling sound of frozen water droplets bombarding the dead brown leaves that hang lifeless on the tree.

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:: 2006 15 November :: 5.55pm

Poised, Ready, Forgetful.

Forgive me, for I have been cranky.

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