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I'll love you like it's the last day of my life.

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:: 2011 17 June :: 3.59pm

Day 28 - A song that makes you feel guilty

i only feel guilty that i'm familiar with the original. this is actually pretty sweet.

1 Hit it! | What would you do oo ooo for a Klondike bar?!


:: 2011 17 June :: 3.44pm

Day 27 - A song that you wish you could play
vinnie colaiuta, steve gadd, and dave weckl. not much else to say.

1 Hit it! | What would you do oo ooo for a Klondike bar?!


:: 2011 17 June :: 3.32pm

Day 26 - A song that you can play on an instrument

most people can play the guitar part, but how 'bout some drums? this song wins simply by being about a frank zappa concert in switzerland.

What would you do oo ooo for a Klondike bar?!


:: 2011 17 June :: 3.20pm

Day 25 - A song that makes you laugh

What would you do oo ooo for a Klondike bar?!


:: 2011 17 June :: 3.14pm

Day 24 - A song that you want to play at your funeral
wish i could find the album version of this song on the interwebz:

also "prisoner" by Bruce Johnson, which is definitely not available online anywhere.

What would you do oo ooo for a Klondike bar?!


:: 2011 17 June :: 3.06pm

Day 23 - A song that you want to play at your wedding
this one would be hilarious:

this would be more appropriate:

What would you do oo ooo for a Klondike bar?!


:: 2011 17 June :: 2.52pm

Day 22 - A song that you listen to when you're sad
apparently when i'm sad, i listen to songs about being away from home, sung by dudes with acoustic guitars. thus i give you:

What would you do oo ooo for a Klondike bar?!


:: 2011 17 June :: 1.55am

Think I'm about ready to quit this motherfucker

6 Hit it! | What would you do oo ooo for a Klondike bar?!


:: 2011 16 June :: 12.57pm

And I say to myself well none of us are getting any younger.

What would you do oo ooo for a Klondike bar?!


:: 2011 16 June :: 11.30am

Day 14 - A song that no one would expect you to love

I thought Joni Mitchell was a trip. Boyz II Men without backing music is something that comes up every now then.

2 Hit it! | What would you do oo ooo for a Klondike bar?!


:: 2011 14 June :: 5.48pm

fucked at work...

hey justin, congrats on selling a bunch of accessories, tripling the repair numbers, selling more insurance, and getting more tech refferals than i ever have and my fucking comission check is still the same amount it was last month.

what the hell do i have to do to get ahead!

2 Hit it! | What would you do oo ooo for a Klondike bar?!


:: 2011 14 June :: 2.13pm

"You met me at a very strange time in my life"

story of my fuckin' life

3 Hit it! | What would you do oo ooo for a Klondike bar?!


:: 2011 14 June :: 11.54am

Day 13 - A song that is a guilty pleasure

I'm pretty sure that security saw me singing this song out loud in a drunken state on my way in the other day...

needless to say he laughed at me.

2 Hit it! | What would you do oo ooo for a Klondike bar?!


:: 2011 14 June :: 8.22am

gonna be one of those days

lack of sleep and abundance of aggitation, good times

What would you do oo ooo for a Klondike bar?!


:: 2011 14 June :: 3.33am

Day 21 - A song that you listen to when you're happy

i'm more accustomed to the version off of underdog world strike. but this works too.

1 Hit it! | What would you do oo ooo for a Klondike bar?!


:: 2011 14 June :: 3.24am

Day 20 - A song that you listen to when you're angry
it's about to get a little brutal in here. maybe this is why phil pisses me off.

1 Hit it! | What would you do oo ooo for a Klondike bar?!


:: 2011 14 June :: 3.15am

Day 19 - A song from your favorite album

that's right, bitches. fuckin' supertramp FTW.

What would you do oo ooo for a Klondike bar?!


:: 2011 14 June :: 2.58am

Day 18 - A song that you wish you heard on the radio

you should want to hear this too.

2 Hit it! | What would you do oo ooo for a Klondike bar?!


:: 2011 14 June :: 2.37am

Day 17 - A song that you hear often on the radio

funny part is, it's a song about making money by getting your songs on the radio.

2 Hit it! | What would you do oo ooo for a Klondike bar?!


:: 2011 13 June :: 11.59am

Day 12 - A song from a band you hate

I know I know I know...

Remember when I really hated Emo-core in high school? If you do then you probably thought I was obnoxious (I'm sure that was the only reason). I've gotten pretty good about not hating things just to hate, but there is still something about this band that I just cannot tolerate. I don't know if its the whole get-up (i.e. the make up and clothes whatever). I just find it obnoxious. It's like Lady Gaga for me, I feel as though she'd be a great musician on her own without the uncooked turkey on her head. Call me shallow.

The music isn't that great to me either: It's just bland. Robert Smith's voice doesn't do it for me. If your band is going to be famous for a lead singer he should be like a Robert Plant and like a David Bowie if hes going to be this level of eccentric.

In the end I suppose it just boils down to preference. What I won't do now that I might have in the past is tell you that you suck for liking The Cure.

But you do.

2 Hit it! | What would you do oo ooo for a Klondike bar?! | Random Journal