2010 16 June :: 8.38pm
:: Mood: in the middle of a mood swing...
:: Music: casting crowns-if we are the body
I'm craving a pickel....
Yes, it's true...I'm pregnant. Almost exactly 3 months. Am I excited? Yes, of course. Does this mean that I want to talk about being pregnant, that I crave pickels, get dirreha from greasy food, puke sometimes when I brush my teeth, what the coolest stroller on the market is, if I plan to breast feed..and if so for how long, do I discharge when pregnant, is it true you're really more horny, NO NO NO!! Good Lord, I don't even want to talk about that with my husband let alone Mr. Clemintine down the street I've met once...or the girl from high school I haven't seen since graduation. Yet..here I am talking about it. How ironic. When you tell the world you're pregnant ...it's like nothing else matters. "I got hit by a car last week", ...."SO how's that baby, feel any kicks yet?". C'mon. I cannot wait to be a mother...actually I can! I have 6 more months to enjoy not having a child for the rest of my life, can we please talk about this new outfit I bought to cover up my buldging stomach? Thanks.
Maybe another side effect of pregnancy is constantly being annoyed by people. Ignorance is bliss, no? I don't claim to be perfect, because well ...I'm not. The fact that I can't stand judgemental people...point in case right there. Maybe that kind of defeats my whole annoyance, I'm not sure. I just really don't think President Obama nor the bum who walks around my neighborhood a few times a day has any right to judge me or my neighbor. You may not agree with my life choices, my crappy spelling and grammer, or what I believe when it comes to how you should treat your parents, how long is TOO long to change the cat litter, or how to handle a sexual preditor but as long as it isn't offending right from wrong..and basic morals, maybe you should just keep your mouth closed. You too can easily be judged on the exact words you're speaking of. I'm not perfect, neither are you. So no one should be judging anyone. If you're going to judge me on my income, maybe I should judge you on your sanity? Fair, no. Because no one has any place. Nor does anyone actually listen to the point of the one placing judgements on others. A lesson I had to learn the hard way, most definatly. Hopefully everyone learns this lesson in life. Unfortunately some never do.
Today the woodchuck living under our front porch (yes we live in DOWNTOWN grand rapids and have a whole circus of zoo animals...skunks, woodchucks, rabbits, birds, moles, ect.) killed something as I was doing camp work in the living room. All I could hear was the screeching sound of the prey as the woodchuck snarled, hissed, and attacked. Did I mention...I really cannot wait to move out of Grand Rapids? :)
My sister is getting married! In less than a month. I'm so excited! I'm trying not to smuther and want to help plan, and plot lol but I'm just so happy for her. She's my only sister, and I want her to have the most memorable and special day like I did. Minus loosing any important documentations that actually prove you're married...heh. Or..nearly crashing your car into the highway divider because you've been up for 48 hours on your way to Detriot at 2 am to leave for your honeymoon. Guess who didn't have sex the night of their honeymoon, just kidding...or am I?
I can't cook chicken....it reminds me of a fetus when I'm cooking it...sick.
I have a pretty amazing husband...don't get me wrong he really gets under my skin sometimes (love you honey!) as does any spouse, boyfriend, fiance, but I could not do this pregnancy without him. He is my very best friend, who makes me laugh, and even cry. (Good tears...for the most part ;) lol) We have our moments and fights like any other couple, but he isn't afraid to call me out when I'm being selfish or just a big baby. One thing I've loved about him from day 1, is that he never is disappointed in me. He doesn't have all these expectations for me, other than to love him and be there for him. So when I mess up, I never feel like my head it rubbed into my mess. He always lends a helping hand to get me back up to where I want to be. I love him for everything he is to me...my best friend, my security guard at night when I hear any noise, my lover, my chef when I'm craving the worlds BEST grilled cheese, my husband, and soon to be father of our child. He's just great.
There goes the woodchuck again..I wonder what he killed now. Hope it wasn't one of my dogs. On that note..I should probably go check.
I finally finished the first draft of my writing sample for graduate school. It's titled _Sister, Where Art Thou?_ and is a combination of feminist criticism, feminist theory, and historical christian texts. Basically, it investigates the question of why there are so few women writers and why, when women writers do first prominently appear in literary circles in the nineteenth century, they were faced with the fracturing of their "womanly" personality and their "authorial" personality. The great thing about it is that I'm sure I can expand on it and perhaps it might be a direction for my eventual thesis.
I purchased a tae-bo dvd yesterday with the intention of attempting it this morning. I've managed to stay at the same weight since my surgery and even bought a new bathing suit yesterday-a size 12. It's definitely odd to eat, be full, and not feel like I'm going to puke. I find myself being a lot less crazy about food and it's definitely a MUCH healthier relationship. I eat what I want, when I want-but I don't eat if I'm not hungry, and I still can't eat that much because of my stomach size. I'm okay with that, though. I can eat a hotdog (with bun) or almost all of fajita size taco in one sitting. It's wonderful!
I'm editing a novel for pay this week. It's going well, and is probably something I would consider doing freelance during graduate school if I can find the work.
A Year Passes
Beyond the porcelain fence of the pleasure garden,
I hear the frogs in the blue-green ricefields;
But the sword-shaped moon
Has cut my heart in two.
-Amy Lowell, March 1917
I feel like I've been run over by a truck
I don't care much about anything
I'm happy to sing
I'm lacking the passion to do anything
I feel like I've been run over by a truck
I don't care much about anything
So give me a ring
And tell me to wake up and do anything
I am two and a half weeks post surgery and I am doing very well. I've been eating solid foods for about a week and haven't had many problems with my reflux. I climbed a flight of stairs today without feeling like I was going to throw up.
This evening I had dinner with some Brothers and ate asparagus, stuffed chicken breast, stuffed zucchini, and creamy pesto pasta. I still can't eat much because they used part of my stomach for the wrap, but it was so wonderful to eat until I was full without feeling sick!
Summer classes are in full swing and I am enjoying my summer. Back to work tomorrow, unfortunately.
sometimes life makes me feel like we will always be stuck between a rock and a hard place. thankfully things somewhat pan out. and thank God that our land lord is willing to work with us and can understand how life happens.
a long weekend of work and weddings in MI is coming up.
been feeling really weird and detached the past couple of days. not sure why. been more sober than usual (though still not completely) so maybe that's part of it. also, my dear seester is gonna be sixteen in a couple days. makes me feel fucking old.
also also, still no job. sucks ducks, man. need a job. handyman scheduled me for like 2 hours on friday this week. awesome. there's 10 dollars that i'll see in two weeks. fucking bullshit.
just not feeling very enthused about much of anything in general. would like to be excited about something - anything - soon, very soon.
almost done with school for the semester... thank god. and it seems funny to me how many people are now photographers that I know. at least we all have our own niche, which makes me not as bothered by it.
This week shall be filled with cleaning and rearranging... then off to MI for Garrett and Amanda's wedding. I need to find a job like asap, but right now i feel way too sleepy to even think about what i have to do for my exam in 30 mins.
everything will pan out... i have to believe that much.
i'm quite amused by the way that people lie to make others feel better after a breakup. Ah well, perhaps in the end we shall find that the truth always comes out... but i'm not going to be the bitch to ruin everyones day!