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I'll love you like it's the last day of my life.

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:: 2010 8 May :: 11.01pm

Dr. Death is a good movie.

I support his general idea. People should be able to choose.

There are so many things in this world that you really can have a choice over. Life and death is at the top of that list.

You didnt choose to become alive. If you are living near death's door like the patients he takes are, then why shouldnt they have control over their own damn lives?

Religion or not seriously. Being forced to live a waking nightmare is not fair. Permanently disabled from the neck down? Rapidly advancing Alzheimer? That is just not right.
If the person wants that to be over, then let them have that choice.
Dont force them to hold on because you feel the need to hold onto them.
If you love something enough then you should let them go because of their own choice in the matter.
Dont let your pride override their will.

Consider me a horrible person for saying it if you wish. I dont care. I am entitled to my opinion and I believe in it.

3 Hit it! | What would you do oo ooo for a Klondike bar?!


:: 2010 7 May :: 3.13am

Spoiler Alert: Tony Stark finds the Green Lantern's crossbow in New Mexico at the end of Iron Man 2.

13 Hit it! | What would you do oo ooo for a Klondike bar?!


:: 2010 3 May :: 8.58pm
:: Music: streetlight manifesto - a better place, a better time.

What would you do oo ooo for a Klondike bar?!


:: 2010 30 April :: 1.45pm

1 Hit it! | What would you do oo ooo for a Klondike bar?!


:: 2010 28 April :: 10.10am
:: Mood: indifferent

The end of the semester is nearing and I am ready for it. These next few weeks are going to be a flurry of activity.

I just finished my last French Oral Exam about forty minutes ago. I am actually sad that I'm not continuing on in French, but I don't have the time. It seems like a waste that I'm just stopping after all the work I've put in over the past two years, but I need to keep going. If I just stopped to work on whatever tickled my fancy, I'd never leave college.

I have to meet with my academic advisor in a few hours to have him sign a modification of my major. I just need him to okay a few switch arounds so that I can graduate. When you sign your major they make you pick what electives you want which is dumb because when you're a sophomore you don't even know what you like and what classes will be offered that fit into your schedule.

I have class at two and three-thirty and get to present a paper on The Role of First Lady shaping policies and attitudes in the United States. After that, I have a review for Ancient Literature and a close reading paper to turn in.

I have a review session for Social, Liberalism, and Fascism at 8pm to finish up a study guide.

Tomorrow, I get to go to the Office of Student Life at 9am to find out if I am in the top ten for CMU Homecoming Ambassador for next fall. Then, it's off to the final Kappa Kappa Psi meeting of the year to finish up elections and install new officers. Finally, I have an interview at the Writing Center at 5:30pm.

Next week I have four exams and the my surgery on Thursday for my acid reflux. I guess I feel a bit indifferent toward the surgery. I've been living like this for so long that I don't really want to get my hopes up. The surgery does work in most cases, but there is a chance it won't. At least it will be a chance for me to relax during my 23 hour hold and get some intravenous pain medication.

Then, in just three weeks, my summer classes start. It's hard to feel excited about the end of the semester when I'm not really going to have a chance to relax; BUT, I would rather be taking summer classes than working at Meijer forty hours a week killing my soul.

Whatever may come, may come.
Whatever will be, will be.
I will keep going, I will survive,
Because all I have is me.


What would you do oo ooo for a Klondike bar?!


:: 2010 27 April :: 5.19pm

i need to go do something. that way, i'll have something to write about when i come back.

because, even if i embellish it, my day to day life is pretty bland most of the time.

4 Hit it! | What would you do oo ooo for a Klondike bar?!


:: 2010 24 April :: 1.31pm
:: Mood: mellow

o rly?

i did a thing! new journal stylez for the elite blogging community that is woohu. look at all the pretty colors.

4 Hit it! | What would you do oo ooo for a Klondike bar?!


:: 2010 21 April :: 12.00am

Iron Man Deuce on IMAX at midnight premiere

What would you do oo ooo for a Klondike bar?!


:: 2010 19 April :: 7.37am

Look what I found

2 Hit it! | What would you do oo ooo for a Klondike bar?!


:: 2010 18 April :: 2.41am

someone get me 8 grand so I can buy this
Read more..

6 Hit it! | What would you do oo ooo for a Klondike bar?!


:: 2010 17 April :: 3.37am

Im a bit slow on the news so this is late but um...Im in the clear to report it!

The sun ate a comet on april 12-13; a rather big one too.

8minutes after this happened we started being bathed in its explosion radiation flare. A huge one too! We are still here and nothing went crazy. I was slightly shocked at this. The largest flare recorded in the last 15yrs. Spectacular image for ya on the link below too. Ya I know its color tone is wrong, its on purpose.
Sun eats comet!

What would you do oo ooo for a Klondike bar?!


:: 2010 16 April :: 7.52am

>< alarm clock didn't go off this morning... gonna late into work... wonder what the VP is gonna say about me not wearing my uniform! haha

What would you do oo ooo for a Klondike bar?!


:: 2010 15 April :: 12.00am

so i should be either doing hw or sleeping, but lacking motivation to do either... i'm online.
Ohh yeah, and happy birthday to me

What would you do oo ooo for a Klondike bar?!


:: 2010 15 April :: 9.56pm

I wish I could vent and write about all my problems
like I used on woohu-but I've changed a lot since like age 15 when I first started using this and the difference is I actually care about keeping my personal life private. Sucks when you need an outlet though.


What would you do oo ooo for a Klondike bar?!


:: 2010 15 April :: 7.07pm

back to work at wolverine tomorrow.
saving monies for dune buggy after i pay some bills. mmm dune buggy.

3 Hit it! | What would you do oo ooo for a Klondike bar?!


:: 2010 15 April :: 8.28am

What would you do oo ooo for a Klondike bar?!


:: 2010 14 April :: 3.15pm

i was looking back at past posts of mine and the times sure are changin. its been mega crazyness since my accident with my mustang about 4 years ago, my fall 3 years ago, my apartment at ramblewood and all that jazz.. pure crazyness.. it feels like i was so young back then. well that should be enough for today i think...

4 Hit it! | What would you do oo ooo for a Klondike bar?!


:: 2010 13 April :: 8.19pm

does anyone know if i am on my computer and it just starts randomly doing stuff like my mouse moves on its own and/or my internet page i'm on goes "back" to another page or windows move around ..random stuff like that..

is it because i have a virus or something and if so what can i do?

2 Hit it! | What would you do oo ooo for a Klondike bar?!


:: 2010 13 April :: 5.01pm

wow... its been i think 2-3 years since i have logged in here >< ages have come and gone.. so much changed in my life and the world..

3 years and 1 day to be exact

3 Hit it! | What would you do oo ooo for a Klondike bar?!


:: 2010 13 April :: 12.18am

Really? when you search free porn on google you get... porn?

2 Hit it! | What would you do oo ooo for a Klondike bar?! | Random Journal