2006 30 August :: 2.58pm
Okay, I have all my financial shit figured out. Right now I owe about two hundred dollars-which I can totally deal with. Whew!
Well, I believe I'm going to be in my hall government, so next year i can be a RA and get free room and board.
[edit] And I only had to wait for an hour and fourty minutes in line!
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2006 30 August :: 10.38am
:: Mood: aggravated
i have to figure out all of this financial shit today.
The financial aid office is stupid, stupid, stupid.
They need to actually apply my financial aid to my account so i can take classes. Hmm, that's a new idea right there.
But, I have to go over and talk to them before my english class at noon.
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2006 28 August :: 10.07pm
If only you would just sing it to me...
I have to block out thoughts of you
so I don’t lose my head
They crawl in like a cockroach
leaving babies in my bed
Dropping little reels of tape
to remind me that I’m alone
Playing movies in my head that
make a porno feel like home
There's a burning in my pride,
a nervous bleeding in my brain
An ounce of peace is all I want for you.
Will you never call again?
And will you never say that you love me
just to put it in my face?
And will you never try to reach me?
It is I that wanted space
Hate me today
Hate me tomorrow
Hate me for all the things I didn't do for you
I’m sober now for 3 whole months it’s one
accomplishment that you helped me with
The one thing that always tore us apart
is the one thing I won’t touch again
In a sick way I want to thank you
for holding my head up late at night
While I was busy waging wars on myself,
you were trying to stop the fight
You never doubted my warped opinions
on things like suicidal hate
You made me compliment myself
when it was way too hard to take
So I’ll drive so fucking far away that I never cross your mind
And do whatever it takes in your heart to leave me behind
Hate me today
Hate me tomorrow
Hate me for all the things I didn’t do for you
Hate me in ways
Yeah ways hard to swallow
Hate me so you can finally see what’s good for you
And with a sad heart I say bye to you and wave
Kicking shadows on the street for every mistake that I had made
And like a baby boy I never was a man
Until I saw your blue eyes cry and I held your face in my hand
And then I fell down yelling “make it go away!”
Just make a smile come back and shine just like it used to be
And then she whispered “How can you do this to me?”
Hate me today
Hate me tomorrow
Hate me for all the things I didn’t do for you
Hate me in ways
Yeah ways hard to swallow
Hate me so you can finally see what’s good for you
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2006 28 August :: 10.16am
Plan B is now available without a prescription.
How did that ever happen with a Republican President? To tell you the truth, I don't care. I'm just glad it's happened.
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2006 28 August :: 10.03am
:: Mood: envious
I just had my first class- computers and society. It's a huge lecture class with about 250 people in it.
I feel so sheltered here sometimes. In the library the book shelves move along a track so they can be squished together or moved, to allow for more books in less space. I just found it so cool, considering the cedar library is about the size of my dorm room. Just little things like that make me feel like I was cheated out of some things growing up in cedar.
I'm getting along a little better with everyone. It is known in the towers that my floor is the party floor. As soon as the elevator doors open you can feel the bass. You can't really hear the bass (it's too loud), but you can defineately feel it. Our RA is cool too. He pretty much told us that he doesn't care what we do, as long as we don't drink in the dorm. A bunch of us were in the hallway Saturday night, defineatly not sober, talking to him. I made a sign and put it on his door that says,
" I want to be the little man who turns the light on and off in the fridge."
I do good work.
Next, I have my English class at noon. I'm actually excited about that, and hopefully everything goes well, considering English is most likely going to be my major.
When I was reading Jane Eyre in the study room yesterday, I met a really nice guy who lives down the hall. There are some cool people here at Central.
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2006 27 August :: 6.52pm
:: Mood: Empty shock
How could someone be that cruel? I thought shit like this only happened in the movies. I honestly didn't think I would ever meet someone so heartless and fake in my life. And to think that I was with the unbelievable for a year and a half, and only now just find out the true oneself. And to know that I was the one who was made to feel crazy because of the 1,000's of times I called it out I was miraculously right because I knew this foul being inside and out. Oh, the 1,000's of faflse reassurances I was given. But the keyword is false. I was right all along. I was cohersed into not believing in myself, and I am ashamed that I was. How could I let someone tell me who I am and who I will be? I don't think I've ever felt so foolish in my life.
He is
1. prepare or make (something suspecious, deceptive, or fraudulent): to fake a report showing nonexistent profits.
2. to conceal the defects of or make appear more attractive, interesting, valuable, etc., usually in order to deceive
3. to pretend; simulate: to fake illness.
4. to accomplish by trial and error or by improvising: I don't know the job, but I can fake it.
5. to trick or deceive (an opponent) by making a fake (often fol. by out)
9. anything made to appear otherwise than it actually is; counterfeit: This diamond necklace is a fake.
10. a person who fakes; faker: The doctor with the reputed cure for cancer proved to be a fake.
11. a spurious report or story.
13. designed to deceive or cheat; not real; counterfeit.
Synonyms: affected, artificial, assumed, bogus, concocted, counterfeit, fabricated, false, fictitious, forged, fraudulent, invented, make-believe, mock, phony, pretended, pseudo*, reproduction, sham*, simulated, spurious
noun: actor, bastard*, bluffer, bum, bunk, bunko, charlatan, cheat*, counterfeit, deception, deke, fabrication, faker, flimflam, forgery, four-flusher*, fraud, gold brick, gyp, hoax, imitation*, imposition, imposture, junque, make-believe, mountebank, phony, pretender, pretense, pseudo*, put on, reproduction, scam, sell, sham*, sleight, spoof, swindle, trick
verb (used with object)
1. to defraud*; swindle: He cheated her out of her inheritance.
2. to deceive*; influence by fraud: He cheated us into believing him a hero.
3. to elude*; deprive of something expected: He cheated the law by suicide.
–verb (used without object)
4. to practice fraud or deceit: He cheats without regrets.
5. to violate rules or regulations: He cheats at cards.
7. Informal. to be sexually unfaithful (often fol. by on): Her husband knew she had been cheating all along. He cheated on his wife.
8. a person who acts dishonestly, deceives, or defrauds: He is a cheat and a liar.
11. an impostor: The man who passed as an earl was a cheat.
Synonyms- con man, conniver, cozener, crook, deceiver, decoy, defrauder, dodger, double-crosser*, double-dealer*, enticer, fake, hypocrite***, impostor, jockey, knave, masquerader, pretender, quack, rascal, rogue, scammer*, shark, sharper, shyster, swindler, trickster
Having the nature of or resulting from malice; malicious gossip.
1. full of, characterized by, or showing malice; malevolent; spiteful: malicious gossip.
2. Law. vicious, wanton, or mischievous in motivation or purpose.
Synonyms: awful, bad-natured, baleful, beastly, bitchy, bitter, cussed, deleterious, despiteful, detrimental, envious, evil, evil-minded*, green*, green-eyed*, gross*, ill-disposed, injurious, jealous, low, malevolent, malign, malignant, mean, mischievous, nasty, noxious, ornery, pernicious, pesky, petty, poison-pen, poisonous, rancorous, resentful, spiteful, uncool*, vengeful, venomous, vicious, virulent, wicked
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2006 25 August :: 12.04pm
:: Mood: impressed
So, here at CMU now. Good fun. I'm in the library with Jackie.
I'm going to have to get use to all of this, I'm so tired from all the walking I've done already today.
I miss everyone already!
I have an ensemble audition on Tuesday! Classes start monday. I've gotten all of my books and things like that. It's quite exciting.
More to come, though, not as frequent as i might have hoped: until classes start i have to walk all the way to the library to update. I'm starting to hate moving. :)
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2006 23 August :: 3.47pm
:: Mood: intimidated
:: Music: I'll follow you into the dark - death cab
I'm leaving for Central tomorrow after my dentist appointment.
We went to IHOP last night, and then to Meijer, and then to the cemetery. Creepy shit.
Summer is over.
No more drunken nights of should be regrets, no more nights getting the shit scared out of us at the cemetery, no more lake parties, no more camping, no more going to work with a hang over.
Well, the last one, maybe...or not.
We'll see. I'm not quite sure what to make of this whole 'college' thing yet.
For some, an institution of higher education, for many others, well, what can I say? It's a party school after all.
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2006 20 August :: 6.28pm
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2006 20 August :: 8.29am
:: Mood: exhausted
This is my last week here for a long time.
I called in sick today for work because, lucky me, I have a bad ass cold.
I'm leaving Thursday sometime. If you want to hang out, or give me kisses, or give me flowers, or give me presents, or write long nonsensical poems, or just want to have general relations with me, give me a ring before then.
Jessie, I know which one you want to do :).
Tomorrow is my last day of work, and fittingly I'm working until the desk closes.
Who knew!
Where are we going? We're going to a party, a birthday party, you're birthday party! Happy birthday darling, we love you
Good morning everyone! Have a wonderful day.
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2006 17 August :: 2.47am
Elaphant cookies how I love you!
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2006 15 August :: 12.31pm
hmm reading other peoples problems on here really doesn't appeal me.. it's actually kind of depressing! stop crying, life isn't that bad.
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2006 15 August :: 3.13am
So I finihsed scheduling class' today. Yay me! For those of you who don't know I am going to GRCC this year instead of Davenport. Hopefully this way atleast maybe I can see some of the people I know. Anyway this is my class schedule.
Mon - Thu -------------------------10:15 / 11:15 French 101
Tues ---------------------------------2:00 / 4:00 Intro Animation
Tues ---------------------------------5:45 / 9:00 American Sign lang.
Fri -----------------------------------9:00 / 12:15 Intro Programing
If you all have class' around that time let me know it would be cool to see some people I graduted with.
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2006 11 August :: 1.35pm
party last friday went pretty well. however i do have to say lots of beer and drinking pool water (not on purpose) doesnt mix very well. shits been good, got the celica back, just cant ever sell it if i ever intended on it. dont have much else to say.
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2006 10 August :: 7.40am
She threw a fucking rock at us....
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