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Faith Isn't Faith Until It's All You're Holding On To.

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:: 2006 12 May :: 1.49pm

Wow...So much has happened since I last updated.

First, I need to change this damn layout for my woohu for obvious reasons. Oh, Brianna??? Lol

I've graduated, got an awesome job that I just cannot say enough about. I love my job, the people i work with, and the money I make!!! It's great.

I'm currently seeing someone by the name of Aaron. I'm not giving out last names though! You'll just have to guess. He's 24, has his own place, own truck, good job, and most importantly, he treats me with respect. Things have finally taken a turn for the better!

Oh and I almost forgot....

**Huge B-day Party for me and my sis!!!**
I know it's a long ways away, but June 24th, since mine and my sister's b-day's are two days apart, dad's throwing us a huge triple kegger!! Pool will be open, we'll be barbequeing, free alcohol, can't get much better than that! Any body and everybody can come, bring whoever we don't give a shit!

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:: 2006 12 May :: 12.09pm

$1,000 spent all on pain for me.

And now we also only have one dog.

This day has probably been the worst experience ever.


:: 2006 12 May :: 9.47am

A sad day for rock and roll. The frontman for Pinback left. He formed a new band. Sigh, they are called......Goblin Cock. This is not a joke. Jay is sad. : (

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:: 2006 12 May :: 7.49am

Okay I know that both are important but which one is more important?
College Education or Ambition

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:: 2006 11 May :: 5.20pm

The truth does hurt
Im not doing this stupid shit on the internet. You got something to say, you can come say it to my face. Otherwise, were done with.

Nick wants me to come with him to second shift. Actually made me feel like a decent employee when he told me he wanted some of his "good, dependable" stockers to help him out. Only shitty thing is if i do, i'll make less. The lease is almost up, and things have been crazy latly.

Heard the full effects of scientology. Stupidest fucking thing EVER created. A-list celebrities are assholes.

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:: 2006 10 May :: 5.26pm

Im selling my saxophone if anyone knows anyone who wants it. 800$$ like new.

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:: 2006 10 May :: 3.32pm

To everyone who doesnt know. You cannot call the police to go to someone elses home and take something you left there. If you tell them its stolen, and it isnt, its a false police report, and you'll go to jail. ^^. So dont lie about things you dont know about.

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:: 2006 9 May :: 9.05pm
:: Mood: sad

I miss you. I wish you were here. But you aren't.


Band awards dessert tonight. I'm receiving my department award on May 30 at honors convocation.

I got my honors band CD today. It is quite lovely. I like listening to people who can actually play.

Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.


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:: 2006 8 May :: 8.34pm

I'm printing off the pictures for the mr. robuck and mr. green present thing for tomorrow. I'm not sure if i have enough photo paper. oh well.

I didn't do my rough draft for english. I turned my test in late. I bullshitted my way through my presentation. I don't know how I got through the past four years.

Jessie, Josh, and I are going to the mall on wednesday! I'm really excited. I love josh, he's my favorite oboe player ever.

Graduation party is June 3. Everyone is invited. Ask for directions if you need to. We'll have good food and a classic rock band (my dad's band).


I got a flower for my flute choir concert because I was a senior. I was extremely excited. You have no idea. My solo went well, the piccolo song, not too much. Oh well, it wasn't my fault he was so sharp.

Band concert went well. Last band concert. I cried on the way home. I know, i'm a band geek. It happens.

Pictures are almost complete. I'm getting very excited.

Good night.

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:: 2006 8 May :: 6.39am

Isn't this the best part of breaking up, finding someone else you can't get enough of? Someone who wants to be with you too.


:: 2006 7 May :: 9.09pm

just got back from the tim and faith concert. it was great.

my ears are ringing...

im nervous about this, but i trust you. know that ok?

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:: 2006 7 May :: 7.52am

this weekend started out rough... real rough. but turned into something wonderful.

i've stayed at keegans all weekend.. its odd being home and him being at work. yesterday we went to holland to support a crew all that (circle junkies) not like anyone knows them.... but it was the tulip festival which was nice, thier performance was really quite pathetic... what can ya do right?

we tried to go to the zoo on our way home, but it was closed, so we went to applebees and ended up running into stacy and ashley and sat with them, that was a nice suprise. then we made one more stop and came home. :)

what a beautiful day.

now TONIGHT brandi and i are going to the tim mcgraw and faith hill concert. i cannot WAIT! ahh. go ahead, be jealous. and if you dont like country music, kindly refrain from leaving a smart ass cocky comment because i dont diss your music, and frankly... it pisses me off when people diss mine. (smiles)

SCHOOOOOOOOOOOL. nooooo. oh well, its almost over.

im beginning to let go of certain things. and i really think this is going to help us ALOT. because a relationship is supposed to be based on trust right? and give and take? thats what we're doing. i cant imagine ever losing my best friend, or that feeling i get in the morning when i wake up and he's snuggled up to me, looking so peaceful before he wakes up. i love that. i love the simple things. those are the things that mean the most.

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:: 2006 4 May :: 9.50pm

people come into our lives for 3 reasons: a reason, a season, or a life time.

which are you?

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:: 2006 4 May :: 11.22pm

Tonight is just one of those nights where I can't help but think about this.

As much as I try, it's never going to go away.


:: 2006 4 May :: 3.49pm

The more I think about what I want to do with my life, the more i think about just seeing the world. I guess thats my goal in life, is to travel the world. try and see everything. *shrug*

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