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Faith Isn't Faith Until It's All You're Holding On To.

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:: 2006 2 May :: 4.29pm

I took the ap statistics test today. Three hours of exciting fun with my space shuttle. Woot.

It was absolutely horrific.

I don't understand what is wrong with me. I feel the need to hide under the covers and eat chicken noodle soup. Interesting.


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:: 2006 1 May :: 8.36pm

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Hmm well i'd say those pretty much fit.

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:: 2006 30 April :: 7.10pm
:: Mood: enraged

I think i lost my fucking bioethics test that I didn't remember I had due tomorrow. Fuck.

I had the bitchiest lady at work today. She actually made me cry. I had to go to the manager's office and sit down for a few minutes because she verbally attacked me. I don't normally get that upset, sure I have people who I want to strangle, but for some reason this lady just made it so fucking personal. I was trying to tell her that she was wrong in the nicest way possible and she was like "don't you shake your head at me like that" and "You people owe me for my time fixing your mistakes" and "don't tell me that I'm wrong, you're wrong, I'm not wrong, I deserve a twenty five dollar gift card, and that's what you need to give to me to make me happy".

And of course my manager gave it to her. It was all because she was "overcharged" on a twenty four pack of water. Well, the upc on her water and the upc on the receipt didn't match, meaning there was no fucking way it was the same product. NO WAY IN HELL can that happen. Well she wanted not only the price that it was marked, but the "sale" price from last week. Okay, I can live with that, it's like fucking five dollars, and she wanted a gift card, okay, a little much, but whatever, and then when I wouldn't give her the michigan scanning award (if a product is marked lower than what it rings up at the register you get the difference back plus ten times the amount UP TO FIVE DOLLARS) because the fucking upc didn't match the upc on the receipt, which it has to to give the award, she wanted to be upgraded from a ten dollar gift card to a fucking twenty five dollar gift card. Which, my manager did of course. There wasn't even a "thank you for your fucking help". Nope. Not at all.

I haven't cried because of a customer since the first day I worked at the service desk.


Fucking bitch, and she wasn't even fucking right.

Say what??


:: 2006 30 April :: 12.15am
:: Mood: annoyed

Last night was nothing that I expected it to be. Prom was fairly lame, I had a much better time getting ready than at the dance itself. I love Josh so much, he's so much fun. I think he's the male version of Jessie; scary, I know.

So this time it wasn't just about it, it was about being together.

If I could only mix the cola and the grenadine together, I'd have the perfect cherry coke, but no one makes them the way I like them anymore. They use to when I was little. It's just not as good as it use to be, I guess.

I loved my hair last night. I even slept with it in and it stayed, but I took it out in the morning before I went to pick up summer. I had a shit load of bobby pins in my hair. Went to flute choir this morning on four hours of sleep. Took a nap this afternoon, and now I can't go to sleep. I feel like a restless zombie, my whole body is on a fucked up schedule. I have to work tomorrow, and I have a ton of homework just waiting for me to start on it. I don't want to start on it.

I've put in four good years. Time for a break.

Say what??


:: 2006 29 April :: 2.31pm

tired as hell.

prom was wonderful. still didnt top last years, but we werent really aiming for that. it was wonderful in its own way. me and keegan went with brandi and ryan, im so glad we didnt go in a big group. we got pictures at my house, then at the rockford dam. we had dinner at mangiamo! (the exclamation point is part of the title.. odd as it is) it was absolutely gorgeous. the restaraunt itself is in a huge "old world" mansion. its italian and suprisingly wasnt that expensive. i think it'd be a safe bet to say that we ate at the most beautiful restaraunt. seriously.... lol.

i didnt really care for st. nicks. to me it was set up really awkwardly. the dance floor in its own little room thing... odd. we made it fun though. senior prom.. gotta live it up right? i couldnt have been more happier with the way my hair and dress turned out.. i felt like a princess. and keegan just looked absolutely wonderful. it was nice to see him in black for once. he's gone white, ivory, and FINALLY black. and the black definately looked best. *smiles.... i love us together.

after prom we went to steak n shake and then midnight bowling. we didnt really know what to do. me and keegan wanted to go to oasis, but brandi didnt want to. so we kind of winged it. we didnt want to go anywhere that alcohol might be... which rules out alot of the post prom parties! no worries though. keegan and i went back to his house and stayed there. this morning he even made me breakfast. aww.

all in all i got about 140 pictures. thats gonna be a pain to print!

i cant belive this was my last dance. no more getting dressed up. no more extensive hair, no more beautiful dresses. its about time though. im assuming the next time i get ALL done up like this will be my wedding! bring it on..... all the more reasons to get an expensive dress!

tonights a rampage game. i should probably get ready.

HOLY my goodness did it take forever to wash all the hair spray out of my hair. i havent yet gotten to blow drying it.. but i know thats its mega snarled.

have a good rest of the weekend.

Say what??


:: 2006 29 April :: 4.13pm

A lot has changed lately.

My dad called me on Thursday and told me that my stepmom was moving out. I don't really know what to think of this. At first I cried but then I realized the whole reason why I was crying wasn't because she was moving out it was because I was just scared of what was going to happen and I didn't want my dad to be alone and it hurts me to see him hurt. I guess I don't really have feelings towards this. I think it's for the best. I hated her anyways. Once she moves out my dad wants me to come over Tuesday-Thursday because he is always in Detroit all week and we need someone to take care of our dogs but there's no way I'm moving in there. I'm not going to be at a house all alone and plus once Summer comes I wont even be here anyways so it's not going to work out. I don't know what we are going to do and we are also going to put our house up for sale and move too. This whole thing is really stressing me out.

So then today my uncle needed me to drop something off at my dads so I planned on going to see my dad anyways so when I'm about five minutes away my mom calls me and tells me my dad called her and said that I can't come over right now so I wanted to know what that was all about and I called him and he said that my stepmom was there and that it just wasn't a good idea for me to be there. I got pissed off because I basically drove out there for nothing and my uncle still needed me to drop something off at my dads so I just went over there anyways and dropped it off and I walked out and then my dad came after me and we got into this huge fight and it ended up with me crying and leaving.

And now my mom and I are also in a fight because of this whole thing so I pretty much feel unwelcome at both of my houses.

She couldn't take one more day
Home was more her prison now
Independence called out
She had to get it

A fight was all she needed
To give her reason
She slammed the door with no goodbye
And that it was time

Now she's driving too fast
She didn't care to glance behind
And through her tears she laughed
It's time to kiss the past goodbye

In other news besides all the bad things that have been going on, Prom was awesome. I don't really feel like talking about it because Prom is Prom but it was really weird because everyone kept telling me last night that I looked like Mischa Barton and my Prom dress looked like her Prom dress that she wore on The O.C. and the episode just airred on Thursday so a day later we had almost the same dress. Hmm..her and I ... pretty much the same person.


:: 2006 29 April :: 1.21pm

You know what? I actually thought I wanted to be your friend and now I have no idea why. No idea.


:: 2006 28 April :: 6.12am

Drank at GVSU all night. ( it took me 10 minutes to write that) parties are the shit. i havnt felt this great in awhile. peace bitches.

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:: 2006 27 April :: 1.35pm

i just tried on my prom dress and jewlery and all that... OMG.


im excited now. it still fits. my tan is wonderful. i cant wait to eat at montiago or whatever its called. !!!!!!

see everyone tomorrow!

Say what??


:: 2006 27 April :: 8.55am

Cop : "He cut off my fucking ear. I'm fuckin' deformed!"


Ok, here it is. Pulp Fiction vs. Reservoir Dogs. List reasons why.

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:: 2006 27 April :: 8.39am
:: Music: RATM - Bulls on Parade - Live at the Grand Olympic Auditorium

Yo yo.

Ah shit.

Whats up Cedar Springs.

Arms warehouses fill as fast as the cells.

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:: 2006 26 April :: 11.48pm

Gotta love those akward moments.

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:: 2006 25 April :: 1.56pm

*phew... sigh of relief.

in other news.. H's prom promise spiel went good today. I figured that'd be a good message instead of handing out crappy pens. Feedback?


Say what??


:: 2006 25 April :: 4.21pm

Apparently I'm not being vague enough for you. Either you pretend you don't notice or you are a complete moron. One of the two. Who knows which one that is.

10 Say what??<3 | Say what??


:: 2006 25 April :: 8.52am

So yep it is actually me updating once in a while. I am sitting here at 9 o'clock on tuesday because I finally have a day off. It has been a long week. For those of you who don't know I started a job at Frito-Lay last week monday. It's a good job, but it is alot of physical work. Wery hard work. I walk about 12 miles a day, and lift over 6 thousand pounds by the time the night is over. Every muscle in my body is sore at the end of the night. The pay is good and I can't wait to see my first pay check, though of course it is all going toward rent. Anyway I am sad. I haven't seen rachel all week and from the sounds of it I may not see her until next week either. I work the weekends and she has been sick, her car is also kinda crapped out. I miss her alot. It's funny sometimes, you would think that it is the way that you feel when you are with somebody that would tell you that you love them, but if you see them all the time you don't notice it as much. Well I realized how much being apart and feeling like crap because the one you love is no where in sight can have the same effect. Everytime I want to share a moment with her or just wraps my arms around her and relinqish all my grief and anxiety to fate, and relax in the melodic rythm of her heart beating against my side, she is no there :( I love rachel so much and right now I miss her.

On another note I need some socail interaction please!!!!!!! I have two days off from work and I really want to get out of the house or see some old faces. *Cry for help* :P Peace all,

We Win!

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