2006 24 January :: 12.08am
That's what makes me so crazy, the difference between us. You can be heart broken and you can just...move on and I am just....broken.
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2006 23 January :: 4.26pm
So, after school we're bringing Erika home and we're having this conversation about how it's stupid when people mess around while they're driving and blah, blah. etc. So we drop her off then Dustin decides to try and "miss the pot holes" (in other words, fuck around). So, while missing these pot holes we go straight into the dtich, after swirving for a little bit. And it's not like we just went into the ditch. We full on ended up completely facing the opposite direction from when we started. If there would have been a tree [which there was like 10 feet away] I'd pry be hurt right now or dead (D E D).
You know Dustin...he has to do everything with style, lol.
So, yeah.. I'm home now and not really looking forward to any more rides with my good ole bro. Just playing.. *shifts eyes*
Thanks for the help, Joey.
Other than sitting in a snow bank for an hour my day was good.
My crush on Mr.Young is clearly not a crush anymore. It's true love, baby.
And Mr.Hazel still can't stay on task.
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2006 23 January :: 11.36am
The year is half way over. I'm happy about it and also in a way, sad about it. Lisa and I now have our 2nd hour together. We're pretty happy about that. It most likely isn't going to benefit us considering we already got in trouble for talking and we weren't even in there for 10 minutes yet lol. Oh yeah, we can't forget this.... The one person that I basically hate is in our class too. Lisa and I about died when we heard her name being called. I don't know why but i've never liked her and after everything last year she gave me a reason to hate her. She's going to get on my nerves real fast. Ohhh I can already tell this is going to be a long rest of the year.
I just want to get this over and done with. The easier it will be for me.
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2006 22 January :: 7.23pm
:: Music: Tom Petty
Can I have your tonsils?
This weekend was really good, beside getting made fun of for sounding like a little boy who just hit puberty. Ah well, I'll be a good sport and admit that it was funny.
Saturday night Lisa picked me up and we headed down to Skelles, excuse me, "The Euclid" *rolls eyes* and Devin was there, luckily. I think he was really happy and surprised to see us 'cause we didn't plan on hanging out. Anyway, Dani met us there, then we all headed to Big Nasty's house. Have I mentioned that I fucking love Big Nasty before? Well just in case I haven't.. I LOVE BIG NASTY. All right, anyway.. we hung out there for a while then went to Jimi's and Torrell's house to chill. After that we just drove around until like 4am then crashed at Lisa's for the night. After sleeping in until around 1pm we decided to head down town again. We as in Lisa, Devin, and I. Dani headed home early to sleep for the day. Yeah, so today was a lot of fun too. Overall the weekend was just awesome. I love my friends. I really do. [Ashley: I can't wait until you can join us again. We miss you!]
He is just so great. I'm so comfortable around him. I could see us becoming great friends and him being an important part of my life. He really cares about me. And I can't wait for him to see that I care as well.
Spring Hill is pretty soon. I guess I'm excited, but not really.
The [Advanced Drama] play is soon as well. I'm so nervous about it, yet very excited at the same time. Please go. It's going to be awesome if we get our shit together. And for once I have more than one line. I have two damn pages all to myself.
Anyway, I have tons of things to say, but you've heard it all before and it's all over thought bullshit that I don't need to ramble on about. So yeah, tomorrow starts a new semester. Yay.
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2006 22 January :: 12.48pm
It's all because of the way it was.
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2006 22 January :: 12.05pm
:: Mood: Tired
I can't do that to you. I just can't.
I would never hurt you like you hurt me.
2006 20 January :: 11.36pm
Aww I love Annalise!! She's too sweet to me!
Haha I love how someone will call me and then I didn't hear my phone ring and I notice that I have a missed call about two seconds after they called so I call them back and they are right in the middle of leaving me a voicemail and then listening to their voicemail cracks me up because sometimes they don't know if they should stop talking and switch over, or what. I don't know it just has happened to me a lot with many people and it's pretty funny.
Emily called me tonight and that happened, but that isn't my point. She wants to come over tomorrow with Logan and Justin to visit me. Afterwards she said she is feeling sick and she thinks she has mono from me.. Everyone who gets sick all of the sudden think they have mono lol. Let's hope not.
Thank god I only have like 10 minutes left. Robot mode is over soon Stacy lol.
Well this was pointless so I'm going to stop rambling on.
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2006 20 January :: 7.19pm
Don't tell anyone, but...
Ashley is a ROBOT!
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2006 20 January :: 3.23pm
I feel like death.
Edit>> I guess I'm going to Ashley's now so we can be sick together, lol. We're gonna watch movies and just enjoy the germs filling up the room. :)
I think my voice will be completely gone by tomorrow.
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2006 20 January :: 1.32pm
Last night I was in the hospital again. I was actually going to explain everything thats going on, but now I don't really feel like wasting my time. If you're important then i'll let you know what happened.
I can't believe I'm saying this, but I can't wait until I can go back to school next week.
I probably wont ever say that again.
2006 20 January :: 9.23am
Last day of the semester! I'm very excited.
No more AP Biology.
Now: Bioethics
An interesting switch.
I had a lesson with linda last night. It went better than I expected. I'm doing very well on my solo now, a lot better :).
I have an english test today. Five reading assignments in two days and then a test. Odd?
I just had some bacon and mushroom pizza and a cup of mountain dew listening to banter abroad. Pep band tonight, I'm not going home after school, but rather staying after with my flute ensemble to practice and going to subway and then coming back to school for pep band. It's going to be long day. But, that pizza WAS good.
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2006 19 January :: 3.54pm
I heard today that france has the highest bandwidth capacity as for fiber... fuckers
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2006 18 January :: 6.59pm
Today was a long long day. I haven't slept very much today. I had a lot of friends come over to visit me :) I love them. They're too sweet.
Now my sleeping schedule is off track. At around 3:30 am my mom wakes me up to so I can take my medicine. I fall back asleep. Then at 7:30am she comes and wakes me up again so I can take more medicine. I sometimes get up and go visit everyone who's getting ready for work and school or sometimes I just fall back asleep. I sleep until around 11:30 when she wakes me up again. I get up..she makes me eat something..I watch a movie...I sleep until 3:30..usually by then someones here to see me..I see them for a while...I usally sleep some more..wake up..i'm forced to eat..I watch tv for a while then I sometimes fall asleep and at 11:30 before my mom goes to bed she wakes me up again and makes me take more medicine...
Haha im going to be addicted now.
I pretty much didn't do that at all today so tonight's probably going to be rough.
I'm going into my 3rd hour (drama) for like 20 minutes just so I can talk to H and see what I'm going to do about the play and I have to get all my homework from the rest of my teachers. Ugh..
Josh's letter he wrote me was so cute. I'm so sad for him. He has to face Ms. Eilola alone...oh well things happen. I'll write his letter tonight, and I can't forget to write Lisa's and Kelli's too.
When I got my picture taken for my license the lady was like "you could have at least smiled" since I was complaining about me looking horriable and then she said that and I just wanted to slap her and be like "umm maybe you should shut the fuck up I have mono and I've been in the hospital" and then I also just wanted to lick her or something so then she'd get mono too.
Anyways I don't really have much to say and too many people are talking to me and my brain still can't function very well and im getting too confused so I can't do all this at once.
~mCaLa~ says:
bummer....so H found out today, did u hear this story yet?
*ASH*-forget the things we swore we meant <3 says:
*ASH*-forget the things we swore we meant <3 says:
~mCaLa~ says:
oh...well he was in shock..he's like "are you serious? lil one has mono?" we're all like "umm..yea" he let out a yell..lol
Hope this was fast enough Stacy!!
<3 ashley
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2006 18 January :: 3.52pm
Today turned out all right. I didn't exactly start the morning off well, but I tried to get over it and just get through the day.
Last night was a lot of fun. I went shopping for some people, then hung out with Lisa, Chris, and Devin. I love how whenever Devin and I hang out we never do anything, but we still end up laughing the entire time and just having fun. And nooo, we're not dating, just to clear that up for some people who've been asking. I just love being around him and we're good friends. I mean do you really have to be dating to have sex? Really now, ahahaha.. I crack myself up.
So, I get to Econ today and we get our tests back... 102% BIOTCH.
I cannot believe it. I was $7,000 off, when we were only allowed to be $1,000 off! Did he just not notice?! Ahaha.. hey, I am not complaining. I am passing that class and I'm extremely happy about it.
I am excited for the new semester simply because that class is OVER.
Anyway, Dani's going to be getting me and we're gonna go visit poor Ashley in hopes of making her feel better!
Today was good. I need to just remember I have so much to look forward to and stop living in the past. It's over and I need to accept that. Hey, I'm working on it.
Oh, and Jess.. thanks for the poem. It made me smile, haha. I love you, my bitch. :)
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2006 18 January :: 1.22pm
I miss someone that doesn't even exist anymore.