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Faith Isn't Faith Until It's All You're Holding On To.

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:: 2006 11 January :: 9.05pm

Only new classes:
1) Communications-Young
[Fuck yeah. Seeing his perdy face bright and early will make me get up every morning, for sure.]

Let me know if you're in either.

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:: 2006 11 January :: 5.22pm

God, you're pathetic.

I'm in a really bad mood today again and just about everyone is bugging the shit out of me.

Why can't people just mind their own fucking business?

Please stop asking me. It's rude and it annoys me since it doesn't concern any of the people who have asked me in the last week.

School sucked today. My grade in english is now a 93% which isn't bad but I can do better than that and the only reason that it's lower is because we are reading a dumb book and I sleep all hour so she gives me zero's but I wasn't aware that I'm not allowed to sleep considering that I do the homework that's due anyways, but Ms. Eilola just love's being a pain in my royal ass and that's all there is to it.

I feel like crap once again......

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:: 2006 11 January :: 3.15pm

You're not funny, you're just an asshole.

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:: 2006 10 January :: 9.43pm

i tried out today. i reallly want wendy. sooo incredibly bad. but i guess we'll see what happens.

talk about one hell of a night... and nobody could EVER know what i mean by that.

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:: 2006 10 January :: 7.35pm

"Well he looks like a douche bag, should we write that down?"

Haha I love you Stacy. We are such bitches. When he was barking i'm like "Ugh, that makes me sick!"

I was only being honest!

...five million more years until the weekend....


This whole thing is just inside jokes that only a select few people understand.

We all took our bitch pills today...

And I definitely don't feel good right now and half of my family is sick so I'm going to go take some Nyquil and go to bed.

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:: 2006 9 January :: 9.13pm

Yay I'm on the internet on my laptop!! How exciting!! I need to download msn messenger though which is going to take five million years. Oh well I'm happy!

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:: 2006 9 January :: 8.49pm

I'm in a really bad mood tonight and anyone who talks to me pretty much annoys me.

Tonight when my sister and I were on our way home from shopping she was trying to do something to my mirror and I wasn't paying attention since I was driving and she pushed the on*star button because she didn't know what it was and that was a bad idea lol. My radio all of the sudden turned off and then this weird music started playing and then a lady started talking to us and I didn't know what was going on and she was going to send help but then we said it was an acciden't and she said something to us and she turned it off, but it was pretty hilarious.

School is so stupid I just want it to be the weekend again. I always have fun on the weekends.

My sister Danielle dyed her hair dark brown so now we have the same hair color and now all I keep hearing is how we look like twins....

And Stacy was everyone being serious when they said were hanging out with Big Nasty this weekend? Haha I love Ben he's so cute!

I know this is hurting you but it's killing me.

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:: 2006 8 January :: 9.37pm

It's all in good fun, kids.

Read more..

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:: 2006 8 January :: 3.31pm

What did you say...that you only meant well and this is supposed to be for the best.

This isn't what we need..but you decided this.

Well last night..on the way to Stacys house I was in the front seat and Danielle was driving and Sam Foley and I were talking and she was saying what if a bloody guy just walked in the road and we hit them and all of the sudden something ran in the road and I wasn't paying attention and Danielle started swerving all over the road and I just seen this huge shadow and I don't even remember what happend after that but when it was done and over with Sam and Danielle said I was screaming bloody murder but I don't really remember because I was so scared we were going to crash and die. That would probably be unfortunate.

Somehow when I'm with Danielle, we almost always die. One of the days we probably will.

We went to tgi fridays again last night even though I was just there with Em, Logan, and Justin and I had to get the cheesecake again. It's sooo good.

Well I hope everyone had a good weekend but Em just called and wants to hang out tonight so were going to go out with Logan and Justin so I'll ttyl.

Ohh I'm so glad Devin finally skanked for me and Sam lol.

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:: 2006 7 January :: 6.04pm

I need to borrow a dremel tool really bad... can anyone help me out?

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:: 2006 7 January :: 5.07pm

And I wanna believe you,
When you tell me that it'll be ok,
Ya I try to believe you,
But I don't.

When you say that it's gonna be,
It always turns out to be a different way,
I try to believe you,
Not today.

I don't know how I'll feel,
tomorrow, tomorrow,
I don't know what to say,
tomorrow, tomorrow
Is a different day

It's always been up to you,
It's turning around,
It's up to me,
I'm gonna do what I have to do,

Gimme a little time,
Leave me alone a little while,
Maybe it's not too late,
not today

and I know I'm not ready,
maybe tomorrow

Tomorrow it may change

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:: 2006 7 January :: 1.40am

Tonight was fun. I went to the basketball game at Forest Hills Central with Emily, Justin, and Logan. We definitely got lost on the way there. We even got directions and Logan is a moron and we were supposed to get off at exit 40B so what does he do? He gets off at exit 39 that takes us god knows where. We finally ended up at the game after like an hour of driving.

The game sucked. We lost.

After that we went to tgi fridays and we about died getting there. I'm not even going to get into that. When we were walking out Emily and I were reading something and I ran into a car. Emily said it was probably the funniest thing that shes ever seen. We just about died laughing.

Then we just went to Justins and watched Wedding Crashers or something. I don't even know. I just fell asleep anyways.

Logan said that Emily and I are exactly the same. Which come to realize after this whole past year after everything we pretty much are. We've been through alot together and somehow at the end, were even better friends than we were at the begining. We can't even listen to the same songs or it will make us cry. We pretty much should be twins.

Anyways after tonight I had tons of fun and I'm glad everything can just be back to normal for good.

Yes, each new day brings with it a new set of lies.

The worst are the ones we tell ourselves before we fall asleep.

We whisper them in the dark, telling ourselves we're happy.

Or, that he's happy.

That we can change.

Or, that he will change his mind.

We persuade ourselves saying we can live with our sins.

Or, that we can live without him.

Yes, each night before we fall asleep we lie to ourselves...in desperate, desperate hope, that come morning...

It will all be true.

Say what??


:: 2006 6 January :: 10.49pm

I love this.

He's making me realize that I am not perfect and I have to get over myself. I mean.. like, I can't just dish things out and not take them back. He doesn't just let me say what I want and then be all sweet back. He's blunt. He's honest. He's militant. And I like it. I don't need some fake ass, lovey dovey attitude.

And it's not like he's an asshole to me. It's not that at all. He just isn't fake and doesn't let me get away with being a bitch without him being a dick back. It just works and I like it.

I don't care if I sound crazy. I am very lippy and I need someone to let me know it.

I can't wait for tomorrow.

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:: 2006 6 January :: 5.23pm

I almost didn't go to school today again. I couldn't fall asleep last night either and my alarm started going off this morning and I pushed snooze and then all of the sudden the buttons froze so I just turned it off and went back to bed and my mom came upstairs at like 7:10 yelling "Why isn't anyone up in this house yet?" so I pretty much was ready in like five minutes.

Today was a pretty boring day. I was just going to skip fifth hour because Brittani and Dani wanted me to go to Yesterdog with them but I figured I probably should make up all my missed work.

The Spring Hill meeting was today and I'm pretty excited for that. It's in a month.

And well I guess I don't really have anything to write about at the moment. Emily is almost here and we are going to Logans for a while and then going to Justins and then going to the game and then afterwards I was just going to come home but Emily wants me to hang out with her so we'll just go hang out with some people. I don't really know what else is going on this weekend but I should go.

<3 Ashley

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:: 2006 6 January :: 9.14am

i just about have the best most wonderfulest boyfriend in the entire world.

everyday he amazes me in a whole new way.

last night my sister was sick. (she's 5) and if you know me at all... im the same as my mom. we dont take to well to.... errmmm.. you know ( i dont even like to say it) i remember this because it was the same way when i was growing up. call it weak stomachs i guess...... but keegan stayed at our house last night and helped take care of shelby.

everytime she had to get sick he stood behind her stroking her little back and telling her that it would all be ok. then he cleaned her little face off and talked to her about random things to get her mind off it. just watching how good he is with her makes me want to melt. he could have just left, no one asked him to stay... but he cares about her so much that he wanted to help.. and he wanted to help my mom.

how many guys would do that? i really did get a good one and will by no means let him go.

and waking up this morning was so much nicer knowing i had someone by my side.

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