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Faith Isn't Faith Until It's All You're Holding On To.

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:: 2005 26 December :: 8.05pm

I'm seriously the worst minesweeper player in history. Ever.

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:: 2005 26 December :: 6.33pm
:: Music: Rent Soundtrack - Seasons of Love

Ya know what? I don't feel bad for Naomi Watts. I would gladly accept being chased by like 8 dinosaurs, having giant bugs on my face, and being swung in a gorillas hand for an hour if I could end up being with Adrien Brody. She's lucky. Stop crying, bitch.. you have Adrien. Who cares about the God damn gorilla?!

Juuust kidding. It was a really sad movie, but good. Very good actors/actresses in it.

Oh, and when I said, "Juuuust kidding." I didn't mean I wouldn't do anything to be with Adrien. I would. :)

I returned my Mp3 player, it sucked. But, it's all good because my mom just let me spend the money and she's going to buy me a nice one later on. :) I got the Rent Soundtrack, Blow [DVD], The Pianist [DVD], The Dukes of Hazzard [DVD], Bob Dylan Chronicles VI [Book], and a Bob Dylan 1956-1966 Scrapbook.

Today was good. How was your day?

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:: 2005 26 December :: 6.25pm

I don't know why but I just have a bad feeling that you lied to me and I hate being lied to more than anything.The worst part about being lied to is knowing that I wasn't worth the truth and if thats the case then we have some problems. I don't even know, maybe, just maybe I'm wrong but right now that seems highly doubtful.

First Best Friend: Chloe
First Screen Name: I don't remember the very first one but one from millions of years ago was cutiepie15032
First Pet: Jackson (Dog)
First Piercing: When I was like 11 months old
First Crush: Curtis, my little boyfriend when I was four
First CD: Like I remember
First Word: Probably Mommy or Daddy
First Real Love: I can't really say that I have been in love
First Stuffed Animal: An elephant named Ellie

Last Alcoholic Beverage: A sour apple martini and then today at Olive Garden my sister told me to drink some of my moms drink (I don't know what she was drinking) and I thought she meant drink the whole thing but apparently I was just supposed to take a sip of it and I drank the whole thing and wow that was a mistake ;)
Car Ride: Coming home from shopping today
Last Movie Seen: I don't remember but I watched Laguna Beach this morning if that counts
Last Phone Call: Jessica (were talking on the phone right this moment and it's not going well at all)
Last CD Played: Taking Back Sunday
Last Bubble Bath: Like last Saturday
Last Time You Cried: Last night AND the day before AND this morning..wow I sound like a basketcase but each time was for a differen't and good reason.

Have you ever dated one of your best friends: Yeah but it was just a summer fling
Have you ever been arrested: Nope
Have you ever skinny dipped: Yeah in California lol
Have you ever been on TV: Yeah on the news here but that doesn't count because here sucks but I was on National Tv when I was in LA
Have you ever kissed someone and then regretted it: Oh quite a few times
Have you ever cheated: Thats just a sketchy question to ask
Have you ever spent more than 5 hours online: Oh yes
Have you ever cried yourself to sleep: Yeah and it's not exactly fun

1. Tank Top
2. Jeans
3. Earings
4. Sweatshirt
5. Socks
6. Necklace
7. Livestrong Bracelet

1. Watched Laguna Beach
2. Bought 5 cds and lots of clothes and a purse
3. Ate at Olive Garden
4. Fought with someone
5. Drank
6. When we were walking out of Olive Garden this car almost hit us and he was supposed to stop for us but he didn't so I hit his car really hard with all my shopping bags haha

1. California
2. Modeling
3. The O.C.
4. Music
5. Clothes/Shoes/Purses

1. Chloe
2. Lisa
3. Mishy and Stacy
4. Veronica (well before her memory loss)
(that was five but I don't really care)

1. Love
2. Career (be famous)
3. Kids

1. Go to where I'm from (ITALY!!) lol
2. Go on a road trip across America. Every state. ( I agree with Jordan on this whole little thing)

1. I'm scared to be in love.

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:: 2005 26 December :: 11.09am
:: Music: Ashlee Simpson - Burning Up

Q: What's better than seeing Adrien Brody?

A: Seeing Adrien Brody on a giant screen for three hours.

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:: 2005 26 December :: 12.13am

I seriously can't believe my friends sometimes. Okay let's just say one of my friends in particular. I thought we were supposed to be in this whole thing together but she just proved that it's now a competion to see who is better. Yeah well we'll see about that now wont we? Sounds like someones a little jealous to me. Whatever. I'm going to go cry now and be upset like I can be because this is our first fight over the dumbest thing ever.

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:: 2005 25 December :: 9.28pm

Merry Christmas. i love you all. really, i do!


Say what??


:: 2005 25 December :: 7.41pm

If you haven't seen the movie Crash see it. Now.

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I don't even want to let anyone borrow it. Buy it. You'll end up buying it if you rent/borrow it anyway. I promise. :)

Thanks for telling me about it Erika. I know I've all ready seen it, but this time it really sank in.

It's the sense of touch. Any real city, you walk, you know? You brush past people. People bump into you. In L.A., nobody touches you. We're always behind this metal and glass. I think we miss that touch so much that we crash into each other just so we can feel something.


:: 2005 25 December :: 4.27pm
:: Music: Kanye West - Hey Mama

I love Kanye.
Well, I got..
-Pink Floyd Hoodie (It's sweeet)
-2 Zip up sweaters
-2 Shirts
-Makeup, nail polish
-Lotion, bodywash, and junk like that
-Like 18 pairs of socks
-$50 Gift Card to Best Buy
-$15 Gift Card to Target
-Argyle purse (It's so cute!)
-Did I mention LOTS OF SOCKS?!
-Crash [DVD]
-Bewitched [DVD]
-Ashlee Simpson - I am me [CD]
-Mp3 Player
-Some jewerly
-Lucky perfume
-Adidas perfume

I think that's about it. It was cool, my mom put $20 bills in random presents. Those were kinda fun to find. (That's where the $100 came from). After I return some of the stuff I got that didn't fit I'll have more money, so that's cool. And I think I'll be returning my mp3 player to get one that will hold more songs. I don't know though.

Oh, look at that. I'm rambling on and on about presents. It's about Jesus, silly me! Go Jesus. Even though I'm Agnostic, yeah!

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:: 2005 25 December :: 11.54am

JayZulla is a happy panda.

Now for the birthday. Its either money for a 300 dollar bose speaker system, or a box set of the old school samuri movies. The speaks are teech, but so is The Seven Samuri. Whos got an opinion. im seriously stumped on this.

my inner black man is comming out. Tupac "i wanna be an n-i-g-g-a, so we can get drunk and smoke weed all day"

laff, sorry.

Merry Christmas everyone. Happy Holidays/Hangovers, which ever you prefer i guess.

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:: 2005 25 December :: 11.53am
:: Music: Ashlee Simpson - Eyes Wide Open

I thought and thought of ways to make Christmas better for the guys and this is all I came up with. I think she's pretty hot.

Read more..

Anyway..have a wonderful, delicious, magical Christmas everyone.

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:: 2005 25 December :: 3.26am

quake 4 @ 250 kbs is definately a good way to start christmas.

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:: 2005 24 December :: 10.21pm

HEY BABY!!!!!!

I miss Danielle too. I feel so lost without seeing some of my friends.

lol its ok...if anyone laughs ill be like "hey trailor bitches! thats one of my favorite people in the world over there face first in that snow drift with those little feet sticking straight up! so back the fuck off niggaaaaaaa!"

Haha, wow. She cracks me up.

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:: 2005 24 December :: 10.56am
:: Mood: Tired
:: Music: A Decade Under The Influence- -Taking Back Sunday

Christmas Eve
This morning I had Christmas at my dads house. It was quite eventful. We didn't really go to bed at all. I slept for like 10 minutes here and there but other that that, we stayed up all night and we opened presents at 6am. Pretty crazy I know. I'm really tired and I want to go back to bed right now but I can't. I basically knew what I was getting the whole time anyways but I was still excited. My dad hates malls so I just went on websites and made wish lists and then he told me to just order what I wanted because he was afraid he would order the wrong thing so that basically defeats the whole "being suprised" purpose but oh well. I got a dell laptop and it's pretty awesome. I'm hoping that I will get internet for it in the next few weeks. I'm just rambling and I'm out of it so I'm going to go.

Smile cuz in one day......

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:: 2005 24 December :: 9.57am

Senior Pictures.
I want you to choose your favorite picture. I do realize these pictures aren't that great. I am not paying $400 for senior pictures and I don't really care as long as it's not another one of those fucking school pictures on our ID's.

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1. I do realize that I look pissed off in the first one, no need to point that out.
2. I am also aware I only have one eye in the second one.
3. I did notice that you can't really see my face too well in the third one, I just like the picture.

Tell me your favorite photo, don't be an ass. That's all. Thanks.

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:: 2005 24 December :: 1.15am

I love him and I love her

mish is electric: when youre famous
mish is electric: youll get to meet him
mish is electric: and have his children

Yeah shes right. So right.

Read more..

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