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Faith Isn't Faith Until It's All You're Holding On To.

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:: 2005 18 December :: 12.52am

My eyes are fading, my soul is bleeding, I try to make it seem okay, but my faith is wearing thin. So help heal these wounds, they've been open for way too long. Help me fill this hole even though this is not your fault, that im open and im bleeding, all over your brand new rug and I need someone to help me sew them up.

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:: 2005 17 December :: 10.55pm

haha im seriously going crazy with these things

Your Celebrity Style Twin is Mischa Barton

Funky, bohemian, and girly.

OMG this is weird..I keep getting mischa barton stuff....I swear were like the same person!
Your Birthdate: November 14

You work well with others. That is, you're good at getting them to do work for you.

It's true that you get by on your charm. But so what? You make people happy!

You're dynamic, clever, and funny. And people like to have you around.

But you're so restless, they better not expect you to stay around for long.

Your strength: Your superstar charisma

Your weakness: Commitment means nothing to you

Your power color: Fuchsia

Your power symbol: Diamond

Your power month: May

You Are a Bright Star Soul

Like a shining star, you have no trouble being the center of attention
In fact, you often feel a bit hurt when all eyes aren't on you
You need to be number one in everything, no matter how trivial
And it's this ego that both hurts your confidence and helps you acheive

You're dramatic and a powerhouse of pure energy
You posess a divine quality or uniqueness that's hard to define
A natural performer, it's likely you'll become famous.
Just learn not to take everyone's reaction to you so personally!

Souls you are most compatible with: Newborn Soul and Prophet Soul

haha it's just meant to be...theres no way around it.

What Your Pink Outfit Means

Unsurprisingly, you are very sweet and cute.

But you're also a bit of a tease - and not that innocent.

Shy but sexy, you're an alluring mix of contradictions.

Designer match: BCBG

Signature accessory: Tortoise shell sunglasses

Your Heart Is Pink

In relationships, you like to play innocent - even though you aren't.

Each time you fall in love, it's like falling for the first time.

Your flirting style: Coy

Your lucky first date: Picnic in the park

Your dream lover: Is both caring and dominant

What you bring to relationships: Romance

Your Reputation Is: Mean Girl

You rule through teasing and intimidation..

Yet, people would give the world to be your friend

You are

haha wow

Say what??


:: 2005 17 December :: 11.18am

"I miss ----, I can't wait to see him when he comes home."

.....hmmm....you think I don't think that to myself quielty every night before I go to bed?

because i do.

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:: 2005 16 December :: 11.56am

ugh.. i can NOT believe we have a snow day today.

last night i filled out 70 fucking christmas cards for staff appreciation (student senate committe) and now what.. i give them to them AFTER christmas? not to mention i bought a whole bunch of food to put in the staff lounge... now its just sitting in my kitchen. BAH...

and i was really looking forward to drama. i made peanut butter balls last night and everything. GAH.

oh.. and i better say goodbye to saturdays. thursdays are gone. but hey "its only for 4 months" yeah the rest of my senior year.. GOOD thing it wont be focused on me. fuck that.


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:: 2005 16 December :: 9.59am

Lately, I have been really in touch with this psychic side of me that I had no idea I possesed. Yeah, I know how corny does that sound, right? But it's kind of freaky. What with all the dreams, and where that got me, and now being able to know exactly what someone says before they do, alllllll the time now; is a bit odd. What can I say, I guess I'm just a freak! :) Oh well, could be worse.

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:: 2005 14 December :: 7.19pm

I just want you to know, your not making this easy.

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:: 2005 14 December :: 4.34pm

Hands down this is the best day I can ever remember..
Today went better than planned. I'm really happy about the roles I got in the play and when I found out that I have huge monologue that made me even happier. I'm definitley going to be working day and night at memorzing it. I already have the first paragraph memorized. I'm definitely not going to complain about that. I'm also in "Yes" and "Cinderella". I love my lines in "Yes". I love everyones lines in that one.

I'm so glad we only have to perform tomorrow and then we are done. I'm getting sick of doing these in front of half the school when half of them are really immature and annoying.

Do you expect me to believe I'm going to let us fall apart?

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:: 2005 13 December :: 10.25pm

i just registered for my ACTs after my mom came in my room and fucking attacked me.

she walks in and says "you need to see your guidance officer or something" i turn and look at her like what the fuck.. and she starts going off about college and how its not her responsibility to line it up for me and in that same five minutes it some how spirialed to if i dont go to college i cant live here and blah blah blah.

you dont just COME into my room and tell me that i need to see a counselor and expect me not to get pissed off. i had no idea what the fuck she was talking about until she started in on her rant.

if its SO important to her then why is this the first time i've heard of it? and it was totally out of the blue.. completely random.

of COURSE im going to college.. but im going to CC... i havent been terribly worried that they wont let me in. i mean for the love of god woman...

so in retaliation i filled in all that un-needed information for like an hour and woke her up to get her credit card number. TAKE THAT! HA! laughs* whatever.

im so sick of all this "realization" stuff that its almost over. i dont care about anything except that its DONE. college will come when it comes... which i've ALWAYS been planning will be the very next year dear mother.... and life will follow shortly after.

im ready for bigger better things... away from everything here that has ever givin me limitations.

and on a second thought.... im about to go loco on the entire yearbook class. granted.. its a select few that make it miserable.. well.. not miserable because yearbook is pretty much the best thing ever.... more like irritating and stressful. FUCK YOU stupid people! YEAH..... i love my bitches. (stacy, jess and jess) well..i love alison too.. but she's to sweet to be refered to as my bitch! not that they're MY bitches.... but they know what i mean.

night dolls.

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:: 2005 13 December :: 10.20pm

hmm... I really don't like people. but some people that I really don't see myself hanging around with have been pretty good friends lately. I think people need to stop crying about.. well anything.

this goes closely in tow:

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:: 2005 13 December :: 4.56pm

Incase you failed to notice, incase you failed to see, this is my heart bleeding before you, this is me down on my knees.

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:: 2005 13 December :: 4.08pm

Sometimes it's so hard for me to not say what I really want to say. I am very opinionated and I usually say what's on my mind but today I figured I probably should keep my mouth shut because I can say some really mean things so I decided I should just not say anything but I can't hold it in anymore so I'm just going to say what I really think and hopefully I don't end up regreting what I say.

I'm sorry but that whole idea just isn't going to work for some of us.

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:: 2005 12 December :: 3.38pm

I've been so tired lately. I've gotten an average of ten hours a sleep a night, and still it does not seem to be enough. I don't have time to sleep, I have too many things to do. Too much homework, working, blah I have to call them. Blah Blah.

I want to cry. My body hurts. All I want to do is sleep. I'm drinking a mountain dew in hopes of staying awake until five.

I have an essay to write. I hate fricken ap lit. what a bitch.

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:: 2005 11 December :: 10.29pm

wow... some girls are just sad.

jess and stacy... i love you!

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:: 2005 10 December :: 4.34pm

If this what you want. This is what you get.

Say what??


:: 2005 9 December :: 11.49pm

Alright so maybe it was worth it.

Tonight was fun. I love Dani, Megan, Emily Sorensen, Aaron, Scott, Matt, Emily E, Brittany. We always have so much fun.

But I should go to sleep now. I couldn't even stay awake for the movie.

<3 Ashley

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