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Faith Isn't Faith Until It's All You're Holding On To.

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:: 2005 17 November :: 10.51pm

The play was really awesome tonight!! I wasn't even nervous at all but Annalise and I couldn't stop laughing in our munchkin house's. I got a dozen roses and then Missy gave me a single rose too. I miss her. She is one of the nicest people I know. Anyways tomorrow is going to be a long day but at least we don't have to go to any classes. Two shows tomorrow=tiring.

What the hell? You really upset me sometimes. I just need to go to bed. I have a long weekend ahead of me.

sweet sixteen . beauty queen looking
through her magazine && everyone
thinks she has everything while deep inside she’s crying

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:: 2005 17 November :: 8.55am

yesterday was the first snowfall of the season... which marks the day keegan asked me to be his girlfriend.... it may not be the technical date... but its the symbolic day. I can't wait till the 24th when we can finally wear our rings engraved "the first year". just a symbol of our relationship.. not promise rings, just a symbol.

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:: 2005 16 November :: 10.14pm
:: Mood: Exhausted

I promise I wont let you down if you take my hand tonight.
I promise we'll be just fine this time, if you take my hand tonight.

Say what??


:: 2005 15 November :: 10.26pm

I'm so tired. Dress rehearsal seemed like it took forever. Micky, Veronica, and I had to go into Great Day to get something while we were in full costume and makeup and wow did everyone look at us. Everyone kept asking us what we were doing. It was pretty fun and then we had to explain to them 1234028408 times that we are in the play. Tomorrow we have dress rehearsal again so I probably wont be home until right now once again. After school I'm going to April's house. It should be pretty fun.

Anyways here are pictures from yesterday!!

Read more..

I was going to show pictures from tonight but I want everyone to wait to see what we all look like if you come to the play!!

Anyways I should get going. I have to wash off all this makeup. It's gross, trust me.

<3 ashley

Oh yeah sorry these pictures are so big!!

Edit: Well, actually, the pictures aren't big anymore, I don't know how that happened, but someone must love me! ;)

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:: 2005 15 November :: 6.23am

Friends only from now on, to keep certain fuck heads from reading this then reporting to their master.



:: 2005 14 November :: 11.09pm

Maybe someday I'll be able to tell you...

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:: 2005 14 November :: 8.31pm
:: Mood: Happy

I'm watching Laguna Beach re-runs
That wasn't what I expected. Oh well it's not like my world is going to end or anything.

Today was my Birthday so that just makes everything better. H let me leave play practice after my scene because it was my Birthday. Otherwise I would have had to stay the whole play. Thank god for Birthdays. I went out to dinner @ Olive Garden. They all sang to me and it was really embarrassing. Lisa was also there with Chris since it was their one month today and they sat pretty close to us. So I thought that that was pretty cool that they were there and so were we and we didn't plan it. All day people kept calling me,leaving voicemails, and texting me to tell me Happy Birthday. It made me happy lol. Anyways I love everyones cards and Lisa got me the coolest present ever. She gave it to me this morning in the car. Today is my cousin Zoe's 1st Birthday and my dogs birthday lol except I don't know how old he is, it's also my grandpas b-day, my grandmas dogs b-day and then today erika bauer and I both found out in 3rd hour we have the same b-days so we both thought that was cool......

Everyone should come see the play.

I'm excited for the play and for whatever this weekend brings haha..

Anyways I gotta go.

I'm so tired. I didn't really sleep last night and I didn't really all weekend either. I would go to bed but I have to at least watch Laguna Beach.

<33 ashley

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:: 2005 13 November :: 1.14pm
:: Mood: Tired
:: Music: Lila McCann-With You

You're The One That I Want
Well my weekend was pretty fun ;)

I laugh at how many little hints I give out through out my journal all the time.

I got the new Gossip Girl book and The It Girl so that way Mishy, Brittney, Megan, and Brittany aren't all waiting for me to finish the one I am on! I'm so addicted to these books.

The play is next week and im stoked!


My Birthday is tomorrow!!!! I sorta forgot that it was just because I already had my party and I can't get my license on my Birthday because I'm too busy with the play to take my test but I probably will in like a week or two. But anyways I'm still excited.

I'm way tired and I should go get ready for play practice.

Oh yeah kelli I just remembered the song I made up when we were at school on Friday and I was walking up the stairs..
"I'm wallkiing up the staiiirs and im wearing a skiirrt and thhe boys behiind me cann see right upp it and they aree going too see sometthiing theyy dont deeserve to see"

"Well it's just Arden"

"Yeahh exacctlly..he'lll like it cuz he doesn't get any acctioonn!"

but I have to get going!

I love you

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:: 2005 13 November :: 1.14am

Welcome to EA Games support. Please type your query in the text box.

Why is it when I download your patch my game turns into fucking jello and you can't release something without it fucking up my game. AKA - my game crashes in multiplayer mode because of your bullshit 1.3 patch. thanks a lot.

Click here to attach files.

The actual support query: Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

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:: 2005 10 November :: 5.08pm

I really don't like people right now.

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:: 2005 10 November :: 6.59am

Aww my journal is so pretty now! I love all your suprises Mishy!!

I luv you!!

<3 ashley

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:: 2005 9 November :: 11.44am

Take it or leave it.
I've been thinking about everything lately and you know what?
I'm happy. I really am right now.
Yes, it's odd being single and having an ex, but it's not that bad. We really had something good for awhile. He helped me become comfortable with myself. He helped me be who I am today. He did a lot for me. And I'm glad he did do some good for me, it makes it all worth it. Yeah, he did some bad for me as well, but let's forget about that. I do know that we were not in love though. We cared about eachother. A lot. And that's it. I still love him to death, but I am not in love with him and I never was. I'm glad we were together. And I'm glad we're not anymore.
The only thing I am upset about is the fact that he told me not to bad mouth him, not to turn my family against him, not to hate him, and that he still wanted to be friends. So, here I am being the mature one while he's trying to win my family over and talk bad about me. *shakes head* Whatever, you're gonna lose on that one buddy. They're not your biggest fans to say the least.

I just like this independent life I'm having right now. I've been so busy lately, just hanging out with my friends. I couldn't ask for better friends. I love hanging out with Kelly, Matt, and Andy. They are my escape. Truly. I've never been around people who just want to have a good time and not really give a fuck or worry about anything. Just relax, laugh, and live. We always do the same thing, which is basically just sit around, but it doesn't feel that way. Kelly is still giving me a call every day just to see how my day was. Matt is more of a friend now, not just 'Kelly's boyfriend'. Andy is just... great. I'll leave it at that.

Erika and Brandi: I love you guys! You two are my best friends and you're so awesome. I love how we can have a whole day planned out and then the most fun we'll have is walking out to the car or buying underwear. Haha. You two are just amazing and I hope to eat cheese with you one day. Oh, and he will have sex with you. ;)

I realized I became too dependent on Brad. I thought I needed him so much for...everything. Like I couldn't function without him. I don't want to rely on anyone like that ever again. It was so unhealthy for me and just didn't work.

Now, I can do what I want. I can hang out with who I want, talk to who I want, etc etc. And I love that. With my next relationship I don't want that to change. I don't want to see him every day or feel like I need to. I want to have trust and freedom and that's how it's going to be, because I won't settle for anything less. He's either going to lie to me or tell me the truth. So, why try to control him or call him every minute to see what he's doing?

I have decided I am not going to college. Yup, how do you like that? I've thought it all out and I know it'd be a big waste of money and time for me, because I'm stupid. Seriously. I'm going to try and find a trade school to learn something specific or just get an office job. I'd also still like to do photography on the side. So, yay.. I'm one of those stupid kids that doesn't go to college. What are you gonna do about it?

Let's see what happens with my life.
I'm excited.

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:: 2005 8 November :: 6.12pm

HAPPY Birthday Ben!!!

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:: 2005 7 November :: 9.05pm

Today was pretty boring at school. I realized that I'm at school for a long time. 7:30am to anywhere from 6-9pm. It totally sucks spending so much time at school. Play practice was horriable today. If she messes up/skips lines one more time I'm going to flip out. She misses her lines, which causes me to miss mine. Anyways before our scene April and I were backstage talking and this sophomore kept yelling at us because we were talking and she's like "shhh we're backstage, stop talking" and we got really mad at her because she didn't even ask us nicely so we started talking louder and she walked over to us and said it right at our faces and we kept on talking just to piss her off and we would mock her really loudly and start laughing. I was suprised she didn't come over and punch us but she was being a bitch so we decided to do anything and everything to piss her off. It would have been a differen't story if she would have asked us nicely but she didn't so too bad for her then.

My dad got a new laptop today! I'm on it right now. I can't wait until Christmas because I'm getting one. I used to have one when I was like eight but my cousin Haileigh spilt grape pop all over the keyboard so it doesn't work anymore lol.

Anyways I have to go get in the shower so I don't miss Laguna Beach @ 10!!

<3 ashley


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:: 2005 7 November :: 6.15pm

GOD this guy will rape your face.

As a recreational student of history, it seems to me that Europeans could not kill each other fast enough until we, American "Terrorists" stepped in and put and end to all of that non-sense by kicking everybody's ass. If it were not for us "Terrorists" then all of Europe would be divided between Nazi Socialists and Soviet Commies, and they would both still be trying to kill each other.

We kicked the Nazi's ass in WWII, and Reagan drove the USSR into bankruptcy through his MAD offensive. We American "Terrorists" did all this at our own expense, with our dollars and our own lives. We American Terrorists kept half the Korean penensula from becoming Red.

We American "Terrorists" tried to keep the pearl of South East Asia out of the hands of the commies, giving 50,000 of our own men and billions of dollars, until the damned red diaper doper babies created enough civil unrest at home, to convince a weak president into pulling us out. The commies promptly killed 1.45 million of their own people.

WE American "Terrorists" kept central America from falling into slavery at the hands of the commies.

We American '"Terrorists" did our best to save the people of Somalia from slavery, starvation and genocide.

We American "Terrorists" saved countless muslims in Bosnia from genocide.

We American "Terrorists" liberated millions of Afgans from an evil theocracy and put and end to a civil war that had lasted for more than a decade.

Now, We American "Terrorists" have liberated the cradle of civilization for the first time in their history where they are free to live under their own rule, rather than a tyrant or appointed dictator who had no duty or responsiblity to the governed. Yep, we're terrorists alright.

Yeah, we have screwed up in the past because we are reluctant policemen. Its not a role that we chose, but one that we have always been forced into. Once upon a time we tolerated the institution of slavery, that we inherited from the British, but purged ourselves of that sin by killing 1/4 of our entire male population and destroying 1/2 of our country.

We did nothing to keep Mao from enslaving the chinese masses. We did nothing to keep the Peronistas from looting Argentina. We failed to save Cuba and Vietnam from the evils of communist slavery, and we are currently engaging in extensive trade with Commie China, which does nothing to better the lives of the Chinese people, but financially empowers an oppressive regime.

We tax the people of our own country, to subsidize farms and businesses, which raises the costs of goods and services here, while stealing the comparitive advantage from our South American Neighbors.

No this nation is not perfect, and it never was. I doubt that it ever will be, but nothing that has ever been created by mankind has ever been perfect. America has come closer to perfection than any nation that has ever existed, and has made the entire world a more peaceful and prosperous place.

You non-Americans are free to criticize us, and blame the USA for all the problems in your personal life, your country or the entire World. We are a convienent scapegoat, but its not the truth and nothing will ever change in this World, until the rest of the World starts trying be like America is supposed to be, but has not quite made it yet.

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