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No one could see me. I fell into yesterday.

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:: 2004 25 October :: 3.36pm
:: Music: Sleater-Kinney

Heart Attack<3
She's getting on my nerves so bad.

help me


:: 2004 24 October :: 4.15pm
:: Music: Everything Will Be Alright - The Killers

They are redoing the floor in my bedroom. They tore out all of the old carpet and they're putting down plywood so I won't fall through the floor of my own room. Maybe it'll be flat now.

I was out shopping for a doll
To say the least I thought I'd
Seen them all
And then you took me by surprise
I'm dreamin' 'bout those dreamy eyes

I never knew, I never knew
So take your suitcase
I don't mind
Baby, though I meant it
You don't need to compromise
I'm dreamin' 'bout those dreamy

I never knew, I never knew
But it's all right..

Will be all right

I like The Killers. I like them alot. They're getting close to being one of my favorite bands..

Funny, I don't even know what my favorite bands are anymore. I really don't. It used to be Coldplay, Guns N Roses, and A Perfect Circle.. Now I really like The Killers.. And Shinedown is awesome as well.. And I adore "Finding Myself" by Smile Empty Soul and "Slow Chemical" by Finger Eleven.

I guess I don't really have a favorite band overall.

Hm.. I really should be working on my makeup work from all of those days I missed..

I will get it done. I'll probably go shut myself up in my room with some music and do it all. I'm not really looking forward to writing that story.. I don't have one specific story that stands out from my life. I'll most likely end up making one up.

It's not a good thing to hold a grudge against people for things they can't fix and never meant to do in the first place, but I can't help it.

Alice 19th is quickly becoming one of my favorites series. It's a great manga.

Oh, and I have the fourth book of the Anita Blake series. I don't have the first one, but I've read it. I'm still reading the third one..

All right. I'm bored of typing now. I think I'll go read or something now.

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:: 2004 23 October :: 12.17am

Bah so yeah...i sent annoying e-mails to people....mwahahhhahahahaha..yes..i am truly evil..

Im so cold right now its pathetic...i found my tweety slippers!!!! YAY! Soo yeah...we sent in the proposal....we hope we get it...cross your fingers for us k?

So all in all life is pretty darn good. I attended the Host night concert for the teachers convention.It was awsome. I went with Andrew Wheatly and Kimmerly..It was great..we sat on either side of hime and discussed the stages as CMR ,GFH and the Civic center.. We all agree that our theater is better then CMRS!!!!!Mwahhhahahah..but they have more spce in the back ....:P Poop on them.

So justin called me and told me how bummed he was about breaking up with his was pretty stupid of him...but he is learning from his mistakes.

Im looking forward to the Xmas stroll and the like. I hope we all get together like we always do! I think its my favorite thing we do that actually involves the city....

I dunno..latly ive felt like we are kinda growing apart..its strange...i dunno i dont want neways...

I have alot of energy right now as you can see. Kimmerlee wanted me to go to a belly dancing workshop with her but im so out of practic with that its i think tomarrow i will work on it a bit...

Im gonna ask if we can get togt\ether here's a maybe...i'll clean tomarrow and call'll be fun...we can watch like ..i dunno...but i need a get-together. gonna call jessika...toodles...

help me


:: 2004 22 October :: 5.35am
:: Music: All My Life - Kci & Jojo UGHAH

Alllllll myyy liiifeeee
Well, last day of school for the week. I don't see why I always expect something big to happen when someone pays attention to me. =/
Because it never does.
I've been listening to those stupid sappy K-Ci & Jojo songs for the past three days, it's been giving me strange dreams. Last night for example, I was cleaning chalkboards after school at my old elementary school and when I missed a spot the principal poked my eye out with chalk.
I got two books last night at Waldenbooks. I even forget what they're called, and I'm reading one.
We get our ears and eyes checked at school today which makes me feel about five. The ear test is going to be hard considering my EAR WILL NOT POP. It hasn't for the past two days. I've tried yawning, that strange jaw trick, popping them the old way, I've even tried poking my ear.


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:: 2004 21 October :: 3.21pm

Read more..

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:: 2004 20 October :: 9.32pm

Hey all havent updated latly! Yeah comp dead and well no time...proposal...arg...sleep..or lack ther of but thats ok! Im over at kimms right now so yeah...

Halloween- Show up at 6 we are gonna go out to eat and walk around so wear comphy shoes!
This saturday we are going to do a get together it prolly cant happen at my house sorry, i will check again!

Yeah...e-mail me if any questions....cause no one e-mails me ...*sob*

4 worthless words | help me


:: 2004 19 October :: 8.48pm
:: Music: Touched - Vast

Meh. The breathing machine didn't help my wheezing last night. Scared the crap out of me. So I cried. I haven't cried in a long time.

I looked into your eyes and saw
A world that does not exist
I looked into your eyes and saw
A world I wish I was in

Heh. Funny.. Really funny.. Thanks for my habits.. home slice.

I keep remembering things at odd times during the day.. I still regret nothing.

And though I doubt he even reads this anymore, I shall say one thing.

Thanks for the e-mail.. the only communication we've had in months.. and it was nice hearing from you again.

Perhaps now.. Aheh. Maybe I can now.

-Hic.- I'm sleepy-ish. But not really. I don't want to go to bed. Oh! It's only 8. Bwaha.

I want to play Phantasy Star.. but it's not as much fun alone.. =\ Aye, well.. Perhaps I shall go seek out a conversation with someone. Dunno who.

Hope everyone's happy. Unless, you know, you don't want to be.

help me


:: 2004 17 October :: 5.14pm

Picture from homecoming.
Read more..

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:: 2004 12 October :: 10.23pm

So my comp has a virus nso my updates and the like are at a small halt...damnit!

Today i came home early cause im sick...yeah...fever of sucks....but yeah

Halloween- We are gonna meet at 5 :30....then leavce at like 6ish...grab a bite...then galavant across the town....wear comphy shoes ;) crush....travis....and i think e-mail me soo unloved!

help me


:: 2004 12 October :: 3.57pm

Yep. My entries are meaningful. Yer mom. =/

4 worthless words | help me


:: 2004 9 October :: 6.13pm

I hate periods. I hate being so moody.

2 worthless words | help me


:: 2004 7 October :: 2.42pm
:: Mood: apathetic
:: Music: In the library listening to people talk and laugh

Stupid people tell the stupidest jokes.

"That's not stupid! That's funny!"

Yeah. Uh huh.

"How do you put an elephant in a freezer?... You open the door and put him in there!"

.... No. That's not stupid at all.

I feel like watching Inu Yasha. Don't know why. I've only seen a few episodes. Oh well.

It's fourth period. We had to do this nice, long packet. There's only a few people done. The people that ARE done didn't really try too hard. I'm finished. I worked with Laura, and did most of the work. Didn't really care too much on a few of the questions, like how you're supposed to get a political answer out of a story about prose and poetry, and how they are natural and carefree. I'd like to see the "teacher" get answers to those questions.

I'm actually ready to go to fifth [and last] period. English. "Woohu."

I think it's raining.

I keep coughing. And coughing. And sighing, trying to breath deeply. It's not working. I'll be glad when I get to go to the doctor and get whatever I need. Two reasons for the doctor's visit. The only one I'll share willingly is the fact that I probably have asthma, and need an inhaler/to get diagnosed or whatever. Bleh.

All right. I think I'll go see what Laura's doing.

Now.. Time to waste space.

Moulin Rouge rocks.

Fruits Basket rocks.

Suki is not cool.

Neither is.. er.. What's it called.. Don't remember. Oh well.

OH! By the way, whoever's reading this.

What do you call a liar who lies all the time? I can't remember. It's like.. A something-liar. Grr. I can't remember. Been trying to remember it all day long. Okay. I lied. It's only been since the end of lunch.

Almost time for the bell to ring.

I think the rain stopped.


3 worthless words | help me


:: 2004 3 October :: 10.07pm

So Gwen B-day party was fun.

I got there at about 7:00 and we all stayed up till about 6:00 am. Played games like secret and the dating game...alot of impromptue games and the like it was cool.

*glares at angie*

she gets annoying at times in the day...and i got bitchy at about

Im talking to dara!

So i left from the party and went straight to youth out of that and got home at 1:30.....sat and drank coffee till3..then my dad made me got to the store so when i got back i had to go straight to youth symphony.....


help me


:: 2004 2 October :: 4.56pm

SOOOOOO..this past week has been interesting.

Mon: Recruted for art club and blue/white Royalty assembly rehersals
Tue: Work on skirt....Royalty assembly rehersals
Wed: Clash day. Reherse for Royalty aseemble.
Thurs: Dress up day. Royalty assembly.
Friday: Theme Day ...dressed up as a saloon girl, walked in parade.

The game was also friday and it was ok....and the dance was fun. Hitched a ride home from was cool.

Today...roxan came over and we hung..then she left and my dad got mad cause i didnt do michaels chores.....riiighth......ass monkey.

Gwens b-day tonight! YAY!

help me


:: 2004 29 September :: 4.12pm

Going to see Taking Back Sunday November 5th. <3

1 worthless word | help me


:: 2004 25 September :: 3.24pm

So i went to CRM's homecomming game last night and it was fun, i actually got to talk to some people i never talk to.

Justin totalled he car...i feel bad for him.

Today i spent from 7:30 am till 1:30 pm working on the done now..there isnt anymore i can do.YAY! *does the happy dance*

Mom says we can meet at my house on yeah...hee...then we can go galavant around town for a few hours or just'll be fun!

Im i keep getting weird people on my msn...hmmmmm

help me


:: 2004 24 September :: 7.53pm

I got my homecoming dress. =)
I burrowed it from my friend Jenny's sister.
It's black velvet, and it goes all the way to the floor, spaghetti strapped, and at the end part it has like, little folds and stuff and those parts are white or whatever, it's kind've hard to explain. Anyways, it's pretty. And it fits me. That's all that matters. Booya.

help me


:: 2004 23 September :: 10.06pm

So uber tired cause i was stupid and stayed up to watch a movie last night.

Bio: Note on Ch22
Art: Notes
Gym: Running and soccer : D!!!!!!!
English: Book reports crush gota "D"....poop.....tiphany got a C! Hers was good!!!!!
Orchestra: Playing test for homecomming royalty assmebly seating. *FRONT ROW FRONT ROW FRONT ROW* *CROSSES FINGERS*
German: Start Chapter 2 *snail passes classes pace*
Comp. Lit.: Finished Lesson 5 and did lesson 6 step by step
Geometry: Proofs and the like...revioew for test tomarrow.

So today over all was ok..i was kinna miffed in art but thats life.Im much better then dunno now im just tired and sick but i dont wanna cry anymore!!!! yeah.....

HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!! PLANS??????? ANY AT ALL? I might just go paint the town red with roxy and bob...but i dunno..i think it would be cool to go walk around and talk and thelike... Any ideas?!?!?!

help me


:: 2004 22 September :: 8.23pm

Yeah so according to my dad im not mature enough to have the cello. And im freaking out cause i had to mow the

1. Micheal didnt pick up the dog poop so i had shit on my boot.
2. Im sick, tired and in the dumps. Was asleep while he was yelling at me ....but micheal was asleep cause he was sick.NICE OBSERVATION SKILLS DAD, IM GLAD YOU NOTICED.

So now im crying . All day tears have been thretening to emerge and i guess they finaly broke though. Im tired and sick...and the one chance i get to sleep my dad tells me i need to go mow the lawn.

Oh and before i left to go hang with niki even though i was tired he said michael would load the diswasher for me...but he didnt...cause he said michael shouldnt have to do my i asked him to?.......fuck bag.

Im so unbelieveably pissed off...and discouraged...its not even funny. Damon and i have been talking and he apologized and the like. So yesterday night he called around 10 and we starterd talking and i told him i ushered with Josh Beck and couldnt stop laughing. He flipped out and was all i cnat believe you even hang with the guy........RRRRRRIIIIIGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHTTTTTTTT........i felt like stabbing damon in the eye with my fingernail...but it would have been too messy.

So im on the verge of tears because i am tired of fighting with people and im a cry baby get over its what i do....but i dont want to deal with people who feel the need to thrust themselves into my business ....its shit....and when they do this they dont exactly help me...usually they just cause more problems and

*goes back to her hole and falls asleep*

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:: 2004 22 September :: 5.52am

Yo. I feel like crap. Go.

help me


:: 2004 21 September :: 7.36pm

I come from the land down under,
Where women roar and men thunder.
Cant ya hear cant ya hear that thunder?
You better run you better take cover.


So today was boring as usual.

Bio: Scored a 96% on the test
Art: Gallery and start self portraits *gag*
Gym: Flicker/Basketball *Racken fraskinmyr brady rackn frackenNo good for nothin frakinf rakin*
English: 2book reports
Lunch: Kendra pulled my from the lunch line and m,ade me go with her to her house...but she bought me lunch...which was a blizzard...yeah
Orchestra: Playing test
German: Chapter test
Comp Liy: Sec 5
Geometry: Proof...boring and easy all rolled into one.

I have goit this crush on a guy who moved here from LO....OMG HIS ACCENT! ...what can i say?

DAMNIT! i burnt my grilled cheese *starts scraping the burnt off franticly*

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:: 2004 20 September :: 6.09pm

It's funny how I find myself
In love with you
If I could buy my reasoning
I'd pay to lose
One half won't do

I've asked myself
How much do you
Commit yourself?

Yeah...feeeling of the day.....openness...i feel like telling people how i really feel them.But im not going to for fear of rejections and anger. Im a fearfull person.


Biology: 21-3 notes and finished worksheet.
Art: Finished still life and read chapter 6
Gym: SOCCER!!!!!! I was so happy...and was almost decapitated and only decapetated someone else.
English: Listened to 3 book reports..ithink or 2...hmmm...
Music: Sight read and work on homecomming peices. Show off my new cello ;)
German: Review for test
Comp. Lit.: Section 4 finish
Geometry: Proofs work...its so easy and boring.

So i joined Youth Symphony. Yes...michelle joined youth symphony...and i now have a private teacher i guess. So...yeah...

My cello/bow/case cost a couple thousand dollars. no more trips for michelle. Also no queen size bed...damn....but yeah..i have to play them back. So all money i get for my b-day and xmasgoes to my parents.

My mom is gone again...bah...tomarrow is club meetings and i need to mow the next door neighboors lawn so i have money for bunko. damn damn damn..i hope im not dead tomarrow cause i will need to hurry and spaz so yeah.

I want a bf. Im bored enough to say that...actually scratch that....i want to go bug josh.

help me


:: 2004 18 September :: 10.22pm

New Sarah
This is me in school.

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:: 2004 16 September :: 3.34pm

Yer Mother
Having a boyfriend is lovely. Oh yes, yes it is.
Now I have someone to mack on during and after lunch and after school. I so got two kisses in one day.

God I'm annoying myself and everyone around me talking about him. MOOHA.

2 worthless words | help me


:: 2004 15 September :: 8.46pm monday was horrible and today is fine....ashley is comeing up as soon as the hurrican is over and my mom is comming home.

Thats about it.

Ive decided though to tell you of a secret world in which christie and i live in. But you cannot talk about it at school. Or at our gatherings. Its an ongoing story that links in ways that dont make sense.

Amazingly it started with me and Gena Kurcher and the whole im a witch thing. Well she wanted me to call Spike who would be a vampire. So i did.(..i played with things like spells and callings was so stupid but so much fun...feeling like you sould control something. ) and yeah...everything went away..until in 8th grade Christie and i start talking and stuff and get on the subject of vampires. So she tells me that a guy saved her from Spike when she was sleeping over at Genas....well i hadent talked to her about it,or any one infact except gena. It was all kinda erie......So for the past 2 1/2 years we've occumulated an entire world full of magic and mystery. Shape shifters, hunters, vampires, witches, name it we've created it in our world. But we traced back our family lines to find we are related....but...i mean like...all the way back to viking times. i was amazed...turns out our ancestors were sisters.So we just assume we are rencarnated sisters...its strange. But yeah so sam and damon are vampires in that many people are dead...and so many in danger...that this world of ours tends to engulf us...

How we get the stories. I wake up some days with my window open, which was closed, and bruses on me. SO....thats how , we pull things from our dreams and peice things togather. But the weird thing is we both get therse dreams/ prem...and end up doing or seeing the same thing as in the dream. Or we know whats going to happen, like just walking around..and think that person is going to trip and they do.Plus lots of De'javou .

This may all seem so stupid but what can isay? My imagination has me trapped in a cage and it swalloed the key already.

Brandon,same,david,austin,damon,alex,brian,jeramy,leah,jaki,grim,goka, many other i insane?

2 worthless words | help me | Random Journal