2019 8 March :: 11.13am
recorded on 3.6.19
POD 12.1
Jess came back! And we talked for so long, I decided to split it into two episodes!
Get ready for a big cliffhanger. Or don't. Whatever. We won't judge your level of preparedness.
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2019 2 March :: 1.01pm
Recorded on 2.26.19
POD 11
Thanks to Jessica (not Jess) for joining me on this episode, in which smartphones, will smith, sharknado, and student loans are discussed.
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2019 22 February :: 2.41pm
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2019 17 February :: 1.20pm
Recorded on 2.14.19
POD 10
Special thanks to JESS for joining me on a special valentine's edition, in which valentine's day is hardly mentioned at all.
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2019 13 February :: 10.41pm
:: Music: fuckin' ... me
hang on-
well, you thought wrong. but shit happens. life gets busy. i'll post another one when i'm damn good and ready, and you're just going to have to deal with it!
in the immortal words of Tim Urban: "New post every sometimes"
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2019 4 February :: 11.11pm
Recorded on 2.3.19
Spoilers and sads, but don't worry, it's okay :)
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2019 1 February :: 7.24pm
:: Mood: FUNKY
:: Music: Marc Rebillet
recorded on 1.29.19
got a little vulnerable for this one. probably oversharing. oh well. this is turning out to be good therapy for me.
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2019 28 January :: 11.59pm
Recorded on 1.27.19
Flying solo for the snow day!
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2019 23 January :: 10.32pm
:: Music: papa vegas - gravity wars
recorded on 1.16.19
Featuring Brian and Lena!
We were all pretty tired, tbh. I was getting sick, but didn't know it yet.

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2019 16 January :: 5.03pm
:: Mood: happy
recorded on 1.13.19
groupcast! ryan, libby, and lena all came to visit and join in on the fun.
lots of talk about food and bodily functions.
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2019 4 January :: 12.28pm
:: Mood: amused
recorded on 1.2.19
feel free to HELP ME NAME THE 'CAST! :)
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2019 3 January :: 6.40pm
:: Mood: excited
recorded on 12.29.18
I'm still absolutely baffled that this thing is really happening, but it's rad as hell, and I don't care who knows it.
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2018 31 December :: 1.39pm
:: Mood: jubilant
recorded on 12.28.18
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2018 31 December :: 12.14pm
:: Music: Eric Clapton - Old Love
Happy New Year's Eve!
Greetings and welcome to the ending of the end of the year!
I would love to say 2018 was a momentous and eventful year, whether the events be good or bad, but in truth - not much happened. I rode my bike a lot. Paid someone to paint my house. Hosted the shit outta MCYPAA. Played a fair amount of drums.
Nothing earth-shattering.
Weight loss was probably the one goal I had for the year that failed utterly. Oh well. I tried hard. I'm giving myself a break for a bit.
Moving forward, I'm going to practice being a bit more selective about the things I say yes to. I keep booking myself for all this shit, and just wearing myself out. Expect a lot more music and recording stuff, and a little less AA service. I'm not quitting AA or anything, but I was a busy little beaver this year, and it was a bit too much. Went to a few meetings this weekend that I haven't hit in awhile. It was refreshing to see a lot of new faces in those places, and nice to reconnect with some people I hadn't seen in awhile.
One new thing I'm starting is a podcast!

That's what brought me to woohu today, actually. As I was sitting here thinking "fuck, where the hell am I going to host this thing?" it struck me that I ALREADY HAVE A WEB PAGE (spoiler alert, it's this one). I also remembered that I had a dummy gmail account I made like 10 years ago. Some college friends were going to be making a webseries, and they cast me to play one of the characters. The project never got off the ground, but his google presence lives on, and "Dustin" has 15GB of drive storage just sitting there empty.
So, thanks to the magnanimous Mr. Nash, and our good Mr. Andy, I would also like to welcome you to the new home of the as-yet-unnamed podcast I'm starting. When will there be updates? How will we track metrics and monetize our listenership? What will we do when we run out of storage on Dustin's google drive? These are all questions I will disregard for now and leave for my future self to contend with. SUCK IT, FUTURE ME!!!
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2018 20 December :: 7.54am
crossposting generates hits, right? gimme dat viral content!
Tried breathing while I was putting on my shoes last night, and now my back is sore #sothisis32 CHEERS!
Maybe it's morbid to talk about, but at one point, my plan was to be dead by 30. I don't know, it was a nice round number that seemed so unimaginably OLD when I picked it. The concept of "live fast; die young" was quite romantic at the time. I am very grateful that the universe has something better in mind for me, and that I'm able to share my bonus time with you fine folks. It's all gravy from here on out! or icing on the cake...
Okay, those two metaphors sound gross when you mix them. But you get what I'm saying ;)
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