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:: 2003 13 November :: 11.22pm
:: Mood: dead
:: Music: All is why nothing -"Powerline"

it only gets worse

today i went to school, learned nothin cuz i'm an idiot, skip 7th hour with oto,jose,alex,jeff and justin to go to alexs house to watch porn and eat. i dropped off justin and jeff off at home and then got into a huge fight with my sister. josh Mc came by and we just talk about what we have been doin csicne the last time we saw each other, i got a b in french but my mom doesn care and then i left for work with good intentions, arrived late but still in good spirits but as time rolled on i stated just.....you know what i dont even see the point of typing out all of this meaningless SHIT i said it up there i guive up i know this sounds dum but FUCK EVERYTHING

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:: 2003 13 November :: 9.11pm

taco, taco, taco, ay yi yi yi yi. <33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 times ten effing million.

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:: 2003 13 November :: 5.25pm
:: Mood: mellow
:: Music: the wrens- hopeless

would you want me?
today was good.. i wore my purple, one size too big roos! watch.. alternatively colored shoes are gonna be popular. i can see it now lol.. most of the events occured after school.. nhs meeting. those were some damn good cookies :). then the car ride home was fun.. <3 ya liz! lol.. yeh i skipped drama.. i just couldnt bring myself to go.. i was feeling so lazy. sorry celine.. xo. tonight: kicboxing(?), drivng, et cetera <3
byebye loves

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:: 2003 13 November :: 12.04am

Ok, so here's the public update...

Tonight's show went ok minus that fact they had out box above instead of on the ground but it's ok cause Billy's cute and how can you get mad at him. haha.

lauren, brian, paris, jackie, ryan and stephen came and saw me 8-).

but now i'm up doing my research paper and I'm never gonna get to go to sleep, but i get to sleep in til 8:30 atleast tomorrow, thats always nice, eh?

x to the o.



:: 2003 12 November :: 7.22pm
:: Mood: good
:: Music: elbow- fallen angel

hey now,
today was good, i had subs in 1st and 2nd hour, so that was a breeze. chem: test. eek! not sure how i did.. prolly b ish. eh. health: easy as usual... gethro's goped adventures. lmfao.
drama: was called at 3:30 cause some peeps went to starbucks and decided to be late. it turned out for the best, though. we had fun talking and such. the the chris-b-kremes stopped by! accordion and all. they rock. yeah, so a few games of hangman later, it was time to go on the activity bus.. which was pretty fun. we discussed rap, double standards, 'the fever', and yeh. got grabbed a few times. lol celine. so then when i got home i made me some angel hair pasta with fresh garlic, butter, and sun dried tomatoes. <3 .. yummmm :)
now tis time to go. adios <3

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:: 2003 12 November :: 3.43pm

Damn this writer's block!!
I should have done this a while ago, but I'm an idiot and didnt think to post it in here...so...

Tonight at Olympic is the Student Preview of On With The Show, it's a variety show! Anyways, the show starts at 7:30, but ticket sales start at 6:30 for only 5 dollars!! Come support the drama dept and watch meeeee, please? xo

x to the o.




:: 2003 11 November :: 11.08pm
:: Mood: eh
:: Music: "Hurricane"- SoCo

all for the reason
hi i just got from work, heh i havent worked in such a long time that i forgot how to do simple stuff, yea so i made 9 bucks in tips and closed early, i wasnt able to talk to Nicole, heh i dont think she wanted to talk to me anyway, stuffs goin on....anyway i woke up today around 11:00 then left for the beach around 12 with Geori, D.M. and met up with isabella, and we hung out wow the water was cold....then we went to spiggs house and uhh u know brok the str8 edge code of honer...pat was there and so was joeys...we played some ukeleles....its was hot, then we left. i dropped off G and D.M. and then i headed off to work where i fuking had to work with this kid i really dont like, it was juts me and him the whole night. we got out pretty early tho ha! anyway oi'm here now looking at the parking ticket i got earlier today....ugh, anyway i g2g i'll c-ya


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:: 2003 11 November :: 12.21pm
:: Mood: annoyed
:: Music: i like the way you move // outkast

I'm semi-back
Ok, so I havent been updating but thats ok, cause i update enough to make up for the missed days, but i'll fill you in. MY mom told me I'm not allowed on the computer until we sit down and go over all thsi crap, but for the next week or so I'm not really going to be home, therefore, I probally wont be on my computer a whole lot for a good two weeks. So call me people...CALL ME.

My weekend sucked ass, so not going to even tell ya'll about it.

Yesterday, I got up at 8, and drove up to Lake Worth for bowling districts...it was soo much fun! We bowled the first three games and were placed in first with a total pin count of 2171 and the second place team had 2166! IT was close lol. Then we bowled the final 3 games against the second place team, and after those we lost, and moved to second. So they announce the places, and they said Atlantic High got 2nd, well, we were a little suspicious about that, so we made them recount, hahahahahahah atlantic, next time dont have YOUR coach do the counting, WE GOT SECOND, WE'RE GOING TO STATES!. So that was fun.
Left Lake Worth, and ran to school, got to rehearsal to find out they hadn't done a single thing yet. Got my make up done and just chilled with Christina and Jessica, and we ate lots of food, or I did. Got home, and went to bed, and today woke up at 11:30....8-)..I'm gonna do my homework, no I'm not, Im going to call La and see if she's chillen with Danielle. Yep thats what I'm going to do.

Im off to call LA, and then I'm off to school at 3, eh...what fun =\

x to the o.




:: 2003 11 November :: 11.22am
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: elliott smith: sweet adeline

well if the beach does happen today, no board for me. i just wanna go and chill. hopefully i'll be able to.
chem test tomorrow.. sucks.
eh not much to say. bye <3

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:: 2003 9 November :: 9.20pm
:: Mood: thankful
:: Music: Simply being loved....wtf

too good to be true?
ok so today i woke up in a bad mood cuz i didnt think i was gunna get a car...and other reasons for home coming and all.....i ceaned my room and then me and my mom left to go to the dealership...we walked around...then we finally decided on the 2003 Mazda Protege. we purchased it for 13 G's...its an awesome car, it has everything i want in a car....i'll be driving it to school tomorrow....ohh yeaaaa :) anyway i went to alec's then rickys, then sebastian house to show off the goods and they all love the car

so yea i'm in a good mood....for now i'll c-ya :)

highlights: car
downers: girls


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:: 2003 9 November :: 8.25pm
:: Mood: tired

"i swear this boob is SO much bigger than that one"
hey guys.. this weekend was for the most prt good. yesterday was vanessa's party.. fun fun stuff.. then today i woke up early in an effort to go running but didnt end up leaving till later.. anywho.. when i got back, went to the beach w/ geori, chach, spigs, alicia, laura, alex, and we met some others there. it was funn but i seriously SUCK at surfing lately. ive 'lost my touch' lol chach. we are so going back tuesday.. or else. :)
im effing b r o k e. i just got paid and its all gone.. and i wont even be working next week. :-\
..cause im goin up to orlando for my brother's birthday.. emm.. do we have to? i mean he will be down here for thanksgiving.. argh. oh well.
not sure if i have homework to do, but frankly i dontcare. im just gonna read my book till i fall asleep.
...sweet dreams...



:: 2003 9 November :: 1.35am
:: Mood: disappointed
:: Music: Signals over the air -thursday-

why do you call my name?

today i woke up, and ate. i went to fairbanks to look for a acar- i was this close to buying one with my mother but there was sumthing holding us back...we had to sleep on it. when i got home i call nociole and ricky to plan how we were gunna get to homecoming. Meanwhile oto and alex came over and we all hung out and they played guitar and chilled while i got ready for the night ahead. i picked up Nicole...she looked beautiful...i then went to michelles house and we all met up there. we then all went to some restaurunt(i dont rememebr the name of it) where people dance on the tables and throw dishes on the floor. then everybody in the frigging restaurunt started dancing including my self and nicole and ricky and guna, lol we all started out our home coming a lil early in the night, We all arrived at O.H. at 10:00 fashionably late of course. now i didnt know anyone there so it was kind of akward, but all good. anyways we all started dancing and did our things....but as the night grew on nicole seemed to be getting more distant. i felt like i couldnt reach her....she was soo much mmore interested in hearing what this girl had to say then asking me if i wanted to dance or do sumthing else this went on intil 12:00, thats when we left to go to tis party at the HoJo at deerfriend beach. but then plans changed and the party was switched to a different location and then back again..at this time i'm getting really frustrated. anyways ewe didnt endup going to the partrty so then decided to go to the beach turns out that wasnt gunna work out either, basically i drove all the way to the beach for NO reason whatsoever. i felt bad cuz alex wanted me to call him when the dance was over but i forgot to call him and then he called rickys cell and he was upset that he could hang out with us but i couldnt pick him since i was too far from his house....after the "Beach" i drive nicole home.....i didnt even get to give her formal goodnight kiss or even bye how romantic....i dunno why its like that everytime. but only at her house. anyways then i dropped off ricky,gina,micheele and that other girl off at michelles, so now i'm here thinking about what i'm gunna do, ugh. to top it off my mom is pissed at me for coming home so late. w/e

Tomorrow- i might go back to the dealership to cheack out more cars or even buy one : )

i'm outttie


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:: 2003 8 November :: 3.06pm
:: Mood: aggravated

you smell like bad rice with som pastrami soup on the side...
last night i did nothing. thank you.

today i worked. bleh.

tonight: party. :)

tomorrow: beach 8-)

now: off to go shopping for an outfit.

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:: 2003 7 November :: 4.37pm
:: Mood: excited
:: Music: hey ya

dot want to meet your daddy... jut want you in my caddy <3
that song is so effing hot ! lol
tonight is our last football game (yeah we kinda suck this year compared to our perfect record (or so) last year.. but its against our rivals.. boca high! argh.. lol. but my main motivation is to watch the eaglettes do their 'thriller' routine... cause ive just heard oh so much about it. lol natalia dont bail on me! lol
this week has been long............ rehearsal every day! and riding the activity bus home from delray is NOT the funnest thing in the world to do.
but im doing MUCH better this quarter, gradewise, which im happy about. although that take-home-test thing kenyon gave us today is going to kick my ass. if i ever said that i enjoyed chemistry, i TAKE THAT BACK.
i cant wait till tomorrow.. i get paiddd... woot woot.. 55 fuking dollars... eh. lol
off to eat some lovely frijoles con arroz.. mi favorito!
adios bellos!!!!

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:: 2003 6 November :: 9.39pm
:: Mood: annoyed
:: Music: Untitled Powerline

its ok...it only hurts when i breathe
well itts 9:33 p.m. and i'm deciding to do my jounrnal entry early for the night cuz i would like to go to bed early do to sleeping problems over the week...i'm still kinda sick.

Yesterday- went to school, first day back from being home...lotta make up work, after school alex came over and then ricky and the jeff and edin, me ricky and alex left for rickys house and edin and jeff left. So me Ricky and Alex hung out at rickys until 5:30, then we left to go pick up Nicole, we then wasted 30 mintues looking for Ovation cuz the directions we had were bogus and i couldnt recall where the place was exactly, but anyways we got there and saw Moneen, good band....the TBS they were good but could have been much better, like almsot GODLIKE better. but its all good, then saves the day came on and played a great show, but they played like 27 songs seriously. anyway we left and hung out at dunkin donuts and the alexs dad came and we all went home. again i did no hmwk watsoever

Today- woke up, toom the bus to school and then stayed after to make up a french test....i hung out with anna cuz she stayed after too. then i elft and rushed home to see if i had to work or not, i got an anonomous messege from a guy who said i was fired, and for some odd reason i'm not on the schedule until tuesday....i'm gunna start looking for a new job..anyway we had practice and it was pretty cool, played some cool ass new songssssss..so now i'm here about to get ready to eat, but i'm out i'll c-ya later


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