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:: 2003 5 November :: 4.19pm
:: Mood: confused
:: Music: michelle branch // breathe

I love you in the morning, and in the afternoon, I love you the evening, and underneath the moon.
Ok, so I went to school today, first hour was fun, helped Glady's talked to her about the Variety Show, and I asked her to tell Hasko I have all intentions of being in the show :-\. Third hour was fun as always, gotta love Murray. Yeah, he let me wear his jersey, haha paris, jealous eh? Fifth hour was boring, and Mrs. Lawrence was in a bad mood, but its ok, i guess, talked with Casey. Lunch was nice, Matt came and said goodbye :-(!! Michelle came and sat with me, good times, good talks!! <33. 7th hour was sooo boring, I'm learning to hate that class, especially the people in that class.

its all about the ins the outs the ups and the downs

x to the o.

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:: 2003 4 November :: 10.56pm

Im gonna be cool like "par" and look you cant comment! hahahahahahahah


:: 2003 4 November :: 10.47pm
:: Mood: still sick
:: Music: improv songs

can i say?
ok its 10:43- i am still sick, and i have done NO hmwk all day...today started out BAD but now its still in the process of becoming good

see when i woke up, i had this thing still in my eye, i was sick severly, i had hmwk to do, i am missing work, and i didnt know if i was going to home coming, and i didnt know how i was gunna get to the concert tomorrow, and i dont get to see the matrix 3 tomorrow in the theaters

but now, the thing is out of my eye, i'm still fuking sick, i did some hmwk, and i have to still make uo the othe damn work, i might go to rickys home coming at OH i found a ride to TBS and i dunno i guess i'm still sick.but i have to go know to do french hmwk and such later.



:: 2003 4 November :: 12.16pm
:: Mood: sick
:: Music: random powerline

better to be pissed off then pissed on
i am so sick, i cant go to homecoming, and i have to miss powerderpuff :( oh and i am fuking sick

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:: 2003 4 November :: 11.47am
:: Mood: sick
:: Music: none, just woke up.

The one person you'd never expect it from is the one person who gave it to you
This weekend was alright, not gonna go into details, there's no need too. Monday morning, i got up at 4:45, blah, and did some last minute stuff, and showed up at stephens at 6, on the dot. We got to the bus, pick a seat, and we were off to Sea World...slept a little on the way up, hey, i was sleepy, and watched the last hlaf of the hulk, got there...AND I GOT STUCK IN THE BATHROOM STALL! it was scary, the lock would not move, so drunken kelly had to climb over and save me, thans darling. Me, Stephen, and Nicole wandered around looking for the roller coaster, Kraken, found it, rode it twice, then me and Stephen went on Atlantis haha didnt get too wet. Then the three of us had lunch, and we went to Shamu's adventures<3 :sigh: i love shamu, haha, we were the onyl section that didnt get wet, ;]! Then we went to see some animals, saw polar bears, walrus', penguin's, baloga(sp?) whales, sharks, sting rays, DOLPHINS, and i think thats it. Then finally we spent the last two hours of our day, riding Atlantisand Kraken. hah. Me and Stephen went on Atlantis, sat in the front, got drenched, then went on it again, got wet again, than air dried on kraken, then the genius' me and stephen are, went back on atlantis before we left, and sat in the front..we were soaking wet, for the bus ride home..it was cold, but it was still fun. Got home, felt like crap, went to bed. Woke up today, got to stay home, and now i'm here, telling you about how much fun my life is.


p.s. Paris, since i couldnt comment on that entry, just awnted to say, thank you, and i'll call you later.

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:: 2003 3 November :: 7.30pm
:: Mood: tired

the system is down
taking a break from daybook/study guide for art.. fun stuff. today was okay, MANIC MONDAY! yeah, drama was kinda boring.. only like 8 ppl showed up, and we stopped RIGHT before my lines. eh.. tis okay.
i got my phone.. call it bitch 715-6478 :)
time to go work and stuff... BEACH THIS WEEKEND OR ELSE

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:: 2003 3 November :: 5.14am
:: Mood: jealous
:: Music: allanis morisette // thank you

One way, or another, I'm gonna get you, I'm gonna get you...
Just a disclaimer, this isnt about any one person, so no assumptions.

I've made a lot of new and unexpected friends, and I like it. Sometime..'different', it can be good, but other times, its nothing but trouble. Lately, all i've been filled with is regret and mistrust, mistrust btwn friends and myself, and regret with just about everything. But hey, people are too busy to notice, too busy with my friends. I'm done with caring so much, and I'm done with all the trying, I'm moving on. It amazes me how all I ever tried to do was be nice and curteous, and it just turns around and kicks me in the ass. I'm off to sea world now, maybe I can make friends with Shamoo?




:: 2003 2 November :: 10.26pm
:: Mood: regretful
:: Music: "Build a bridge" limp bizkit

theres a way...
wow i just finished all my hmwk, heh that like the first time this year that i just decided to do my hmwk by myself, EVEN MY FRENCH HMWK! ha! anyway ttoday was a lazy day

i woke up at like 1:30 then i just loafed around on the couch with the t.v. on. then my moms friend Eva came over and i talk to her about what i was gunna do after high school, anyways i decided to set-up my omnirax studio furniture set, which is by the way the coolest thing i have ever gotton furniture wise, it hold my stereo, speakers,t.v.,camera, my amps, and so much more ahhhh, anyways after that i cleanded my room. i didnt leave the HOUSE ONCE ugh, too much, after that nicole called and we made plans to go to the movies but she couldnt fdrive cuz it was araining but mommy wasnt home so i could drive but then it stopped raining so she said she could pick my up but i didnt have any $$ and then her mom said she couldnt go :( we were both bummed and had ntuhing to talk about for the rest of night so we said out goodnights, but we work tomorrow together, i think its feels akward but i dunno w/e heh, right now i feel like recordding music but i dunt wanna have to go over and over and belabor myself so i'm just gunna go.


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:: 2003 2 November :: 11.06am
:: Mood: cranky
:: Music: music deprived

can we say...hangover?
hi, im gunna try and type as well as possible

ok so my halloween was prety good we went driving around then went to a party but didnt stay long cuz nicolle had to get a parents approval so we had to leave, me her and her friend ashley went back to my houdse and we just chilled there and ashely just like passsed out on my couch (poor girl) any way me and nicole ended up watching like a whole series of movies and she left around 1:00, then i went to BED


it was suppose to be a me-ricky-alex night like most saturdays but it ended up being a me-9 beers night. so it started out me and ricky and alex driving around in rickys car , we had just got done eating at Taco hell, and pat just cmae out of no where and surprised us....he was with katie.....so we decided to all hangout. anyways thennn we all went to mizner and fucked atound and did w/e we could to keep ourselves occupied for the night.(SOMETHING HAPPEND AT MIZNER THAT MAY EFFECT THE BANC IN A HUGE WAY) after that katie had to drive pat home cuz of his curfew. so we dropped him off after leaving ricky and gina alone (ohhh yea!) anyway me katie and alex were trying to think of things to do when we decided to go ding-dong door ditching (yea real fucking smart) anyway we did one house and then headed off to another that was katies -ex boyfriends house) instead of just leaving we just ended up staying and hangout cuz it enede up hbeing a party. so we stayed and made a ruckus throught out the neightbor hood. and me gus and diego decided to egg cars on top of the roof of the house, i had grabbed a beer and went withthem, none of my egges were reaching the road, we then went inside and just hubng out (beer #2) then we all just starting having a chug contest (beer #3,4,5,6) then i went into somekids room and played guitar for a feew couple (beer #7) then we decided to go on a drving rampage with eggs in our hands...we musta had like 100 eggs, later the same with tommys car....(beer#8) and then went back and hung out and just did creak dancing moves (beer #9 1/2) then when it came to 2 a clock we decided to leave, i was soo fuking drunk that i thought that it was halloween and asked if we could go triack or treating. tommy drive me home and my mom was gtrateful for my presence (she was SCREAMING) i just took a shower and fell onto my bed and took it like a man......3 hours later at 5 in the ,mroning i threw up bout 3 times, it felt good after the second one. lol. but now i',m awake and my head hurt and i'm damn hungry i'm gunna go eat sumthing then see wat the deal is for today. and go see how alex's hangoover is doing lol

woiw that was thr longest journal entry i have ever done




:: 2003 31 October :: 12.38am
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: none...twice again

my nights never end
ok i'm gunna make this madd quik

today i woke up and went to school, i went to mikes house yet again. then we went to practice, shyt i have this down pat, theres suppose to be a special practice saturday but i'll skip thanks u very much. ok anyway after practice me and anna dropped of moniqque (alexias sister) and she picked up her friend shayla or sumthing who knows jeff g, anyway she then dropped me off at home. thennnn i got home i then called alex and headed for u-turn,, me and alex stayed there for about an hour where we were throwing punpkins in the air, then o got a free one : ), then me and alex stopped by coldstones to just chill ya kno, and then poor retarded johnny would let me in the back so i had to stay out in the front which was really embarrasing, plus i kinda hoped alex woul;d have wanted to come, anyway the noight started closing in and me and alex headed back to his house but since i have NEVER been inside olympic heights lions territory i decided to go ahead and check it out, so me and alex just fuking walked around OH for a bit and i drove him home, i then went to home where my mom was bitching at me gfor not helping my sister move, but then i called anna and we desided to match for halloween tomorrow, haha you'll see, then she came over and showed me her dress, and then we headed for eckerds and bought a camera, she dropped me off and then my mom told me i HAD to help my sister move, so me and my mom all the way to my sisters to help her move this bis-ass couch but as a rewards steve is gunna let me take his studio furnitre, which i have to pick up tomorrow, lol so that was my night and now i'm out kater


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:: 2003 30 October :: 9.38pm
:: Mood: argh

fucking a
so heres the deal:
a couple of dumbasses decided to cheat on an EASY TEST, so now we ALL have to retake it, only this time hes making it h a r d e r, and with no curve im sure. AND I HAD AN A ON THE OTHER ONE!! christine, im with ya for the ibo. this is madness.

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:: 2003 30 October :: 8.21pm

I didnt mean to be mean with that comment on my journal, i wasnt being bitchy about it, i was just joshing with you. Sorry.



:: 2003 29 October :: 9.44pm
:: Mood: im just thinking
:: Music: i wish you were here is stuck in my head

Im waiting for you to ask, i put my life on hold for you to call
today has just been ups and downs for me, i dont know, everything is a mess. eddie left without saying goodbye, i dont know if i could have without crying. my mom came to talk to me, i told her i didnt want to talk she said than listen, i told her i didnt want to listen, now..she's in her room passed out, tomorrow should be wonderful.

i wanna play with you on halloween, but your not gonna call and invite me anywhere, i'm just here at your conveniance. im the dumb one, waiting and waiting. well, its me now, and im not waiting, if your there your there if your not, than your not.

im not working halloween, or saturday night, i wanted to go to the beach, another time. but im excited, i get 2 nights out in a row ;].


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:: 2003 29 October :: 9.17pm
:: Mood: alright
:: Music: Faith

i like to whisper too
ok so today i went to school, and umm we got report cards, and since i'm too embarresed to type it here, i'm not going to say it. but yea we got'em. anyways after school, i went to mike house again and we then went to subway and ate, then went to practice...i'm kinda excited about this powderpuff thing, were gunna kick some ass. anyway on satday we might all meet up at the beach and have practice if anyone wats to check us out in a sample before we kick the seniors asses. but after that mike took me and anna home, she came to my house for a bit and then left, i drove her. hmmmm.

anyway i made a number of phone calls after i drove anna home, i talked to ricky, nicole, anna and then alex. now i'm here on the comp talking to geori and alex and trying to avoid doing french hmwk with my mom, ahh i have to in 8 minutes. anyway today was a pretty lame day

tomorrow, is thursday, i have practice after school and then i'll probably go to u-turn and then do sum other stuff but i also have to find a costume for halooween and i dont even know what i'm gunna do for halowweeen yet : / but i'm sure we'll do sumthing

wow i havent worked in a long time, i work saturday so anyone come visit me. plz

i think thats about it i'm gunna go


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:: 2003 29 October :: 7.16pm
:: Mood: relaxed

c'mon baby light my fire
today was good. my tests were okay, i got an a on the econ one and im hoping for a b on the english one. we got reports cards today...

:-\ .. could have been better, but could have been worse i suppose.

i oficially dont know when im getting my phone. fucking cingular people STILL havent called. FINE THEN! T MOBILE HERE I COME! eh.. ill have to wait.

2 days til halloween... shizzle! i gotta throw something together...

my entries are becoming more and more pointless..

so until something interesting happens, bye.

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