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:: 2003 22 October :: 6.56pm
:: Mood: :-o (me n liz's face)
:: Music: black eyed peas is stuck in my head?

where is the love?
today was actually pretty good! for the first time this year i actually sat down the night before and did my homework. it was amazing how much stress that took off of me, just doing what i should have been doing all along. so ive got this new found motivation to do well in school, and im going to work really hard. it feels good! (for the time being, that is)
i, by some incorrect neurological signal, decided to go to drama today. i mean i really dont mind going at all, i just would rather stay home when im not needed, thats okay though. as i was waiting for the activity bus i saw the eaglettes walking in their perfect line to the dance room and remember liz had practice. so i just sat on a bench and did my spanish homework while i waited, it was so quiet, very rare for that school. it was (dare i say) nice? yes. even though i was doing hw, i felt peaceful.
after the ride home, i realized that i complain too much about little insignificant things in my life. EVERONE, even the nicest, most down to earth people have problems, so i should just look on the bright side of things and be happy.
tomorrow is twin day annnnnd a half day! woot woot! beach???? ill try the mostest i can.. i need me some of that sweet ocean mist. . .
bye... i love you guys!

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:: 2003 21 October :: 10.56pm

decisions, decisions. ugh, i lose, i give up. i want it back. and now i dont know what to do. I'm dumb, very very, dumb.



:: 2003 20 October :: 11.19pm
:: Music: sugar cult // daddys little defect

mandatha, thats me.
I just wanted to say, Goodluck to all those that are auditioning for Me and My Girl, and you'll all do amazing. Ill be behind the scenes this time. haha, i wanna say RIP The Chronicle of a Star, but now it sounds like Justin's dead. So i'll refrain. Here's a little survery you all can fill out about lil ol me. Thanks. x to the o.

1. My name:
2. Where did we meet?
3. Take a stab at my middle name:
4. How long have you known me?
5. How well do you know me?
6. Do I smoke?
7. Do I believe in God?
8. When you first saw me, what was your 1st impression?
9. My age?
10. Birthday??
12. Color eyes?
13. Do I have any siblings?
14. Have you ever had a crush on me?
15. What's one of my favorite things to do?
16. Do you remember one of the 1st things I said to you?
17. What's my favorite type of music?
18. What is the best feature about me?
19. Am I shy or outgoing?
20. Would you say I am funny?
21. Have you ever seen me cry?
22. If there were one good nickname for me, what would it be?
23. Are my parents still together?
24. What do I love?
25. What songs make you think of me?
26. If you could set me up with one person for the rest of my life, WHO would it be?

p.s. im aware there isnt a number 11, so make up an answer. =)

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:: 2003 20 October :: 7.39pm
:: Mood: indifferent

"all day i've been putting things in my mouth, i can't stop"
thanks jackie. nice to know.. ::erm::

today was mix/match day... i was content w/ my outfit.. it was not matching, yet it also didn't send you into a sensory overload. walking around school all day with one sneaker and one flip flop did feel a bit strange though... oh well.

tomorrow i look like a 70's school girl? i dont know. all i know it is something from the past. NATALIA YOU BETTER DRESS LIKE U SAID U WOULD OR ILL GO AND BREAK UR HIP THEN WHIP YOU WITH YOUR SUSPENDERS!!!!! muahaha :)

when i got home, i was devastated to find out that it was, in fact, still monday. :-\ hopefully this week will be funner than usual cause of the outfits and such.

tomorrow i have rehearsal for the play... or so ive heard. ehhhh-ness. i only have 2 lines, do i HAVE to go to the rehearsals?!?!

GAH tomorrow --> psats....... PAIN AND SUFFERING. (thank you pj)

off i go to do homework like the good IBer that i no am ("liz snort").. and then go to the gym and spend a lovely 20 min straight on the elliptical machine. ah.. life is great.

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:: 2003 20 October :: 5.11pm
:: Mood: reassured
:: Music: the snow man in the kitchen is singing

in your face
Well, you can say whatever you want, cause I know the truth, and what may have happened, happened. So keep telling youself your little stories, but their just tales, tall tales is all. Everything is Good, and things can only get better.


p.s. I just cant stress enough that thursday is a 1/2 day. woo<3

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:: 2003 20 October :: 7.04am

I'm not that dumb, i know what that all means, get it through your head, you cant hide anything from me.

p.s. 1/2 day on thursday<3



:: 2003 19 October :: 11.12pm

fukin thing
heres a damn survey

1. My name:
2. Where did we meet?
3. Take a stab at my middle name:
4. How long have you known me?
5. How well do you know me?
6. Do I smoke?
7. Do I believe in God?
8. When you first saw me, what was your 1st impression?
9. My age?
10. Birthday??
12. Color eyes?
13. Do I have any siblings?
14. Have you ever had a crush on me?
15. What's one of my favorite things to do?
16. Do you remember one of the 1st things I said to you?
17. What's my favorite type of music?
18. What is the best feature about me?
19. Am I shy or outgoing?
20. Would you say I am funny?
21. Have you ever seen me cry?
22. If there were one good nickname for me, what would it be?
23. Are my parents still together?
24. What do I love?
25. What songs make you think of me?
26. If you could set me up with one person for the rest of my life, WHO would it be?

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:: 2003 19 October :: 11.28am
:: Mood: apprecaiting
:: Music: jessica simpson // sweetest sin

I'm the shoulder for crying, I'm the friend, I'm the winner
Just want to make a quick announcement, that Jackie Balzer and Lauren Moodacious Moody, are my two favorite people, i'd die without either one of you. thank you<3


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:: 2003 19 October :: 9.21am
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: outkast // hey ya

What comes around, goes around
so after all that torturing sarah, and making fun of her...I just went outside to let my dogs out, and i opened the screen door, and what jumps out at me? A FROG! I bet you it was the one from next door too...dang.

I think I've jumped into something WAY too quickly, and now I regret it...a lot. I just cant take it back anymore, maybe i can find a way. Off to work soon.


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:: 2003 19 October :: 12.38am
:: Mood: irritated

until the day i die
highlights of the night: got my paycheck, hung out with alotta of cool kids

downers: my hair is black, the band is reaching new lows, and ummm yea




:: 2003 18 October :: 10.06pm
:: Mood: numb
:: Music: the movie "the others"

your ass or a hole in the ground
my eye hurts

today i woke up, went to work at 12
left at 5, then went shopping with my mom, now i'm here with alex, laura, geori, emi, alicia, joey, danielle, danielle m, and oto. ricky and pat and some other gurls just left a lil while ago. ano now were watching the others. i have toi leave soon to go cold stones for my paycheck and for other various reasons. i'm gunna go i'll c-ya later


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:: 2003 18 October :: 3.06pm
:: Mood: tired

i had to get up at 7:30 today.. i could barely open my eyes. work was okay, really boring at its slow points, but when we had people, they all decided to be mean. whatever... damn old people. for some reason i had HORRIBLE allergies the whole day which sucked... still have em.
today i have to do homework and such.. later im goin to ross to look for some mix match stuff.
tomorrow.. beach? i couldnt go today or yesterday but everyone else did, so u guys might not want to go tomorrow. we'll see though. i hope someone's up to it!
ash: yeah, i didnt like him that day. he was mean to my sister.
kiki: he smelled like bad rice?
ash: was that a racial comment?!?!

lmfao.. you guys are hilarious

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:: 2003 18 October :: 12.39am
:: Mood: amused

sarah you're amazing
xkissmygunx (11:01:18 PM): omg mandy
skittlecious (11:01:26 PM): thats my name..
xkissmygunx (11:01:37 PM): theres a frog in my roon
xkissmygunx (11:01:39 PM): room
skittlecious (11:01:44 PM): hahahahahahahahahahahah
skittlecious (11:01:46 PM): get it out
xkissmygunx (11:06:24 PM): omg noooo wayyyy
xkissmygunx (11:06:28 PM): im so scared of frogs
skittlecious (11:07:21 PM): hahahaha
skittlecious (11:07:24 PM): get kevin toget it out
xkissmygunx (11:07:31 PM): hes scared tooo!!!
skittlecious (11:07:40 PM): your dad?
xkissmygunx (11:07:58 PM): sleeping/sick
skittlecious (11:08:12 PM): lyndie?
xkissmygunx (11:08:18 PM): sleeping
skittlecious (11:08:23 PM): guy who sleeps on couch?
xkissmygunx (11:08:30 PM): hahah sleeping
skittlecious (11:32:19 PM): haha, its gonna die or have babies in your room.
xkissmygunx (11:33:08 PM): OMG HAVE BABIES?!
xkissmygunx (11:33:09 PM): omg
xkissmygunx (11:33:11 PM): omg om gom g
xkissmygunx (11:33:14 PM): what do i do?
skittlecious (11:35:24 PM): haha, GET IT OUT.
xkissmygunx (11:35:58 PM): IM SCARED!
xkissmygunx (11:36:06 PM): u come get it ou!
skittlecious (11:36:08 PM): lol, no.
skittlecious (11:36:13 PM): throw a pot or something over it.
skittlecious (11:36:16 PM): and like scoot it out.
xkissmygunx (11:36:27 PM): i dont kno where it went
xkissmygunx (11:37:05 PM): i was all smoking a ciggeret out my window and it was ON ME then it jumped on the wall and ran behhind my dresser
xkissmygunx (11:37:13 PM): and i have the messiest room ever
skittlecious (11:37:20 PM): LMFAO! it was on you? hahahhahahahahahhahahahhahaha
xkissmygunx (11:37:33 PM): YEA IT WAS
xkissmygunx (11:37:41 PM): NOT FUNNY
xkissmygunx (11:37:45 PM): i almost cried
skittlecious (11:38:05 PM): i think its fucking hilarious, lol.
skittlecious (11:38:08 PM): Im still laughing. haha
xkissmygunx (11:38:38 PM): omg omg omg im gonna die if it has bbabies in my room
skittlecious (11:38:58 PM): i would never stop laughing. hahaha.
xkissmygunx (11:39:11 PM): saldfkjlaskdjf
xkissmygunx (11:39:15 PM): help me!
skittlecious (11:39:24 PM): lol i cant, if you havent noticed im at my house, and your at yours.
xkissmygunx (11:39:31 PM): it was a small frog tho lol
skittlecious (11:39:38 PM): SARAH!
skittlecious (11:39:41 PM): GO GET IT!
xkissmygunx (11:39:43 PM): what?
xkissmygunx (11:39:46 PM): why?!?
skittlecious (11:40:13 PM): cause, its gonna die.
xkissmygunx (11:40:17 PM): good
skittlecious (11:40:18 PM): and its small, its not even a big from.
skittlecious (11:40:20 PM): frog*
skittlecious (11:40:28 PM): ew, you want a dead decompsing frog in your rom!
skittlecious (11:40:30 PM): room*
xkissmygunx (11:40:35 PM): hahahahahah
xkissmygunx (11:40:37 PM): ewwwwwww
skittlecious (11:40:58 PM): hahahaha
skittlecious (11:44:37 PM): lol, go get the frog out. brb
xkissmygunx (11:44:50 PM): im not getting the frog
skittlecious (11:45:03 PM): its gonna have babies in your room, done.
xkissmygunx (11:45:19 PM): omg no its not
xkissmygunx (11:45:25 PM): your trying to scare me
skittlecious (11:54:31 PM): i'm not trying to scare you, i learned all about frogs last year in bio.
xkissmygunx (11:54:39 PM): shut up lol
xkissmygunx (11:54:42 PM): i dont care
xkissmygunx (11:54:50 PM): my dad will take care of i tomoro morning
skittlecious (11:55:12 PM): They way they reproduce, a frog is asexual, therefore they only need themselves to have babies. And in the wilderness they have babies to feed off of when there isnt any food in their habitat.
xkissmygunx (11:55:32 PM): omg omg omg omg omg omg omg
xkissmygunx (11:55:37 PM): mandy come get it
skittlecious (11:56:41 PM): lol
skittlecious (11:56:45 PM): its just a frog.
xkissmygunx (11:56:53 PM): no its a fucking beast
xkissmygunx (11:56:55 PM): LOL
xkissmygunx (11:56:56 PM): jk
xkissmygunx (11:57:07 PM): i have the biggest frog phobie
xkissmygunx (11:57:11 PM): phobia
skittlecious (11:57:29 PM): hahah<3
xkissmygunx (12:06:58 AM): xkissmygunx (12:04:56 AM): but what if it has babies!?
LaTiN MaMi452 (12:05:57 AM): then theyr gunna jump in ur mouth nd ears while ur sleepin and lay eggs
skittlecious (12:07:18 AM): LMFAO<3333333333
skittlecious (12:07:19 AM): who is that?
xkissmygunx (12:07:46 AM): natasha
skittlecious (12:07:51 AM): hahahahahah
skittlecious (12:08:50 AM): see, they're gonna have babies.
xkissmygunx (12:08:52 AM): omgggggggg
skittlecious (12:09:18 AM): omg, what now?
xkissmygunx (12:10:19 AM): im so scared its gonna multiply and eat all my shit
xkissmygunx (12:10:20 AM): lol
skittlecious (12:11:20 AM): they like cotton
xkissmygunx (12:11:29 AM): really?
xkissmygunx (12:11:32 AM): OMG SHUT UP!
skittlecious (12:12:43 AM): lol calm down, its only a frog,.
skittlecious (12:13:44 AM): ew, what if they have babies in your ear?!
xkissmygunx (12:13:56 AM): OMG WHY DOES EVERYONE SAY THAT?!?!?!
skittlecious (12:14:03 AM): cause they can
xkissmygunx (12:14:30 AM): no way?!
skittlecious (12:14:53 AM): all they need is a crevis the size of an egg or so, nothing bigger, ears can work..
xkissmygunx (12:15:32 AM): why are u telling me this?!
skittlecious (12:15:49 AM): just so you can be totally prepared.
xkissmygunx (12:16:37 AM): nooooo shut up!
skittlecious (12:18:45 AM): i'm just trying to help you out
skittlecious (12:19:03 AM): Im telling you go get some pans, and just get ready to blck them in pans.
xkissmygunx (12:19:10 AM): nooo
xkissmygunx (12:19:11 AM): lol
xkissmygunx (12:19:14 AM): i cant go near it
xkissmygunx (12:19:16 AM): im so scared
xkissmygunx (12:19:21 AM): i'll piss myself
skittlecious (12:20:24 AM): oh jesus.
xkissmygunx (12:20:39 AM): DONT YOU OH JESUS ME!
xkissmygunx (12:20:57 AM): im frogophobic
xkissmygunx (12:21:03 AM): lol i dont kno what its called
skittlecious (12:21:26 AM): I'm not the one with cotton eating, multiplying frogs in my room.
xkissmygunx (12:21:45 AM): omg!
xkissmygunx (12:21:51 AM): you suck

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:: 2003 18 October :: 12.03am
:: Mood: blah
:: Music: Vandura - Read these actions

should i bite my tounge, till blood soaks my shirt?
ok its 12:00 o'clock right now and i just got home, my mom wasn't too pissed so its all good, tomorrow i have to work ugh. anyway, today i went to toak with ricky. and we hung out there until 5 then we left to go to McDonalds then each went home, i begged my mom if i could take the car out for tonite so i was happy until later, cuz jose wasnt there and we had a shitty practice....then we went to shadowood and didnt even see a movie, i drove pat and his friend home at 10:00 and then me geori, alicia,emi,laura,and the b-day gurl went to dennys and ate, i drove them home.

Highlights: i got to hang out with some cool gurls, i had a practice in the past like 2 months, i have new songs

Downers: alex and ricky are pissed at me, i have to work tomorrow, and there are just sumthing we dont talk about

anyways i g2g cuz i have some sleep to attend to, i'll c-ya later


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:: 2003 16 October :: 11.23pm
:: Mood: mad
:: Music: hanson // yearbook

where did johnny go?
I totally forgot, Emily called me yesterday I miss her and Jenn SOOO MUCH. She called to tell me about the earrings, and that she's having a party tomorrow night, and of course, can i go? NO!, why? cause i have to work again. UGH! UGH! UGH! :-(

Ok, so I'm not on Jeremy's shit list anymore, and so Jen isnt mad anymore. I'm sorry I didnt try out for the play, I know I'm gonna regret it, I've just been so stressed out with school and work, and other things, that to throw try outs, it didnt work. And besides, You know my opinion with drama/hasko right now. I'm SORRY!.

Well ya'll have to fill me in on the party, once again, i miss another one. If only I didnt have an 11.00 curfew, and I didnt get off work at 10.30, darn.


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