2003 6 October :: 9.33 pm
Today was overall a good day. I hope there are more fun times to come. I feel like I should write in here so I do. But there is nothing to say when you are happy but what I just did. So ok thats all... I LOVE YOU JOHN!
gimmie a ring |
2003 3 October :: 12.42 am
gotta bump Mal.
gimmie a ring |
2003 29 September :: 11.04 pm
:: Mood: quaggy
Its my birthday and I have my health, my friends, my family, AND MY PIGGY!
gimmie a ring |
2003 24 September :: 1.14 pm
Just to let you know... if you use the refresh button then you dont have to keep going back and forth and you still screw with the counter... hehehe
1 message |
gimmie a ring |
2003 24 September :: 12.52 am
:: Mood: astucious
sneaky sneaky
Just for kicks everyone go read Mal's journal. Not because she has this wonderfuly interesting journal... no this is solely to mess with her counter... she is so paranoid about that little beast in the corner. Checks her journal like 10 times a day just to see if it changed. LOL so here world wide effort to screw with the counter... this project works best if you visit it multiple times each hour, day, week, whatever time interval you choose. OH YEAH her Woohu journal name is Blinkt23. So go look. hehehe we are so sneaky. SNEAKY SNEAKY!
gimmie a ring |