It is not a bad idea to get in the habit of writing down one's thoughts. It saves one having to bother anyone else with them. -- Isabel Colegate


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:: 2008 19 August :: 10.24pm

We bought a house today. 1494 3 Mile Rd.

It's a nice house.

My parents also got two offers on their house.

If you want to see the updates we made to their house, there are pictures. Follow the link:

1 message | gimmie a ring


:: 2008 13 February :: 11.26am

So I am trying to figure out if I am a genius or everyone is not as smart as I give them credit for.

I just got back my exam from my intro class today and I did very well *52 out of 50* I got one wrong with three extra credit points. the one I got wrong was even something minor (I forgot one word in the definition of a short answer question).

Being such an easy test, I figured everyone else would do fairly well. I don't feel as if I spend extra time outside of class. I don't feel as though I pay extra close attention in class. I did think that some people were taking the test a little too seriously. I think they were very stressed aver the test due tot he fact that it was mostly short-answer essay with only 3 multiple choice. Some people had pages and pages of notes, others made flash cards. I spent about five minutes reviewing the material. No big deal.

Apparently it was big deal. I saw a couple of the tests of my classmates. They got 37 out of 50. That's a 74%. I finished 30% higher than they did. Those two must not have been the only ones to finish that bas either because the class average is a 37.

Not that I am trying to toot my own horn here, and I guess I really shouldn't considering it is a 100 level college course, but these people have to be smarter than this.

gimmie a ring


:: 2008 28 January :: 11.48am

So I know I'm not around much. Here or anywhere for that matter.

It's amazing what getting married, moving to a far off distant place (well Kentwood isn't that far off and distant for some people, but it seems so to me, especially everyday when I drive to work), work 50 hours a week, go to school, and having a dog can do to you (yes, I had to figure out that I actually wanted this paragraph to only be one sentence).

All that might be changing. Well, not all of it. Well, actually, not most of it. I will still be married, working, going to school, and having a dog, but I might not be living so far away. We (Mica and I) have reached a tentative rent-to-own agreement with my parents to live in the house I grew up in. We're both very excited. As much as I resented the town when I was growing up, I really miss it there. Everyone knows I don't like change and leaving there just makes me feel isolated. My job lets me be involved in the community, and I am involved in so many things it will be nice to be back there. So, from now on we will be spending our weekends painting and doing all sorts of things to get the house ready to move into at the end of April. So hopefully I will be seeing you all soon, not jsut through the drive thru ;).

gimmie a ring


:: 2008 16 January :: 1.49pm
:: Mood: bored

Do people still log in here?
Wow this site has been up for years now.

I totally randomly had a dream about it the other night so I decided to chekc it out and see if it was still online. I know a lot of kids from Cedar used to visit here so I wonder if they still do...

Well I guess I'd update here if I knew people would read it...maybe I will from now on :)

So if you actually read this leave a comment I'd like to know....

gimmie a ring


:: 2007 12 October :: 10.14pm

I find myself sitting here writing this hoping that at some point tonight I will have an internet connection to steal from one of our neighbors so I can share this all with you.

This is the Marriage Eve. Tomorrow I will be married. As much as some people talk about how scary marriage is, I have not felt any of that. Yet. Right now takes me back. I am sitting in our apartment all by myself. You know, the bride and groom are not supposed to see one another, it is bad luck. It takes me back to all those years I spent at home, alone by myself on a Friday night. My parents would be up at the lake and so would my sister and I would have the whole house to myself. That is just the kind of dork that I am that I spent many nights, at home by myself when other people my age were out partying, meeting new people, or just generally indulging in whatever kind of behavior our generation uses to escape. Knowing this fact it is pretty amazing that I found anyone to marry me at all.
I mulled over my options for tonight. On the way home I thought about stopping at B-Dubs, sitting at the bar drinking soda in pure obscurity while watching playoff baseball. I thought about going to see a movie all by myself (the only other time I did that was when I was utterly depressed and had a teenage girl tell me how horrible her life was because she had to change positions for softball). I thought about coming home, calling Keith and seeing if he wanted to stay with me for a few hours. But after thinking all those options through in my head I decided that me here by myself was the best course of action. Why? Well this is what I came up with.
When I would spend all that time alone I would do nothing most of the time. However, there were times when a creative force would just take hold of me and I would be compelled to write something, pick up a guitar and play until my fingers hurt, or just merely wax philosophically until I had so many good ideas in a row that I could not write them down fast enough. I thought tonight had that kind of potential. Besides this, what you are reading now, I think nothing else is going to happen.
For me, those nights of philosophical thought seemed to happen sitting in my room. While it was nice when my parents were gone and I could do anything I want, but did nothing, it was always better when I could be locked away in my room late at night. The nights I liked to be the most creative were the nights that were supposed to mean something. I would stay up really late on Christmas Eve in those years. Locked away in my room, watching TV, all those Christmas commercials on, everything decked out in green and red. I would lie under my blankets in my sweats, the heater turned on and the sweet smell of hot metal because it had run for too long. I would wonder about this Christmas, or what the year had been like and how next year could be better (or I would just swear off commercialism as the downfall of American civil society and go out the next day and buy stuff). It was a mixture of optimism and hope that got me going, for a long time that was all I had to cling to. That is what tonight feels like.
I have all the optimism and hope in the world tonight. It feels like Christmas Eve, but 10.000x bigger. I am getting the best present in the whole wide world. God has sent me the world’s biggest Tootsie Pop. For two years I have slowly been trying to get to the delicious center and tomorrow is the day it finally happens. Tomorrow I get a wife, and that is the best present a man could ever get.

1 message | gimmie a ring | Random Journal