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My soul (or lack thereof)

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:: 2004 7 October :: 10.48pm

I spent all of my very first paycheck in my entire life and my babysitting money and some of my "emptied the dishwasher without being asked" money today.

On something that probably won't be used and is just fueling capitalism.

I feel empty and drained now.

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:: 2004 7 October :: 6.17pm
:: Mood: calm
:: Music: I Won't Share You by The Smiths

A Very Smiths Entry
I just listened to the last song The Smiths ever released. It makes me sad. I wish I was alive when they were together.

ZOMG!!!!11one! I got Meat is Murder off of Limewire. It's so awesome. At the beginning there's the sound of some saw blade and a cow mooing. Majorly awesome vegetarian song.

I love you all.

Heifer whines could be human cries
Closer comes the screaming knife
This beautiful creature must die
This beautiful creature must die
A death for no reason
And death for no reason is MURDER

And the flesh you so fancifully fry
Is not succulent, tasty or kind
It's death for no reason
And death for no reason is MURDER

And the calf that you carve with a smile
And the turkey you festively slice
Do you know how animals die ?

P.S. Another majorly awesome The Smiths moment, I just got one of their songs entitled Some Girls Are Bigger Than Others. I love The Smiths.

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:: 2004 7 October :: 5.14pm

My brother and I are watching Aladdin.

I cut up my pomegranate once I got home from school. There are so many seeds. It's delicious. I don't even have to cut up my second one for school tomorrow.

"But you're so old."

I'm tired.

Who's going to the Homecoming game tomorrow? I'm thinking of going to tailgate too.

Today was a weird day. We had an in-class essay in AP Lit and I almost fell asleep writing it. It was also "back in time day" and I was cute.

Tomorrow will be an easy day since it's Friday and we have that Homecoming assembly about an hour before school gets out.

I love you all.

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:: 2004 6 October :: 11.18pm
:: Mood: calm

Today was my last day working until January or later.

Nick stopped by maybe an hour after I got home (which would be 6ish) and left as I left for work (8ish). That was nice. I hadn't seen him (or the no longer red baron) since Saturday and I missed him a lot.

I was looking up how to cut a pomegranate (my dad bought me two, I had been craving them since 7th grade, that's five or so years ago) and I found out how.

The thing is, I actually want to sleep tonight and I still have to take a shower. Cutting a pomegranate is time-consuming so the pomegranate is a no go until I have time.

So maybe tomorrow. Which upsets me greatly.

Or maybe I'll bring a bowl to school. Hmm...

I apologize that I haven't been myself (happy and smiling) lately. I'm sorry if I snap/snapped at you. I'm trudging through some stuff and I'm worrying about people things stuff.

Pray for Nick. If you want details, ask me tomorrow when everyone is there so I don't have to repeat myself a bajillion times.

I love you all.

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:: 2004 6 October :: 9.04pm
:: Music: Utada Hikaru - Devil Inside


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:: 2004 6 October :: 12.30am

You know what sucks? I just found out the the Utada Hikaru English CD has been out for a while now and I don't have it. I was going to get it but Best Buy closed when I found out. So, I'm hoping to go tomorrow and get it. Wish me luck. Yay!

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:: 2004 5 October :: 6.13pm

Oh my gosh...

There were these anti-domestic abuse commercials that they were going to run on some Canadian stations but were deemed too graphic.

They're the most horrifying things I've ever seen. I'm almost upset that they aren't running because I think they would actually work.

They're bad but they're good.

I love you all.

P.S. "...not bombs. Export your compassion and your generosity."

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:: 2004 5 October :: 6.13am

Happy birthday, Andy.

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:: 2004 5 October :: 12.09am

So where does everyone think they're going to go to college? Or want to go to college?

14 people said | talk to me


:: 2004 4 October :: 9.48pm

Ben got his proofs today and stopped by with them.

He looks cute.

We just hung out talking and looking at America (the book).

I forgive him for almost backing over me with his car now.

I love you all.

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:: 2004 4 October :: 5.15pm

Ben almost backed me over with his car today. And I thought we were going to Mexico together. I thought we had something special. I let him borrow two of our SNES games.

I can't comment on anyone's friends only entries so sorry.

I'm going to the Homecoming football game on Friday and you should too.

Katie and Janina are going to the Homecoming dance and I would too but I don't want to spend my hard-earned money on it.

Mr. Watson, my Shakespeare teacher last year and my AP Lit teacher this year, likes The Smiths.

I love you all.

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:: 2004 4 October :: 12.54pm
:: Music: Kajiura Yuki - Fiction

What am I suppose to do? How am I suppose to feel? It's not that easy, you know.

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:: 2004 3 October :: 5.41pm

The benefits of wearing a hoodie and doing laundry:

sock storage.

It's spirit week this week.

Tomorrow is PJ day/college sweatshirt day I'm pretty sure. That's my favorite day. I don't really have to get dressed.

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:: 2004 3 October :: 4.12pm

Mat came yesterday around noon. We went to the mall three hours later because I had to take a shower and we ate some food, watch Shawn of the Dead, and went looking around the mall for no apperent reason. Then we came back to the dorm and watch TV, then around 11:30, 12, we headed to Meijers, 'cause that's the thing to do, and came back here around 1:15 and went to bed soon after. He had to leave at 12 this morning. I'm still sad.

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:: 2004 3 October :: 12.58pm

It's so sunny outside.

My rainbow maker is twirling at a mile a minute. You can hear the gears spinning.

It's a beautiful day.

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