2004 13 December :: 9.28am
So Mat came over yesterday and we went Christmas shopping. I had over $300 in cash and spent over $100 of it and I really didn't even buy that much. Here's my list:
Mat: Not done
Parents: Not done
Joe: Not done
Jarod: Completed
KT: Completed
Rachel: Completed
Brianna: Not done
Kate: Completed
Ray: Completed
Shayna: Completed
Nick: Completed
Ben: Not done
Kyle: Not done
Brett: Not done
Kelly: Not done
Tom: Not done
Did I miss anyone now?
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2004 12 December :: 11.40am
Today is six months for Nick and me.
Six months is the longest any relationship has lasted for me.
I love you all.
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2004 11 December :: 2.52pm
:: Music: The Books
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So I downloaded a song by this indie band called The Books. In the comments section it said this: "screw the RIAA".
I love people.
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2004 11 December :: 1.25pm
Finished ACT at 11:28.
Got home around noon fourty-five.
Was easier than the first time.
Only thing I didn't know and know I definitely got wrong was the trigonometry jazz.
I love you all.
6 people said |
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2004 11 December :: 6.16am
Retesting may be a good idea if you see a discrepancy between your ACT scores and your high school grades, or if you have completed coursework or an intensive review in the subject areas included in the ACT since you were tested.
talk to me
2004 11 December :: 6.02am
Here I am, awake (on a Saturday at the time I usually get up for school) to take a test I've already taken.
There's never a day so lovely as one that feels useless, like a waste of time and effort.
The only joys are that Kelly and Katie will be suffering with me (though they will not be at the same location as I), and it doesn't feel like it takes the four hours that it actually takes to finish the test.
I'm so tired of days that feel like the night.
I love you all.
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2004 10 December :: 7.50pm
Bet your bottom dollar on me.
I retake the ACT tomorrow morning. 8 am.
So far, everyone I've talked to who has retaken it has gotten a lower score the second time.
Really, though, it won't hurt me any!
I'll be home around 1.
Tonight is movie night but my sister's gone so I'll just watch my favorite movie and go to bed early.
I love you all. Good luck to Katie and Kelly tomorrow.
P.S. I don't know if Andy is reading or already knows but the year on the date is messed up. I'm pretty sure it's not the year 104. I usually just change it.
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2004 10 December :: 1.51pm
I'm really tired. Anyone want to take my Shakespeare exam for me? Please? All you have to do is write an essay, identify some quotes and know a couple extra things. Any takers?
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2004 10 December :: 8.08am
So here I am in French class "working on our project due on Monday".
I typed in Woohu to come here and be not bored. There was already someone sometime who had gone to Woohu on this computer. In fact, they'd gone to Ben's journal. Not kuso_dude, the other one.
It's cool how we all randomly run into each other or what we've done without even meaning to.
I'm going to go "work on my project".
I love you all.
talk to me
2004 9 December :: 9.54pm

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2004 9 December :: 9.02pm
This is for Kelly. A day late because I always miss the 8th.
It was the fearful night of December 8th
He was returning home from the studio late
He had perceptively known that it wouldn't be nice
Because in 1980 he paid the price
John Lennon died...
With a Smith & Wesson 38
John Lennon's life was no longer a debate
He should have stayed at home
He should have never cared
And the man who took his life declared
He said
"I just shot John Lennon"
He said
"I just shot John Lennon"
What a sad and sorry
And sickening sight
What a sad and sorry
And sickening night...
P.S. Journal layout changed.
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2004 9 December :: 6.04pm
Yesterday, after the attempted usurping of anime club, I went to Nick's.
It was really nice.
Today we were supposed to do our presentation in AP Lit but Mr. Watson rushed everyone and was wigging out. We still didn't have time to go so I guess we go tomorrow.
I finished my AP Lit King Lear study guide in two hours (minus a few questions I couldn't find the answers to). My brother has his choir concert tonight at 7:30 I think but we'll be leaving around 7. I still have Physics Concepts to do.
I went to bed early last night. 10:33.
I have a French project due Monday. A Physics Concepts test on Monday. A math test on Tuesday. Anime club on Wednesday. A scene read/act on Friday in AP Lit and 6 pages due.
And more stuff probably.
Nick's surgery is in less than a week and I must admit, I'm worried. He has his surgery on the 15th, Wednesday.
Please pray for him.
I love you all.
2 people said |
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2004 8 December :: 10.08pm
I love you.
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2004 8 December :: 1.03pm
To be alone is to be different, to be different is to be alone.
--Suzanne Gordon
No one would choose a friendless existence on condition of having all the other things in the world.
There is no greater sorrow than to recall in misery the time when we were happy.
Life dies inside a person when there are no others willing to be-friend him. He thus gets filled with emptiness and a non-existent sense of self-worth.
--Mark R. J. Lavoie
Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty.
--Mother Teresa
3 people said |
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2004 8 December :: 11.24am
I can do better I know that...
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