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:: 2005 12 January :: 3.30am
:: Music: Comfortably Numb - Pink Floyd

Tuesday = Boosday

Haven't wrote in awhile so I thought I would update it now.

I'm sitting here scanning pictures for a little slideshow that will be played at my grandpa's funeral this Friday, Joe is sitting on my bed playing X-Men on xbox and it's 3:22am.

Anyway today was cool I guess Joe, Vanessa, and I all went to Best Buy to spend our giftcards. I bought the new N*E*R*D cd, Harold & Kumar, Van Wilder (which I had, but now I got the Unrated version), and Chris Rock: Never Scared (his newest standup). After that we went to Barnes & Nobles and looked around, but got bored because we weren't going to buy anything. After that we were hungry so we went to Legends and ate, which was fun because anytime Joe and I are out we have great times. Plus I like giving Vanessa crap all the time (she is our cousin, a junior in High School). So after we left there we went back to my place and I think we have been in the same positions as we were when we got back.

So yah... What did you learn today? First: Harold & Kumar = Great Movie! Second: N*E*R*D (aka No one Ever Really Dies) is an Awesome Group! and Last: We are boring!


4 Bridges burned.#FFFFFF | Light it.


:: 2005 8 January :: 12.56pm
:: Mood: sad

Jan. 7, 2005

Well after a week of wondering what my grandpa's status was. It kept going back and forth and we had no idea what was up. He passed away yesterday at about 12:15 pm or so, while I was on my way back from Long Beach. So I went home and picked up Joe and we went out the Hospital.

It was oh so very sad, this was my first relative that has passed away since my Aunt, who passed awhile ago. Like I said in my other post the worst part is seeing my dad, and his siblings cry. After we all said good bye we went back to my grandma's house and hung out until like 10:30, and lots of different people showed up to offer there condolences. We were all thankful for all the people and their love.

Last Tuesday when he first went out there I stood by his bed and talk to him and held his hand, and he told me to be a Fireman or a Medic because of how sharp they looked while coming into his house to get him. He also was joking around saying when you get old you don't know what parts of you work and what parts don't work anymore.

He was a funny old man and he will be missed very much, he now gets to hang out with my other grandpa (who died before I was born), and check out the ladies! =P

Rest In Peace Gramp's!
I love you!

3 Bridges burned.#FFFFFF | Light it.


:: 2005 6 January :: 8.10pm
:: Music: Big Weenie - Eminem

Crazy Things
Do you think these are all true?

1. At least 2 people in this world love you so much they would die for you.
2. At least 15 people in this world love you in some way.
3. The only reason anyone would ever hate you is because they want to be just like you.
4. A smile from you can bring happiness to anyone, even if they don't like you.
5. Every night, SOMEONE thinks about you before they go to sleep.
6. You mean the world to someone.
7. If not for you, someone may not be living.
8. You are special and unique.
9. Someone that you don't even know exists, loves you.
10. When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good comes from it.
11. When you think the world has turned its back on you, take a look: you most likely turned your back on the world.
12. When you think you have no chance of getting what you want, you probably won't get it, but if you believe in yourself, probably, sooner or later, you will get it.
13. Always remember the compliments you received. Forget about the rude remarks.
14. Always tell someone how you feel about them; you will feel much better when they know.
15. If you have a great friend, take the time to let them know that they are great.


9 Bridges burned.#FFFFFF | Light it.


:: 2005 6 January :: 3.46pm
:: Music: Underoath - The Impact of Reason

I was at work today, doing my own thing, making copies or something equally exciting while listening to Katie's and Tiffany's conversation. Tiffany's four year old son goes to preschool at a private school and Katie was asking questions about it; how much it cost and whatnot. Then she proceeded with questions/comments that weren't very clear, about if you pay for the schooling there are most likely to be kids who's parents really care about them or something. The way she was wording it was odd, like she was beating around the bush about something. Then she finally said "what I'm trying to get at is, there aren't like toothless dirty mexican kids there right?"

I wish I weren't so soft spoken and polite. I wish I didn't hold my tongue in certain situations. That kind of shit pisses me off SOO much. I wish I could've said something to her. She's not blatantly racist or anything. She doesn't use the slang words in reference to anyone, but still. I HATE hearing stuff like that. She could've made her point just as clearly by saying "toothless dirty kids" why she had to throw in "mexican" is beyond me. Every race has poverty problems, not just minorities. You want to know how to get me heated or piss me off? There's your answer.

Let me know when we evolve

8 Bridges burned.#FFFFFF | Light it.


:: 2005 6 January :: 2.20pm
:: Mood: happy
:: Music: Watch The World - BoxCarRacer

Maui Wowie!

Well yesterday was pretty damn fun. Jacob texted me when I was at work and asked if I wanted to go to the Brandin Iron with him. His friend from Redlands (Lisa) that I met last time I was out there was going with a bunch of friends for one of their birthdays. So I said "of course," come on Kevin giving up an opportunity to cut the rug (even if I suck at it), hells no. Anyway, we get out to Redlands and meet these friends of Lisa's; Monica, Larissa, Justin, Candice, Crystal, Samantha, and one more I don't remember (I can only memorize like 6 names in one night =P).

Anyway we go to the BI and wait in line for what seemed like forever, but it was cool because Jacob, Monica, Larissa, Justin, Candice, and I just stood there and talked the whole time. These were some cool ass people. By the time we get in Jacob and my buzzes were gone completely, so I went and bought me two beers and chugged them. Then hit the floor. After 3 hours of standing out in the freezing cold everyone’s backs, legs, knees, and everything pretty much hurt but nobody cared because we were so glad to be warm. Since it was Candice's birthday we got to watch the birthday dance thing where a bunch of guys dance for the birthday girls and then dance with them and it was pretty funny watching all the chicks reactions as some of the dudes took of their shirts and shit.

Well we left there about 1 something and then finally left to go home at like 2 something. Fun times, never been to the BI but I liked it a lot.


2 Bridges burned.#FFFFFF | Light it.


:: 2005 5 January :: 8.35am
:: Music: Bad Day - R.E.M.

Captain Jack Sparrow

Posting this to add some non-sad to my journal.
(I think alot will get the same as me)

Which Pirates of the Caribbean character are you?


4 Bridges burned.#FFFFFF | Light it.


:: 2005 5 January :: 7.57am
:: Music: Speculum - Adema

Chronicals of Life and Death

Well yesterday pretty much after my huge post of self pity and being a baby about girl problems, my mom (who I work with) got a call from my dad and we find out my grandpa is in the hospital and not doing too good. We rushed out there which took about 40 minutes and met up with my dad. We then all went in to see him (one at a time).

When my time came I was kinda scared because I don't handle this kind of stuff like some freakish guys do (if you don't ever cry don't take offense), I cry... I cry over lots of stuff, tv shows, movies, anything that can trigger it. So going in there I pretty much knew I was gonna tear up. Plus when you see your own dad with teary eyes it makes you get even more sad.

Anyway I went in and spent awhile in there with him and held his hand and we all talked (my grandma was in there the whole time). He didn't look good but he knew what was up, so he was still cracking jokes and trying to be all tough, which made me not want to show emotion in front of him.

Anyway when we went home last night he had been moved to a less sevre status, but still wasn't fine. So far as of right now I haven't heard anything new so I'm hoping that he is all good.

So yah I had all this going through me right after the pity party I was having, and I realized there are more important people that I could end up losing, people that actually matter to me.

Then I get home last night and start talking to my crush (haha, crush) and its her boyfriend's 21 b-day meaning he is a full year younger than her and me (wtf). She was asking if I thought he would like his gift (a nixon watch), I told her of course I would like it, I said all that matters is that you cared enough to buy me a gift and that whatever she got I would like. Plus the watch was pretty cool (even though I would need a neutral colored watch so I could wear it everyday, something like silver instead of black). Anyway, after 2 years of being with this guy she wasn't sure if he would like it, and was actually worrying about it. Jeez, after two years she should know exactly what he likes and shouldn't have to worry because if he cared he would love it no matter what.

So yah, thats my story for yesterday, I'm sure I will have more news on both situations soon.


1 Bridges burned. | Light it.

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