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:: 2003 15 May :: 5.29 pm

Kate's Today
Well today I went to school, yes I did. For a field trip or something we went bowling. I suppose it was fun. It was better than school, but not loads of excitment and joy. The first game I did 2nd best and the 2nd game I did 3rd best. But overall, I really didn't do too good. Alex is a really good bowler. He can make his ball curve.
My leg hurts from sitting this way
um, hm, what to say. I guess after school I stood around and talked with Neilee, Justin, and sort of Alex and Kayleigh until about 3:30. Then I came home, read something from my dream book, ate ramen noodles, and have been on here for awhile. My day, my day.

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:: 2003 14 May :: 8.06 pm

nothing can ever be perfect

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:: 2003 14 May :: 6.57 pm

grr, and then today had to go to shit. Fucking shit.

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:: 2003 14 May :: 6.41 pm

Today was good.

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:: 2003 12 May :: 4.39 pm

All the teachers were in a fucking bad mood today and had to bring me down with them. It sucked. We had that tornado drill and I was sitting next to Neilee during it. The girl sitting in front of her had a hair on her shirt so I picked it off and Neilee just started laughing. She couldn't stop for the longest time and then a teacher comes over and says, "what's the comedy over here?" Neilee tries to keep her face straight and says, "Nothing, I'm sorry," but starts laughing again. Then Mr. Smith comes over and moves her. He ends up putting her next to her ex-boyfriend though so she keeps laughing harder due to the irony of the situation. Then he brings her to the office and gives a lecture. Mrs. Weidenfeller was like a scrounging little bitch, asking everyone around where Neilee had sat what she had been laughing at. Nobody told her. I don't think anyone knew except for me though. *shrugs* I hope today and this week gets better.

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:: 2003 11 May :: 7.33 pm

This weekend sucked. At certain points, things made me happy, which kind of makes up for the overall shittiness. But I dunno. I just did nothing. I didn't even get to go to the concert thing because of my over-protective retarded mom. arg. oh well. A few more hours left of today. Well, until I go to sleep. I hope this week is okay, good.


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:: 2003 10 May :: 9.00 pm

well, waiting waiting waiting for today to end or for someone to get online and talk to bored, lonely ol' Kate. Whichever comes first.

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:: 2003 10 May :: 10.54 am

Stupid BITCH. I fucking hate my mom. I loathe her. I wish somebody would fucking kill her.

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:: 2003 9 May :: 9.53 pm
:: Music: System of a Down - Bounce

There's this concert thing on Saturday, well tomorrow, and I want you all to go. The bands are The Binaries, Fuzzy Logic and Bruce Said Checkers. Here, this'll be easier:

Bands : The Binaries, Fuzzy Logic and Bruce Said Checkers

Where: Solon Township Hall 2305 19 mile rd.

When: 3pm until whenever I suppose. On the flyer thing I got, it doesn't give an ending time.

Now, I'm pretty sure I'm going. Neilee, Jenny and I all have a ride home, but we don't know how we're getting there. Jenny's parents might be able to take us, but it's doubtful. soo... if anyone's willing to give us a ride.... we'd be EXTREMELY grateful. yes, I hope I get to go and I see you there.

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:: 2003 9 May :: 7.04 pm

Does anyone have any computer speakers they wanna give me? They can be old and crappy, just as long as they work fairly well.

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:: 2003 9 May :: 5.27 pm

Too much time on my hands
It's been a year, 1 month and 10 days since I started this journal...

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:: 2003 8 May :: 9.55 pm

I broke the sit and reach record today. woohoo...
Yeah I'm bored. I just hung around town today with, at first, Brent, Jenny, Kelly and Kayleigh. Is that how you spell her name? Then I hung out around mostly with Neilee, Courtney and Wylie. It was fun I suppose. We just sat around the park. Got muddy. Signed eachother. Courtney had a pen so I have Courtney Rae written on my stomach and back. Hopefully my mom wont see it, she'll say something like, "What was Courtney doing writing her name there?" and suspect me for a lesbian.

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:: 2003 6 May :: 3.39 pm

In medieval Europe, dragons were considered mostly evil and a generally bad omen. Christianity linked the dragon with Satan because of the dragon's snake-like appearance. However, to the Orient cultures the dragon was a symbol of wisdom and royalty. It was a benign animal and the fifth creature of the Chinese zodiac. It resided over the east and the sunrise. It was also said to bring rain and the springtime. The dragon is interesting because it combines all four elements: air, earth, fire, and water. It could fly, had the horns of a ox, breathed fire, and resided over the moon.

What mythical beast best represents you?Take the quiz!

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:: 2003 3 May :: 10.29 pm
:: Music: KoRn

I'm all alone.. where is everyone today?
Have you ever felt like something happened and you're the only person left? I have that feeling. Of course it's not true, I just feel really alone right now.

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:: 2003 3 May :: 7.32 pm
:: Music: Goldfinger - Open Your Eyes

I'm taping eyes to my wall. Some are particularily beautiful. I wish I had yours.

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