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:: 2011 30 December :: 4.06pm

guess who got the phone interview?

1 Coin | Insert Coin


:: 2011 21 December :: 3.10pm

I feel like I'm getting better at managing my self diagnosed bi-polar disorder. Mostly the last week has been a test of this.

I'm all moved into the new place, which is a huge weight off of my shoulders. My room mates are awesome.

next step is to go and sign up at a recruiter. Not totally sure which one or who to go to though.

Insert Coin


:: 2011 19 December :: 6.22pm
:: Mood: pissed off

If you bring my child to me one more time without a fucking coat i'm going to clobber you, its fucking winter time... its cold out, you're wearing a coat, why does he have to suffer!?

5 Coins | Insert Coin


:: 2011 19 December :: 5.27pm

I can't handle being me anymore...

2 Coins | Insert Coin


:: 2011 18 December :: 3.16am

Gig was good. Facebook crew disappointed me as usual. But it was reeeeeeeeeally good. Despite the rocky start.

2 Coins | Insert Coin


:: 2011 18 December :: 2.17am

dear back problems, please go far far away.

Insert Coin


:: 2011 15 December :: 3.16pm

i need to stop watching cheesy romantic comedies. but i can't. because it's christmastime, and they're on every freaking channel. and they're adorable.

i'm not really even sure i want that. but i certainly enjoy watching others' conceptualizations of it. it's a nice idle fancy.

2 Coins | Insert Coin


:: 2011 6 December :: 2.08am

never met the bitch but I fucked her like I missed her

Insert Coin


:: 2011 6 December :: 2.02am

DJ Cupps in the mix... rockin the 1's and 2's

1 Coin | Insert Coin


:: 2011 28 November :: 11.30pm

Well... now that there's a hole in my door I think moving out is the only option I have.

1 Coin | Insert Coin

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