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:: 2010 16 July :: 3.03pm

my life right now

A breadth-first search makes a lot of sense for dating in general, actually; it suggests dating a bunch of people casually before getting serious, rather than having a series of five-year relationships one after the other.

3 Coins | Insert Coin


:: 2010 13 July :: 2.13pm
:: Mood: lonely
:: Music: BnL - Bank Job

life barrels on.

being single is not all it's cracked up to be. i know i'm pathetic, but it's just really nagging at me a lot lately. but at the same time, it's not good to be desperate. that would be a good way to rush into something ill-advised. i figure if i'm gonna be in a relationship, i would want it to be one worth having, and worth taking the time to do it properly. not that there's a rulebook on how those things work or anything, but i do know that it at least takes time and energy to cultivate something lasting. i feel like i'd probably prefer something with more longevity over something of a fling. even though the fling is less daunting, and could be lots of fun in the short haul.

but enough about that. i can't help but notice that a lot of my good friends keep moving away. which is fine, i'm very happy for them. but it makes me want to get the fuck outta here in a quick hurry. not that i'ma run off to japan or anything, but i really want to do something, ANYTHING to break up the monotony.

get a fucking job, you hippie.

which reminds me, i do have work tomorrow and thursday. hopefully that'll mean some gas in the truck, and maybe some grocery money for chuckles.

the drum lessons have been fun thus far, but i'm not sure how well i'm doing as an instructor, and they're definitely not breaking the bank. eh, whatevs. at least it's something.

oh, other exciting update! i was at becca's saturday night (well, sunday morning) and thrashed my foot pretty good on an angle bracket. considering how deep it is, it doesn't hurt too badly, and i've been fairly diligent about keeping it cleaned out and putting antibiotic ointment on it, but it's still not healing up any too quickly. it's a pain in the ass because it's right on my heel. i have this irrepressible tendency to walk on it. maybe i'll take pictures and post them up for funzies. evidence that i'm a dumbass and a klutz.

1 Coin | Insert Coin


:: 2010 6 July :: 2.02pm

things are more different than they have ever been before, i'm scared out of my mind.

1 Coin | Insert Coin


:: 2010 21 June :: 5.19pm

the entire time i have a woman, i'm bitching about her. (okay not really, but sometimes)

the minute i'm alone, i want one.

oh, the paradox that is me.

i suppose i'd have to stop hanging out with old people all the time to actually meet someone my age. but where's the fun in that?

4 Coins | Insert Coin


:: 2010 18 June :: 10.57am

i actually like getting up these days.

i get up, get around, go to work, enjoy what i do. i get to hang out with cool people at work, i have an awesome girlfriend. great friends.

this is my bfffy's birthweek so we get to celeberate. fuck yes!

i'm going to buy a motorcycle soon and sell the chevy, its a 60 mile round trip drive to work, gas is expensive in a jeep that only gets 16mpg

2 Coins | Insert Coin


:: 2010 18 May :: 11.24am

wtf, mate

been feeling really weird and detached the past couple of days. not sure why. been more sober than usual (though still not completely) so maybe that's part of it. also, my dear seester is gonna be sixteen in a couple days. makes me feel fucking old.

also also, still no job. sucks ducks, man. need a job. handyman scheduled me for like 2 hours on friday this week. awesome. there's 10 dollars that i'll see in two weeks. fucking bullshit.

just not feeling very enthused about much of anything in general. would like to be excited about something - anything - soon, very soon.

4 Coins | Insert Coin


:: 2010 6 May :: 10.23pm

We might not make it to finals, let alone Monday, but that was one hell of a game.

I love the Red Wings.

1 Coin | Insert Coin


:: 2010 3 May :: 8.58pm
:: Music: streetlight manifesto - a better place, a better time.

Insert Coin


:: 2010 27 April :: 5.19pm

i need to go do something. that way, i'll have something to write about when i come back.

because, even if i embellish it, my day to day life is pretty bland most of the time.

4 Coins | Insert Coin


:: 2010 24 April :: 1.31pm
:: Mood: mellow

o rly?

i did a thing! new journal stylez for the elite blogging community that is woohu. look at all the pretty colors.

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