we raise in the morning as a haunting love story. with early fog, pulsing to erase all our worries. all i can want is to kiss on my sheets to the sounds of alarm clocks, a slow ringing proverb of another long week. i could stay here all year if all this were real. we'd build a castle at the foot of my bed. and buy a tin soldier to guard against what we've said. we sleep behind the church where your parents were wed. tonight the stars trace a one-way to heaven and we are the dead. fireflies attempt to retrace the steps we take, hanging jealous, but free. and with approaching revel, the candle you brought will melt to the earth...so will we. we live to get high in the back of our trailers. we'll think we're in love with a showgirl; a sailor all we can feel is there's nothing better to find. the angels were betting, honey, we'd fall out in time...


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we grow up. to give up.

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:: 2008 22 September :: 1.59pm

R.I.P. Evan Tanner

Have you given up?


:: 2008 22 September :: 12.00pm

Got my friday test back today and I got 95.45%!! which is really good for the intensity of the class. Granted I'm only ichinensei and the test was kind of easy but other people made more mistakes than I did and they have been studying japanese since they started school.

So we went to Kyoto this weekend. Pretty sweet. Our friend Yui pointed out a cheap (illegal) way to get around paying alot for a train ticket. Basically, we left Hikoneshi from a train station farther north and farther in the boon docks. It's about 10 bucks for the ticket there, but we didn't come back until about 8 the next morning, when nobody is at this tiny ass train station. The ticket machine vends a different amount equivalent to the different number of stops. So we just bought the cheapest one and kind of "gate hopped" when we got back. Clever eh? I justify it by saying that everything else is FUCKING EXPENSIVE. TAKAI DESUNE!

once in kyoto we all stopped at a lawsons and got ourselves a chu-hi strongu and sat by the river and talked with everyone. After which we went to some english pub (kind of tacky but they made very large gin and tonics) and watched arsenal win 2-1.

after getting thoroughly sauced up, around 1:30 AM, we hit the club. did a large amount of drinking and dancing until about 5:30 AM. TOTEMO TAKAI DESUNE!

we then hit up a food bar and made a futile attempt to absorb the acohol we had consumed.

then a fun train ride home, arriving back at the dorm at about 9:30 AM.

I guess that makes me a chachi motherfucker. But good times, all around.

tomorrow is a national holiday so we don't have class which means tonight I get to hit up yabu's. The dude loves oberon, and I wish there was a way I could get it to him.

So if anybody can think of a way to get oberon here legally let me know. How is the US?

1 All grown up | Have you given up?


:: 2008 21 September :: 10.51am




i am finally an aunt! :)

4 All grown up | Have you given up?


:: 2008 21 September :: 5.14pm

Went to kyoto last night, and didn't get back here until 9 this morning. I danced alot. Good times all around.

Have you given up?


:: 2008 16 September :: 12.49pm

Anderson Silva vs Patrick Cote for the middleweight championship.

Have you given up?


:: 2008 14 September :: 8.36pm

So my nephew has roughly 19 days before he enters this world.
And I am so flippin' excited, I couldn't even begin to explain.
And I have a cat now. And she is so flippin' adorable..
I love her to death.
She cuddles with mike and I when we are sleepin'..

Have you given up?


:: 2008 11 September :: 3.47pm

Ken Shamrock vs Kimbo Slice? What the fuck is Kimbo doing. Putting his career on the line to fight a bunch of over the hill fighters. First Tank Abott and now Shamrock. He needs to stop getting on the dinosaur fight card and fight someone who is in their prime.

At least Brock Lesner is going to fight Randy Couture. That should be a damn good fight.

Edit : WWE can suck a fat dick. Some of their "wrestlers" want to move to a career in mma. They will allow them to be released from their contracts but will ban them from fighting in any mma showcase. However brock lesner took this to court and fought it and won it. I think its fucking stupid as hell that they do this shit to people. Their just pissed that their form of entertainment is fake, and wrestlers that actually have some dignity (provided there arnt many) would like to pursue a more meaningful career. WWE just needs to shut down and all their fans need to pull a lemmings and jump off a cliff.

2 All grown up | Have you given up?


:: 2008 8 September :: 1.05pm

Chuck Liddell got knocked the fuck out. Kinda sucks his career is done. Rashad looked king though.

When is silva going to have to impose his will on someone next? either of them wandy and anderson.

Have you given up?


:: 2008 5 September :: 8.09pm

So we are all moved into the house.
I get to get a kitty cat!
But we just have to agree on one before I get one.
I want an orange and white one.

I have alltel internet!
And no cable tv until the 15th..

2 All grown up | Have you given up?


:: 2008 2 September :: 2.19pm
:: Music: T.i. Whatever you like

Hair cut will be set up for later this week probley.

Have you given up?


:: 2008 2 September :: 11.48am

The Iceman fight soon. ANybody interested in the ppv?

Have you given up?


:: 2008 2 September :: 4.21am

so I'm alive.

as hard as it may be to believe.

I'm sitting in a room where it's hot as hell watching TV.

went on a biking adventure today and it started raining.

this place is pretty decked out, they give you everything you could possibly need and the apartments themselves are nice.
good deal.

Have you given up?


:: 2008 28 August :: 4.30pm

Mike's mom passed away last night around 11:30..

5 All grown up | Have you given up?


:: 2008 27 August :: 6.53pm

I start moving TOMORROW!!! :D

2 All grown up | Have you given up?


:: 2008 26 August :: 8.35pm

It's a boy!!!

I'll put pictures up as soon as I figure this junk out...!


1 All grown up | Have you given up?

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