we raise in the morning as a haunting love story. with early fog, pulsing to erase all our worries. all i can want is to kiss on my sheets to the sounds of alarm clocks, a slow ringing proverb of another long week. i could stay here all year if all this were real. we'd build a castle at the foot of my bed. and buy a tin soldier to guard against what we've said. we sleep behind the church where your parents were wed. tonight the stars trace a one-way to heaven and we are the dead. fireflies attempt to retrace the steps we take, hanging jealous, but free. and with approaching revel, the candle you brought will melt to the earth...so will we. we live to get high in the back of our trailers. we'll think we're in love with a showgirl; a sailor all we can feel is there's nothing better to find. the angels were betting, honey, we'd fall out in time...


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we grow up. to give up.

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:: 2008 3 July :: 10.18am

So I am currently without power and at my dads using his.
I had a paper due today, thankfully I just finished it after 3 hours of straight time working on it. Work was cancelled because they have no power.

The estimated time for when I will get my power back is 11PM SATURDAY EVENING, JULY 5TH 2008..

Seriously, I want to cry.

Have you given up?


:: 2008 27 June :: 8.57pm

So there really hasn't been anything exciting going on in my life.
I got my hair cut. About 5 inches of fried hair went away. So it's kind of short, but it feels so good to run my fingers through my hair and not get them stuck in a snarled mess of fried hair.
My sister and Derrick were up all last week. Didnt get to see them as much as I would've liked. But atleast I got to see them.
My sister looks so cute pregnant!!
College is going pretty good. Can't complain.

Have you given up?


:: 2008 25 June :: 2.37pm


shaq and the rock looked impressed. That is why they call him the axe murderer.

Have you given up?


:: 2008 19 June :: 12.51pm
:: Music: Lil Wayne - Lolipop

I bought Mass Effect for my 360. Its pretty sweet, wish that it was like 10 hours longer but eh what can you do. If anyone wants to burn me a copy of Lil Wayne - Carter 3 it would be much abliged. What have you windbags been up to you?

12 All grown up | Have you given up?


:: 2008 17 June :: 9.38am


Happy Birthday to me...!


11 All grown up | Have you given up?


:: 2008 9 June :: 4.51pm

Okay so for a more indepth update about my birthday festivities..

I'll begin with Friday..

We went over to Rich and Sara's to help Rich put up the pool and we had a cook-out. But it started storming so we just hung out there for awhile. Plus, we were told that Sheridan lost power so we didnt feel like coming home. Then we went to the Brickyard to watch Jimmie DJ.. and that was gay because he was drunk and making a fool out of himself. But that is Jimmie for you.. When we got home about midnight, we still didnt have power.

It finally came back on Saturday morning at like 7. The majority of Saturday was boring until Sara got out of work. Because then Rich, Sara, Mike and I went bowling. Which was a ton of fun. We totally got free drinks and free bowling. Because Rich said he was going to start a tab, and the lady never took his card.. So we said fuck it, we're out of here. And I got some pretty kick ass bowling shoes. Then we finally made our way to the Beer tent in Carson. Made a few drunken phone calls. Got free drinks at the beer tent too. And I actually danced, and Mike let us take pictures of him. So finally after all this time, we finally have a picture of the 2 of us.. but they are crappy ones because I was drunk and looked like hell from the rain.. Anyway, then we went to a party at some guy named Rex's house because it was his birthday too. That was fun for awhile, until I threw up and then we came home.

Even though I was puking drunk, Mike took really good care of me. Which I was very thankful for.

Yesterday was a pretty good day. Had another cook-out over to Rich and Sara's.

I got a really cute outfit from Aeropostale from Mike's daughter. And a pair of blue and green plaid bermuda's from Mike.

Now Im sick and I hate it. :(

Have you given up?


:: 2008 8 June :: 8.55pm

My birthday was one of the best ones I have had yet.
Free bowling.
Free Drinks.
Free bowling shoes.
I was trashed.
And my boyfriend took very good care of me.

Have you given up?


:: 2008 6 June :: 8.56am

Happy Birthday Jessica!!! =)


=) <3

1 All grown up | Have you given up?


:: 2008 5 June :: 10.15pm

College started this week.
My birthday is Sunday.
I will be 21 years of age.
I am extremely excited.

I need a mountain dew!

Have you given up?


:: 2008 25 May :: 5.16pm

This weekend has been more eventful than I thought it was going to be.
Today I went to see AJ and Chelsea at AJ's tractor pull.
That was fun.
Tonight Mike and I are going over to Rich and Sara's to grill some food and hang out..
Maybe I will fulfill my weekend goal of getting drunk.
Who knows.
More than likely Mike will find some reason for me not to drink.

Friday I did some good will shopping with Shannon and her daughter Kyah.
That was fun..

I really hope that nothing goes wrong the rest of the weekend..

2 All grown up | Have you given up?


:: 2008 24 May :: 12.18pm

My dad is going to be here in a little while on his motorcycle.
He is coming up for the Car show, and we are going to eat elephant ears together.
I am really excited to spend time with my dad, my boyfriend and my boyfriends daughter!
It's going to be a great weekend!!

Have you given up?


:: 2008 15 May :: 6.31pm

I have amazing news.
his name is going to be Seth Ryan Decker.
He is due October 3rd.

My sister had her ultrasound on tuesday.

I am extremely excited!

1 All grown up | Have you given up?


:: 2008 11 May :: 12.04am

Today I spent the majority of the day sitting on my butt.
I went down to my dads to visit.. and see his harley..
He bought a motorcycle yesterday.
And I ended up spending most of my day down there.
And the 2 hours before I went down there I was making ringtones.
And for like 30 minutes while I was there I was making ringtones..
And for the last 45 minutes, I was making ringtones..
I think I made a little over 20 of them today..

And now I sit here and wait for mike to bring me home a pop..

Have you given up?


:: 2008 10 May :: 11.33am

Going to the drag strip today! Yay!

Have you given up?


:: 2008 7 May :: 7.28pm

I applied for a student loan last night.
Today my loan was approved.
Tomorrow, my money will be sent to MCC.

Finally, all my ducks are afloat and in a row.
My birthday is in 32 days.
Right now things are going really great in my life.

4 All grown up | Have you given up?

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