2008 5 May :: 4.00pm
I am not eligible for a Pell Grant.
Therefore I have to get Student Loans.
I am mad because tuition is due Thursday.
Fucking cock suckers!
1 All grown up |
Have you given up?
2008 1 May :: 10.36am
:: Mood: optimistic
Everyone should vote for me for the Chevy Riders!! [[PLEASE!!]] Text 'VirgilineD' to 28546! You can be entered to win a brand new Macbook Air and I will be voted for to get a frickin' sweet job! So do it, even if you dont know me or dont like me! Please do it!! And tell your friends to do it!! You have from today until 5 pm on May 7th!! YAY!!
Have you given up?
2008 28 April :: 8.02pm
I have tough girl exterior that i show to everyone except my family.
Which also means that my family gets to me most of all.
They know what pisses me off, and makes me cry.
My brother most of all, knows each and every button to press, like he's dialing his best friends phone number over and over and over.
Today I got told that I am too small to be a corrections officer. And that if I work in a mens prison facility, I will be gang raped..
8 All grown up |
Have you given up?
2008 28 April :: 2.21pm
This is why i hate Devin Hester.
Have you given up?
2008 23 April :: 2.27pm
still retired
Journal still retired just putting a "want ad" up.
If anyone knows of anyone getting rid of puppies for LOW cost, please let me know.
Have you given up?
2008 21 April :: 9.19pm
Does anyone eat oatmeal and toast?
Now if you do, do you put your oatmeal ON your toast?
Like, do you dip your sliced toast into your oatmeal and eat it?
4 All grown up |
Have you given up?
2008 20 April :: 3.10pm
"Piss, piss piss piss piss" - Andrea's mom
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Have you given up?
2008 19 April :: 11.32am
You'd think I'd be used to this bullshit.
The feeling like shit because my mom puts rolling cigarettes and shuffle board before me.
Especially when its for something I NEED.
I need her to find her 2006 Tax info.
There isnt a want for it, it is an important need.
I need it for Financial Aid.
I need it to get money for college.
I need it so that i dont have to ask for money elsewhere, and take out loans.
But whatever.
2 All grown up |
Have you given up?
2008 19 April :: 10.46am
:: Mood: amused
grow the fuck up!
grow up and stop causing so much fucking drama over the internet. you just can't seem to let things go can you? even though none of this had to do with you in the first place. you just butted in and kept going and going. and you say I'm the one that needs to get over myself and get a life? i think you're really talking about yourself. whatever. leave me the fuck alone and grow the fuck up.
oh and fuck you and fuck you and fuck you.
This journal is now retired due to fuck heads who can't mind their own business.
Have you given up?
2008 18 April :: 6.04pm
:: Music: Bleeding Love - Leona Lewis
I didn't go to Ohio.
I stayed home to relax, and do some more self-cleansing.
I visited Katelyn today.
I haven't seen her in a very long time, and I feel as though I have abandoned our friendship.
Financial Aid stuff is cluster-fucked.
I just watched the movie Juno.
I liked it.
6 All grown up |
Have you given up?
2008 15 April :: 9.35pm
Spending the weekend in Ohio.
I hope it brings some sort of solution to my madness lately.
Doubt it though.
For the moment, the tears have stopped.
The uncomfortable feeling is still there.
Still burdening me.
I feel.. blah.
1 All grown up |
Have you given up?
2008 14 April :: 2.49pm
Take a big whif people... that is the smell of contentness..
nice try perverts
5 All grown up |
Have you given up?
2008 12 April :: 3.13am
:: Mood: still drunk...
My new picture says it all...
Fuck all this bad shit happening to me, i got big titties!
Only way that can bring me down is if they get too big and they just weigh me down or I fall over or something. I dont know.
This shit isn't making sense again.
I think I should call it a night...?
1 All grown up |
Have you given up?
2008 11 April :: 4.24pm
I sit. I weap. I wipe away tears. It's how I start my day, and how I end it.
I cry at the drop of a hat.
I know I'm an emotional wreck and that I have some emotional issues I keep throwing in the back of my closet. Hoping that someday they will escape through a crack somewhere.
Sadly, I never know what starts these fits of tears and uncertainty.
Especially when everything in my relationship with Mike is great.
I have a job, and I am enrolled in college.
My bills are paid, and I'm slowly getting caught up.
I really have nothing missing.
However, there is a huge hole.
And that hole that keeps attacking me at moments like these, is hurting me.
This uncomfortable feeling it gives me, is hurting me physically.
I am always tired. My body aches. And I can't find a cure..
I've spent the last few weeks doing a spring cleaning of my thoughts.
So far, I feel as though I worn myself weak, and accomplished nothing.
It's like running on a treadmill.
Right now, I would love to burst into tears, and curl up in bed.
But there are too many things I need to get done.
My dad talked to his girly-friend last night on the phone for 2 hours last night, even though she broke their date for last night.
He is so happy, and giddy. And I love seeing him smile.
I have been waiting for this for years.
1 All grown up |
Have you given up?
2008 10 April :: 8.51pm
:: Mood: disappointed
So, the worst of the worst happened from this shit. I lost my job today...grrreat...
9 All grown up |
Have you given up?