2004 8 February :: 1.03am
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: Kenny Chesney - Me & You
-Happy Birthday Kim-
Hey guyz! I haven't been very good about updating but i'm always busy or sleepin these days! You know what I hate more than anything? ScHoOl!!! It's so boring, and jus lately i've realized that I don't have many ppl I can trust there. It's depressing! LoL...I can't remember when I last updated so i'll fill ya in since Wednesday! We had a game and played Gauley Bridge...won! Then Thursday the Jr. High had games and they lost...Then yesterday there wasn't ne games so me, Jenn, Tabi and Brittany went to Kim's for her birthday. It was fun!!! We are so crazy lol...Up til 4AM then I had to get up at like 11:30 so I could go home and get ready for the game at Duval today. Well I pretty much got home and slept til 1 and talked to Cody til 2, then I went and took a shower and then got ready and went out to the school...the game was sooo awesome! I thought we were screwed there for a while but we ended up goin into overtime and we won by 1 point! Everyone from the different teams was runnin there mouths to eachother and these dumb girls screamed and made fun of us all...I wanted to whoop up so bad! LOL!After the game we was all singin n screamin at them and this old guy ran his mouth to me...he looked right at me and goes "It's pretty bad that you all had to go into over-time to beat a team thats never won a game, good job." and I didn't hear all of what he said so I just gave him a smartalecky thumbs-up and smile...then I realized what he had sed and I woulda ran my mouth so bad if he was still like right by me. Laila...Alan's mommy was like U go girlfriend cuz I was all mad and she was like u all did the best cheerin i've seen forever! LoL. After the game I rode with Tabi n her family n Jenn was with us! We went to McDonald's with the was great. HAHA that guy Tabz! and Bib Will and his burgers. LoL. We listened to the whole RF cd once and then half of it again! The roads were really bad on the way home! =0 badness...anywayz! OmG Cody can play the piano awesome and i'm so gonna make him teach me lol he can play the beginnings of I can only imagine, The dance, Me & you and some others! He's great!!!...I learned how to play this lil catchy song on's cool hehe! U get a lil tired of it tho after u hear it 25 times in Choir class...right Kim? LoL! Well tommorow Cody's posta come get me after Church n i'm goin to his house for a lil while. I miss him so bad!!!! *It's been 2 days* haha i'm a whiner! Monday is the Buffalo game...OH yeah! I can't wait!!! FuN-FuN! Well ya'll i'm gonna go to bed! NiTe!*!
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2004 6 February :: 1.41pm
:: Mood: ditzy
Happy Birthday Kim!
Hey guys! Pretty much in 4th period. Gosh, I had two tests today...blah! Yeah, I'm ready for summer to be here, i'm so sick of school and homework. Neways, I guess I'm going to Kim's house tonight for her birthday party. Thanks for waiting 'til today to tell me's ok I long as Mom lets me go. Tabi...hopefully Mom n Dad will let me go to the game with u Saturday and then spend the night. Pretty much. LoL...yeah well i'm gonna go. Bye Bye!
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2004 4 February :: 9.25pm
:: Mood: confused
Hey people sorry I haven't updated in a while but I've been really busy and the dayz that I'm not busy I'm!!! Well anywayz my life has been kinda confusin lately and I really hate it!!! Actually itz not confusin itz just bad...and the thing is I dunno wat to do about it...and sumtimez people say some thingz that really really bug me...grrrr!!! Well I believe I've said I guess imma go!!! Lotz of love everybody...XOXO!!! AmBeR
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2004 2 February :: 9.38pm
:: Mood: chipper
:: Music: Josh Gracin - Piano man
Hello everyone! We had a game 2nite...yay! We played Ohio Valley Christian and WON! by like 1! Good Job boyz! We soooo rock! Jenn came home with me and went to the game with was great, when we got home we listened to music on the older computer and it was stuff from the 8th grade such as LiL' Bow Wow, Shakira, I was dancin and such! Gettin hyped up...yeah right! LoL! I started gettin ready to go to the game around 5:45 and we left around 6:10...before we left, Jenn started freakin out cuz she couldn't find her cell phone...turns out Tabi had taken it from her earlier in the day, lol. Jenn was one mad wet HEN! lol. Yeah...Cody came to the game, I didn't figure he would. YAY!!! hehehehe Cody<3 haha...OMG I found out Kenny Chesney, Rascal Flatts & Uncle Kracker are comin to Charleston in July...I cannot wait! It will be great! I saw Amber Weed's pics from the concert the other nite and they were awesome...she was lucky to be that close!!! Well I think i'm gonna go cuz I think thas all I have to say! OHHH yeah...guys, did you know that my future job is goin to be at McDonald's? Flippin burgers...then movin on up to manager...OHHHH YeA!!! lol...hahahaha OHH I KNOW! Well byebye guyz n galz!
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2004 1 February :: 9.02pm
:: Music: Brian McComas- You're in my head
Hey guys! OMG...the concert was awesome!! Very first concert....and probably the best concert ever. Well I didnt like gettin checked with that metal detector was funny tho cuz me Shama n Tabi didnt know what to do. We went to our seats after that. We were early so there wasnt that many people there and it was easy to find our seats. We went to the bathroom like 5 times...haha. We bought all kinds of things at the booth place. I bought 2 shirts, 3 keychains and 1 pic of RF and 1 of Brian. I spent over $70...but hey it was okay, lol. Cledus T. Judd came out first. He was pretty funny...talking trash about Natalie from the Dixie Chicks and talking good about Toby was great. Anyways he sang a few songs and came out a couple different times. Then the hotness McComas is really awesome. He was better than I thought he would be. He sang like 3 or 4 songs I think...I like the song called something like.."Middle of Nowhere" I'm pretty much gonna be gettin his cd the next time I go to town. They had too many breaks during the show before Rascal Flatts came out...but it was worth love them! They are so awesome. I miss them so much. The concert was completely awesome. Some girl got to smack Jay's butt and another girl got to hug J.D...that was so un-called for and not cool, some people are so darn lucky...LOL...I sat in between Tabi n Shama so I knew what was going on with both of them...and something funny that happened to Shama...was a woman pulling her down off of her chair...I know Shama was mad but u couldnt help but laugh...she turned around to that woman and was like "STUPID B***H!" It was great..u just hadda be there. J.D is my favorite one of them...Jay is Tabi's. I think he might be Shama's too. After the concert, it started snowing a whole lot and we were all wishing for no school on Friday. We went to McDonalds and on the way there....these like 2 skanky boys were in a car driving beside us and they were like telling us to call them and that was pretty could we call them...not knowing their number...anyways...they kept waving when they went by...and Tabi, being how she the bright idea to wave back, was funny, we screaming and laughing...we all are such thought they were gonna follow us to McDonalds...thank God they didnt. haha...Anyways, Shama talked to Skank aka Cody like the whole way home and it was still pouring the snow...the roads were getting covered and it was scary going up the two hills to get to my house...VERY scary...even tho I had a blast I was glad to be home...of course I got on the internet and I watched the news and there was only a delay for school but I was so happy when i realized I slept in 'til like 12 the next school!! LoL....this is a very long entry...haha...but yeah I was grounded yesterday. I would have updated then but ya know now...I kinda couldnt. Anyways Me and Shama n Skank r going to Shania Twain and Emerson Drive concert May 13th...that should be fun...LoL. Amanda just told me a couple hours ago about a Kenny Chesney concert...we really need to go!! It would be way'm going home with Shama tomorrow and going to the games...hopefully no more snow! lol, but yeah, I think that I need to stop typing my life story...oh 1 more thing...yesterday I went to the movies and watched "win a date with tad hamilton" it was great! haha...TTYL...bye bye!!
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2004 1 February :: 2.56am
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: Shania Twain - It only hurts when i'm breathing
~1 month~
Pretty much bout to go to bed! 2 nite we went to eat at Olive Garden then we went to WalMart and I got Shania Twain and Clay Walker's new CD's...they are both awesome =) I can't wait til May 13 (Shania & Emerson Drive's concert!) YAY. LoL! My gosh I miss Cody sooo bad! I hate this weather! He's comin over tommorow...well technically today lol Oh yeah...we have been together a month, as of February 1 *2004* I am soooo proud of us. HaHa. OMG the Toby Keith superbowl thingy 2nite was awesome, I had to tape it ;) Scotty was lookin mighty fine! (Toby was too!) That's nothin new though! OHH YEAH!!! GO PATRIOTS! I can't wait to watch =) Ima go to bed! Luvinz
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2004 30 January :: 6.38pm
:: Mood: grateful
:: Music: Rascal Flatts - Like I am
Yesterday was soooo awesome! School actually went by pretty fast...the whole way home from school to Jenn's on th bus, we listened to RF's CD! Then when we got home we played Karoke Revolutions n then got ready and left around 5:30. We stopped at Rite Aid on the way there and got extra cameras...We got to the Civic Center around we had to wait a while until it seemed like it took forever! We were in the 21st row which was very close, but when people stood up it was hard to see and 1 time during the thing, I got up on my chair and this gurl pulled me down like 2 rows behind me and I looked back n yelled stupid b*tch....LOL! But anyways...1st Cletus came out and talked a while...sang Great day to be a guy, Chicks did it, Natalie and I think thats all? Then Brian McComas came out and sang his 2 songs and then 2 more that haven't been released...1 was called Middle of nowhere and he was like "This is dedicated to everyone who lives out in the middle of nowhere." that fit us....then he said "I mean out in the woods!!!" haha...we were bout the only ones in our area screamin...LoL. Then finally Rascal Flatts came out. They stayed out for about an hour n a half...they are soooo freakin hot!!! They are awesome singers, I just still can't believe that I actually got to see one of my favorite groups as my 1st was amazing! They said they've never seen so many beautiful women as there is in WV awww! LoL, they were talkin bout how their moms are from here. I wanna go back I miss it so much! But hey i'm just happy that I got to experience it =) I got a shirt, a picture and a key chain for me, a key chain for Cody, and a picture for mom and Crys and Sarah gave me money to get them shirts. After the concert mom and dad came to get us and we went to McDonald's and got some food, and on the way home it started snowin really bad...which was awesome cause we didn't have school today! That worked out great cuz I was soooo tired! I didn't get up til like 2!...LoL well i'm gonna go! XOXO
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2004 30 January :: 12.44pm
:: Mood: happy
:: Music: Rascal Flatts-While you loved me
Hey everybody last night was the Rascal Flatts, Brian McComas, and Cletus T. Judd concert!!! It was so awesome...I'm still hyped up from!!! I wish it wasn't over already!!! Anywayz they canceled school today...thank God because I didn't get to bed til' like 12:00 and I was like so tired!!! Well thatz all I can think of to say so I'll ttyl!!! Lotz of love everybody...XOXO!!! AmBeR
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2004 29 January :: 4.02pm
:: Music: Tabi- Waiting for tonight (LOL!)
HEY GUYS!!! Pretty much we will be leaving to go to the concert in like 2 hours exactly!! I am so excited...i cant wait!! LoL... Shama n Tabi are playing my karoke game on PS2 right now...People are booing its all good...well i will talk to y'all later!! bye bye!!
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2004 28 January :: 11.30pm
:: Mood: excited
:: Music: Rascal Flatts- Dry County Girl
Hey Guys! Pretty much listening to Rascal Flatts!! 2day has been's about time that i've had a good day!! On my report card I got a 4.0 for the 2nd 9 weeks..i only got a 3.75 for the 1st and 2nd 9 weeks combined....but thats ok...its good enough...thats not why im so happy tho. I think we all know its because of the great Rascal Flatts concert that is 2morrow night!!! Oh My Gosh....I can not wait!! Shama n Tabi...we are gonna have a blast!! Anyways...I went home with Kim today after school and we are so was so much fun though. I found out a lot of things about people Awww Crystal and Brandon just now started going out...woot! Neways...Tabi n Shama are coming home with me tomorrow. I am so excited!! I love everything and everybody!! lol...goodnight!
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2004 28 January :: 11.01pm
:: Mood: excited
:: Music: Scotty Emerick - I can't take you anywhere *MY MAN!!!*
Hey guys! I am sooooo freakin happy! U have no idea!!! AHHH! I was gonna go to Church 2 nite but I got home and at around 3:30 Cody called n asked if I wanted to go to the Jr.High game with them. So yeah...I decided to go! He couldn't get up the hill even though he had the jeep cuz him n Chris wrecked his car earlier today (but they are alrite!!!) So he came up the hill and got me and my hill is SERIOUSLY like a thick sheet of ice...and he helped me down the whole way n right when he lets go, I fall on my butt! LOL! After that we went to his house n stayed there for a lil bit. Ne WaYz. The gurls lost but the boys did good...poor Ryan is like really hurtin! I hope he getz better soon! But yeah...I had a good time...Tabi we can't forget little Jimmy Keith Wayne or whatever the crap his name was...haha #00! Greatness! We went to McDonald's with the team after the game. BORING. lol. No Jenn to eat straw paper! Just Cody playin with sum Lilo & Stich play dough thingy...haha! We got home around 10:15 and he had to walk me up the hill again and once again hadda be careful not to fall! But yeah...I came home and took a shower n now i'm on here and I am SOOOO hyped up about the concert tommorow! I really don't wanna go to school, BLAH! But me n Tabi are goin home with Jenn after school! OMG!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!! We are the this is gonna kick butt! I have to call Cody on certain songs...hehe! It will be wonderful! Ohh ya! gotta tell ya'll I got 2 B's, an A and a C on my report card for last semester...could be better, but i'm satisfied cuz I kno i'll do better next time! Well guyz i'm gonna go dry my hair and get ready for bed so i'll be all hyper tommorow. Next time I update, I will have been serenaded with SeXiNeSs! haha!
Countin down....Bout 20 hours til I see Joe Don Rooney, Gary Levox, Jay DeMarcus, Brian McComas & Cletus T. Judd! ---Here we come Jenn n Tabi!
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2004 27 January :: 11.38am
:: Mood: calm
:: Music: Rascal Flatts - Like I am
Hey everyone! I am sick...blah!!! It's jus a cold though, cuz I don't have a temperature. It was really bad yesterday n nite before last...I am a heck of a lot better now than I was then, but i'm gonna get ready here ina second and go to school jus so I can cheer in the game 2 nite (if they still have it) and state rules say ya hafta be there by 1:30 if you wanna participate in any sports...I guess it's not too bad though! I jus have to go to History...Yippee! NOT! lol Gotta listen to all the guys yell...haha Me, Amber n Sarah are the only gurlz in there. Anyways....i'm really rested cuz I took some NyQuill last nite at 11 and I was OUT by 12 I hope I don't go to school for nothin but, that'll be my luck...oh well! I downloaded all the Rascal Flatts songs...they are all awesome! I soooo can't wait until the concert Thursday! 2 days!!!!!! OMG I am sooo excited! It best not snow even though we are goin no matter what! LoL! Well guyz, my curling iron is done heatin so, i'm gonna go get ready! <333
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2004 25 January :: 8.35pm
:: Mood: sick
:: Music: Clay Walker- I can't sleep
Hey guys! Well let's see here...Friday after school I went home with Shama. Cody came over...what a jerk! j/ We only fought the whole time. Shama and him are really slow I thought we were never gonna get to the games. The games were great tho. It was After that there was a dance....then I spent the night with Shama. Saturday evening she came here and spent the night. school tomorrow! Isn't it great?! I love this snow...haha. I don't think i'm gonna like school this tabi said, "ONLY ONE MORE SEMESTER TIL SUMMER!" thats great, I can't wait for this school year to be over with. My birthday needs to hurry up and be i can be all like yay, im 16! Then, I want the summer to be here. Yeah well, i'm pretty much sick. I havent been able to breathe all day but i guess thats i'm gonna go...bye bye!!
4 days til the concert!!!
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2004 24 January :: 11.51pm
:: Mood: cheerful
:: Music: Pat Green - Guy like me
OMG's been a while since i've updated...I am just so happy n busy that I haven't really felt like updatin! Anywayz...Monday I didn't really do anything, then Tuesday we had a game at Grace Christian...Wednesday I got sick and came home from school at lunch...that evening we had a game at Sherman but I didn't go to it. On Thursday I went to the Jr.High games and then Friday Jenn came home with me and Cody came over at like was great! (ohh yeah I learned how to play a song on the piano! thanx to Jenn! hehe!) But yea...Cody took me n Jenn out to the school for the games around 6! The game was awesome...the gurlz lost but the boys whooped up on Van...that game got violent! One of the guys on the team flipped the cheerleaders off and their cheerleaders turned towards the wall when we did our floor cheers...JeRkS!!! lol...I really thought there would be a fight! Summer pushed one of the guyz. It was awesome! LoL! wayz! There was a dance after the was alrite but the music choice wasn't great...they only played 1 slow song but me and Cody got our dance on...haha yeah right! Me and Jenn didn't go to bed til like 2! We are sooo crazy. LoL. Today the basketball team and the cheerleaders went up to Morgantown for a WVU game but I didn't go cause I failed to find out about it until the day before. Yea...pretty much my coach didn't tell me we were goin! Not like I care, but me and Jenn slept til like 1 sumthin and now i'm at her house! We started the new semester on Thursday I think it was. Mine is pretty easy but it's so boring...last semester I had: Intro, Geometry, Science 10 & English I have Art 1, Health, Music/Choir & World History. I don't have any classes with Jenn & Tabi. I have 2 with Luke & Ben...& 1 with Sarah, Alan, Bobbi, Crystal G. & Bradley. It's not terrible but not the best! I HATE havin 1st lunch! I guess i'll get over it though! LoL...Well I guess i'm gonna go...nothin else to talk about. Tommorow i'm goin 2 Church I guess, and then Monday...retarded school and Tuesday theres a home game. I'll try n update sumtime soon! XoXoXo!
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2004 24 January :: 9.52pm
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: Rascal Flatts-I melt
Hey everybody todayz been a long day and I'm bored outta my mind!!! We went to Wal-mart and thatz about like fun doesn't!!! Anywayz herez a survey I got off somebodiez journal...well ttyl!!! Lotz of love everybody...XOXO!!! AmBeR
01. I hurt: nowhere
02. I love: your gutz
03. I hate: spiderz
04. I cry: too much
05. I fear: snakez
06. I hope: to live a happy life
08. I feel alone: all the time
09. I kill: time
10. I talk: to my friendz online
11. I listen: to 3 doors down
12. I break: my brotherz face (well at least i wish i could)
13. I see: my computer screen
14. I smell: vanilla bean body spray
15. I taste: bubble gum
16. I work: not very often
17. I remember: all the mistakez i've ever made
18. I hold: onto old memories
19. I hide: more than you'll ever know
20. I pray: as much as I want
21. I walk: a lot
22. I drive: never...i can't
23. I read: interesting bookz
24. I was: happy last night
25. I breathe: fresh air
26. I play: on my computer
27. I miss: when i was a kid
28. I touch: the mouse
29. I learn: a lot at school
30. I feel: tired right now
31. I know: nothing
32. I say: i have a very boring life
33. I dream: about happy thingz
34. I have: a good life
35. I want: him
36. I fell: off my chair
37. I wait: for the summer
38. I need: a new life
39. I live: a boring life
What's one thing you wish you could change about yourself: i wish i was skinny
What's one thing you miss: when i was a kid
What's one thing you don't miss: elementary school
What's one thing you want/ed to do today: go get my hair cut
What's one thing you are really looking foward to: the rascal flatts concert
What's one thing you wish you had: the perfect boyfriend...but doesn't everybody
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2004 23 January :: 11.32pm
:: Mood: happy
:: Music: 3 Doors Down-Here without you
Hey everybody I'm like really happy right now cause I just got back from the game a lil bit ago and we won...yay...go!!! Anywayz today has been an o ok day!!! The basketball team and the cheerleaderz are goin to Morgantown to a WVU game tomorrow but Brenda told us that we don't hafta go if we don't wanna and I don't know if I wanna go or!!! Well I guess imma go...I'll ttyl!!! Lotz of love everybody...XOXO!!! AmBeR
Herez a thingy I got off somebody'z journal if ya have time fill it out in my commentz pleaze!!!
Amber is ________.
Amber thinks a lot about _______.
When I think of Amber, I think of ________.
I think Amber should _____.
_______ reminds me of Amber.
Amber needs ______.
If I could describe Amber in a word: _______.
Amber will never ______
I hope Amber never _____.
I _____ Amber because _______.
*If anybody knowz any bandz that are similar to 3 Doorz Down that I might like lemme know!!! Thanx!!!
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2004 21 January :: 1.44pm
:: Mood: lonely
:: Music: Rascal Flatts-Love you out loud
Hey everybody I was sorta sick this morning so I didn't go to school so I won't be able to go to the game but thatz ok cause I didn't really wanna go...itz gonna be like really late when they get back!!! Anywayz I'm here all by myself and I'm pretty lonely...itz not a bad thing for me to be by myself but I wish I had somebody to talk to right about now!!! Well so much for that everybodyz like at school right now and most of my friendz are goin to the game tonight so I probably won't talk to any of them until tomorrow!!! Well I guess imma go watch Passions...ttyl!!! Lotz of love...XOXO!!! AmBeR
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2004 18 January :: 11.16pm
:: Mood: bored
~才A lOnG dAy~才
Hey everybody today'z been a pretty long day I got up this morning and went to church then I came home and went to bed until like 4:00...I was like really!!! Then I got up and watched Head over heels, Clueless, and I wanna marry Ryan Banks and now I'm on here tellin ya all about it!!! so now ya know how boring my life really!!! Well I guess imma go...ttyl!!! Lotz of love everybody...XOXO!!! AmBeR
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2004 18 January :: 9.05pm
:: Mood: loved
:: Music: Keith Urban - You'll think of me
Hey everyone! How ya'll been!? Great here! Haven't been much better! Kentucky was great yesterday! We left at 8 and got there at 12...We sat at there apartment til 3 then went to eat at was great =) I really missed Cody all day...n I only talked to him once for like 10 minutes but we talked a while when I got home at about 10! Great...yeah I know! LoL...I slept til 12 today then got up for a while, talked to Cody, then Crystal then I went back to sleep til like 3 and got up and stayed on the internet til 4:30 and then I went and got ready for Church. It was great. I love that preacher!!! LoL! I'm glad i've started goin there. OHH yes everyone guess what?! No school tommorow + we don't have to go to the away game at Sherman...that rox! There's a home game though and I think i'm gonna go watch Ryan kick butt! WOW. But yeah i'm gonna go! Awesome chat goin down!! XOXO
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2004 16 January :: 11.44pm
:: Mood: infuriated
:: Music: Jeff Bates - The love song
~12 dayz left~
Hey everyone!!! Guess i'll tell ya bout my past few days...Wednesday I went to Kim's then church...on the way there mom got hung up in sum1'z was hilarious!Then Me, Jenn, Kim, Grace, David, and Tabi piled in the car and went to was fun! Cody gave me his class ring =) very great! Thursday the job shadowing went pretty good! It was cool. I'm pretty sure I am gonna go to beauty school now. Tuition is only like $7000 dollars...that's very cheap for a lifetime of a minimum wage job + i'm plannin on gettin my masters and havin my own business n stuff! GO ME! But yeah I got home at like 1 and slept til 5 and went to the Jr.High game...Cody had classes til like 6:30 and the game had started at like 6 so he didn't get there til the game was over...LoL! But yea I had finals...most of em were pretty easy but I hated the Intro one! blaaaaahhhh!! After school Cody came over and we just acted like tards until bout 6:00 n then we went out to the JV and Varsity game! He's a geat driver but ya know...his car attacked me...the seatbelt and all! haha! OHHH this is a great story...he was so embarrassed! Before we left my house he tried to go out the wrong yeah he was tryin to go out the closet and he was movin stuff like brooms, n I was like Cody wat u doin and he's like leavin! and I said umm that's not the door...I mean, it's like a sliding door but it's broke and off the hinges and he like...picked it up and tried to move it! His face was soooooooo red!!! Then I was tellin Jenn bout it when we got to the game and he goes well i thought maybe the brooms were there to keep the dogs from gettin in...and I said u think our door stays open like that all the time or do ya think the dogs are gonna jump up there and open the door...then he felt really!! That's greatness!! But anyways...the Varsity beat Wahama 2nite...go us! The cheerleaders got our new uniforms!! I like em =) cept when I do a jump they like show everything! It's all good though! Yeah...well i'm goin to Kentucky tommorow to see my brother for his birthday unless it snows real bad...I hope we don't stay all nite! I wanna come home ya know for Church!.....and maybe a lil Cody...haha! I reallllly hope we don't go to the Varsity game's way too far away, and I mean that'll be my day to be free, no stupid school! But then Tuesday we have a game at Grace Christian...Wednesday at Wirt...then Friday, home, playing should be a good game! Hopefully there will be a dance afterwards....& yea Jenn best go with me...LoL! =) I luff u Jennay!! pretty much...i'm gonna go i'm talkin non-sense lol. OHH yeah before I mood is infuriated cause i'm so sick of jus about everything and everyone around here other than a few's so GAY! But yeah...i'm really gonna go! LATER XOXOXOXOXO!
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2004 16 January :: 11.03am
:: Mood: angry
:: Music: The Darkness- I believe in a thing called love
I was amused earlier...when i was updating but pretty much last entry kind of didnt save...tabi laughed...that is so depressing...yeah well i hope i can go to the games tonight...but yeah i dont feel like typing everything again... :'(
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2004 15 January :: 4.13pm
:: Mood: exhausted
Hey everybody I know I haven't updated in a while but ya know I haven't had time...anywayz yesterday I stayed home from school and last night was the 3 doors down was so awesome they are like the best band in the world I want to go see them in concert again!!! Anywayz today I'm like exhausted cause we didn't get back until like 12:00 sumthin and mom made me go to school because finals are tomorrow!!! Well thatz about all I hafta say right now so I guess imma go...ttyl!!! Lotz of love...XOXO!!! AmBeR
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2004 14 January :: 11.11pm
:: Music: Diamond Rio- Love A Little Stronger
Hey Guys! Today was an okay day i guess at school. Me Tabi Bobbi n Amanda found out that we can take Pre-Calc and an Online English class next semester...hopefully it'll be greatness and not extremely hard. Anyways, be proud I went to did Shama, Tabi, Kim, n Cody...we are all greatness. Oh...Awwww...Cody gave Shama his class ring...isn't that sweet? lol Well I am like bored out of my mind and about to freeze to death...I am REALLY cold...but aren't I always? Yeah Well...I'm gonna go...bye bye!!!
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2004 14 January :: 2.02am
:: Mood: contemplative
:: Music: Chris Cagle - What a beautiful day?
WoW. I am like so amazed right now...i've been talkin to Alan for like 2 hours & we've talked about everything imagineable...with talkin about all of that, i've realized so much! How much I need to change; how much i've grown up; how much I love the people around me & so much more. From now on I really am gonna be a better person to my friends, family, myself...& most of all God! I think I can do this...
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2004 13 January :: 6.28pm
:: Mood: anxious
:: Music: Blue County - Good little girls
Hey everyone! Where to begin? Friday we didn't have school cause of the snow, so Jenn decided to come spend the nite...then Saturday we went to go get our hair cut, she got hers dyed and layered and I got mine cut like an inch off and layered. Mom's hair took forever to do...they suck though! Her hair isn't anything like she wanted it! Anyways...after we got home, I went over to Jenn's...we are so dumb! we ate...played Karaoke Revolutions [great game for ps2] and laughed like the tards we are! I spilled a box of like 1000 toothpicks and Jenn kinda peed herself laughin so hard at me...then I picked em all up by myself all alone in the cold kitchen at 12am...haha then I went back in her room and we were eatin and I was laughin and got choked and spit pop all over much more greatness! Too much to! Sunday we came back to my house then that nite we went to church! Us little angelz O=] Anyways, last nite we had a game...we totally own Duval! The JV & Varsity girls & boys all won...we are awesome! =] The game was great and all cuz I got to see Cody but I was so tired and grouchy cuz i'd only gotten 3 hours of sleep the nite before but legs had broke out the nite before when I was shavin and me, Mander and Rissa were in the bathroom while I was changin and I almost started cryin cause of it! But then when I went back out there Cody made me feel better. He's the greatest =] After that...I started to cheer up a lil bit! But yeh...Today, I didn't get up til like 10 sumthin and I went to school around 11:30 cuz I wasn't feelin too good when I woke and Cody were gonna do sumthin 2day-2nite whatever but mom wasn't feelin good and I didn't wanna bother her but i'll see him at church tommorow, at the Jr.High game Thursday and I think he's definetly comin over Friday evening before the game...then goin to the game! I am sooooo excited! I don't have to go to school Thursday because i'm going job shadowing at the Huntington Beauty school and it's only from 9am-1pm...greatness right there! Ohh and sumthin else great...Luke appologized for all the crap that went on throughout the 6 months and we are really talkin now, even though sum things that are said aren't wonderful but ya know I love him to death n i'd die if we couldn't be friends! I think i'm gonna go now cuz that's bout all that's went on here lately! I'll update sumtime! XOXOXO
16 days til the concert!!!!!!!!
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