2003 23 December :: 9.43pm
i think i mentioned a while ago how weird it was that the only communication i have with my dad (besides when he takes me to shows) is through AIM and how he tries to be all teenager-ish by using 'u' for 'you' and stuff. yeah. it's weird. but weirder still, he used the word 'gud' today. in context, it was clear that he meant 'good', but i have to think...WHERE THE HELL DID HE GET THAT?!?! weird.
second item of business with my dad: he wants to go shopping with me. hrm. how do i get out of this? shopping with my mom is one thing, but shopping with my dad??? *shudder*
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2003 22 December :: 7.30pm
:: Mood: confused
:: Music: Evanescence-I Belive in You
a question:
how do you guys survive being home during the break and having nothing planned? i can't handle not being busy! i don't deal well with boredom...
so, in an attempt to rid myself of my unbearable boredom, i've decided to ask you all a question: what is there to do at home? how do YOU spend your free time when contained within the limits of the household?
maybe i'm missing something...
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2003 22 December :: 3.13pm
:: Mood: aggravated
:: Music: the stupid christmas pageant crap!! arg!!
the christmas pageant
*whine* i really REALLY don't want to go to rehearsal!! this is seriously the worst pageant our church has ever done. i don't really remember all of the ones we've done in the past, but i KNOW that they weren't this stupid. the entire blocking consists of walking in, standing in groups (not strait lines or jerry gets pissed and starts moving people) and then standing on the sides of the steps while the people with parts (andrew, me, chris, matthew, and alex) randomly come to the center of the steps to say their lines. (this blocking ALMOST beats the standing in a semi circle and stepping forward to say your lines that we did for mr. freeman's play.) the entire show is REALLY poorly written and incomprehendable. take that script, split it up into random scenes with horrible music from 2 choirs and voila! you have the fumc 2003 christmas pageant. well I definately wouldn't want to watch it.
boy am i excited for the 2 hour rehersal that starts in half an hour! *grumble grumble*
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2003 21 December :: 1.07pm
uh oh...
i have a dilemma. i told jeff i'd be at the wassail party tonight, but i also have plans with church to go shopping at toys r us for needy children. now, the choice WOULD be easy, i'd just go to the wassail party, but honestly, what would i do there? i don't know like ANYBODY, and i'm not even sure what i'd be doing!! on the other hand, i have to spend my own money if i go shopping with the youth group for toys, but i'd definately get satisfaction and happiness out of it, PLUS i'd be comfortable with the people i'd be around. i dunno, i can just picture myself wandering around feeling stupid. hmmm...i'm really leaning towards the toys r us's just a safer bet!! but then again, i told jeff i'd be there!! ahhh! i'd be okay if i had someone to go with, but the only person who'd want to go, nicole, is away seeing rotk, and i can't ask her. what to do, what to do??? i'm afraid to NOT go to the wassail party cuz jeff's expecting me, but i'm afraid to go cuz i think i'll be alone and feel stupid. *whine* oh i don't know!!
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2003 19 December :: 7.59pm
yay!!!! it would have been nice to start the break a little happier, but oh well. my french final was...surprisingly awful. we had to write a little essay about throwing a birthday party for your best friend. first of all, WHO THROWS BIRTHDAY PARTIES FOR THEIR FRIENDS?? and second of all, what do you really do to set up for a birthday party? third of all, why would you go out AFTER the party, and then have all the guests leave?? i mean, i couldnt've written much on this topic IN ENGLISH let alone french!! ugh. oh well. it's over. *letting it go...* my horseback riding lesson also sucked. it was POURING. and for some reason the office thought i was gone from the barn until next year, so i wasn't on the list. i ended up riding Lulu, who tends to go crazy 1) in the covered arena (where we were riding cuz it was insane to try to ride in the rain) and 2) when it gets dark. (and it was dark by 5-ish.) so yeah. not fun. she's a really downhill thoroughbred who lost her left eye to an infection. did i mention that she's insane? yeah. so much for a good lesson.
should be a lazy day tomorrow. i'm not doing anything. that sort of seems like the doom of my least after christmas. sunday, monday, and tuesday i have practice for the pageant, but once that's over...nada. i'm so jealous of all you guys who are going away!! not fair!! oh well. it should be quite amusing to make a complete fool of myself as a part in the pageant. our choir is singing all of this really old (and awful) music in latin and such and then the lines are like...poorly written and really modern-sounding. one of the worst is like 'wow! that's terrific!' my personal favorite, that i actually have to say, is 'oh francis, it's beautiful!' *insert gagging here* oh well. i have a feeling we'll have a lot of fun making fun of the whole thing behind stephen's back. i'm surprised he dared to write something that awful, though!!
on a random note, you no longer need a code to get a livejournal!! how weird is that?!? i would have DIED to be able to make myself a livejournal a year ago! oh well. i'm thankful that nicole found woohu and that we've made our own little community. screw livejournal, woohu's just as good!!
ooo nicole!! GUESS WHAT?!?!? PIZZA MAN'S SINGING AT OUR CHURCH ON SUNDAY!! no joke!!! my mom told me!! they're singing some christmas oratorio thing and mark invited some alumns (as well as therapist) to sing!! ahhh!! so you simply MUST come. i think thomas is in texas, but i'm sure i'd enjoy pizza man more sitting there with you. then we can whisper about him. lol. apparently he has more facial hair. well we'll see. maybe you can fantasize about him instead of mr. amarosa until he's over that other person. and it won't be the same to have ruthie, chris, and i do our pizza man and therapist dances... it's so weird to think about how long ago it was that we made that all up...
okay well. i'm done. sorry this didn't make any sense to most of you. hope you all have wonderful breaks!!
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2003 18 December :: 3.04pm
:: Mood: relieved
:: Music: Clay AIken-Invisible
clap for me! i'm updating!
i only have one more final!! and it's not even technically a final!! YESSS!! i swear i've been like the most depressed and stressed and weird i've EVER been this week. i swear, i've never been that worked up over ANYTHING. i'm basically considering the grief of finals over, considering i can't do a ton about my french essay tomorrow. i'm hoping it'll be okay, i had an easier time writing my last one. (we've only done two.) *shrugs* oh well. i'm just being glad to be happy for once!!
i was less-happy today during school, though. and i think mr. shaull's like really worried about me. IT'S WEIRD!! i was like SUPER depressed on tuesday coming into the class, and he and debbie were talking about me after i handed in my ticket money for the concert and saying that i was less talkative than usual and had low-energy and wondered what was up. (yes, i know that was a horrible run-on sentence, shut up!) i know that i was like really perky the first week of school (like crazy perky, especially in shaull's class) but i SWEAR i haven't been like completely dark and gloomy compared to what i was like during the middle and end of the semester. so i'm not sure what's up with their random 'omg what's wrong with melissa?' obsession.
why am i calling it an obsession? get this. i walk in today and mr. shaull's like 'melissa, why are you so gloomy? i miss your happy expression and smile!' (or something like that, maybe not THAT stupid.) and i sort of looked at him weirdly and replied something like 'i don't know. i guess it's finals.' then, once everyone was in, i looked around to see if everyone else somehow must look happier than me. they didn't. no one looked especially happy. it was so weird!! and then, both times we had discussions this week, he's tried to keep the conversation going by saying something like, 'i want to hear some more ideas. who hasn't shared yet?' and then, BOTH TIMES, he immediately looked at me and said 'melissa?' it's weird. i don't know. i don't like how he seems to always choose me to do stuff. i came into the class on the first day thinking that it was cool that i knew him and it was all special and stuff, but i REALLY didn't think he would pay special attention to me or anything. and it's not cool that he does. i'll bet that he doesn't go around wondering why tiania was looking unhappy in class. and it's just fact that he's called on ME those two times and stuff. :-/ it's just weird.
some semi-current worries:
-not having anything to do all break. i'm not going anywhere or anything...:-/ i think we should all get together and have like a christmas party or do something every single day so i don't waste away of boredom. actually, i have a book to read and like 20 movies to watch if i get THAT bored.
-final scores, especially math. but i'm pushing that aside. i have like 3 weeks until i have to worry about that, and even then, my mom was stressing just as bad as i was about all of my finals and how they'll affect my grades, and it got to the point where she was saying things like, 'i'll still love you even if you bomb your _____ final' so yeah. i'm just hoping everything'll turn out okay.
-christmas pagent. i "volunteered" (was sort of forced into) saying that i would play recorder for one of the songs we're singing, and i don't know how to play the recorder. this isn't to say that i couldn't learn, seeing as i have a book and a recorder and the music. :-/ also, i'm playing a role in it. i'm not exactly sure how i was picked, but the people with roles are andrew, chris, alex, and i. seems just a TAD odd that stephen is(the stepfather, i think, i just know that he's not their father) of eileen and alex, and chose me over eileen for the female role, while still including alex. none of you really get this, seeing as you don't know these people, but alex like doesn't talk and is mumbly, and eileen is outgoing and bubbly. why would he choose him over her? whatever. idk.
-i don't know how i'm going to think up/get christmas presents for my parents. i used to get random stuff that looked cute from the holiday faire, but that was like an egan thing. and now i don't know what to do. and should i have to buy something for brian? i guess so. haha.
btw, (not that posting this question will get me an answer or anything) does anyone know if we're having a clarinet/flute party over the break? what about the website clarinet party? i'm kind of thinking that it isn't going to's just been too long since marching band. but hey, i'm all for partying!
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2003 10 December :: 9.11pm
this is going to be rather random...i don't feel like being especially coherent. (not that i ever am...)
it's crazy how late i get back from the barn on tuesdays...
my lips are SOOO chapped. i've had a cronic stuffy nose so i have to breathe through my mouth at night, and i randomly wake up with new cuts in my lips...ya know when it gets really chapped and your lips just sort of crack? ick.
i haven't looked for any books on homosexual marriage OR appendicitis...both bibliographies have to have a certain amount of non-internet sites...crap.
dan, my newly forced-apon parterner for my appendicitis project, MIGHT bring a posterboard to school tomorrow to work on our poster, which is now optional. so basically, i did the entire project. and i just realized that i said i'd work with him on it at lunch tomorrow, but i have choral union tomorrow. great. i have his number, but i'm NOT calling him. crap.
i'm tired again. not cool. i don't want to get sick.
finals suck. i don't remember anything from any of the other chapters of bio, not to mention the one we're doing right now. and we have a test on friday. great.
the kitty (whose name is Amber, by the way...yes, this is a new thing) is now mingling with the other cats. and they're not killing her. i guess this is a good sign...
i'm REALLY starting to feel guilty about mr. smith's whole "you must work really hard and not slack off right now" speech. i read someone else's essay and it uhhh....wasn't so idk. it has to be memorized by tuesday. ugh.
tomorrow should be lazy. well, unless mr. shaull get's really worked up. p.e., girls' ensemble, and french, in which we're watching a movie.
i really really don't want to be sick. *yawn* it makes me tend to space and be completely out of it and half alseep. or maybe it's just me. i don't know. well i'm cold and sleepy and not feeling well and worried about finals. and i'm kind of jealous about random crap that i shouldn't even be thinking about...and i won't elaborate. and my horseback riding lesson sucked. i got put on this random horse who's like everywhere and on his forehand and strong and evil to turn. grrr... alright...well. i think that's enough bitching for one day.
nevermind. one more thing. if it's possible, brian and my mom are making out with each other MORE than before.
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2003 7 December :: 9.39pm
OH MY GOD. after seeing cirque du soleil with my dad, he took me out to dinner. between dinner and dessert, he gets all serious and is like: melissa, there's something really important i need to talk to you about.
okay, i've used WAY too many caps in the past few entries. i apologize. i'll try to stay less....hyper, i guess.
oh, and allegria was good. i liked that i knew some of the music. that was cool. alright, well, that's all for now. be glad you don't have a father who gives you AIDS/sex talks in nice restaurants.
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2003 6 December :: 1.20am
boys and HOLY F*CK!
so you're not in suspence, the HOLY F*CK was becuase SHIBOUNE POSTED A REPLY IN SCOTT HAYMAN'S LJ!! (okay, none of you but nicole will get this) OMG!! THAT IS SO F-ED UP!! WEIRD!! yeah, check it out. she has a xanga AND a LJ with the same username. *shudder* okay that was random.
2)MY MOM'S GIVING ME PERMISSION TO DATE!! YESSSSSSSSSSS!!! (not that the negation of this was specifically mentioned to me EVER. but yeah...)
saw nutcracker. ali was awesome!! as was ruthie! fun times with sarah, sara, and nicole....we were a tad crazy. just a tad. sarah in her hoochy skirt, nicole in her peacoat...oh yeah baby. we were HOT.
apparently flirted with "george" (aka danny koehler) in the library today. WHICH I WASN'T!! he was whispering 'jeff hayman is soooo hot...i loooove jeff hayman....oohhhhh jeff...' and i was cracking up and smiling. all these sophmores in our bio class like look over and are like 'oohhh i see some body language goin on there!! mel and danny...ooooo' um no. like NO.
and I DO NOT FLIRT WITH (wow, i totally just blanked on his name....) ummm...DEVIN IN GEOMETRY!! I DON'T!! well...not intentionally!! sheesh.
take a look at louise and nicole's perception of my biggest fault. BOTH of them say something like 'being unable to NOT smile in the presence of guys" I'M SORRY, OKAY? I JUST SMILE!! I DON'T LIKE THEM!! STOP SAYING I FLIRT WITH THESE PEOPLE!! oh and don't even get me started on charlie...AHHHRGGGG!!
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2003 4 December :: 4.23pm
shtuff (pronounced how it's spelled)
so, i've decided not to go to the stag dance. why? well there are a few reasons. (in no particular order.)
1) no one's going
2) i realize that i'd much rather spend time with jeff, which, i realize, is impossible all month, but, as he said when i was trying to get him to ask me to homecoming, we can talk and hang out and have just as good a time without spending any money.
3) i never want to HAVE to be stag again.
4) the fact that i miss jeff's company so much has given me reason to believe that i'd feel awful dancing with anyone else. (which i definately would, even though it IS a stag dance, you don't necessarily have to dance with people you like, and jeff doesn't like to dance anyway.)
hmmm...2 reasons having to do with jeff, 1 having to do with everybody else. i sure hope the rest of you don't feel like i'm leaving you out. i guess it's not a change though, seeing as guys have ALWAYS been on my mind, whether i'm single or they themselves are...(that hasn't seemed to stop me yet...)
my plans for friday include horseback riding and then going to dance connection's Nutcracker.
my plea:
thank you for your consideration. and don't say i never invite you to do things with me. there have been other such invitations in my journal. you have nothing to complain about.
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2003 3 December :: 5.03pm
:: Mood: angry
total number of expected voice lessons not recieved: 3
AGAIN, mr. troll fails to show up to give me my voice lesson. my mom's fed up. i'm getting a new teacher. maybe this one won't crack dry jokes about me loving to act but being "shy". or think that my head voice is fucked up. (which it is NOT according to mr. shaull.)
so, mr. troll, i have one last thing to say: SCREW YOU!!
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2003 3 December :: 4.23pm
sorry for the random after-post, but i just remembered. I WAS FLOCKED LAST NIGHT!! heehee. so yeah, i didn't go crazy and put tons of plastic pink flamingo's in my yard and bushes. i was flocked by my dad. well, technically, by gabi and sarah, but y'know...
heehee. my house looks funky.
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2003 3 December :: 4.11pm
:: Mood: aggravated
:: Music: memories of mss
so i come into girls ensemble and see a few mss people in their dresses and tux's. cool. we do our little performance for the preschoolers. darling. 20 minutes till the end of the period, mss comes in again. SWEET. we finish singing and pile into the piano room (mr. shaull's way of saying 'get the hell outta here, i need to work with the GOOD people') and still no jeff. NOOO!!
so i freaked out in the piano room for 20 minutes. 5% because they were singing. 5% because they were singing HOLIDAY music, and 90% because I COULDN'T SEE JEFF AND HE WAS LIKE RIGHT THERE!! soo frustrating. grrrrr...
a few quotes from today:
sarah: yeah, because you read porn all the time.
molly: oh definately, because you can so READ porn.
mme youatt: tu veux dejuner avec moi?
luc: ce soir...lalalala
lmao. (like lady marmalade...yeah...oh, and by the way, that makes no sense. the question was: do you want to eat lunch with me. the answer: tonight?)
not much else went on today. i have a voice lesson soon. i swore to myself i'd get lots done tonight since i didn't do any homework last night...shows how well i'm doing. i can't even research for my english final without getting sidetracked.
my away message: " i was trying to be good and research gay marriage for my english final, but i sort of got caught up looking at articles on birth control and other debatable much for being productive..."
har har...get it?
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2003 1 December :: 7.05pm
okay okay, i'll go do my homework!
How old are you? (how cliche of me): | 14 | Do you like sports?: | yes. soccer, volleyball, and horseback riding | What kind of movies do you like?: | romance, chick flick, comedies, horror...anything | Are you a virgin? (Come on Claire, answer the question!): | YES | Do you get it?: | no | Are you a fan of pop culture from the 80's?: | no | Are your parents still together?: | no | What is your favorite article of clothing?: | depends...sweatshirts, i guess | Why is rap popular?: | it expresses the majority of teenagers...(nearly half of lahs has got to be on antidepressants) | Why are you taking this quiz?: | i found it in the random trombone player's that's on nicole's friends list | How'd you find bzoink?: | i didn't. i just clicked the link. | What kind of IM service do you use?: | AIM | What is your e-mail domain?: | sbcglobal | Are you a thespian?: | YES | How about a techie?: | YES (nicole and i are great) | Do you know what a techie is (explain)?: | someone who works lights/soud/backstage crap (okay, so we weren't really TECHIES) for a show | Are monkeys cool?: | sure... | Even tho they fling poo?: | i suppose... | Where do you rent your movies from?: | blockbuster | Is the movie theater a rip off?: | yes. because i'm ten times happier on jeff's couch...:0D | Do you go to concerts or shows?: | shows. | Is punk a fashion statement?: | no. it's ugly. | What time is it?: | 5:41 | Are you cold?: | no | Do your hands get cold if you type for a long time?: | no | Have you ever seen The Rocky Horror Picture Show?: | YES. | Did you find Tim Curry Sexy?: | yes, but it was SO annoying watching him in Clue after i figured out it was body in drag....HAHA | Who is Billy?: | billy. you know him, right? duh! (sheesh, i dunno...) | Why can't Coke and Pepsi get along?: | they're two similar products competing... | Would you ever be a communist?: | no | Was communism just a red herring?: | ummm | Did you get that?: | no | Tim Curry really is amazing, huh?: | YES. very talented. | Ever heard Lucky Boys Confusion?: | nope. | What do you think of them?: | haven't heard em. | Do you read Shakespeare?: | not since summer at PYT | Do you like country music?: | a little | Do you find Tim McGraw strangely sexy?: | no | What about Faith Hill?: | nope | Do you like cats?: | YES!! A NEW ADDITION TO THE FAMILY ARRIVED TODAY!! cutest kitten EVER!! | Is my cat's name (Kia-Ka) weird?: | sort of | Have you kissed someone of the same sex?: | yes. | Do you support homosexuality?: | i'm doing a persuasive speech on homosexual marriage for my english final. YEAH. | Are labels bad?: | YEAH...but pc language isn't gonna change that. (i read a funny article on it today) | What about on food?: | that's good. | Do you have good friends whose last names you don't know?: | not like...THAT good. | Have you ever had lice?: | yes. | Do you have an online diary/jurnal?: | ya think? | Wanna give me the link?: | sure | Does having one make you emo?: | no | Or just more emo than you were before?: | idk... | Do you remember when no one knew what emo meant?: | yes, because i don't know what it means | Do you remember when Good Charlotte wasn't a house hold name?: | i do. | Is "Smells Like Teen Spirit" the only Nirvana song you really know?: | did you know? | Did u c the episode of Room Raiders when the chik said Kurt Cobain wrong?: | no | Have you seen "Tupac: Resurrection"?: | nope | If not, will you?: | nope | Do you cut yourself?: | no, but i know those who do | On purpose?: | *rolls eyes* it's sad that i assumed that | Did a friend tell you about sex as a child?: | no, i was pretty innocent | Who is your hero?: | YOU. heather robinson. shaull. others. | Have you done drugs?: | no | Are you sXe?: | i'm not that short for sexy? if so, yes. | Do you know what that is?: | i just made a i right? | Is it wrong to be brutally honest, in your opinion?: | depends on the situation. | Does it bother you that my spelling sucks?: | not a bit | Do you know the difference between there, their and they're?: | i do | Have you had your wisdome teeth out?: | not yet | Why is 69 such a funny number to some people?: | gee, i wonder... | What about 420?: | i don't know that one | Who actually gets high at 4:20?: | keiran | Do you get high every day?: | no | Are you a lush?: | i'm not sure | Does your gf/bf hate it?: | maybe if i knew what that was... | Did you get that?: | no | Do you know what a lush is?: | no | Do you think lush is a weird last name?: | ummm | What is the weirdest way you've seen Ryan spelt?: | i've never seen it spelled differently than that | Are you bored of my quiz?: | a little, i have to go do homework | Did you take it cuz you were bored?: | yes, and for procrastination purposes | Do you like Christina Aguleria?: | no, never did | Does her song about her dad make you cry?: | i've never heard it | Have you heard "Touch of My Hand" yet?: | no | Do you get it on with yourself?: | no | Do you believe that "99% of people do and 1% lie": | no | Would you believe me if I swore I don't?: | no, especially if you're a guy | Really, my anti-depresants kill my sex drive | Who is Fred Larry?: | no idea | Why do I get so much junk mail?: | you're stupid | What will you do when you're done with this?: | homework | What time is it now?: | 5:52 | Do you like your middle name?: | no, because i hate the person i was named after...grrr | Are you glad I'm done?: | yes | I can keep going if you like =) |
Ohso Random brought to you by BZOINK!
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2003 1 December :: 5.36pm
:: Music: Christmas Star (or something) y'know from girls ensemble...
an update on things
a few announcements:
yup, so that's about it. my life rocks. except for the homework i have to do tonight...ugh. and finals. but whatever. read the announcements again. AHHH!! oh and i have a secret to tell you...haha rachel: il pleut un peu. AHHH!!
so, because of the popularity of this on nicole's blog, here you go. you all better answer mine too!! or else i'll be sad. :0( and no one likes melissa sad, do they? no. of course not.
1. Give me a new nickname and explain why you picked it.
2. Am I loveable?
3. How long have you known me?
4. When and how did we first meet?
5. What was your first impression?
6. Do you still think that way about me now?
7. What do you think my weakness is?
8. Do you think I'll get married?
9. What makes me happy?
10. What makes me sad?
11. What reminds you of me?
12. If you could give me anything what would it be?
13. How well do you know me?
14. When's the last time you saw me?
15. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
16. Do you think I could kill someone?
17. Describe me in one word.
18. Do you think our friendship is getting stronger/weaker/or staying the same?
19. Do you feel that you could talk to me about anything and I would listen?
20. If there were a movie about my life, who would play me?
21. Who would play you in the movie about my life?
22. Who is my hero?
23. Are you going to put this on your Woohu and see what I say about you?
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