2009 19 April :: 6.33pm
I never realized it was called The Bullwinkle Show. I always thought it was Rocky and Bullwinkle.
1 Led The Way |
To The Satellite Castle
2009 16 April :: 3.17pm
ok, so i am trying to figure out a time to come then, cuz i was gonna try that week it would be bad for you guys...um, i might be able to swing getting the weekend of May 9th off...is that too soon?
1 Led The Way |
To The Satellite Castle
2009 15 April :: 12.56am
I was supposed to be holding wildflowers, not my own ankles.
-- Grace Adler
To The Satellite Castle
2009 8 April :: 9.36pm
Here. I bought you some briefs. The boxers you were wearing didn't highlight your assets. Penis-ly speaking.
To The Satellite Castle
2009 7 April :: 6.01pm


Today is Callie's 16th birthday.
2 Led The Way |
To The Satellite Castle
2009 6 April :: 9.11pm
Live Spartan Blogging
[9:01pm] New music from Green Day is a good way to start things off! I'm finding myself hopping around the apartment for no particular reason. I think I'm excited.
[9:05pm] There's a lot of friends on Facebook tonight. Lot of them rooting for the Spartans.
[9:10pm] Roy Williams says "Everybody" when asked who needs to step up for him tonight. At least he knows what he's up against. :-)
[9:13pm] Can I say, once again, that Tyler Hansborough is a gump.
[9:20pm] Holy crap, that's a lot of people (in green).
[9:25pm] Michelle: "Look at that guy. You should blog that Tyler Hansborough is a twat." Me: "Already did."
[9:49pm] Grr... Hit a shot, will ya!!
[10:01pm] That's a cheap shot, Green. Dude's nose is already broken...
[Editor's note] Shortly after this, his team already down double digits, Jason ditched the live-blogging and drowned his sorrows in a couple hours worth of Peggle (that game is hella addictive, yo). He is nonetheless very proud of his Spartans and glad that they got to play (and win) a Final Four game in Detroit. Go State!
2 Led The Way |
To The Satellite Castle
2009 5 April :: 8.41pm
Just so you know, it snowed today.
5 Led The Way |
To The Satellite Castle
2009 2 April :: 10.45am
I pretty much suck. I am never online AND I forgot your birthday. I love you though and I want to come visit you the first week of june ish...is that a ood time, cuz when you give me the word i will get my ticket...I mean when you give me the word and I get online again...
2 Led The Way |
To The Satellite Castle
2009 24 March :: 9.31pm
"...treat me like Guinea Pig Barbie..."
To The Satellite Castle
2009 23 March :: 7.12pm
Random Thoughts of the Day
1) Ring pops are way too much fun.
2) Quizno's new Ciabatta sandwiches, called 'Torpedos,' are insanely delicious. And the associated marketing campaign is '2001'-inspired awesomeness: http://www.toastytorpedo.com/
3) The Dharma Initiative is in no way similar to Jonestown. Suggesting otherwise is ridiculous and inane.
4) If you ever find yourself having to get off an SSRI (or similar drug), either out of a deliberate decision or pure laziness, please, please, please ween yourself off as you're supposed to do. Serotonin withdrawal is not a laughing matter.
5) I have a strong desire to get (back?) into vinyl after reading this article: http://www.livedaily.com/news/18508.html Not very portable though, I suppose.
3 Led The Way |
To The Satellite Castle
2009 19 March :: 9.00pm
:: Music: The Shins - Split Needles (again?!)
The Big Dance - Day 1
michelle picked U-M to LOSE... you need to let her have it!!
imma slap dat ho
my bracket makes me want to vomit
i didn't know you had such a high opinion of [Michigan State], considering EVERYTHING you've said to me this year :-)
what did i say?
about how much you hate state
oh yes i hate them
but i hate germs too but if i got a bad one i would still pick it to kill me
2 Led The Way |
To The Satellite Castle
2009 17 March :: 1.48pm
VALIS quotes
From Philip K. Dick's novel:
"In his study of the form that masochism takes in modern man, Theodor Reik puts forth an interesting view. Masochism is more widespread than we realize because it takes an attenuated form. The basic dynamism is as follows: a human being sees something bad which is coming as inevitable. There is no way he can halt the process; he is helpless. This sense of helplessness generates a need to gain some control over the impending pain--any kind of control will do. This makes sense; the subjective feeling of helplessness is more painful than the impending misery. So the person seizes control over the situation in the only way open to him: he connives to bring on the impending misery; he hastens it. This activity on his part promotes the false impression that he enjoys pain. Not so. It is simply that he cannot any longer endure the helplessness or the supposed helplessness. But in the process of gaining control over the inevitable misery he becomes, automatically, anhedonic (which means being unable or unwilling to enjoy pleasure). Anhedonia sets in stealthily. Over the years it takes control of him. For example, he learns to defer gratification; this is a step in the dismal process of adhedonia. In learning to defer gratification he experiences a sense of self-mastery; he has become stoic, disciplined; he does not give way to impulse. He has control. Control over himself in terms of his impulses and control over the external situation. He is a controlled and controlling person. Pretty soon he has branched out and is controlling other people, as part of the situation. He becomes a manipulator. Of course, he is not consciously aware of this; all he intends to do is lessen his own sense of impotence. But in his task of lessening this sense, he insidiously overpowers the freedom of others. Yet, he derives no pleasure from this, no positive psychological gain; all his gains are essentially negative."
"If you'll remember, helping people was one of the two basic things Fat has been told long ago to give up; helping people and taking dope. He had stopped taking dope, but all his energy and enthusiasm were now totally channeled into saving people. Better he had kept on with the dope."
"We are in a maze, here, which we built and then fell into and can't get out. In essence, VALIS selectively fires information to us which aids in escaping from the maze, in finding the way out... We were great builders, but one day we decided to play a game. We did it voluntarily; were we such good builders that we could build a maze with a way out but which constantly changed so that, despite the way out, in effect there was no way out for us because the maze--this world--was alive? To make the game into something real, into something more than an intellectual exercise, we elected to lose our exceptional faculties, to reduce us an entire level. This, unfortunately, included loss of memory--loss of knowledge of our true origins. But worse than that--and here is where we in a sense managed to defeat ourselves, to turn victory over to our servant, over to the maze we had built..."
To The Satellite Castle
2009 16 March :: 12.55am
Everytime you talk, I want to piss in your mouth.
To The Satellite Castle
2009 9 March :: 4.42pm
:: Music: matt pond PA - Giving It All Away
giving it all away tonight/'cause I haven't been that good at being quiet
So evidently I have two modes...
1) Constantly finding new things to read/study/watch/listen to/play. This results in excesses of above interests.
2) Moody enough that none of the above sound good to me. Certain thresholds of moodiness result in desires to clean out said excesses and focus only on the things that really grab me.
#1 makes me wish I didn't have to sleep. #2 sends me to bed early.
To The Satellite Castle