2011 27 May :: 4.36 pm
:: Mood: accomplished
I finished school last Thursday. I didn't need to take the finals because my final grade for math was a B. Went to my sister's graduation ceremony on Saturday and was her photographer. Then afterwards, we went to eat at the Vegan Cuisine Loving Hut with my mom's friend and my sister's friend. Then I move to Utah on Sunday with my family. I love living here better than California. I got a bike to ride to work and everything is convenient.
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2011 18 May :: 11.32 am
:: Mood: happy
Graduation & Accomplishment
I feel so happy and relieved. Today was my last test, which is Math test #7. If I pass this last test, I don't have to take the finals. So I'll have to wait until tomorrow morning to see the results for my final grade. I finished all my assignments ahead of time, so I'm not feeling rushed for the finals week. I learned from other semesters to never procrastinate. I'm not a procrastinator anymore. I changed the habit. I have changed many bad habits. I ate less junk food, slept early, woke up early and leave time to relax before class starts. I'm a happy 21 year old. Tomorrow is the last day of school and it also confirms that I'm entirely finished with school!!
I got a free haircut from a very expensive salon. My friend loves entering contests on facebook. She asked me if I wanted to vote for our friend and I did to help them out. Our friend got chosen and I also got chosen to be one of the winners. So I saved it for the day before graduation. I got my hair colored and cut. It's not that different from my own hairstyle, but it looks more organized. I'm also glad I went to my Culinary Ceremony Graduation. It went well. I got pictures with all the chefs. It was also my birthday that day. I had a nice and simple one. Very memorable. A few more days left until I permanently leave for Utah. I don't know if I'll ever come back to San Francisco. Most likely not, but if I do, it has to be for a very good reason.
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2011 3 May :: 11.43 am
Graduation & School
Originally I made up my mind not to go to the graduation, but people are asking, "Why not?" Like I'm insane or something. At this point, I think I will. It would probably be insane to not go now that I thought through thoroughly. I would be foolish. It's Culinary graduation right? For goodness sakes! What is wrong with me? I guess I feel like going now. Good thing I changed my mind on time.
I'm pretty happy with school right now. Every time I take a math test, I feel like I never do a good job, but for my latest test, I got a B. A few points to an A, but like usual careless mistakes. I knew how to do the problems, but I wrote the wrong number or forgot signs. At least it shows that I'm not completely dumb. I knew what I was doing. I have 1 last test on May 18, which should be my last test. I'll probably do good on that one too, and I won't have to take the finals. The thought of taking tests always makes me nervous because I always think about passing. I failed so much in the past, it really traumatized me for a while. I should recover from that now. I will try. My last day of school I believe should be May 19th! I'm not going to school on May 23rd. I want to prepare and do stuff before I leave. Spend my last days here in San Francisco.
I still have some problems with my mails. I changed my address at the Postal Office, but I'm not receiving a mail at all. Usually, if I don't get any useful mails, I expect to see some junk mails that would confirm that my mails are sent out correctly. I'm not getting any mails, not even from Geico or magazine subscriptions to Forbes, Newsweeks, Islands, etc.... So I plan on checking back at the old place today because yesterday the manager was being a jerk. Too lazy to open my mailbox, so I have to come during the daytime for this lady to do it for me.
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2011 29 April :: 11.14 am
:: Mood: blah
Should I?
I'm debating whether I should attend the small Culinary graduation or not. I'm just not feeling it. I'm happy about the accomplishment, but I had made up my mind from the beginning that I wasn't going if my mom isn't going to be here. She said she's going to be here, and it isn't too late, but I don't feel like it. I didn't regret not bringing my camera to my internship to take pictures of all the food and pictures of myself with people. I don't think I would regret this. The reason why I don't regret easily now is because I understand that at times we have a certain mindset. Even if it was years later and you said, "Aww man. I should have went to my graduation." But at the time, you weren't feeling it. Math is easier now because I have a good teacher, and I did thought, "This is so easy. Why didn't I try to understand and do it right the first time?" I had a different mindset the first time. I didn't understand it, and wasn't motivated. Now, things are different. I don't like to compare my feelings now to how I used to feel before. When something goes wrong, there's a reason and you can't force yourself to feel a certain way when you're not feeling it. That's why I don't want to push myself to do something that I don't want to do.
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2011 27 April :: 2.47 pm
Hanging out in the school library and using the computer while I'm waiting for my friend. She has a class right now. I just talked with a friend that I had met at the movie screening like 2 years ago. I don't see her often. Only at movie screenings. I talked with her on FB chat and she says she wants to treat me on my birthday. She chose an expensive restaurant that made me feel guilty because I didn't really do anything for her, but she wants to treat me. I feel awkward when people do things for me because I'm used to doing things for myself if I wanted something. I also don't want to say no too much because it comes off as awkward too. Either way it is, but I'll probably have to take it. I just don't like bothering people and have them waste money on me. It's nice to know that sometimes people care about you.
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2011 26 April :: 11.28 am
Sometimes I'm amazed at myself the way other people are amazed at others. I see it as the same way. When I'm amazed at other people's ability to do something, I'm also amazed at myself at times for knowing something that I didn't think I knew.
Does that sound confusing?
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2011 26 April :: 11.13 am
Relaxing and cooking at home
Finished with my internship last Friday! Now I have free time everyday. Just going to morning classes, and nothing to do in the afternoon. I finally got to use the skills I learned at school. Since I don't have much to do, I cook at home more often now. The other day, I made new york cheesecake with strawberry topping. I made the strawberry topping wrong because I was thinking of sauces, but the kids enjoyed eating it anyway. I had made it on Saturday but they're still eating it. Too bad the top was a little brown. The inside was fine though. Everyone seemed to like it a lot, so I'm glad the things I made was edible. I also used the leftover pizza doughs I got from my internship. The kids liked the pizzas. I put caramelized onions, yams (couldn't find butternut squash), mushrooms, fresh thyme, cheese and turkey sausage because they wanted meat. There are plenty more things I want to make before I leave San Fran.
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